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Ethical Issues Attached to the Popularization of the Internet - Essay Example

The paper "Ethical Issues Attached to the Popularization of the Internet" states that ethics has its own importance in the information system and with the increasing use of the internet, the setting up of new ethical and legal decisions is necessary for balancing the needs and rights of all individuals…
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Table of Contents 1.0. Introduction 02 2.0. Security Management 02 3.0. Privacy 03 4.0. Ethical Issues of Internet Privacy 04 5.0. Key technological Trends Which Raise Ethical Issues 07 6.0. Applicable Ethical Norms 09 7.0. Conclusion 10 8.0. References 11 1.0. Introduction The society today is more engaged in collecting, handling and distribution information from the internet than in any other activity. Today’s age has turned up to be an information age. Technology has a great deal on influence on our day to day life and it is hard to imagine a world without computers, internet, social media and other such inventions. Internet is becoming the medium of future and has turned up to be very important for the positive growth of the upcoming generations. With the growing dependence on the computer and internet and its pinnacle role in our daily life, protection of an individual’s information privacy has turned out to be the greatest challenge for research. The safety of information has raised a question of ethical debate and this has been discussed in the assignment. The need for the understanding of the ethical importance of the data shared on the net and the use of the same data without prior consent of the respective person has challenged many issues and the need is to draw a serious line between the two. The assignment discusses different ethical issues and the factors that have accounted for the same. Then the advancements and trends of technology have been further discussed with the impact that it has had on the society and individual with a final highlight on some of the norms that could be made applicable to protect the interest of the information safety of the general masses. 2.0. Security Management Any application of internationally accepted reference framework or physical measurement system can support and manage the idea of information security. Over the past 40-50 years, various efforts have been made to develop ways to stop and develop information security system. The rate of dependence of people on the internet is rapidly accounting and so is the matter of ethical and information safety. To a certain limit the collection of information and can be stated as ethical and useful but the internet has gone far beyond it and made the personal information of people more public and exposed to third party (Covert, 2014). General people and consumers have shown great faith towards the companies which indulge in gathering public information in exchange for day to day services but the same has gone beyond the files of the companies to others and lost the ethical aspect of it (Basset, and O’Riordan, 2002). 3.0. Privacy The term privacy has different meaning as per different context and difficult to describe. Earlier privacy was considered as something very valued and keeps it free from the interference of others. But over the years the perception has changed and it has been explained as access to and control of personal information. This term can be divided into three categories as accessibility privacy, decisional privacy and informational privacy. With the changing and advancing technology informational privacy has been transformed, altered and applied differently and cyberspace has resulted in a set of privacy issues (Rosenberg, 2010). The ease of gathering information about others, individuals and associations, has become very easy and Google is among the top notorious search engines that has facilitated the same. 3.1. Benefits of Maintaining Privacy The data shared by any individual is always believed to be kept confidential and private. The benefits of maintaining a level of privacy of confidentiality are as follows: Establishment of trust between the research participant and the researcher. Reduction of worry in the part of the individual. Maintains the dignity of the person. The researched individual feels respected. Provides control and encourages autonomy. 4.0. Ethical Issues of Internet Privacy Internet privacy has taken the shape of a major concern today and has raised some specific ethical issues. The individual informational privacy of a person is easily being intruded by advertisers in the form of tracking their websites. Also the scanning and tracking of online transactions, emails and networking profiles have led to the issues further. Technology has made the possibility of access to every detailed bit that is exchanged in the web thus building a situation of web insecurity (Management Information Systems, 2013). Every act of invasion on the informational can be considered as legal or illegal as for example, the monitoring of online habits of customers, by the advertisers, cannot be stated as illegal but the extent to which it should be monitored becomes a case of ethical issue. Ethics draw the line between network security and breaching of user privacy. The process of managing and processing the various categories of private and public data of individuals have highlighted some ethical issues. They are: The most important question raised to the infopreneurs is the decision on the categorising of the private and public information which they are otherwise entitled to gather. The use of the personal data which has been collected in the form of reference interview should or should not be used for other requirements. Thus the question of confidential treatment of such information arises. When an information professional uses the personal information of an individual requires being accurate as it has a direct influence on the life of the person. A very serious question regarding the right of a person in terms of the use and dispersion of an individual’s personal information is the most required with regards the ethical behaviour and information privacy of the individual. Some factors that are required to be considered as the cause of ethical concerns on our information policy are further discussed. 4.1. Email When the process of email, which has become so important today in terms of business, is done the basic requirement is the use of an email server. With the use of an email server the information in the emails does not remain confidential in the exact sense. Also the email service providers, for some technical and ethical reasons, don’t use the information it contains which shall harm one. But the ethical issue in this case weather the third parties should be allowed to have access to the emails and read them without consent. Google has been engaged in scanning emails of others with the help of automated systems for the detection of spam and malware and tailored advertising. 4.2. Online Transactions Online shopping and business transactions have rapidly taken over the modern day world. While shopping online the customer is required to share their credit or debit card number and other bank details on the shopping portal. There are possible chances of details being against ethics for fraudulent purposes. The online retailers and other companies collect the same data for judging the taste and preferences of the customer, but without their consent which is totally unethical. Another serious ethical issue in this form of privacy is that websites gather personally identifiable information from the customers should share or store it (Oak, 2015). 4.3. Government and Other Agencies The Government of any country hold a lot of important data regarding their people. If the security of such data is compromised that it can lead to threaten the national security. Maintain such data requires the government to maintain high standards of privacy. But the degree of access which is provided by the government to the common people towards such records, raise the ethical issue of privacy. Other agencies like banks, financial institutions, medical facilities that have the medical records also let easy access to others charging the ethical issues of the people. 