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Mathematical Logics Mathematics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
According to the study, modal logic may have been used since time immemorial, especially by philosophers. In the modern times, he believes that the most important Change in mathematical logic has been the development of many other kinds of logic which have supplemented the standard or classical one used in Mathematics. 
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Finding the Right College Mathematics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The total college expense (tuition and boarding) would be around $124,492. The college provides various scholarships and grants that rate up to $10,000 a year. Hence my yearly college expense will be around $114,492. However, considering the high boarding charges, staying at home would reduce my yearly expenses by $11,780 
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Applied Mathematics in Music Technology Mathematics Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are two types of circuits, namely series circuits and parallel circuits. The main difference between the two circuits is the arrangement of the components, particularly the resistors and the load i.e. the light bulb or the bell, whereby in the parallel circuit electrons flow through the resistors and loads at the same time while in the series
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Distance Measurements and Scientific Notation Mathematics Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When these kinds of distances are dealt with, it’s no wonder that we often think of them as being beyond our grasp. One way to put these distances into perspective is to think of them as multiples of smaller-scale distances. In such a context, they will take on more meaning.
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Amazing Paintings and Golden Ratio Mathematics Essay
1 pages (441 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The term golden selection was first used by Martin Ohm in the 1835 2nd edition of his textbook Die Reine Elementar-mathematic (Livio 200, p.6). The first known use of this term in English is found in James Sulley’s 1875 article on aesthetics in Encyclopedia Britannica 9th edition. The golden ratio is denoted by ф (“phi”).
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Mathematical Methods in Business Mathematics Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
A function describes the rate at which workers can produce an item. The variable x measures how many hours the worker has been working that day. If the worker begins the shift at 8:00, then the function at x = 1 would describe the production rate at 9:00. To find how many units are produced during the first four hours of the worker's shift.
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US Treasury Yields Mathematics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Carter also deregulated government backbones of the economy that led to the reduction in money supply leading to inflation.
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Time, Distance And Speed Mathematics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A horizontal line is drawn above the number line, with its left hand end above the minus 1, and its right hand end above the 0. The line has a solid circle at its left hand end, and an empty circle at its
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Vector Theorems Mathematics Math Problem
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Math Problem
This medial triangle is sometimes also known as auxiliary triangle (Dixon, 1991). The medial triangle DEF consists of the vertices/ Now let KLM be the mid points of DE, DF, and EF respectively. By joining these points we get another triangle KLM i.e. the medial triangle of DEF. Therefore, K= (k1, k2)
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Unconditional and unconditional Convergence Mathematics Coursework
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Any finite sum may be rearranged and summed in any order because addition is commutative but it isn’t the case with series.
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Quadratic equations Mathematics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
rve opens downward, as characterized by the negative leading coefficient, one manages to determine that a maximum cost is reached when x = -57/[ 2(-0.03) ]. The cost may be predicted to decline once the store decides to purchase materials greater than this value of ‘x’ on
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Estimation of the value of gravitational acceleration g based on measurements from a simple pendulum Mathematics Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The results obtained were analysed in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The students used simple linear regression to come up with a linear model for the data. The gradient was then used to compute the value of
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Consumer credit Mathematics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
On April 24, he discovers a monthly statement from March that had accidentally slid down between his desk and the wall. Because he has
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Perfect Square formula Mathematics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
If we know the center, (h, k) and radius, r of the circle then we can find the circle equation by using the distance formula, as {(x – h)^2 + (y – k)^2}^(1/2) = r. Squaring both side, we get (x – h)^2 + (y – k)^2 = r^2,
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The Nature of Mathematical Modeling Mathematics Essay
3 pages (1098 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mathematical models, derived from underlying assumptions of the threshold concept and the utility maximization principle, continue to grow. The models, create an image that makes the person carrying out the analysis think critically and come up with a possible solution, maximizing the resources available. Models have been in use for a long period.
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Find a topic about math and relate to interior& architecture design major Mathematics Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is thus a reason the arts and natural science’s representatives began seeking for own ways for mathematical development, as
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Dell on Financial Markets Mathematics Essay
8 pages (2112 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An economic recession occurs when an economy experiences slow growth. This is attributable to a decline in consumer demand, thus resulting in a drop in sales. A drop in consumer demand may also be caused by various factors but the most common factor is an increase in prices that may be due to an inflationary effect.
