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Newtons Method Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1514 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The answers using equations are the same as 7.24 or -1.25 using quadratic formulae while the Newton method gives an answer -1.24. Then f is the set of all ordered couples of the form⟨x,x^2+ 2⟩, for x a real number. On the other hand, for any particular real number x, f(x) is simply the real number x2 + 2. 
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Determining the Matrix Representation Mathematics Assignment
9 pages (2327 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
It is equally important to note that the value S squared represents the characteristic equation of this differential equation. After getting the above equation, we go a step further and divide the equation on the left-hand side with that on the right-hand side, therefore making Y the subject of the resulting equation.
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Mean-Variance Optimization Mathematics Case Study
8 pages (1114 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It is possible to conceive that the volatility that is ascertained by using the statistics will be more accurate than the small determined from data given the larger frequencies of statistics for every day. Although in some respects such results point at the success of ascertaining simple volatility estimation from high-frequency statistics.
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Finite Difference Method and MATLAB Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1319 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The function enables the calculation of larger amounts of options at fast speeds which is good for investors with a large amount of data, therefore, utilizes this model extensively. However, the model’s approach of calculating options at their expiration makes it weaker than the Binomial model whose calculations are done on several internals.
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Transport Data Analysis: Quantitative Analysis Mathematics Assignment
7 pages (2101 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Some of the tradeoffs include laying off of excess workers which may result in unemployment hence leading to the reduction in the workforce. The trade-off can lead to employing a more sophisticated technology which may result in additional expenses to the firm. Increased cost means a reduction of the profits hence the benefit for the short run.
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Method of Generating Random Number Mathematics Assignment
11 pages (2369 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The basic requirement is that for a sample in size n, all possible samples of the size must have an equal chance of being selected from the population. In producing randomness numbers various methods are used however some produce errors which make the data samples and unrepresentative of the population. 
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Mathematics Investment: Advice on the Best Financial Investment Option to Invest $400 000 Mathematics Assignment
7 pages (1814 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Investments can be categorized into personal investments, stock market investments, real estate investments, and business investments. In personal investments, we save money in a bank and get interested in the investment. Stock market entails investing money in stocks and the profits or losses out of it depend on the performance of the market. 
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Land Measurement and Navigation Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1752 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Global Positioning System is expected to locate the exact portion of objects on the earth in relation to the many satellites in constant rotation around the earth. It is to use latitudes and longitudes in obtaining 2-D objects and addition of altitudes to latitudes and longitudes to obtain 3-D objects.
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Calculating the Use of Data Mining Techniques Mathematics Assignment
7 pages (2022 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
For a Body-centered cubic, the calculations of a bcc are not as hard as expected. Therefore, this involves a certain procedure which will help us achieve to attain the goal much easier. We take an assumption of the origin lying parallel with the lattice at the ( 0, 0, 0 ) of the third co-ordinated XYZ plane.
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Mathematical Development in Early Years Mathematics Case Study
6 pages (1904 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Family plays an important role in the learning process. The only companion of the immigrant family involves the child’s grandmother who has come to visit for a period of six months. During the early years of development, it is believed that a child should not be limited in terms of the accessibility of mathematical concepts.
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Data Analytic and Business Intelligence Mathematics Assignment
8 pages (1870 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
From the plot above 0.82 was found as the optimal cutoff which will maximize the balanced accuracy rate. This takes the Random Forest predicted rate to be 94.1% with a specificity of 94.05% and With this cutoff point, our random forest reaches a prediction accuracy of 93.6% and a sensitivity of 71.1%. 
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Year Nine Non- Calculator Numeracy Mathematics Assignment
12 pages (3148 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
I drew diagrams to visualize all possible objects using my developed understanding skills acquired in primary school. Therefore it is very simple to know that the final object must be a combination of the objects. Therefore the final object must possess a total of five cubes. All the objects in the category of the answer have five cubes in total.
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The Standard Error of the Sample Mathematics Assignment
7 pages (1423 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Depending on the sample type, some samples would obtain a mean similar to the population mean. Other pieces would give a very close norm to the population tell while others will further away from population suggest. We can be 95% confident that the population mean within 1.96 standard errors of the mean for a normal distribution.
