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How I Use Math in Everyday Life Mathematics Personal Statement
7 pages (1846 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
My daily running of the car is about 50 miles. My existing car offers me a fuel economy of 28 miles per gallon (mpg). That means I spend 50/28 = 1.785 gallons of fuel every day. A car dealer has offered me a similar sized car of a different make with an increased fuel economy of 32 miles per gallon (mpg).
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Demonstrating Math Competency through Life Application Mathematics Essay
7 pages (1896 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I needed to have a strict diet regime for this. I needed some more information on diet. On consultation, my dietician informed me that carbohydrates and proteins contain 4 calories per gram and fat contains 9 calories per gram. That simply meant that I needed to cut down on my intake of fats as much as possible.  
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Existence and Stability of Equilibrium in an Islamic Economics Mathematics Essay
8 pages (2383 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper critically evaluates and finds the stability and equilibrium Islamic economy using some of the theoretical models to address various apprehensions. Conversely, there are various questions related to new criteria because it is supposedly thought that the new system has no meaningful change in the monetary tools and policy.  
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A Brief History of Mathematics Mathematics Coursework
19 pages (5152 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
When it comes to a relationship with the history of science, the history of mathematics is fundamentally different from the history of other sciences since it was not an integral part of science in the Whewellian sense. It is different due to the esoteric nature of mathematics; therefore, its history was told to only a selected group of beginners. 
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Answer question Mathematics Term Paper
7 pages (809 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
These results indicate that the mean price of Fiat is higher than that one for Ford. On the contrary, the standard deviation of the new Ford vehicles is higher than that for Fiat. These may depend on the type of engine and the mileage covered. A stem and leaf analysis of the Fiat sample shows that most of the prices are above 10,000.
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The Budget of My Trip to Kenia Mathematics Essay
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I was quick to seek out some camping services while at the reserve whereby I camped for two nights, at a camp adjacent to the Mara River. These included the two first days of the Great Migration of wild beasts that had already begun, and I wanted to be near in order to capture every moment in real life. 
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Activities of the Mathematician Mr David Blackwell Mathematics Essay
6 pages (1542 words) , Download 0 , Essay
His interest in statistics was much provoked by a talk which Abe Girshik made on the sequential analysis, and that changed the way that Blackwell visualized sampling. The everyday practice where scientists limit their samples before they started working; on this, Abe Girshik proposed that scientists sample until they see enough.
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The Controversy over the Invention of Calculus between Newton and Leibniz Mathematics Coursework
12 pages (3104 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The fact that Isaac Newton had arrived at his discoveries earlier, between 1665 and 1666 but failed to publish them is indisputable. On the other hand, the fact that Gottfried Leibniz published his discoveries on calculus earlier than Isaac Newton, between 1674 and 1684, before Newton published his inventions in 1687 is also indisputable. 
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Life of Bernhard Riemann Mathematics Coursework
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The historical and social context of Riemann’s short life is promptly recognized. Riemann was born to a pastor of Breselenz near Dannenberg in the kingdom of Hanover on 17 September 1826. He went to gymnasiums in Hanover (1840-1842) and in Luneburg (1842-1846) and studied at Gottingen (1846-1847, 1849-1851) and at Berlin (1847-1849).
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A Strong Negative Relationship between the Growth of per Capita Mathematics Term Paper
6 pages (1632 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Further, annualized growth rates were plotted against the benchmark level of per-capita income. The methodology followed for this is plotting the graph for the whole period (1950-2010) and other for 1975-1984 and 1985-1996. The plot shows a vertical axis measuring log of the annualized growth against period (T) for the horizontal axis.
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Robustness in the Chemotaxis Network of Escherichia Coli Mathematics Coursework
12 pages (3996 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The motion of bacteria like Escherichia coli is similar to a random walk problem, the motion is a “smooth run” interspersed by brief tumbling periods during which the bacterium chooses a new direction. The bacterium moves away from repellents or towards attractants by modifying its tumbling frequency.
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Relation between Mathematics and Gender Mathematics Literature review
14 pages (3880 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Conventional wisdom dictates that boys are better than girls in science subjects and mathematics. While no scientific proof is available to verify this claim, empirical evidence sways between approving this claim and at the same time disapproving it by showing that there is no difference in performance across the gender divide.
