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If management has refused to address something that is so serious as to cause an engineer to engage in whistleblowing, there are only two explanations; someone in the information chain is either corrupt or feels a strong need to stay in control. In either case, there is a personal failure on the part of that manager.
Regardless of its size, any organization is a group of individuals with personal differences and preferences. The individual is the starting point of a firm's effectiveness, and understanding each person is the key to developing ethics in the workplace. In the case of Valerie, the answer to the question posed can be given from two different angles.
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14 pages (3518 words)
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, Research Paper
One of the examples of deviant identity is cyberbullying. It has emerged to be the newest platform on which the youths are increasingly abusing each other. The more concerning issue is that there are currently no appropriate techniques that intervene for cyberbullying despite large numbers of kids who access the information technologies.
The study concludes that hospitality and tourism companies should always demonstrate corporate social responsibility. Profits at the cost of ethics do not reap dividends in the long-run. Firms can enjoy short-term benefits but today even the right employees can be attracted to a firm that not only has a code of ethics laid down but actually implements it.
The entire article centers upon the strange inconsistency of Shakespeare as he allows Othello to give two very different accounts of the origins of the handkerchief, both of which serve to illustrate his superstitions. To ensure the reader understands what he is referring to, Andrews first provides the two passages in which the handkerchief is mentioned.
People often cheat and plagiarize for various reasons where in some cases they would be aware of what they will be doing and in some cases, they may not be aware. When it comes to cheating in particular, people do it intentionally where they fully know what they will be doing for the love of gaining advantage over the other unsuspecting people.
Personal development has been variously defined as development of one's capabilities or potentialities, efforts toward self-fulfillment either through formal study programs or on one's own, or the state or process of improving or developing oneself. It all adds up to increasing one’s skills and transforming one’s self.
However, one must act within a limit or a boundary that he or she will not harm other people. Kant’s ethics suggested that managers, owners, or employees should act according to the right intention. For example, it is morally wrong to borrow money from someone with the promise that he or she would repay the debtor, but there is no intention of doing so.
Surveys are an important tool to collect data, especially in the field of social sciences. However, there are some potential ethical issues that researchers should consider while using this tool among women who receive services from shelters in the city. Breach of confidentiality may occur as data is released to other researchers and to the public.
Lafollette (146) also defines ethical relativism by supporting the argument that “Ethical principles or judgments are relative to the individual or culture”. He further contemplates that “There are ways in which ethical principles behavior vary legitimately from culture to culture and individual to individual”.
The author of the paper states that a Christian therapist attending an Islamic family may unknowingly breach the norms and cultural beliefs of the clients. This may relate to the fact that Christians have fewer restrictions on human conduct while Islam advocates strict adherence to many restrictions.
6 pages (1681 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The narrator is initially skeptical and satirically views the notion of saving the world as absurd and ridiculous. Through the narrator’s views towards the advertisement, we get the impression that his or her cultural perspective is indifferent towards saving the world because perhaps he or she does not see any problem with the world as it currently is.
Ethics has found its meaning in man’s inquiry on moral behavior seeking to find rules and principles that humans must adhere to ensure systematic order and universal good to prevail. These ethical standards governing the existence of human life encompass diverse realms of endeavors including business entities.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
It can be seen that frequently that the employees are using the internet for personal purposes to a large extent and in several instances involved in abusing and downloading a huge amount of data from the internet for personal purposes. This is a huge ethical dilemma and needs to be resolved using sound ethical principles.
Entrepreneurship is related to the individual, while enterprise is concerned with establishments that these entrepreneurial individuals create. These are organizations that enforce commercial strategies to capitalize on betterments in environmental and human well-being, instead of maximizing earnings for outside shareholders.
I started to get numerous calls from other real estate team leaders in TX, and CA with partnership offers. After a month of vacation break, I started my own company and invited two new wonderful partners in, one each in TX and CA for my new real estate business. We all signed the exclusive agreement legally, with defined common objectives.
Despite the strict application of ethics, the field itself is so broad that it often becomes difficult to define it in any particular shape or form (Fisher, 2003). The matter is even more complicated when it comes to ethics in cyberspace where they may be different questions with regard to privacy and confidentiality.