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Mathematics and Its History - Calculus Mathematics Coursework
2 pages (650 words) , Download 5 , Coursework
Newton perceived the applications of Calculus as being geometrical and having a strong link to the physical world. He even used Calculus to try to explain how planets orbit around the sun. On the other hand, according to Leibniz, Calculus entailed analyzing the changes in graphs. Their professional backgrounds played a very important role in the way they perceived Calculus and its application. 
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Discrete Math Project Mathematics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An important application of the matrix in wildlife management is projecting the population growth of specific animals or a certain species. Using the Leslie matrix model, which is
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Geometry: Fermat's First Innovative Mathematics Mathematics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that it should be noted that if the distance next to the four changeable lines from P to wherever they traverse the others is identified as a, b, c, as well as d; in stable ratio to bd, the position P moves on a conic segment. A theorem that is not simple to write more pithily in a simple language called the four-line theorem.
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Solving Quadratic Equations Mathematics Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This project involves using a formula to yield prime numbers. For this purpose, five random numbers are proposed. Utilizing the guidelines for solving linear equations, five numbers selected at my discretion will be substituted for the value of the “x” variable. This way a number will be generated that may yield a composite number.
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Basic Mathematical Modeling of Disease Mathematics Essay
5 pages (1385 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As time elapses a good part of the population enters the “recovered” as shown by the red curve. At the same time, the “susceptible” cases become fewer leading to a reduction in the spread of the disease. The graph signifies the reduction of spread by the decline in the number of infected cases as the recovering cases increase.
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Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (Week 4) Mathematics Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
6.) If a, b are distinct vertices in a connected undirected graph G, the distance from a to b is defined to be the length of a shortest path from a to b (when a = b the distance is defined to be0). For the graph in Fig. 11.9, find the distances from d to (each
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Finding Minima and Maxima Using Mathematical Modeling Mathematics Coursework
4 pages (1226 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Mathematical modeling methods are to be applied in finding the maximum possible area of a fenced enclosure and the dimensions of a snack bot that yield maximum volume. A step-by-step process is going to be used in the presentation of this report and the equations as well as the problems are going to be elaborately explained.
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From Data to Decision Mathematics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first class has the widest band being based between 0 and 30 while the other bands are classified in increments of 10 up to 80. One understandable reason for such classification is the small amount of data in this classification in the actors’ data set though this
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Financial Health and Core Performance Mathematics Assignment
1 pages (368 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
In order to narrow down the investment portfolio, additional criteria were considered. A fundamental analysis was first conducted. Under this analysis, the main consideration was financial health and core performance.  Therefore, the selection criterion was based on the extent of debt financing, solidity of cash flow, and consistency in revenue generation (Damodaran 56).
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Relations and Functions Mathematics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Speech or Presentation
The y-intercept is 4 that is at (0, 4). As such, there is no start/end point. This is because the graph of the equation goes to infinity (-∞ or +∞) both sides (left and right) of the y-axis. The x-intercept is 4 that is at (4, 0) and the y-intercept is -2
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Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB Mathematics Essay
1 pages (269 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As such, I am able to use the command line, editor, data display on figures, numerical computation, mathematical operators, loop control flow, logical indexing, functions creation, and MATLAB strings. The built-in engineering functions, large arrays handling and plotting provides an excellent skill, which is enjoyable.
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Mathematics in Everyday Life Mathematics Assignment
4 pages (1196 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The ancient Egyptians were therefore able to build the famous pyramids through the application of mathematics concepts. Our daily life would be rather inactive without the knowledge of mathematics. There are several lines of duties where individuals use basic mathematics in their lives. Below is a list of some methods where people use mathematics.
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Modern pricing models Mathematics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As such, investors get to learn how best to place their investments judging from the future expected price changes of a given stock
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Two-Variable Inequality Mathematics Speech or Presentation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
The required region must first be identified and shaded. The shaded part satisfies the equation of the inequality. Maple rockers. Ozark Furniture Company can obtain at most 3000 board feet of maple lumber for making its classic and modern maple rocking chairs. A classic
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Pre cal questions Mathematics Coursework
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The angle of elevation of the slant height of Egyptian pyramids is commonly 44° or 52°. These angles allegedly provide an aesthetic quality to the pyramids. Do you agree that these are the most beautiful
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Quadratic Equations Mathematics Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
My pet is a cat, which naturally spends a better part of its day in the house. This does not make it “a potato couch” and; thus, the need to fence my backyard arises. The backyard is of a rectangular shape with its length, L = 2W- 2 and a
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Pythagorean Thagorean equations Mathematics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In all the triples identified, it was verified that a, b, and c are in the exact proportion and relationship in accordance with the Pythagorean Theorem equation. The two numbers of the
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Algebra for Business: Types of systems: Inconsistent or Dependent Mathematics Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It should be mentioned, that the graphical representation allows viewing future values. Consider two equations with two variables: x and y, 5x + y = 13; 4x + 4y = 20 We can easily solve the system of equations and attain the results in the pint form so that the two lines collide at a point in the graph.  
