Kant argues that when an innocent person is deliberately murdered, the killer deserves death. Kant emphatically supported capital punishment for a murder crime arguing that if the members of the civil society decide to dissolve the society, the last incarcerated murderer should first be executed so that people are not depicted as violators of justice (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2015). Kant’s position on capital punishment as cited by Potter (2002) is often understood as a retributivism paradigm.
However, Kant support for capital punishment is only for the crime of murder. Kant believes that capital punishment can only be ethically justified in the crime of murder and crimes that result in substantial damage to the society. As mentioned by Mandery (2011), the death penalty can morally be justified by one principle: the punishment should be the same as the nature of the crime. Still, opponents of the death penalty believe it is wrong because its application is not compatible with the being human dignity which exists even when the wrongdoer deserve the punishment.
According to Lambert and Clarke (2001), the capital punishment justification normally focusses on the argument that offenders deserve punishment. Both utilitarian as well as retributive considerations have been invoked in an attempt to justify the death penalty. As pointed out by Riley (2001) the society has a legitimate power of determining the kind of behaviours that cannot be accepted and the type of punishments that should be imposed to violators thereof. People do not have legitimate power to decide what constitutes a criminal offence or to punish offenders.
Furthermore, this view is supported to some extent by the utilitarian. According to the utilitarian theory, capital punishment does not connote offering justice through an ‘eye for an eye’ approach (Townsend, 1997). However, it can be justified if it deters scores of offenders from committing murder. Capital punishment is an immoral act that can only be justified legally, but not ethically (Litton, 2013). Functionalist theory as mentioned by Pope (1975) illuminates a belief as a self-conscious and powerful entity that controls its individual members’ behaviour.
Utilitarians believe that the morality of a deed depends on the observance to Utility (the Greatest Happiness Principle), which directs people to bring about happiness for many people. Therefore, when making a moral decision, the consequence of particular actions should first be taken into account. Utilitarianism according to Tännsjö (2008) is a form of Consequentialism since it places emphasis on the consequences of people’s actions. Adherents of utilitarianism disapprove punishment if it is administered with the objective of making the criminals ‘pay’ for their wrongdoing.
However, they support the role of punishment if it seeks to prevent future crime. Utilitarians believe that all decisions and laws made must generate the best results for many people. Therefore, capital punishment is a better choice than imprisonment for murder since it prevents the wrongdoers from being repeating the crime. Therefore, the death penalty is justified because it amounts to the protection of the innocent lives. As indicated by Chan and Oxley (2004), if the judge determines that consequence of allowing the murderer to live can lead to more deaths, then the capital punishment is a suitable punishment in such a case.
Furthermore, capital punishment helps the government saves money since the execution of the murderers is cost-effective rather than incarcerating them at the cost of the community. Contrary to the Utilitarianism, advocates of deontological ethics morally focus on the intentions of the person’s actions, rather than the actual consequences. Heffernan (2014) defines deontology as the study of nature of obligation as well as duty. Therefore, the morals of a person’s action are rooted in the good intention attributed to the ability to observe the set of rules.
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