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An Ancient Chinese Mathematical Guidebook Mathematics Essay
6 pages (1798 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Nine Chapters' whole designation on Mathematical Art is presented on two bronze typical measures dated 179 CE. However, there are claims that the book existed before in various titles. According to intellectuals, Chinese mathematics and ancient Mediterranean world mathematics had evolved more or less unconventionally.
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The Use of Statistics in Mathematics Mathematics Coursework
6 pages (1803 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Many real-life situations also need statistics therefore it is important to learn these skills so as we can have solutions to our daily problems. As we have seen statistics can also help in the prediction of the future hence it is of very great importance in avoiding future problems by taking precautions after being warned by statistics. 
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Taguchi Design Experiment Mathematics Research Paper
17 pages (4287 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Taguchi method entails the reduction of process variations through the design of experiment processes that are robust. This method was brought about by Taguchi who came up with a method for the design of experiments that was aimed at investigating how various process parameters impact the variance and mean characteristics for process performance.
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Generation of Random Numbers Mathematics Coursework
10 pages (2737 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
From the findings, it will be noted that the generated numbers are from the uniformly distributed populations as shown by the frequency test. The run test shows that the numbers are not biased and they come from the population. The gap test shows that the random number is independent as there value is smaller than the critical value. 
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Optimizing Subsea Tie-in Spools Design Using Different Mathematical Approaches Mathematics Literature review
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In Fyrileiv and Collberg's (2005) study, they observed that the effective axial force was the virtual force achieved through the stresses’ integral over the steel cross-section. The effective axial force, according to the authors, can be described as a concept utilized for avoiding the pressure effects integration over the surfaces of double-curves.
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7 pages (1938 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Because of a consensus that exists among practitioners and researchers that early childhood at the year between 2 and 4 of school is an essential period for school readiness, educators of these children believe that learning of mathematics in the form of the fraction is very essential (Wright & Stafford, 2000). 
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How to Define Place Value, Where Does It Sit within Number Sense and Numeracy Mathematics Coursework
10 pages (2751 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
If the mental images and relationships to which the student is trying to connect new knowledge are poorly developed, future constructs are weak and confused, and misconceptions may arise. Secondly, if students can execute a procedure but do not have understanding, it is impossible that they will use this knowledge when required in a new situation.
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Risks Associated with the Optimization of the Portfolio Mathematics Research Proposal
6 pages (1863 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
When put into observation, only some assortment managers count constraints of this type in their optimization structure. Instead, an average mean-variance optimization quandary is solved and then, in a “post-optimization” step, engendered portfolio weights or trades are pruned to convince the restraints.
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Philosophy of Mathematics Learning and Teaching Mathematics Essay
10 pages (3027 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As a maths teacher, I acknowledge the importance of technology in simplifying tasks and enhancing efficiency. I strongly believe that children should be taught how to use various technological platforms while they are still young. In order to realize this, it is important to incorporate technology into different learning activities.
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The Mathematical Rescorla-Wagner Model Mathematics Report
9 pages (2386 words) , Download 0 , Report
The second over expectation design, however, did not turn out as expected. It was expected that if F was inhibitory, it would pass the summation test when it was paired with G. F did not seem to be inhibitory as the GF outcome values were 51.7 which were higher than those of G, 49.97 (F did not pass the summation test).
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Unit of Work for a Student with Intellectual Disability Mathematics Speech or Presentation
12 pages (3035 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
Reasoning: Students are required to demonstrate their abilities and capacity to logically think and act, analyze and evaluate mathematical problems, infer and justify their answers, and explain how they arrived at the answer. Reasoning extends to the comparison and differentiation of different mathematical concepts, transferring learning to other areas and explaining their choice of formula or method.  
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Is Mathematical Beauty he Main Motivation for the Progress of Mathematics Mathematics Coursework
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The essay discussed how interests in trigonometry led to the progress of the prominent area of study in mathematics. It was argued that studies in trigonometry could be traced back to Egyptian, Babylonian, and Greek mathematics. The essay argued that the desire to know more about trigonometry motivated mathematicians to study more.
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Periodic Behaviour Concept Mathematics Coursework
9 pages (2586 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Ranging from the population, earth’s orbit, sunspot across the skies, and climate/ weather, this method of prediction has been very handy in solving a lot of issues that are beyond human control. Climate for example is easily predictable through values that can be modeled to give an overview of what is expected.