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Loaded Beams, Columns and Struts Mathematics Assignment
10 pages (2535 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Task two found the safe moment of resistance as 76KN/m. this value can be increased if the number of steel bars is increased. Task three and four involved the analysis of a column and a strut respectively. The critical load of these compression members is determined as it is crucial during load analysis.
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Discrete Weighted Minimal Riesz Energy Problems on Rectifiable Sets Mathematics Assignment
26 pages (7025 words) , Assignment
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More precisely, there are three possibilities: either the series converges only for x =0, or it converges for all real x or there exists R such that converges absolutely whenever |x|< R and diverges whenever |x|> R. (we call R the radius of convergence of the series. Note that nothing is said about the behavior of when |x| = R.
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Stratagem Method of Experimental Transactions a Dispatch on Study Methodologies Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1718 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Statistical significance is indicated by a p-value of less than 0.05. there is no statistically significant trend in the data on Sydney temperatures since the p-value, in this case, is greater than the p-value of 0.05. Statistical significance is a statement or a phrase that advocates for the unlikelihood of a positive result.
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Thermodynamic Systems Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1221 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
A with regard to improving the performance of the engine a number of devices were discussed. The devices were seen to address performance by either manipulation of the extensive properties of the system by increasing the mass of material entering the combustion chamber for the case of supercharger and turbocharger.
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Aristotle and His Works Mathematics Essay
5 pages (1412 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In his works, Aristotle believed that sciences were the lower disciplines as they explain how things are but not why. His work on mathematical ethics remains foggy to most despite numerous attempts to understand it. The problem emerging has been to provide mathematical facts consistent with the truths that we know to be (Shields 45).
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Statistics in Examples Mathematics Statistics Project
8 pages (2109 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
A sample of 91 patients in a doctor’s office showed that they had to wait for an average of 43 minutes with a standard deviation of 8 minutes before they could see the doctor. Provide a 95% confidence interval estimate for the average waiting time of all the patients who visit this doctor. Since the sample standard deviation is known.
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Subjective, Experimental, and Theoretical Probability Mathematics Assignment
8 pages (1857 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Probability is the mathematics of chance. The concepts of probability are as old as humans. Tossing a coin and getting head, picking a card from the deck, rolling a die, and getting a certain number are some of the examples where probability concepts are applied.
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Ways to Represent a Function Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1322 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The person’s weight increases from birth and it is about 160 pounds at age 20 and stayed fairly constant for the next 10 years. The person’s weight dropped to about 125 pounds for the next 5 years and then increased rapidly to about 175 pounds. The next 30 years saw a gradual increase to about 200 pounds. Possible reasons for the drop in a person’s weight at 30 years of age may be health problems.
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How does Math Put the Action in Your Passion Mathematics Essay
7 pages (2131 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Oftentimes it is the duty of the Teacher to catch the attention of its learners by linking math principles to their desires and interests; giving situations such as how measurements are needed to bake the perfect chocolate chip cookies or equating rate to the distance over time to calculate how fast one is in skateboarding. 
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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fouriers Contributions to Mathematics Mathematics Coursework
6 pages (1746 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The controversial nature of the Fourier series led to its rejection by Joseph Louis Lagrange, who had in his own work rejected such series. However, a prize problem in the subject was set for 1812, and Fourier won the prize with a new edition of the paper which included also the "Fourier integral" for heat diffusion in infinite bodies. 
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The Subject Area of Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Mathematics Mathematics Term Paper
19 pages (5039 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The Monte Carlo method has proved to be important in integral evaluation. Instead of applying random points in evaluating the integrals as in standard Monte Carlo, an individual is able to use a deterministic sequence which has appropriate properties. These sequences are referred to as low discrepancy sequences and the method is named quasi-Monte Carlo.
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Ballistic Science Issues Mathematics Essay
5 pages (1393 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the criminal justice system, ballistics is used to identify and match bullets recovered from the crime scene, to the specific firearm used during the commission of a criminal action. There are two types of ballistics, interior and exterior ballistics. Interior ballistics concerns itself with the thermodynamics and chemistry that occurs in the barrel of a gun.
