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Beyond Sberkassa and Aeroflot: Russian Advertising Today Marketing Dissertation
69 pages (9927 words) , Download 1 , Dissertation
While steady advertising is relatively popular in Russia, seasonal advertising, as well as seasonal promotion campaigns show to be very effective too. In addition, aggressive step-down an advertisement for new products is more effective than the step-up strategy. The audience is usually more favorable to new or improved products.
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International Markets: Currency Wars and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Marketing Case Study
13 pages (3497 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "International Markets: Currency Wars and the Trans-Pacific Partnership" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Industrialised nations pride themselves with the capacity to have, and control large multinational businesses that contribute greatly to the global economy. Moreover, these nations have access to extremely important natural resources that also play a crucial part in global enterprises.
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Operation Risk within an Insurance Market Marketing Coursework
10 pages (2638 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Operation Risk within an Insurance Market" is an outstanding example of marketing coursework. Operational risks are one of the most subtle risk constructs. An operation risk is most at times damaging when mixed with other risks (Gurney, 2005). Management leaders argue that “if you can’t measure it manage it”. Therefore, operational risks are observed to decline meaningful measurement.
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Market Structure, Efficiency and Profitability of Insurance Companies in Ghana Marketing Case Study
10 pages (2850 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Market Structure, Efficiency and Profitability of Insurance Companies in Ghana" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The aim of the study is to ascertain the effect of the regulatory-driven market structure on company pricing attitude by examining the structure behavior performance assumptions for life as well as non-life insurance markets in Ghana.
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International Market Strategy of Jobek and Hatteras Marketing Assignment
9 pages (2715 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "International Market Strategy of Jobek and Hatteras" is a perfect example of a marketing assignment. Jobek is a multinational manufacturing company based in Brazil. It manufactures luxurious furniture and hammock which are then exported to international markets. Jobek originated from Germany where it acts as the headquarters then it moved to Brazil, China, Canada, and US distributors.
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Controlling Software Development Costs Marketing Coursework
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Controlling Software Development Costs" is an outstanding example of marketing coursework. The success of any business or company depends on its ability to manage cost. A company is said to have a future in growth if its total costs are less than the profit gained by the company, this, as expected, can be well achieved if the company or the business is able to minimize its costs of production, ordering and holding costs.
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Zumba Fitness Situation Analysis Marketing Case Study
10 pages (2784 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Zumba Fitness Situation Analysis" is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Perkman was at a predicament. While Zumba has a good following and people love it, Zumba Fitness is not making much money with their current model of selling exercise videos. Additionally, their cash flow was erratic. They have to come up with a business model that would generate more revenues for the company.
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Multinational Strategy of TATA Jaguar Land Rover Marketing Assignment
16 pages (4240 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Multinational Strategy of TATA Jaguar Land Rover" is a good example of a marketing assignment. In relation to the TATA Jaguar Land Rover case study, there seems to be a perfect example which clearly depicts a link between two theoretical concepts from the modules and they include companies making use both economic and strategic rationale while acquiring companies.
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How British Risks Supply Chain Crisis Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3234 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "How British Risks Supply Chain Crisis" is a great example of a marketing case study. Research has proved that a lot of goods outsourced from different countries globally are tainted by forced or child labour. These are products such as footwear, leather goods and textiles. Countries such as Bangladesh have been identified to be a major source of forced and child labour.
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Netflix Fully Strategic Appraisal Marketing Case Study
14 pages (3900 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Netflix Fully Strategic Appraisal" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study. Netflix is an internet media movie rental provider company that was founded in the year 2007 by Reed Hastings and Mark Randolph. Its headquarters are in California-Los Gatos. Netflix provides services in all countries in North America except Cuba.
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Current Situation in UAE and Strategic Plan Marketing Case Study
20 pages (6010 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Current Situation in UAE and Strategic Plan " is a good example of a marketing case study. The current situation in UAE where workers are more drawn to the private sector rather than government employment indicates that the existing Human Resource management is to blame for the shift. As a matter of fact, the workforce within the UAE labor force is experiencing low citizen participation in employment at Emiratis.
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The Company Targets Customers Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the following paper discusses the HP Pavilion series and how its marketing and retail network can be improved to meet our printer series. HP Bayak, HP Vectra is our special machine with a higher configuration that should only be targeted as hi-end Servers for companies and institutions.