Globalization increased the propensities for contracting increasingly difficult to cure illnesses of the rapid spread of virus due to the erosion of barriers and immediate access to vast modes of transportation. Finally, environmental problems become unprecedented, as a result of global activities.
In terms of institutional application in a historical sense, this has also included a reckoning of the main points of justification theory utilitarianism as a way of grading or categorizing institutions or policy ramifications in terms of testing and proving the efficiency or utility of the institution through a utilitarian viewpoint.
The case brings out the work of Bart and also brings into light the software used by him to keep a tab on the employee systems to ensure that the software is working fine. Bart uses this software to keep track of people who have issues with new software and he uses this login to simply keep an eye on the working conditions of the software.
The author states that the need for a code of ethics comes about considering the myriad differences that exist in employees and the need to make them strive towards the achievement of the organization’s objectives in unison despite the usual differences between individuals. The code of ethics for most organizations is usually well illustrated.
Imagine living your life like an animal that has no thoughts, values or even morality. Co-existence with other human beings would be a real problem. Each person has values, morals, and code of ethics to live by in order to attain one's goals, and ambitions. If one analyzes the most successful people in the world, they all had values that they really upheld which brought them to that top place.
6 pages (1787 words)
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, Literature review
Indeed the figure of the salesmen seems fitting representatives of the Reagan-Bush-Thatcher era, which sequentially heralded the brutal downsizing of companies which characterized in the period of 1990s. Levene is merely not only the representative of a callous private enterprise: he, among his colleagues, is also a sufferer.
It is evident that ethics guides administrators in instilling virtues that promote morality within institutions. Policies and rules based on the morals promote achievements in institutions (Mizzoni, 2009). In administration, standard codes of practice by the management allows for flexibility in the morals applied.
People should not buy and sell organs for transplants because it is unethical to trade in human body parts. The ethical frameworks that could be used here in support of not buying and selling organs for transplants are justified because nobody likes to be a part of this heinous trade which is going on in different parts of the world (Hall, 2011).
The very fact unearthed by Milgram’s study that many times people agree to act on the commands given by the authority figures, even when they are contrary to their moral beliefs is indeed compelling. More so, when the Milgram study was indeed foolproof and did not overlook anything major except the ethical credentials.
The factor that influences morality development is emotion (Freud, 1962). Researchers emphasize the role of guilt, an agitation based emotion, in suppressing immoral drives. They have shown that encouraging and rewarding socially accepted behavior motivates individuals to participate in moral acts.
History has over and over again given us examples of this dilemma. Nor is this issue only prevalent in a free market society. The liberties found in a democratic state allow the entrepreneurial spirit to flourish. Where competition is allowed to exist, amazing advances will be made. To be competitive, companies need to be profitable.
1 pages (381 words)
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, Personal Statement
I have that potential or rather the ability to single out my obligations, duties and rights in any circumstance. The lens has taught me how to identify problems and their possible solutions before I can attempt to assist a colleague. If a coworker is depressed, I always get down to the cause of depression before I can offer any assistance.
The movie, ‘The Insider’ is a good illustration of ethical decision making. There are several ethical decisions made in this movie by the different characters. Firstly, the character of Russell Crowe, Jeffrey Wigand made a calculated ethical decision in approaching 60 minutes and airing out his story about tobacco and the addictive effects of its primary component nicotine.
The difficulty in discussing these issues is that considering whether the related actions are moral or immoral involves a valuation of life, not universally perceived by everyone. When considering how we “value” life, and how that valuation affects the moral implications of the issues of abortion and euthanasia, we must also consider the quality and stage of life.
Both arguments for and against it are not fully acceptable to all and no clear line has been drawn yet as to whether this type of research is beneficial or not. This outline aims at emphasizing avoidance of animal testing. One argument against the issue is that animal testing is immoral. It is supported by the idea that animals go through pain, torture, and horror.
The rights of animals have always been a topic of debate among human beings. Whether to consider animals morally equal to humans or not is the main point of this debate. Some consider animals as creatures equal to humans. Others call for a more ‘pragmatic’ approach and regard animals as ‘not so important’ species.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify the most appropriate course of action when the ethical values of autonomy and wellbeing conflict while providing necessary care to patients with the help of a selected case study. In the given scenario, around eleven caretakers were found causing physical and mental harm to disabled patients.
