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Death, a universal truth, is the final portion of the life cycle for all of us. Providing prompt care to “patients near the end of life,” when curative means are no longer possible, is the most essential part of the medical profession (AGS Ethics Committee, 2002). It is the responsibility of health care providers to ensure that “the alleviation of pain and management of other physical symptoms of suffering” is a high priority in their agenda.
In conclusion, it has been mentioned, that drug testing may result in a negative impact on employees’ morale in the workplace, and the testing process itself is demeaning as well as degrading, especially when privacy is violated. The investigator's behavior was therefore ill-justified and unethical.
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The importance of honesty and integrity in criminal justice includes adherence to age-old traditions. Police officers and others in this field are expected to do their best and are held to the highest standards. Criminal justice students must be honest in their academic pursuits because this provides a foundation for their future.
In conclusion, the reporter's responsibility is to publish any news that he gets across. He is ethical because it’s his/her role to get to any news that comes up and publishes it regardless of the situation may be whether it’s exclusive. I would rate the reporter ethical since he was in with his business.
Health care service providers should be involved in decision-making for the organization. The employees should be asked how they feel about nepotism (Josephson 2007). If they think that nepotism is good for the organization, the organizational policy should be reviewed to consider the views of the employees.
The paper "Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics” is a persuasive example of an ethics annotated bibliography. Should Oil Companies be Seen as Environmental Vandals? There have been numerous debates concerning oil companies’ performance and their overall impact on the environment.
Deontological ethical system ingrains into an individual the principles of making an informed choice in personal decision making. I consider the philosophy useful in my future personal and career decision-making processes because it argues for substantive ground in the way of judging individual actions.
This decision is based on competence, honesty, and fairness in the execution of duties as a public relations practitioner. It is against the IPRA code of ethics, to bleach the stated rules to suit the interest of one party against the other party. In the scenario discussed, the decision is in the interests of both Gotham technology and the public.
Greenspan’s words reinforce that two wrongs do not make one right (Naftel and Spiwak, 2000). The employee cannot justify the inaction under any circumstances. First, the adopted way to achieve the organizational position and rewards was inappropriate and unacceptable; there would be hardly anyone agreeing with the adopted method to obtain the pay rise or promotions.
The paper "Ethics in the Business Research and Reporting Process" is a great example of a report on ethics. Ethical considerations in business research and reporting have been gaining currency in recent times. Most corporations today acknowledge that adherence to ethics in research and reporting is part of their corporate responsibility apart from enhancing their image.
The paper “The Ethical Sourcing Program Implemented by Wal-Mart” is a thrilling example of an ethics report. In this age of competitiveness, sustainability is the most essential aspect of any organization. In order to attain sustainability the most essential requirement is to maintain Ethics in and around the organization. Ethics helps to maintain uniformity and prosperity within the employees.
The study of ethics is concerned with different practices and policies which are good or right for an individual as well as societies. According to Paul and Elder, ethics can be defined as a set of principles and concepts which provide appropriate guidance in terms of identifying and determining the helpful or harmful behaviors of sentient creatures.
The paper "Ethical Issues in the Medical Industry" is a wonderful example of a report on ethics. Medicines have become a part and parcel of our day to day lives, there is no denying this fact that medicines have made our lives better and one can hardly imagine a world where there are no medicines. Globalization has brought a change and one among those changes is the change in ethics of the people.
The case has lead to GSK’s business in China and many pharmaceutical companies have been aimed at the impending tests on their ethical integrity. The scandal has is hoped to increase compliance costs and is also expected to depress the Chinese revenues from the multinational corporations in terms of sales.
Etisalat is present in several countries and more than 150 million customers all over the world. This research only sampled 120 customers which were only based in Dubai. As such, this number is so small that may not represent the general view of all customers. Another limitation is that the Likert Scale may be difficult for some people interested in research to understand.
The UN Global Compact recognizes the freedom of the worker to form unions in order and the right to collective bargaining. The Coca-Cola Icecek constantly tries to improve its industrial relations and respects the fundamental right of association for the workers. The industrial relations board plays an important role in dealing with the union’s issues.
The standards of ethics are maintained in an industry by setting clear moral regulations from the start. Essentially, a code of conduct is installed between the engineers and their workers to ensure that the relationship between them is fair. In order to avoid unethical behavior among the employees, there must be trust and transparency in the day to day activities.
