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Detection of these characteristics is essential in data compression and image segmentation. Three methods edge detection, filtering, canny, and Roberts were used. It was observed that Canny and Roberts misjudged the pixel of the object however they increased the robustness to noise of the image as there is image variation output.
Increasing the damping ratio will lead to decreased comfort due to increased oscillation or vibration changes thus changing the frequencies for a compensated time. This uncomfortable oscillatory response will make the passenger. When decreasing the damping ratio there will be reduced uncomfortable oscillatory response leading to increased comfort.
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Platonism is any view that, in essence, takes abstract entities as real entities, and not, as many in the time before the 20th century would say, imaginary. Mathematical objects are eternal and unchanging, and the mathematical principles we derive cannot be any different. Mathematics expresses the truth and structure of worldly phenomenon;
The value of the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.928. This value indicates that there is a strong positive relationship between the Number of Children owning the toy and Time.From scatterplot, it can be seen that the points are not in a straight line; therefore, the linear model will give an only approximate value for any time T.
The three linear equations are multiples of each other, then a graph of each line they describe will each coincide and there is an infinite number of solutions because there is an infinite number of points where the 3 lines intersect. If the coefficients are such that a graph of the 3 lines of the system meets at one point, there is one solution.
If the doses continue to be taken every six hours than the doses at the end of each period (six hours) and at the start of each period are presented in table 5 (similar to table 4). From table 5 it is seen that after the end of the 24th hour the amount remained is 5.2 µg, which thereafter does not increase.
The work of Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie in the mid-nineteenth century has provided means of solving all kinds of differential equations. He found that symmetries of differential equations could be found and used systematically. His work finds applications in several fields, including computer algebra packages, physics, and chemistry. (1).
Gambling is defined as the staking or pledging of valuable items such as money and property on a result that is partially determined by chance. There are three major categories of gambling, and these include: betting, gaming, and lotteries (Rickwood, et al 1).
Access to technical data and information which demonstrates relevance to a particular field is indispensable for students, not only to enhance the outcome of their professional qualifications while at the institution but to also employ and incorporate the gathered information with respect to their career choices in the field.
It is essential to state that the Adaptive Control of Thought – Rational (ACT-R) model finds applications in cognitive tutoring systems to predict difficulties a student has in academic study and to help students overcome misconceptions. This human cognition model is based on the production system theory.
The problem involves 4 professionals who have just been through an MBA program and have managed to secure well-paying jobs with organizations in the city. The professionals are to find appropriate places for living as they take on their new jobs. All the professionals have a lot of work and most of the time they carry some work at home and thus it has made it necessary for them to go for houses.
Many events might act as a source of jumping in price in the bond market. First, the intrusion of the central bank is to be anticipated due to the fact that the target rates are employed as monetary policy, secondly, the demand or supply impetus might lead to [price jump, since anticipated economic news may be a contributing factor
With the plot developed around the abduction and murder of a young beloved girl and the portrayal of the young girl’s father, Mack, a Christian beginning to live a period of great-sadness after the demise of his daughter (Roger 176), I feel there was a predetermined outcome which led the author to fabricate content to convey what he believed in.
The vertical component of relative vorticity is equivalent to circulation ÷ area @ the limit of region approaching 0. Even if the point circulation illustrated takes place within the x-y (horizontal) plane, it is taken to be a vertical component (z-component) since the circulation is positive around the vertical (z) axis (Masaki 2004).
The ISTE’s journal addresses the teaching staff and assists them to use ICT in their teaching practice. It, therefore, acts like a roadmap through which the teachers use technology-integrated measures in their teaching practice. Since it was launched in 1998, it has really improved the learning and teaching techniques in schools and other learning institutions.
After modeling the amount of drug in the bloodstream, a comparison will be made in-between graph of model function and graph of data given so that the suitability of the model function can be determined (part A). After that in part B, various cases for malaria patient who is instructed to take 10 μg drug doses after every six hours will be taken.
