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13 pages (3766 words)
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, Research Paper
And this interaction has created stakeholders and their stakes in the business and commercial activities (Coombs and Holladay, 2012). However, it will be nearly impossible to legislate CSR concerns as this act has a range of stakeholders relating to society and the environment. Under the society label, there are several stakeholders.
6 pages (1596 words)
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, Personal Statement
If one takes a look at the notion of the social environment, one will be able to see that the majority of interactions that are carried out within this framework are guided primarily by Ethics. That is why it would be interesting to analyze the way the latter concept influences the daily duties of people that belong to different professions.
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The rapid growth of the hospitality and tourism industry supported by globalization, cross-cultural conflicts, and increased transnational relations has paved the way for several social, cultural, political, ecological, and ethical concerns. The unethical transgressions have given way to several ethical theories aimed at addressing these dilemmas.
Ethical issues are usually marginalized or detached from research project discussions. Actually, some researchers think of this aspect in research as a mere afterthought. However, the moral and social integrity of the researcher is undoubtedly a crucial aspect in ensuring that the researcher’s findings and the research processes are valid and trustworthy.
It is not ethical to use any means to make a sale, ensure success, take advantage of a customer, or beat a competitor if they can lead to financial loss for the business in the long run and result in actions that cannot be universalized. Milton Friedman believes that the main duty of a company is to maximize profits for shareholders.
Ethics entails an individual’s moral concern and judgement of what is wrong or right. Decisions made by an individual in an organization may affect the overall activities. Company culture mostly influences these decisions whether they are individual decisions or group decisions. The decision to behave in an ethical manner is a moral act.
10 pages (2884 words)
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, Personal Statement
The situation that Samantha is faced with is common for most cancer and other terminal illness patients and relates to the desire for hastened death. Given the pain and suffering that she must be going through, it is natural that she would want to be relieved by the application of euthanasia. However, doctors should not grant her this wish due to two reasons.
East Asia is the eastern part of the Asian continent. Geographically, the region covers about twelve million square kilometers and about twenty-eight percent of the Asia continents. The region is one of the most populated areas in the world. Between 20 and 25 percent of all the people in the world live in East Asia.
Since the nature of the business is one that holds the trust of investors and its clients, and of the privacy of health information, the company falls under the jurisdiction of the Sarbanes-Oakley Law that requires correct submission of financial reports to SEC and the state and federal state laws on secrecy.
A Code of ethics can be defined as a guide to employees and other stakeholders in the daily decision-making process. It points out the core values of the organization. The code of ethics should serve two main purposes. The first is to clarify the issues that are considered ambiguous and open to question within the organization.
The controversy came about after several Ford Pinto models went down in flames when being hit from the rear by an oncoming car, which attracted media interest and involvement. Such burns to consumers could have been avoided if the fuel tank of the Pinto was placed in a better position and structured to withstand a crash at 20mph.
7 pages (1999 words)
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, Literature review
Infertility is an escalating issue across the globe, especially in developed countries like Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Boivin and colleagues (2007) reported that it is approximated that roughly 9 percent of couples suffer from infertility, embodying the root of considerable personal misery to millions of people all over the world.
The imperative Kant wanted could surely not be hypothetical or based on preference. On the other hand, the ethics in Utilitarianism are based on the preference of the majority. We can apply both the theories to a situation where a woman becomes pregnant after being sexually molested and she now wants to decide whether or not she should go for an abortion.
The most essential thing for counselors to put in mind when involving themselves in the helping fields is that setting professional boundaries and ethics is highly essential for the well-being of both the client and the therapist. The few ethical policies set by governing bodies show fewer efforts in trying to regulate therapists and clients actions
It is argued that it is an obligation of all nurses to provide an appropriate and adequate examination, treatment, and care to all individuals who appear in the emergency department. The nursing care within the emergency department should therefore not be based on social, political, or economic grounds. Unbiased care ensures that the condition of the patient is determined.
Risk assessment is the investigating, recognizing, and considering each bit of risk, danger, and intimidation to the firm outside and inside the environment. It defines if a building is vulnerable to climate-related events, and area hazards. It allows a business to control the extenuating actions that have been in place to counter these exposures.
