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Engineering Innovation and Ethics - Coursework Example

The paper underlines that engineers have a significant contribution to science and technology as well as organizational growth and competitive advantage. The need for a professional engineer to be accountable, observe due diligence, and protect intellectual property rights is significant. …
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Engineering innovation and ethics Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Innovation for Sustainability Innovation and entrepreneurial nature of engineers The key driver for increasing quality of life and improving living standards of a nation is through innovation. Some countries such as Australia, US, UK and Germany have become world leaders in science by converting their inventions into innovation. In this dynamic world, the prosperity, wellbeing and future health of the people depend on their ability to innovate (Ferraro, 2012). Of particular interest are engineers because they play a critical role in improving society and innovation. We think innovation goes beyond research and development to include changes and creation of more effective ideas, products and processes. Innovation encompasses is an end-to-end process that extracts during the development of new services and processes, activities and products (Quek, 2011). Engineers are involved in the design and implementation of these processes, ideas and product development that in turn impact on society and environment. Engineers have been engaged in a debate regarding the general need to accomplish technological innovation and constricted the use of energy and materials to protect environmental systems. Preventing pollution not only requires technological innovation, but also a focus on reevaluating and redesigning products to decrease energy use and the amount of emissions (Thomas & Graedel, 2001). Entrepreneurs are individuals and organizations that employ creative and innovative ideas in business to increase profits, market share and new products or services to customers (Melnyk, et al. 2001). Entrepreneurship is not necessarily inventing but it implies adapting to changes or changing ones business model in ones environment to deliver better services or products. Entrepreneurs incorporate innovation in business to save time and money, and gain competitive advantage. In the midst of this growth and adaption is the engineer who innovates and creates more efficient work processes in order for business to be more productive and well performing (Australian Treasury, 2009). We believe that businesses that innovate or create new products or services are more likely to report increased productivity. We think that innovation also drives social improvements. Under social entrepreneurship, the non-profit sector has been steadfast in the provision of provision of social, welfare, economic and other services. For example, in Australia, the non-profit sector employs over 1 million and has added $55billion to the Australian economy. (ABS report, July 2014) We also understand that innovation is closely related to creativity. According to Cunningham (2006), there is a need for creativity across the society and economy, and people who are creative are diffused across industries.  People who are ‘creative’ can work as in creative industries, become embedded in other industries or support occupations in the creative industry (Beauchamp & Bowie, 1997). Therefore, we believe entrepreneurship should not be just about individuals starting their businesses but also large corporations encouraging entrepreneurial behavior among employees. For example, organizations can take to corporate venturing as a way of development new products and services and encouraging innovation. We now understand that innovation in engineering can build competitive and stronger economies, and extend the frontiers of science to solve real-life problems. Through championing the importance of research and engineering in a nation is a great commitment growth the national economy (Cunningham, 2006). We believe engineers can help build even stronger relationships between academia and industry by enabling entrepreneurship to derive more value from technologies and inventions. Therefore, global corporations, government, SMEs and universities all have an input in cultivating an environment for creative technical minds to thrive and new ideas to engender innovative services and products (Oriordan, 2013). We think the engineers have significant contribution in science and technology as well as organizational growth and competitive advantage. Impact of innovations on society and environment Engineering for centuries has paved way for true national and international wealth creation. Engineers and their professions continuously find new creative ways of encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation (Thomas & Graedel, 2001). The world is dynamic and globally interconnected as emerging economies adapt ‘leapfrog’ strategies to increase market share and use of new technologies. For example, in Australia, the society has transitioned to high value-added, high tech activities. In the course of this transitioning, engineers have provided adequate attention to product safety and cost (Australian Treasury, 2009). We understand that products and services impact all engineering products users and society as a whole. Of late, engineers are increasingly becoming more sensitive to the impact of their products on the environment (Oriordan, 2013). It has also come to our notice that some engineers