4.4. Social Networking Websites While uploading the status and other details on social networks, a person makes everyone know regarding his personal location and other possible details of his life. Also using the utilities like Maps and Facebook’s Places type services, the current location of one is known and which can help others in tracking that person (Jayson, 2014). The photo and every minute details uploaded are technically owned by the socially networking site. This information is made available to third-parties without the prior consent which is totally unethical in itself. Although the social networking sites have provided the forum for making one’s voice and opinion public but there is a very thin and almost invisible line between the allowed freely and allowance with consent. This raises the question of invading our information privacy (Fox, Murray and Warm, 2003). 4.5. Internet Cookies The pieces of text which is delivered by the server to the browser of the user for future requirement are known as internet cookies. Such cookies are used by the advertisers for tracking the preferences of the customer and this raises a situation of ethical manner. The http cookies are easier to delete and protect but flash cookies and ever cookies are hard to remove. These cookies can be used by the hackers too thus raising a situation of internet information privacy. The ever cookies save themselves in multiple locations and still exist even after deleting raising a concern of ethics. 4.6. Internet Service Providers (ISP) The IP address of the user is easily track-able by the internet service provider thus also allowing knowing the website which are being browsed and can easily track the type of all internet activities. This is done by the ISP to track any illegal downloads and sharing of any copyrighted material. Many ISP stores many copies of the emails and such mails stay with them even after deleting it from the inbox. This tracking of the internet is breech of privacy of the user and is unethical in nature. 4.7. Users The users are also somewhat required to be considered to put their details at risk as they disclose personal details on the net without any serious pondering on the same. While posting any personal events on the social media or the use of banking online for lucrative offers are invitation to invasion of privacy. But many are unaware of this situation cannot be directly blamed for it but the users are also required to keep a watch of their activities on the net. 5.0. Key technological Trends Which Raise Ethical Issues Information technology has raised the levels of ethical concern and made some laws obsolete. It has made way for various criminal behaviour and mischief. Amongst the large list, there are four key technological trends which are considered responsible for the current ethical stresses. They are further discussed. Multiplication of Computing Power: With the computing power getting doubled every 18 months has made the organisations to use the advancing information system a part of their core production system. As a result of this situation the dependence on systems has raised the chances of system errors and poor data quality. But on the other hand it has also resulted in high levels of productivity. Advancement in Data Storage Techniques: The advancing data storage techniques have made large pools of data availability for detailed personal information to the companies and government agencies. With the use of contemporary data management tools, the assembling and combining of myriad pieces of information on the computer has become much easier and faster. The habits of the people like credit-card purchases, telephone calls, magazine subscriptions, visiting websites and blogs, etc. have made the information available in bits and parts. This not only helps in reviving of the credit information but also the habits, purchase patterns, associates, etc. of an individual, goes very quickly from private to public (Bruckman, 2006). Rapid Reduction in Data Storage Costs: The rapidly increasing technology has rapidly reduced the storage costs of the multiplying the data base of individuals like employees, customers and potential customers. These storage systems have made the routine violation of individual privacy both economical and productive. The already existing massive data storage system being cheap and available for the regional and local retailing firms, the reduction costs of such data have raised questions of privacy issues and ethics. Advances in Networking and the Internet: The advancements in the networking system and the internet have been proved by the above stated three points. Apart from these the easy access and copying option from any page to other and easy access to any data from any location are some of the results of such advances (Tavani, 2007). A brief study of the above detailed trends has been highlighted in the table below. TREND IMPACT Computing power doubles every 18 months Most organisations rely on computer systems for analytical operations Data analysis advances The availability of vast quantities of data gathered has helped in developing profiles of individuals and their behaviour. Rapid declining of data storage costs Reducing costs has backed easy maintenance of detailed database of individuals. Advanced networking and the internet The copying of data from one location to another and access towards personal data from various or remote locations has become easier. 6.0. Applicable Ethical Norms A set of applicable ethical norms is required to be constituted which shall act both as guidelines and instrument for measurement for addressing such ethical issues. The norms can be distinguished as truth, freedom and human rights which are briefly discussed as under: Truth: The term truth has dual ethical application as a norm. On one hand it stands for the factual correctness of the information and on the other hand it brings truth as a declaration of openness, moral correctness and reliability. Freedom: This as a norm shall grant a person to have the liberty of making choice in regards to the freedom of privacy and freedom from intruding action however not becoming very definite (Thorseth, 2003). Human Rights: Although very closely associated with the norm freedom, it shall be considered as a more solid applicable norm. This norm shall provide the juridical approval and security of an individual’s right to privacy. Thus setting up of set of applicable ethical norms shall provide a person safety against the unlawful interference and data assimilation from their private life without their prior consent. 7.0. Conclusion Life today has become very easy with the use of the internet and the other added features that it provides with the various applications. Privacy of information is the moral right of an individual which has come at stake due to the massive use of the information system and advancing technology. The ethical debate that has rise due to the privacy and security issues in information safety can be dealt with the application of some guidelines and norms. Ethics has its own importance in the information system and with the increasing use of the internet, the setting up of new ethical and legal decisions is necessary for balancing the needs and rights of all individuals. 8.0. References Basset, E. and O’Riordan, K. 2002. Ethics of Internet research: contesting the human subjects research model. Ethics and Information Technology, 4 (3): 233–47. Bruckman, A. 2006. “Teaching Students to Study Online Communities Ethically,” Journal of Information Ethics, 15(2): 82–98. Covert, E. 2014. Ethical Challenges of the Internet of Things. SC Magazine, Jan 29. Retrieved on 25/05/15 Fox, J., Murray, C. and Warm, A. 2003. Conducting research using Web-based questionnaires: practical, methodological, and ethical considerations, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6 (2): 167–80 Jayson, S. 2014. Social Media Research Raises Privacy and Ethics Issues. USA Today, March 12. Retrieved on 24/05/15 Oak, M. 2015. Buzzle: Ethical issues of internet Privacy. Retrieved on 21/05/15 Management Information Systems. 2013. Ethical and Social issues in Information Systems, retrieved on 22/05/15 Rosenberg, A. 2010. “Virtual World Research Ethics and the Private/Public Distinction,” International Journal of Internet Research Ethics, 3(1): 23–37. Tavani, H. T. 2007. Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of information and Communication Technology, 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Thorseth, M. 2003. “Applied Ethics in Internet Research,” Programme for Applied Ethics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Read More