The most difficult questions are: How does one resolve the conflicts between the home nation's civil laws and ethical principles and those of the country in which one is doing business? What can one expect other countries' views of business ethics to be? For the most part, scholars have split into two camps of business ethics - normative and empirical.
The topics of integrity, sexual harassment and human differences are covered as a part of the professional ethics that human service professionals have to uphold since they also come with legal implications. For example, the relationship between the service provider and the client can be a difficult one due to the power and influence an unethical service provider might have over the client.
A non-renewable source, water can be recycled with ease and that helps in the repeated use of the same water. In the present world various factors like drastic climatic change, the rapid rate of industrialisation, unprecedented population growth, and rampant mismanagement of water have led to the stress in the water supply.
Johnson (1965) defined ethics as “the systematic inquiry into man’s moral behaviour with the purpose of discovering the rules that ought to govern human action and the goods that are worth seeking in human life”. These ethical standards governing the existence of human life also encompass the realm of diverse entities including research, business.
The author states that the members partisan to this Code of Ethical Conduct include full time and part time staff members, Overseers, members of the faculty, members of the advisory board and all other relevant officers and stakeholders. The university's Code of Ethical Conduct borrow heavily from the state, federal and domestic regulations.
Moral absolutism is pragmatically unattainable in the current position. Moral relativism is currently widely accepted dictum everywhere. People all over the world accept that what is moral to one set of people, need not be moral to another. Such acceptance of moral disagreements is the full-blown texture of ethics, which is relatively flexible.
To implement the code of ethics it is necessary to make sure that it is endorsed by the CEO or Chairman, integrate it into the running of the business, provide all the employees with a copy and listen to their reactions, make management and partners aware of the ethical principles, regularly review and update the code, make staff aware of the consequence of breaching the code, include ethical issues into training programs.
In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions, known as ethicism, is increasing. Simultaneously, the pressure is applied to the industry to improve business ethics through new public initiatives and laws (e.g. higher road tax for higher-emission vehicles).
The ethical behavior of business individuals is considered to be influenced by the religiousness of an individual. This view is strongly supported theoretically based on various aspects of religiousness such as conservatism and intrinsic religiousness. On the basis of the dimensions of a religion, a person behaves ethically or unethically.
The minorities are always given preference whether in recruitment or even promotions. They know they can get ahead of the whites with lesser qualifications and would never strive to improve. If the nation as a whole has to move ahead, the AA program has to be done away with because it is unfair both to the whites and the minorities.
The movie chosen for discussion is “The Freedom Writers”. It regards a new teacher and the challenges that she faced to make the students in her English class, who come from diverse ethnic backgrounds and who most disgust each other, get along. And, of course, by the end of the movie, she is victorious in doing so.
Fiona’s benefits after the evaluation process include job security during the commissioner’s period in office. There may also be other advantages such as salary increments and more jobs from the commissioner’s office. She will also able to make decisions based on her principles and the needs of the branch even if she is expected to cut back on the budget eventually.
He was a real versatile with remarkable intellectual abilities and extremely rare standard of teaching skill. However, despite his qualities, he had some bad habits which turned out to be the ethical issue I had to confront with later. Lori violated the ethical code of the organization by developing an unfair relationship with one of his female students.
Top-level managers need to write a separate code of ethics for the sales and marketing department. This needs to be communicated to the sales force. Thereafter, the management should decide the parameters or boundaries within which they can take actions. Managers have to balance ethics, economical and legal decisions.
There may be a situation in which they find themselves having to understand the needs of the client versus the needs of people who may need to be warned about behavior. As an example, if a counselor has a client who says they are going to kill someone or hurt them, the counselor's responsibility may be to call law enforcement and/or warn the individuals.
8 pages (2057 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The boundaries that are in “The Color Purple” not only create a boundary between genders but also identify men as an opposing force to the well-being of those in the book. By the end of the book, Walker imposes the idea that the only way that women can be happy is to be independent of the perceptions of men and how they relate to women.