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Financial Mathematics and Business Statistics Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (2301 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The profit of the company’s branches is associated with a high level of variance; the high level of variation of the branches’ is reflected by a high level of standard deviation (13.23). The high level of the standard deviation indicates that the company’s branches are likely to experience a similar level of profit during their operations. 
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Analysis of Tasks on Mathematics in Crocket State School Mathematics Research Paper
5 pages (1376 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The plan should use simple indicators, which are capable of signifying the performance of the program at each specific time. Indeed, the program should utilize the obtained feedback in developing corrective measures (Parkay, Anctil & Hass, 2006). Besides the monitoring system, the program should set up a pilot structure that outlines future long-term goals.
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The State of the Current Affairs Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1572 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
If the current state of affairs is not true then the alternative option is called the alternative hypothesis. For example, if you take two samples say x1 and x2, the assumption that the sample means of the two populations (µ1 and µ2) are the same is null while the alternative that they are different is the alternative hypothesis.
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Improper Integrals and Sums of Series Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The areas of the first seven boxes of the deluxe set are as follows: 6, 1.5, 0.66, 0.375, 0.24, 0.1668 and 0.1224. Adding these we get the total surface areas of only the five boxes to be 9.0642 sq ft. Thus it requires 90.64$ just to paint the first seven boxes and there is no way that the entire set can be painted at a rate less than this.  
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MATLAB Program Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1323 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
First, we solve for the necessary variables: m = 960 (1.2 – 0.1w) = 960 (1.2 – 0.1*0) = 1152 g = 9.8 (1 + 0.01y) = 9.8 (1 + 0.01*4) = 10.192. For this problem, we need not write a new MATLAB program. We simply reuse the bisection program we’ve used before. However, we cannot directly plug in the equation as it needs to be expressed in the form F(x) = 0.
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Basic Geometry Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1492 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that to achieve a tessellation the points of the figure were copied and pasted so that there are no gaps in between the edges of the brick-shaped figure. The transformation which has been used in creating this tessellation is translation. This will be explained by the help of pictorial representation.
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Calculus and Questions Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1361 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The function is nowhere continuous. Because between any two whole numbers is a stream of rational and irrational numbers. Therefore if we use the epsilon-delta definition of the limit, the left hand and the right-hand limits would differ depending on the rational and irrational values.  
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Personal Competency in Teaching Mathematics in Accordance with Australian Curriculum Mathematics Personal Statement
5 pages (1553 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
I consider myself worth teaching mathematic in early year childhood education, especially after exercising all the provisions in the Australian curriculum and early years learning framework. Throughout my education, I ensured the cultivation of an “achievers attitude” through mastering the skills of “supporting all young Australians to become successful learners.
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Determinant between Weak and Strong Performance in Maths Mathematics Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The research is expected to determine the factors that differentiate between strong participants and weak participants in mathematics. Several studies were analyzed to identify these factors. These factors include math teacher competency, motivation, arithmetic-ability, subjective experiences and self-directed learning.
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Conceptual Structures by Sowa Mathematics Literature review
6 pages (1583 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Celebrated motivational speakers understand this concept and use good conversations to inspire their audiences. Words are used to gain new experiences and improve the previous ones. Individuals gain experiences through hearing and perceiving the written or spoken word. Therefore, an individual may use prior experiences to acquire new perceptions about another person.
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History of Mathematics Mathematics Report
12 pages (3269 words) , Download 1 , Report
Today, medicine together with its changing technologies demands that there be mathematicians to come up with groundbreaking researches that will help society. However, there are very little efforts directed towards mathematics research and this has perhaps been the genesis of all the problems bedeviling the industry as well as the low inspiration to study the subject among students.
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Applicability of GBM Model on Daily Share Prices of Bunzl PLC Mathematics Report
8 pages (2401 words) , Download 1 , Report
The selected company is Bunzl plc (BZLFF), a multinational distribution and outsourcing company headquartered in London, UK. The data will be analyzed using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with the help of Excel and SPSS software packages. The daily closing share price data for the year 2013 is downloaded from the Yahoo Finance Website.
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Mathematics in the Curriculum Mathematics Case Study
6 pages (1844 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In the UK, mathematics is one of the key lessons that the educational curriculum has given special attention to. Owing to the challenges that mathematics poses to most students, it becomes vital for any instructor to learn various dimensions of teaching mathematics to ensure that the student performs excellently in this subject.