Population-wide health identifiers have been introduced through the Medicare Card which is used by health insurance companies. Although the identifier card is given for reimbursement of healthcare costs, it is also used for other purposes like for example opening a bank account (Barraclough and Gardner). The privacy of health information in Australia is regulated by several Federal and State laws.
In effect, according to American Medical Association's Council (1992), euthanasia is defined as “the act of bringing about the death of a hopelessly ill and suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way for reasons of mercy. In this report, the term euthanasia will signify the medical administration of a lethal agent to a patient to relieve the patient's intolerable and incurable suffering.”
Global recessions are a common phenomenon in the 21st century. As such, their occurrence ought not to overwhelm business operations while forcing some out of the market. In order to be prepared for such economic crises, it is paramount that businesses come up with a contingency plan that will serve to restore them back to operations in case of a global recession.
Every federal and state government is inclusive of three independent branches of the government which include the judiciary, legislature, and the executive. The legislature is involved in law-making; the executive government’s role is law administration, and the judiciary is involved with the independent interpretation of the law (DePoy & Gilson, 2012).
Based on these, people in the profession need to uphold the highest level of standards when undertaking their roles and duties in the respective field. By so doing, their activities will be of benefit and will not harm the environment and the living things found in the environment. This will be closely followed by a demonstration of the ethical standards.
It may perhaps be best to deal with the latter first so as to establish clearly the basis for Mackinnon’s arguments. In her work with reference to feminism, Warren talks about and criticizes the idea of ‘logic of domination, stating that our religion and culture have given way to a global or at least Western mind-frame plagued with the vileness of patriarchy.
The major concepts are “Act‐ and Rule‐ Utilitarianism (West 67) “Consequentialism” (Tim Mulgan 53), “Rights and Justice v. Monetary Value”, “Kantian Ethics” (Wood 25), “Virtue Ethics” (Darwall 105), and “Social Responsibility” (Werther 5). In terms of “Act‐ and Rule‐ Utilitarianism, Dalton Russell pretends to rob a bank to bring the Case to justice.
The paper “Classical Approaches to Business Ethics” is a sage example of an ethics essay. Business Ethics is composed of a number of philosophies, which intent to state on behalf of the local communities, people, and natural well-being in order to bring benefits to them. There is a number of theories and philosophies, which put forward their own point of view.
18 pages (4890 words)
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, Literature review
The paper “Business Ethics Nature” is an impressive example of an ethics literature review. The essay discusses a newspaper article titled “Harvard Business School Dean on Ethics and Global Education”. It was published by The New York Times in the year 2013. The very essence of the report is to review the article covering certain aspects of business ethics.
12 pages (3240 words)
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, Research Proposal
The paper “How Ethical Consumer Behavior of the Individuals Can Affect Environment” is an exciting example of an ethics research proposal. Consumers increasingly become important stakeholders and decision-makers in terms of what to buy and what not to buy based upon the ethical considerations as well as the role of organizations in performing ethically.
The paper “Corporate Social Responsibility – Firm’s Effort to Appear Ethical” is a sage example of an ethics essay. The agenda of engaging in corporate social responsibility for companies is gaining increasing importance in recent years. It is believed that most companies engage in socially responsible behavior as a part of their strategic goals of the business.
11 pages (3082 words)
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, Literature review
The paper “Ethical Issues in Business and Marketing” is a dramatic example of an ethics literature review. Business ethics is an important area of study as it affects the sustainability and long-term profitability of an organization. This paper is a critical evaluation of ethical issues arising in business and marketing.
8 pages (2558 words)
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, Literature review
The paper "Ethical Problems Related to Euthanasia" is a wonderful example of a literature review on ethics. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ethical issues of euthanasia by perceiving this action through various theories related to ethics and morality. This case study is inspired by an article published in the BBC (“Ethical problems of euthanasia”).
The paper “Recognizing Ethical Issues In Business” is a useful example of an ethics essay. The world around is a constantly changing organism, displaying innovations in science and technology almost every day. The aim of this study is to discuss why people are still working in their places not being replaced by machines, what makes the human factor so valuable in the world of business.
The paper "Ethical and Social Responsibilities" is an outstanding example of an ethics essay. Businesses rely on society for them to achieve their goals. It is therefore paramount that business goals responsible and it involves concern for the environment and support for the society. It involves business modeling itself in such a manner as to attain sustainability.