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Find solutions to inequalities in one variable and for a specified variable Mathematics Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
popular formula used is P = 2L + 2W where ‘P’ stands for the perimeter whereas variables ‘L’ and ‘W’ refer to the length and the width of the rectangle, respectively. Application #2: A newly bought rectangular lawn needs to be fenced with 450 yards
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Benefits and shortcomings of getting this additional degree Mathematics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
3. Jose attends a local Community College, where he will shortly graduate with his Associate’s degree in Graphic Design. He has considered continuing his education to get another
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Understanding the definition of words Mathematics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
No value of ‘x’ appears more than once in the example and this is a necessary condition for a relation to be considered a
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MSc Subsea Engineering and Management Personal Statement Mathematics Personal Statement
2 pages (500 words) , Download 34 , Personal Statement
Astonished by vast engineering field and high market demand compelled me to pursue my education in Engineering, and that was why engineering was my first and last choice. Right now, I am doing my B-Engineering from Heriot Watt University. Heriot Watt
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Explain Mathematics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
For example, the equation 5 – x = 3 is true if and only if the value of x is 3. If not, the equation is false. As compared to thus, 5 – x = 5 – x is always
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Carl Friedrick Gauss's Achievements Mathematics Essay
2 pages (567 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Some of the fields in which Gauss made significant impacts include differential geometry, statistics, geophysics, astronomy, optics, number theory, and electrostatics among others. Much of Gauss’ influence is seen in the fields of mathematics and science. He had a true passion for mathematics (West, 2008). This piece of work gives a critical look at Carl Friedrick Gauss as an individual.
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Probability - A Whale of a Tale by Young Mathematics Article
4 pages (1130 words) , Download 5 , Article
In one study, the teacher of a third-grade class, composed of mostly students from minority and disadvantageous social groups, was able to convey the probability concept by using basic statements, which described events of their daily lives.  Children were able to distinguish the differences of those statements describing which events are likely, unlikely, impossible and certain to happen.
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Real World Quadratic Functions Mathematics Coursework
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
When the parabola opens downward, the vertex is the point where the relative minimum of the function occurs and when the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the point where the relative maximum of the function occurs. The daily profit, P of a chain store is
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Math Mathematics Speech or Presentation
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
Of those who made a purchase, 151 were happy with the service and 133 were not. Of those who made no purchase, 201 were happy with
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Learning Math for Spiritual Development Mathematics Essay
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The new curriculum taught in schools requires mathematics teachers to instill in students certain values. Winter (2000) proposes that mathematics as a subject should promote social, spiritual, and cultural development in learners. The question to be asked is how do math teachers ensure that all these values are passed in their learners?
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Math Tidal Flows project Mathematics Statistics Project
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
Also estimate the average rate of flow from your day until 3 days after your day; from your day until 2 days after your day; from your day until
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College Algebra-Repost-Graphs of Equations and Inequalities Mathematics Personal Statement
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
It tells one of the quantity or size of commodities or values (Pachpatte 1). There are four inequalities symbols, and they include less than (), greater than or equal to (≥), less than or equal to (≤). These symbols are employed in
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Math questions Mathematics Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
On each exercise, the type of statistical misrepresentation is identified, detailing how either scenario may not be a reliable source of info or formal query for research purposes. Comment on this statement taken from a magazine
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Linear Model and Nonlinear Model Mathematics Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When plotting for a regression line in the scatter plot, one needs to be careful on how to deal with the outlier values which may not feature anywhere around the regression line (Vonesh 75). The creation of a mathematical
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Two variables Mathematics Speech or Presentation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
In writing the inequality that represents the region, we initially have to determine the equation of the solid boundary line. The region of interest is enclosed by the x and y axes and the boundary line. It is a
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