Informed consent is closely related to voluntary participation (CWU, 2012). It represents that the prospective participant for any research must be well informed and must be aware of the purpose of the research where might be involved. They also need to be informed about the procedure of the research and the risk associated with the research.
Ethics in a company mainly derive from the organization’s value system. DesJardins (2006) defines values as those tenets that are essential and enduring in the running of the organization and they should not be compromised for any financial gain since they help to shape the operations of the company which make it distinct from other companies.
Business ethics sets out to encourage managers to fit in an ethical imperative in the corporate strategy process as well as providing guidance so that this can be achieved. Due to the fact that businesses are going global and as such interacting with varying cultural along with economic differences, this process is largely relevant (Flynn 13).
Running and heading a private business is a challenging job. One, you are responsible for your staff and also for yourself and your family. Two, the customers need to be answered and the commitments made need to be honored including the timelines. When one is with a company, you enjoy the benefits which really become a requirement in your normal social life.
Ethics is a division of axiology which is the study of importance or eminence, it is one of the most important divisions of philosophy, which endeavors to comprehend the temperament of morals to differentiate so as to, which is accurate to which is erroneous. The Western customs of ethics are from time to time known as moral philosophy.
There is always the intervention of cultural and social characteristics of each region that intervene in the development of moral thought. For this reason, Lillehammer supports that ‘it is mistaken to expect there to be, hidden somewhere in logical space, an error theory which avoids practical doubts about the universalistic ambitions of morality.
In fact, CSR is the main ‘vehicle’ for the promotion of environmental concerns regarding both the natural environment but also the populations of the areas where the corporate activities of a specific firm are ‘concentrated’.
way to obtain an ethical framework that can be applied to real-life scenarios is by considering concepts and theories established by scholars on the subject. Among the different theories that can simplify an ethical analysis are virtue ethics, egoism ethics, relativism, utilitarian ethical perspective, and the seven-step procedure for moral decision making.
Many organizations have put a lot of effort into strategic plans, brand strategy, and even growth strategy ignoring the most important aspect to address which is the ethical issue. Ethical behavior in an organization should be taken very seriously as there has been an increase in both organizational misbehavior and activities which are of criminal tendencies.
In 2007, Google bought this hot Internet property from its founders for $1.65 billion. Holding sway over 29% of market share, YouTube is the undisputed leader in the US multimedia entertainment market. (Mahadeo, 2007). Viewer statistics of YouTube are mind-boggling.
No doubt, the company may already have a well-developed ethical outlook. Nevertheless, by considering various approaches to ethical decision making, you may be better able to make the right choice when the need arises. The subject of business ethics is complex.
9 pages (2624 words)
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, Research Paper
Cyberbullying is the social-networking phenomenon that is gaining traction among America’s tech-savvy teens, is drawing more attention than ever from school districts and state legislatures anxious to curb the online taunts and insults. Usually, cyberbullies are harassers; they use the same weapons that bullies have used from ages: humiliation, gossips, and threats.
Ethical issues became a major concern for scholars from various fields as a new field of interest became more prominent—neurotheology. This discipline acknowledges the complexity of human beliefs by providing a broad conceptual framework to encompass beliefs whether mystical or religious, economic or environmental, political or social or otherwise.
On the Internet, over 21 million sites have devoted to the social problem of pornography. The opinions and ideas found on those sites are diverse; they range anywhere from free acceptance of pornography to the strict condemnation of it. Hence a brief explanation of both of those sides would prove beneficial.
Nuclear power and armaments are another concern for ethical consumers. Examples of this include nuclear testing performed by countries that produce products that consumers could choose to—or not to—purchase and purchasing goods from companies that support the war. Ethical investments fall under the category of money and ethics regarding this topic.
A need for personal development is also caused by a constantly changing environment in both personal and organizational spheres. New technologies appear people’s demands change, while organizations’ purpose is to bring people the very best products and services. Each person’s abilities and skills should correspond to those needed for efficient work in a certain area.
The Kantian ethics propounded by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant in the eighteenth century is one of them. Another school of thought called the Utilitarianism was advocated by John Stuart Mill in the eighteenth century. Both these schools of thought seem to be opposing each other, as they encourage different ways of looking at things.