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How Can Math Anxiety Be Reduced Mathematics Coursework
6 pages (1808 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Math anxiety significantly contributes to poor performance in mathematics among learners across the world. There are many factors that contribute to math anxiety including teacher biases and poor teaching practices, parent stereotyping, peer influence, and misguided individual lack of interest and support. 
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SIR Model to Determine Influenza Treatment Using Rimantadine or Amantadine Mathematics Coursework
8 pages (3515 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Symptomatic infected persons’ treatment with drugs and chemoprophylaxis will be positive in lowering an epidemic. Drug treatment carried out on symptomatic infected persons will only benefit this group and will have little impact on the epidemic. The predictions of the model point out the necessity of getting better drug efficacy estimates. 
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Control Theory in Linear Algebra Mathematics Coursework
20 pages (5219 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Letting u and v become the concatenation input-strings and be denoted by * then the inputs u and v will be similar in a manner of Nerode, denoted by u ~ v, when u and v are concatenated with the similar arbitrary-string w and the outcome of the outputs are similar despite the value of w. Let f be the output/input map. 
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Lattice-based Cryptology Mathematics Coursework
19 pages (5287 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In conclusion, Lattice problems may not entirely be assumed to be hard as there has been no any quantum algorithm that can perform better than the classical algorithm of lattice. This knowledge serves an important aspect in the communication systems, where we would want data or information that is transmitted to be protected. 
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Learning with Errors Problem Mathematics Lab Report
10 pages (2642 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Encryption takes place to make plain text unreadable by unauthorized personnel. This is done by having a key and an algorithm which will achieve it. The key represents the number of positions a letter will have to be shifted. To increase the security of this we can increase the length of the key and device more complex algorithm. 
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Matrix Calculation: Introduction to Theorems of JNF Mathematics Coursework
26 pages (6863 words) , Coursework
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By definition, a network condition is a condition in which a variable stands for a lattice. There is a wide range of routes in which frameworks can be utilized as a part of unraveling condition to fluctuating degrees of accommodation and application. One of the courses is to utilize what is called Jordan Normal Form (JNF). 
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Value of Wave Functions Mathematics Coursework
13 pages (3441 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
A wave function is described as a variable quantity that mathematically describes the wave characteristics of a particle or mathematically describes a system quantum state. A wave function of a particle has value and the value at a given space and time is related to the possibility of that particle present in that space at that time.
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Differential Equation Mathematics Term Paper
17 pages (3685 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The t (time) presents the time an oscillation takes to complete a single cycle. The cycles may include the vibrations as well. Damped harmonic motion presents the oscillation that is resistant to the motion where the friction or force applied is proportional to the velocity. Given in F fricition = -C dy / dt.
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Probability Density Function Mathematics Research Paper
8 pages (2129 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The probability density function tends to determine the distribution of the discrete random variable. For random variables that are continuous, CDF is properly defined so as we could provide the CDF. PMF is not applicable for the continuous random variables since for the continuous random variable P (X=x) is always perceived to be 0.
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Statistical Optimization of Wafer Yields Mathematics Lab Report
6 pages (1589 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
The incorporated circuits are significantly created on silicon chips which are slashed from silicon wafers. The manufacture of wafers experiences a number of strides that decide the chips that will be fruitful. Through the Czochralski procedure where gems are developed, silicon wafers are delivered and inserted circuits are exchanged to the wafers by the lithographic process.
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Edge Coloring in Graph Theory Mathematics Math Problem
9 pages (2464 words) , Download 0 , Math Problem
If f represents a function and G is the graph and the function taking the integer which is positive f(v) of the vertices V  v(G). When this is taken in the G edges, it deems to be a coloring off coloring. The f chromatic index indicates the minimum number of colors that are needed in the f color of G. This is represented as Xf’ (G). 
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Maths Investigation on Properties of Quartics Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
For quartics with one inflection point, it will not possible to find a ratio as for calculating ratio we need to have two inflection points Q and R. however, in this case, there will be one. For quartics with two inflection points, of which one or two are horizontal the ratio will be again Golden ratio.