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Measuring Brand Equity Marketing Research Proposal
63 pages (9984 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
City image may be important and may influence the university decision-making process and may even impact the University Image. However, the university itself has little influence on it as the City may have its own brand identity communicated and brand Image established – irrespective of what the university wants or stands for.
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Theres No Other Store like David Jones Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2323 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Positive market segmentation is necessary to enable the marketing manager of David Jones to effectively identify its target market and eventually position itself in the market. These three marketing concepts are interrelated with one another such that market targeting and market positioning is highly dependent on the company’s market segmentation.
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Business Customs and Practices Marketing Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Business Customs and Practices" is a great example of a Marketing Assignment. The family is the most important situation because the population in Saudi Arabia champions cultural homogeneity. The family forms the primary basis of status and identity for the immediate focus of loyal individuals in relation to a tribal affiliation (Zaman, 2011).
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Integrated Marketing and Communication Perspective Marketing Case Study
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Integrated Marketing and Communication Perspective" is a great example of a Marketing Case Study. There are different online business models that can help a business to increase its revenue as well as its sales. Given the current growth of technology in the business world, it is becoming important for businesses to embrace technology and especially the internet while engaging in business. 
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Web Marketing Concepts at Frank's All-American Barbeque Marketing Assignment
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Web Marketing Concepts at Frank's All-American Barbeque " is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. In the current competitive environment, restaurants should provide value to their customers to survive in the business environment. The customer value is compared against the customer values that are assigned for similar services that would give similar benefits.
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Enron Corporation Risks Marketing Case Study
7 pages (2077 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Enron Corporation Risks" is a good example of a marketing case study. Enron Corporation was incorporated in 1930 as a Northern Natural Gas Company. Before filing for bankruptcy the company was the largest in the natural gas and energy production. It had global markets that enabled it to market its products to several clients across the globe.
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The Popularity of Mobile Phone Marketing Marketing Term Paper
10 pages (2711 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The booming generation has been born with technology and has never seen life without it. In such times, it is imperative for any organization to align its practices, policies and marketing attempts to the needs, wants and convenience of their customers so as to put a maximum impact on the target audience about their product or company.
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Sri Lankan Airlines Brand Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1947 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Before the company executes its marketing communications efforts, it has to have one message in its campaign in order to build one brand image, according to the brand identity. Then, the overall imagery, from the fonts to colors to elements of imagery that represents the “warm, caring and friendly” positioning should be contained by different MC messages.
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Info-Point: Marketing of New Touch Screen Information Technology Marketing Report
10 pages (2896 words) , Download 2 , Report
With the advancement of today’s touch screen technologies and a more technologically-savvy consumer group in the UK, it is becoming more feasible for innovative product designers to establish various touch screen information points to allow consumers to become more familiar with their surrounding community regions.
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Porsche Cayenne Launch Marketing Assignment
7 pages (2075 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Porsche Cayenne Launch" is an outstanding example of a marketing assignment. The Porsche brand had over the decades since its inception and the launch of its first product brand the Porsche 356 in 1948 served the high-end market in the German market and beyond. In this regard, for over 50 years, the organization developed vehicles such as the Porsche 356 and 550 all sought to serve the high-end market.
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Indian Local Farmers and ITC - Creating a Transformative Agri-Business Model Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Indian Local Farmers and ITC - Creating a Transformative Agri-Business Model " is a good example of a marketing case study.
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Strategic Marketing Plan of Samsung Company Marketing Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Strategic Marketing Plan of Samsung Company " is a perfect example of a marketing case study. Strategic marketing is part of every company’s plan in order to retain customers and capitalize on maintaining and increasing profits. This paper discusses the promotion and advertising techniques that Samsung Company uses in the promotion of its products.
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General Electric PESTLE Analysis Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2358 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "General Electric PESTLE Analysis" is a good example of a marketing case study. General electric dates back in 1892 after Edison general electric company Schenectady New York and the Thomson-Houston electric company of Lynn, Massachusetts. The merger was necessitated by the increasing difficulty for the two companies to remain competitive on the basis of their own technology.
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Current Foreign Investment in Rwanda Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1680 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Current Foreign Investment in Rwanda" is a great example of a marketing case study. The company’s move to Rwanda demonstrates that a major goal of theirs will be international expansion. A move to Europe will be very easy: Europe, being mostly developed countries, already has substantial competitors. In developed parts of Asia, there are likely competitors who might keep out Arts.