The study of ethics has intrigued the faculties of scholars since early philosophers and ethicists during the times of Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle, to name a few. Johnson (1965) defined ethics as “the systematic inquiry into man’s moral behavior with the purpose of discovering the rules that ought to govern human action and the goods that are worth seeking in human life”.
The human being's body is a means for his existence. But what when the body becomes ill and there are no chances of recovery? Doesn’t a person has a right to die according to his own wish? Yes, he does have a right to die and to die quickly and easily with the help of a doctor rather than dying a slow, painful, and depressive death.
While it is true that top executive should be paid well, seeing as how they're often responsible for their companies' making millions of dollars, these executive shouldn't be making 200 times as much as the average worker. This is quite an exaggeration which may very well cause feelings of resentment and disapproval in the hearts and minds of the workers, something that will likely lead to their job performance to go down.
While it is sometimes noted that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer, ethics always contains a moral component and some decisions have greater virtue than others. Confronting an ethical dilemma merely a matter of taking an action that we can morally justify to our own sense of personal integrity.
An obstetrician has a significant role to play in making a regular assessment of pregnant women and to identify early signs of complications. Such women need to visit an obstetrician regularly to ascertain that the fetus is undergoing normal development. They are given advice regarding healthy living.
Robbins kept the privacy of the girls but she had to personally deal with the information she was given and with what she observed. Robbins wrote the book to call attention to what is going on in these sororities and to ask for them to be changed. She has many ideas for what the National organizations could do in order to change the way that rushes are done and women are treated.
Plato once said, “good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” It is not surprising therefore, that serious violations of expected moral, legal and ethical norms are so rampant, not only in one’s personal daily encounter but, inevitably, in the workplace of business organizations.
Several conceptual frameworks have emerged based on different perspectives and dimensions in cross-cultural studies. From a management perspective, these frameworks have been applied to various situations and scenarios in different countries to understand human behavior, leadership, management styles, and human resources management and practices.
California is a vast state that has grown tremendously in the last decades; it projects the countless dynamics of different communities and existing cultures, it no longer projects the typical American dreamland. It has been found that 3 out of 5 California residents are not ethnic Americans; most of them are immigrants or the children of immigrants.
It would be important for the clinician to decide whether Mary's actions pose harm to herself and to her children. This could not necessarily be seen unless Mary is stabilized. There would have to be a full medical and psychological workup to see whether this situation was an ongoing occurrence or because of the stress from her sister.
6 pages (1615 words)
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, Research Proposal
This research proposal also addresses the marketing part of the business which encompasses the marketing mix variables, the target market, marketing research and social responsibilities of companies in relation to the major ethical theories such as the Unitarianism, the Deontologists, and Rights. At the end of the project, the non-government organization that will enable Ghanaians to report any unethical behavior experienced is established.
6 pages (1678 words)
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, Literature review
The code of ethics represents the standards and values that all consultants in the organization should uphold while conducting their duties. This is quite important as it ensures a good relationship between the organization and the clients as well as among employees. The code also ensures the quality of service offered is within global and religious standards based on biblical teachings.
The rise and fall of the company Enron, contained in the case example and in existing coverage, involves accounting, and the abuse of executive privilege. Enron stayed in the news long after the initial accounting scandal, as jury selection began for the case of its ex-executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.
This price cut would force the company to sell the medicine at a loss, causing financial burden. On the other side, the company is also concerned that this reduction would have a knock-on effect as other countries use country X as a key reference point for setting their drug prices.
6 pages (1662 words)
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, Research Proposal
This accountability of the profession to the public interests is beyond the compensation and the honorarium paid by the clients. The focus of this study is on ethics in Accounting. Accounting ethics applies ethics to the principles and standards of accountancy.
Customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders each have their own interest in the performance and success of the organization because each can benefit or be harmed by the decision making management makes. This act of sharing with the community and stakeholders better puts the reputation of the organization in good standing with future consumers and investors.
Consider the scenario where a manufacturer of children’s clothes produces products with a chemical for protection against flames. The textile materials treated by these chemicals have been banned in the markets in the UK and US and so the organization resorts to selling its stock to the developing markets where there is no such legislation.