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Financial Mathematics and Business Statistics Mathematics Assignment
8 pages (2143 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Comparing the NPVs of both products. The NPV of product X (considering a 10% discount, without a discount, the NPV can not be computed) is £459,325 whereas the NPV of product Y is £464,530. The NPV of product Y is slightly greater than that of product X. So product Y is slightly better in terms of NPV.
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Correlation between Height and Weight in Relation to the Ability of the Basketball Players Mathematics Assignment
8 pages (2061 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The comparison between weight and height indicates that the smaller in weight and shorter in size players who assume the backs position perform better in both their scoring and defending. When BMI is applied in this situation, it divides weight on the basis of height while at the same time neutralization the relationship between weight and height.
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Irrational Numbers Mathematics Case Study
10 pages (2883 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
For instance, if π was represented as a decimal number and expanded to its billionth decimal place, would the occurrence of 200,000 1s or 2s within this representation mean that π is a regular or non-normal irrational number? While considering normality and non-normality of irrational numbers, π and e have been numerically represented to more.
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Standard Level Mathematics Internal Assessment: Lottery Mathematics Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1601 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Mathematics is a wide field. It entails a number of topics that range from algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability to business mathematics. These topics are a reflection of real-life circumstances. For instance, probability as a topic is used in lottery games where one has to select a single number or chance out of the many provided options. 
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Nash Equilibrium Mathematics Assignment
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The payoff functions stand for each player’s favourite over action profiles. An action profile is a list of actions, one for each player. Pure-strategy Nash equilibrium is an action profile with the feature that no single player can attain a higher pay off by conflicting unilaterally from this profile.
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The Counting System in Ancient Egypt Mathematics Case Study
12 pages (3153 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
An Egyptian fraction is any fraction that can be expressed as the sum of separate unit fractions. The Egyptian fractions are of the form where n is an integer. The ancient Egyptians used to write these fractions in specially-designed papyrus reeds. They used to squash and press the reeds into long scrolls of paper that could easily be carried.
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The Benefits and Risks of Statistical Methods Mathematics Assignment
7 pages (1774 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In order to conduct a successful study, a researcher needs to understand how the experiment should be carried out. The researcher is expected to identify the sample to be investigated, determine the appropriate sample size depending on the study, and decide whether to run a randomized or an observational experiment.
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Calculation Method for Quadratic Programming Mathematics Case Study
9 pages (2267 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Consequently, this leads to a successful yield of an extreme value of the quadratic function. Besides linear programming, it is a significant step to solve elaborate problems involved in economic models and other non-linear programming problems. It is also applicable in solving several problems that are of best interests to itself.
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Developing Statistical Thinking Mathematics Assignment
6 pages (1667 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
On visiting the lottery number normally, present 38 with corresponding 142 events during the least commonly occurring number is 20 with 90 events. The question thus pertains to how the prevailing information is capable of affecting an individual’s choice of the lottery number next time they purchase the ticket. 
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Opening the Game of Hex Mathematics Case Study
10 pages (2385 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The Hex theorem is intuitive, but it requires invoking complicated topological results to prove it. John Nash proved hex theorem, but he never published his proof (Weinberger pp. 380). David Gale provided a simple graphical explanation of the theorem showing equivalence between Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem and Hex Theorem.
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The Effect of Using Mathematics Games on Students Performance in Mathematics Mathematics Annotated Bibliography
8 pages (2155 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Already in the 18th century, the potential of using games as a pedagogical tool was already brought to the fore and, in the 1920’s at least in the US there was an attempt to systematically incorporate games in school curricula. However, it was only during the 1950s and 1960’s that games began to be part of the school systems.  
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Solving the Pells Equation Mathematics Case Study
7 pages (1678 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Pell numbers arise in olden times and most remarkably in rational approximation to solving the square root of 2. If two integers, that is x and y form an answer to a Pell equation. The denominator for every fraction is a Pell number; the numerator is the addition of a Pell number and its antecedent in the Pell numbers series.
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The Using Scale Factors Mathematics Assignment
8 pages (2077 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A residual plot that seems to trend upwards or downwards such as this is almost certainly symptomatic of a poor ambiguity fix and should be investigated and corrected. Corrective action may be to raise the elevation mask, eliminate some satellites, change the start and/or finish times, or as a last resort remeasure the observation.
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