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Integrated Marketing Communications Programme for Crunchy Crunch Company Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2381 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Crunchy Crunch Company is a successful business venture, it’s a profitable company but it is incredibly socially responsible as well. As an external consultant, I would give a clean card to the Chief Executive since this company is an example for other organizations and it is perfect in all aspects. Overall, the company is a success and an example for the rest to follow.
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The Marketing Communications Strategy & Mix: Sports Company Marketing Case Study
9 pages (2475 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The brand’s success is also an outcome of a strategic and reliable marketing communications plan that catapulted the products to the target market’s awareness. The company’s brand positioning is an upshot of its mission vision: to produce the best shoe for the requirements of the sport, protect the athletes from injury and make the products durable.
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The Act of Storing Food and Making Food Marketing Literature review
14 pages (3586 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
There are hundreds of different species of plants, animals, and fungi being used, which is a huge amount for such a small portion of land. More bits of nature can be found in a supermarket than in any forest. Another interesting thing is the importance that corn has on human lives, and how important human lives are to the production of corn.
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Marketing Research Plan: Old Navy Marketing Business Plan
11 pages (3042 words) , Download 2 , Business Plan
The author states that marketing research involves a systematic collection and analysis of data related to the target market, competition, and the environment. The purpose of any marketing research project is to obtain a better understanding of the forces at work in the market. Here is a need for new research.
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Postmodern Marketing Marketing Assignment
13 pages (3585 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that it is all about asking sensible questions of consumers, and future consumers, of goods and services about their insights, and experiences, listening meticulously to what they say and then understanding or interpreting the suggestion of this feedback. This interpretation afterward is used to assist organizations to diminish.
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Telstra Instant Cash Transfer Service Marketing Case Study
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Telstra Instant Cash Transfer Service“ is a  worthy variant on case study on marketing. The use of mobile phones has been gaining popularity globally with Mobile phones becoming the most important communication tool globally, being the most common electronic device that people own. Whereas the global penetration rate is low, some countries have surpassed the 100 % penetration rate.
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The Kentucky Fried Chicken Marketing Mix Marketing Case Study
24 pages (6562 words) , Case Study
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The paper "The Kentucky Fried Chicken Marketing Mix " is a perfect example of a marketing case study. The contemporary global competitive business environment that prevails in the hospitality industry has witnessed a shift in the way different organizations select their marketing strategies. Presently, marketing has become an integral part of everyday human experiences.
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Marketing Communictions Strategies of the Col Drinks in the UK Marketing Case Study
19 pages (5287 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Some people hаve been steаdy consumers of а regionаl soft-drink brаnd for yeаrs, only to discover thаt the locаl bottler hаs discontinued it or thаt the bottler hаs closed. Аn estimаted 80 smаll bottlers in Kentucky аlone hаve closed in the lаst 40 yeаrs (Burdette 2001), which аppeаrs to reflect а nаtionаl trend.
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Clothing Retail Market in General Marketing Research Proposal
18 pages (4724 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The sаmple is bаlаnced by gender аnd аge аnd lаrgely reflects the of the community (Tаble 1). The Cаrrebeаn populаtion of NEXT plc, however, is underrepresented in the survey sаmple. When doing the surveys I аpproаched severаl people in the street who spoke only spаnish, аnd I wаs consequently unаble to survey them.
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Marketing Strategies of Apple i-Phone Marketing Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Apple put forward an exceptional and integrated approach to its marketing strategy. It integrated both traditional and modern advertising techniques in its marketing. Giving information to media and leading websites and thus making customers well aware of the product that is not yet launched is a different and most effective marketing strategy.
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Marketing Planning of MD Inc UK Marketing Case Study
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
To achieve speedy creation of a suitable distribution network for the proposed electrical hair care range by offering preferential status and incentives to the ‘Bliss’ distributors and channel partners. The salons already in the hair care network shall be connected through an online inventory and ordering system to facilitate a speedier ordering and order fulfillment process.
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Current Trends in the Marketing Communications Environment Marketing Assignment
13 pages (3464 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Companies need agencies in order to execute their brand messages and transform into campaigns that will be implemented in various media. Through these campaigns do media companies generate revenues in return? In between each of them are the consumers and other stakeholders, which are the target audience for all the marketing communication efforts. 