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Learning Resources in Mathematics Study Mathematics Essay
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the case to follow, students incorporate their senses in all the steps to bring out well-refined students.  The aspect of educating children in mathematics spans from, the simplistic notion of making them aware of their mathematical world, to a more huge and eerie world of understanding the components of their lives
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Mathematical Games in the Development of Numeracy and Computational Skills Mathematics Literature review
12 pages (3029 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The author of this paper will start with the used search strategy, stating the way the literature examined was reviewed. This will be followed by a discussion of emerging themes related to mathematic games with the research being critically assessed. The journal articles, books, and websites were accessed electronically.
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Child Development and Learning - Foundation Year Mathematics Portfolio Mathematics Literature review
10 pages (2961 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Cognitive ability is a mental skill required to carry out any activity ranging from the simplest to the most complicated tasks. A cognitive ability describes the mechanism with which we learn, retaining and remembering, problem-solving and concentration, and not the knowledge itself. There are different cognitive abilities including perception, attention, memory, language, etc. 
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Mathematics Education and Constructivism Mathematics Assignment
11 pages (3417 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Mathematics has elemental importance. It develops logical thought and helps people to reason things out. This applies even to everyday activities as some areas of mathematics deal with the known factors, and through the logical processes, the student arrives successfully at the correct solution. Other areas of mathematics make larger demands on logical processes.
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Constructivism in Mathematics Mathematics Literature review
8 pages (2527 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The main objective of the venture is to assess the effect on learner numeracy outcomes of prominent design rudiments of the nation’s early numeracy curriculum and related professional improvement actions. He opines that it is vital that lessons of successful professional improvement and classroom performance result from literacy programs be applied to a State policy for numeracy.
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Information and Communication Technology Acceptance Level among Mathematics Teachers Mathematics Research Proposal
21 pages (6905 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Information and Communication Technology should focus on learning and curriculum. Various kinds of software may be used to fulfill different educational objectives. For instance, tutorial software can help students in developing specific skills. Further, interactive and exploratory software can help teachers to execute reform-oriented constructivist ways.
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Single-Sex Education Environment Mathematics Research Paper
26 pages (7321 words) , Research Paper
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The research used a qualitative research methodology, as well as secondary methods of collecting data. According to the research findings, a single-sex education environment is better than a coeducational setting in terms of students’ mathematics. The study concluded that single-sex schooling positively influences female students’ mathematics performance as compared to coeducational schooling.
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Exploring Mathematics- Maths Trail Design Mathematics Assignment
11 pages (2898 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Mathematics trails are very important in the life of a pupil in that it offers the best experience for learning mathematical concepts obtained in class or school syllabus/curriculum. These trails can be designed in such a way that, it fits well with certain topics depending on the grade of the pupil.
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Mathematics, Science and Gender as Subject Areas Mathematics Literature review
7 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This paper is designed to identify the main concerns in the selected articles, the details of the research report, the research methodologies used by the authors highlighting the possible strengths and weaknesses, and the implications as well as the recommendations to the teaching and learning fraternity.
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Justification of Process Oriented Methods in the Teaching of Fractions Mathematics Essay
9 pages (2496 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Fractions are required for geometry and numbers, which makes up the essence of Mathematics. However, many students continue to experience difficulties when it comes to understanding them, hence the existence of a notion that fractions are ‘hard’. The paper describes some of the methods that exist that are used to teach fractions in schools.
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Uses of Computer in Mathematical Study Mathematics Report
7 pages (2169 words) , Download 0 , Report
The consequences illustrate that even as there are currently many more computers existing in schools, access vestiges a key problem to their augmented use as mathematical education tools. There is also an alteration in the types of software used in computers, away from particular programs and towards common software, particularly the spreadsheet.
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Statistical Methods in Math Mathematics Case Study
6 pages (1605 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The second-order autoregressive model above indicates that the quarterly GDP growth rate has a significant dependence on that of the previous two quarters. Both dependencies are negative in nature. That means if other things remaining constant GDP growth rate of the previous quarter increases, GDP growth rate of this quarter will decrease.
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