These goals include eradication of extreme poverty; achieve universal primary education; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; develop a universal partnership for development; ensure environmental sustainability;
Mathematics is the means of giving us this ability and thereby leading a proper and systematic life. Mathematics has a bigger role in the maintenance of the academic discipline than studies that can lead to a steady and well-organized lifestyle. According to the philosophical survey made by Benjamin Peirce, mathematics is "the science that draws necessary conclusions" (Boyer, Carl B, 1991).
There are differences evident in the two tests, the first test uses the T table to analyze the relationship and test the hypothesis whether the two mean are equal or different, the nonparametric test on the other hand test the rank of the two variables and the number of positive and negative ranks in the data.
14 pages (3900 words)
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, Literature review
For teachers to help their students overcome their problems with mathematics, reviewing such studies and implementing the suggested strategies is of the utmost importance. Teachers must first recognize the common problems and their causes in order to apply the most efficient teaching methods with the goal to get students to correctly use mathematical concepts in the classroom and out.
The knowledge of Babylonian mathematics comes from clay tablets unearthed in the 1850s. They were written in Cuneiform and the tablets were inscribed while the clay was still moist. Ancient Sumerians give us evidence of written mathematics. The Sumerians contributed greatly to building the ancient civilization in Mesopotamia.
The owners of the business have preferred a comprehensive marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet for online booking. This will be an improvement from the current mode of booking that is done by phone by an agent. So as to implement this system, George and Forrester need to be varnished d with information on the likelihood of its use by travelers.
From the above representations, it is clear that the Australian female population rated their health status as excellent or very good. Out of 650 female participants, 53% (345 female participants) believe their health is excellent or very good, 27% (178 female participants) believe their health is good and 20% (127 female participants) believe their health is fair or poor.
SWOT analyses are conducted to compare the retailers’ competitive positions while a PEST analysis is used to analyze the factors beyond the control of firms that affect the retail industry. A Porter’s Five Forces analysis is applied to show Walmart’s and Tesco’s position in the market. The attractiveness of the retail industry is discussed followed by an analysis of Walmart’s current position.
In light of the scenario that occurred between Betty and her employer (the security alarm firm), the provisions of this law can be used to determine the rights and obligations of each party. The Fair Trade Act (FWA) and the law of contracts can be used in raising the legal implications of this scenario (Grant, 2001).
13 pages (3937 words)
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, Literature review
Society is in a process of transition to the information age society. The world is changing fast; nonetheless, the education system is being left behind concerning technology use. The current education model in Australia is not satisfactory. There is widespread agreement that Australia is not keeping pace to meet the challenges of the educational revolution (Spender & Stewart 2002).
Teachers with positive attitudes tend to have positive feelings in regard to situations and students, have a high sense of purpose, passion, and excitement, have a creative approach to problems; have a very resourceful, enthusiastic, and positive thinking as well as having the thought of making a good contribution through their teaching career (Brooks and Brooks, 1993).
The paper “Applying Management to Science” is a worthy variant of the math problem on mathematics. Based on the charges levied by common carrier tracks for the transportation of each motor from the three different harbors to the four assembling plants, a decision is made on how many motors from which harbor are taken to which assembling plan while incurring the least cost.
Organisations exist in a particular set of regions or country which provides multiple contexts that influence how the organisation operates and what it produces. Adcock and Caroline (2001) describe that the external environment tends to analyse the forces outside organisations boundaries that help in shaping the organisation.
When the spring is stretched to some point and then released the string will vibrate in a harmonic motion.ProcedureA spring of negligible mass at its normal state has a length of a, the stiffness of the spring is given by k which is a value greater than zero as shown in Figure 1a.
The total transportation cost arrived at in this model is $36,073.10. Although at least 568 units are demanded by Customer 8 (R8), only 262 can be provided. This was done in order to enable the amount demanded to equate with the capacity of the two factories at TNLogistics capacity so that a feasible solution could be obtained.
118 pages (34567 words)
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, Research Proposal
According to the paper, mathematics teaching has been challenged by the high failure rates of middle school students in the Mid-Atlantic city. Nearly 40 percent of middle school students fell below the lowest level possible on the state standardized math performance test and more than one-third of eighth-graders did not pass the State Assessment.