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Development Of An Integrated Marketing Communication Mix Strategy Marketing Case Study
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Development Of An Integrated Marketing Communication Mix Strategy " is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. The 4Ps approaches of service and product marketing have several shortcomings. The 4Ps model is internally oriented, product-oriented, lacks human element, lacks interactivity with customers, lacks quality element and relation-building and communication is absent. 
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Bidding Behavior in Competing Auctions Marketing Term Paper
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Bidding Behavior in Competing Auctions" Is a great example of a Marketing Term Paper. This paper explores three concepts – auctions, online marketplaces, and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) exchange – in order to develop a basic model of a C2C eReverse Auction, an Internet-based auction wherein consumer sellers bid to sell items. 
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Factors of International Business Environment Marketing Case Study
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Factors of International Business Environment" is a wonderful example of a Marketing Case Study. International organizations have to know the requirements they will need in order to establish themselves in foreign markets. This paper attempts to clarify some of the key factors to they consider. Market selection is important for any firm to be operational in a certain country abroad. 
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How Best to Enter Selected Market Marketing Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper"How Best to Enter Selected Market" is a perfect example of a Marketing Essay. In all the business endeavors conducted, marketing is the single most essential element. This is because; all other activities seek to ensure that the products meet the potential customer who will, in turn, derive maximum utility.
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Dell Company: Ideal Operational Success Strategies Marketing Report
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Report
On one hand, the report conducts a macro-environmental analysis through a PEST analysis tool that demonstrates the USA and global IT industry as a growing and high potential industry. Moreover, an internal analysis of the venture establishes a large resources and capabilities base further demonstrated by the venture TOWS matrix analysis.
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KPMG Company - Environmental, SWOT, Resources and Competence Analysis, Generating Strategic Options Marketing
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0
The paper “KPMG Company – Environmental, SWOT, Resources and Competence Analysis, Generating Strategic Options“ is a  meaningful variant on a report on marketing. KPMG was formed as a result of a merger between Klynveld Main Goerdeler (KMG) and Peat Marwick (KPMG, 2015). KPMG is among the largest companies offering professional services.
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Impact of Advertising on Sales Volume Marketing Statistics Project
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
The paper “Impact of Advertising on Sales Volume“ is a  persuasive variant on statistics project on marketing. Advertising is the technique used by companies to create awareness for their products or services or ideas, and market new products or services or ideas to new as well as potential customers. It has been an old art; as old as man.
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Understanding and Applying Consumer Behaviour Theories Marketing Literature review
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Consumers are the key reason why the business exists, and so devoid of them no business can thrive or survive. Without consumers, a company does not have a purpose or business. Still, the company’s main purpose is to satisfy the wants. The marketer assists in satisfying such needs and wants by means of offering products and services.
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Ensuring of Customer Relationship by Business, Customer Development through the Life Cycle Marketing Literature review
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper “Ensuring of Customer Relationship by Business, Customer Development through the Life Cycle“ is a  well-turned variant on literature review on marketing. Customer relationship management has three important processes that include: retaining a client, acquiring a customer and developing a customer.
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Kitchen Renting Service - SWOT Analysis, Sales and Marketing Plan, Operations, Financing the Business Marketing
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 0
The paper “Kitchen Renting Service - SWOT Analysis, Sales and Marketing Plan, Operations, Financing the Business“ is a  convincing variant on business plans on marketing. Make Dinner Fast is a unique business service that aims to assist persons who want to enjoy a cooked meal together with their loved ones.
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Triumph Motorcycles - Two Strategies to Improve the Market Share Marketing
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 0
The paper “Triumph Motorcycles - Two Strategies to Improve the Market Share“ is an exciting variant on business plans on marketing. Triumph motorcycles are one of the leading manufacturers of motorcycles in the UK (Council, 2008). The company also offers a variety of accessories that range from motorcycles spares to clothing and appropriate gear for the bikes.
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Duopoly and Monopolistic Competition Market Structures Marketing Assignment
11 pages (3064 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Duopoly and Monopolistic Competition Market Structures" is a perfect example of a marketing assignment. A duopoly is a form of oligopoly market structure which has two big sellers or producers. It is rarely seen in an idealized form which is a market that has exactly two dominant players. An example that comes close is the worldwide aircraft market which is dominated by Airbus and Boeing (George, 2012).
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