7 pages (2099 words)
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, Literature review
The paper "Is Utilitarianism the Most Useful Ethical Theory to Guide Company Decisions" is an outstanding example of an ethics literature review. The theory of utilitarianism was propounded by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill. This school of thought advocated for the goal as the principle of ‘the greatest happiness of the greatest number’ as described by Bazelon (2005).
Completed conservancy projects attract environmentally conscious beverage consumers as they view purchasing a product manufactured by TCCC as promoting their conservation efforts in the U.K. It in turn results in high sales revenue for the organisation that has drastically increased their annual profit margin.
The parts of the sustainable development report, which may be similar to those in the Global Reporting Initiative, should be devised according to the information pyramid, with primary data at its base, serving as the foundation for analysing data, which provides specific indicators, from which indices or target values of the indicators can be developed:
The company should continue enhancing the leadership strategies that are meant to handle the problems faced. So far, the company is doing right by channeling its focus on handling the ethical issues it is faced with. It is the leadership of the company that can turn matters around and helps the company in restoring its reputation.
Libertarian ethical perspective is also evident. This is because Bob and Galen despise the opinions of the employees such as April and decide to apply their liberty and freedom in deciding on how and where to strike deals with companies. Fortunately, the way they decide to use their individual freedom attracts more customers to work with the OptiMotors Company.
The new recruits should afterward be taken through training and orientation programs on organisational cultures. This will ensure that they integrate the ethical values into their practice. As a means of influencing and promoting ethical behaviour, it is more effective when employees learn from managerial leaders the core values expected from them.
Fox (2013) and Schoorman, Mayer and Davis (2007) further suggested that all the six concepts have to be integrated fully into the organization to effectively wade off future ethical dilemmas and repair any reputational damage without which compliance and ethics may fail. This is since significant elements may be allowed to become misaligned.
Ethical banking is a topic that has in the recent past sparked brought around debate on the “trust and ethics in finance” magazine and across the media. Trust in fiancé and banking is vital in that it creates a social capital for the bank and facilitates banking behavior in the institutions. Bad behaviors erode trust, and people opt to use the law.
The activities of these firms raise ethical issues. Ethical issues entail situations or problems that call for a person or group to choose between options that must be assessed as right or wrong. The ethical issues involved in the McDonalds and the Chicken Industry relates to concepts of trust and integrity.
Deserts are becoming hotter than they were in the last century. Moreover, ice-caps are melting, subsequently leading to flooding in the low-lying areas as the rivers become filled with melted water. Therefore, adding to this global warming through gaseous emissions is hazardous to people, animals, and vegetation.
The software found within diesel engines could detect during their testing, and alter the performance consequently to enhance results (Hotten 2015). The renowned German car has confessed to deceiving tests of emissions within the US. VW possessed a big potential of selling diesel cars, supported by a big marketing crusade proclaiming low emissions of its cars.
10 pages (3133 words)
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, Literature review
Social workers often experience ethical conflicts when they encounter competing ideas and allegiances. For instance, the principles of self-determination could clash with the duty of care; and the well-being of an individual may be out of congruence with that of the society. Learning about ethics can cause when deciding on a course of action.
Nike should engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statements which will ensure the public obtain more information with greater confidence. From a utilitarianism theory, this will be ethical because this approach is transparent and less deceptive, here, stakeholders will be provided with more information regarding the company.
The company makes sure that the employees are working voluntarily, to imply that the organization does not promote forced labor. More so, the company values the accordance of justice for all its workers in case of eventuality. KFC imposes fair disciplinary measures on its workers, and a small percentage of them complain of the administration addresses such rare occurrences.
Nike’s audit found the reasons for excessively long work hours among its suppliers were poor application of local laws, flawed factory management approaches and upstream business processes that caused extra work. Nike CEO Mark Parker considers this issue so important that he is chairing Nike’s Overtime Task Force himself and has tied CSR objectives to employee reviews.
6 pages (1806 words)
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, Research Paper
Barsky (2009) highlights, that clarity of ethics can also discourage groupthink that rewards mediocrity and weakness. This can be done by assigning some or all of the group members the duty of being a critical evaluator, whose role is to raise questions, doubts, or dissent in the decisions made by the group.
War means different things to different people but it all boils down to some form of violent action. Reader (2000; 169) describes war as a violent action of one state upon another for the sake of a political end. However, according to Orend, war ought to be understood as a real, deliberate, and prevalent armed conflict between political societies.