This term can be divided into three categories as accessibility privacy, decisional privacy and informational privacy. With the changing and advancing technology informational privacy has been transformed, altered and applied differently and cyberspace has resulted in a set of privacy issues (Rosenberg, 2010). The ease of gathering information about others, individuals and associations, has become very easy and Google is among the top notorious search engines that has facilitated the same. 3.1.

Benefits of Maintaining Privacy The data shared by any individual is always believed to be kept confidential and private. The benefits of maintaining a level of privacy of confidentiality are as follows: Establishment of trust between the research participant and the researcher. Reduction of worry in the part of the individual. Maintains the dignity of the person. The researched individual feels respected. Provides control and encourages autonomy. 4.0. Ethical Issues of Internet Privacy Internet privacy has taken the shape of a major concern today and has raised some specific ethical issues.

The individual informational privacy of a person is easily being intruded by advertisers in the form of tracking their websites. Also the scanning and tracking of online transactions, emails and networking profiles have led to the issues further. Technology has made the possibility of access to every detailed bit that is exchanged in the web thus building a situation of web insecurity (Management Information Systems, 2013). Every act of invasion on the informational can be considered as legal or illegal as for example, the monitoring of online habits of customers, by the advertisers, cannot be stated as illegal but the extent to which it should be monitored becomes a case of ethical issue.

Ethics draw the line between network security and breaching of user privacy. The process of managing and processing the various categories of private and public data of individuals have highlighted some ethical issues. They are: The most important question raised to the infopreneurs is the decision on the categorising of the private and public information which they are otherwise entitled to gather. The use of the personal data which has been collected in the form of reference interview should or should not be used for other requirements.

Thus the question of confidential treatment of such information arises. When an information professional uses the personal information of an individual requires being accurate as it has a direct influence on the life of the person. A very serious question regarding the right of a person in terms of the use and dispersion of an individual’s personal information is the most required with regards the ethical behaviour and information privacy of the individual. Some factors that are required to be considered as the cause of ethical concerns on our information policy are further discussed. 4.1.

Email When the process of email, which has become so important today in terms of business, is done the basic requirement is the use of an email server. With the use of an email server the information in the emails does not remain confidential in the exact sense. Also the email service providers, for some technical and ethical reasons, don’t use the information it contains which shall harm one. But the ethical issue in this case weather the third parties should be allowed to have access to the emails and read them without consent.

Google has been engaged in scanning emails of others with the help of automated systems for the detection of spam and malware and tailored advertising. 4.2. Online Transactions Online shopping and business transactions have rapidly taken over the modern day world. While shopping online the customer is required to share their credit or debit card number and other bank details on the shopping portal. There are possible chances of details being against ethics for fraudulent purposes. The online retailers and other companies collect the same data for judging the taste and preferences of the customer, but without their consent which is totally unethical.

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