Public transportation has another advantage speed. The average speed of vehicles is eighty miles per hour on the no-congestion freeway. But, such subways and electrical trains are traveling with an average speed of 160 miles per hour and this speed is upgrading with technique development. On the contrary, 80 miles per hour seems a maximum speed for vehicles because the drive would be very dangerous when the speed excesses 80 miles per hour.
In the UK National Curriculum, Mathematics is one of the core subjects at all key stages. This personal rationale for Mathematics in the curriculum examines what Mathematics is, its importance and what it involves, and the role of pedagogy in teaching the subject. The writer, himself a newly appointed teacher of Mathematics considers the usefulness of social constructivism.
The Normal Distribution is employed to find out whether there is a truth to the claim of a manufacturer that the product, herbal medicine can effectively heal allergy problems or not. On the other hand, t-Distribution takes up the case of finding out the current state of the machine producing washers which are suspected fail to meet the industry standards in generating outputs.
The author explains that the R-Squared value is 0.035, implying that 3.5% of the variation in STR is explained by the explanatory variable (EL_PCT) in the model and also the estimated coefficient is 0.02 which implies that a unit change in EL_PCT results to an increase in STR by a factor of 0.02.
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
According to the paper, development of this method of thought can be aided through the art of speaking and listening, alongside group and collaborative work. The National Numeracy Strategy, introduced by the Department of Education and employment, lays down a framework for the curriculum to be followed in all schools.
It is extensively used in business operations and different financial institutions (J.P. Bouchaud). A restricted dimensional vector space is the fundamental requirement of matrix analysis (Roger A. Horn). Vector space basically indicates that a complete set of vectors is enclosed in a binary field which subsequently helps in binary operations (Matrix Algebra and Applications).
In his book, Newton introduces two principles that define the laws of derivatives. The first law stipulates that a body subject to a force has the same acceleration in the same direction as the force with which is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass(Newton, 1687), thus he develops a formula that captures this statement as (F=ma).
12 pages (3000 words)
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, Research Paper
Primary mathematics has been an integral part of the education system of the ancient civilizations. People made use of the subject for various purposes, right from keeping track of the solar to keeping track of their cattle and livestock. One of the objectives is to impart basic mathematical skills to students from a very early age.
The author states that the increase in the dependence on information and communication technology the classroom structure and its environment is changing day by day and it can be said that the learning environment that is now prevailing in the classrooms are more technology-rich in nature when compared to their conventional forms.
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
The invention of various kinds of number systems enabled man to record numbers and facilitated the foundations of mathematics. Since then, numbers make up an essential part of everyday thought and language. The invention of mathematical concepts such as geometry by Euclid furthered the cause of surveying, engineering, and exploration
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Hunter (1940) was the earliest form of random demand; applying probability hypothesis, by conveying fixture units to individual applications to reflect their virtual load generating the result. The similar approach was afterward applied to constructing drainage design, in which the release unit ratings were resulting.
According to the paper, angle or banking or leaning by the driver in order to avoid skidding of vehicle depends on the speed of the vehicle and radius of the bend. It was found that this angle is equal to arctan of the ratio of the square of the speed of the vehicle and radius of the bend. The detailed treatment is presented in this report.
This paper gave light on the value of probability, which will fall to what Stein said, “I wonder what would be revealed if a scientific study were done on the numbers” (American Institute of Physics 1). In the same way, his realizations based on what he said, “Now I feel comforted by the power of mathematics”.
A historical account of the development of reflection groups and various types of reflection groups is also presented. The concepts and equations governing reflection groups are discussed and proven including relevant illustrations. A group is a fundamental concept in mathematics and group theory is widely applied in many areas of mathematics.
Week One Discussion: Domains of Rational Expressions In simple words, the domain is the values (input) that go into a function (or a relation). In Real Number System, division by a zero is not defined that is it cannot be done. A rational number is
Mathematics (Discussion Question week 7) Systems of equations can be solved by graphing, using substitution, or elimination. What are the pros and cons of each method? Which method do you like best? Why?
Systems of equations can be solved either by
Since fractions are great numbers with approximately five interconnected and would-be obvious features between them, only through keen observation will individuals perceive those fractions from those five important dissimilarities. Therefore teaching rational fractions in a foundational stage need to lay emphasis on the dimensions of such distinctions.