may have been involved in the creation of a particular solution, but became constrained by the situation they attempted to address. For example, industrial production of chemicals and release of CFC’s gases to the atmosphere could not possibly imagine or were not aware of its impact on the society and destruction of the ozone layer. One other case of an engineering project that has had major effect on society was the hydroelectric dam construction (Three Gorges Dam project) on the Yangtze River in China. Despite providing hydroelectric power, the project had greater social and environmental ramifications (Thomas & Graedel, 2001). Structural and environmental engineers working on this project were careful to create a no greenhouse gas emissions or pollution free environment, but the impact on people, and flooding of farmland and cultural sites could not be contained. Other negative environmental impacts of the projects were eutrophication, ponding and decimation of fish populations (Oriordan, 2013). However, engineers have always been steadfast in protecting the environment through science and engineering, and also teaming with other professionals (Fischer, 2003). We believe that engineers can solve the vexing environmental challenges by designing complex solutions in order to save our world. We laud one success of chemical engineers in the conversion of power plant gases (sulfur oxides) into gypsum that is used in making wallboards. We also agree that engineers have been instrumental in removing trace contaminants from drinking water, improving our water supplies and developing innovative methods of disposing and treating of farm waste. Sustainability and environmental issues in engineering Engineering profession and future growth are intertwined through sustainable development. Key areas of technological innovation such as energy and the environment, information technology for society, entrepreneurship, and biology and health care can have a bold and broad impact on society. Sustainability encompasses smart transportation, alternative energy sources, environmental restoration, and mitigating effects of global warming (Fischer, 2003). We believe that by confronting the major global challenges, engineers through their creativity and innovativeness can utilize energy and the environmental technologies to engender a sustainable society for all future generation. Creation of high-paying jobs in high-growth industries and companies remains one of the greatest challenges facing the world today (Oriordan, 2013). Therefore, engineers have a task of applying their leadership skills deep technical backgrounds to lead this renaissance. At the heart of the transformation is entrepreneurial thinking of the engineer in the 21st century (Oriordan, 2013). They should show commitment to infusing entrepreneurship so that their ideas and innovations can help create future technology companies. We think that engineers control the continuum from alternative energy sources to biology to environmental remediation and medicine. For example, by designing more efficient engines, vehicles and environment experience fewer hazardous pollutants and reduced the environmental impact. Under green manufacturing, smokestacks, that stereotypical power plants and image of factories have had reduced black smoke emissions to the air (Ferraro, 2012). This implies that innovations by engineers such as chemical and industrial engineers have been able to neutralize and capture air pollutants for sustainable environment and species. Ethical issues in engineering Engineers are increasingly getting involved in startup companies requiring both engineering and business decisions. In large firms, engineers are brought into closer contact by a highly integrated product development cycles (Beauchamp & Bowie, 1997). At this point, they are provoked to think and consider ethical issues that were once the preserve of business managers. The rapid growth of e-commerce and biotechnology has engendered a new ethical landscape that engineers must adapt (Ferraro, 2012). Balancing safety and quality against cost is one ethical issue of great concern to engineers. Business managers desire to keep the cost down while engineers desire a high-quality product design. There is need for a delicate balance between ethical, business, and legal issues. As business issues surrounds firms’ actions to remain competitive in the marketplace, ethical and legal issues relate to their actions (Beauchamp & Bowie, 1997). The theory of negligence covers safety issues under tort law (civil wrong) although in some cases it can be a crime. For example, it is unethical for a firm to reduce ballast ratios in bridge construction for the purposes of saving costs and maximizing revenue. Legally, any injury resulting from the unsafe bridge will have the contractor liable for damages owing to negligence and failure to exercise due care (Ferraro, 2012). Generally, accepted norms in the engineering profession define the standard of care. In order to ensure safety, professional associations specify constraints often through publishing manuals defining minimum tolerances. We believe that the law on the professional status of engineering are enshrined relies heavily therefore on morals and ethics. Ethics recall quality and safety as the distinction of engineer’s professional obligations from other obligations (Chubb, 2014. We feel that engineers should always live up to the expectations the profession to adhering to an ethical code of conducts and espouses values relating to business and engineering ethics. Engineers have a responsibility in ‘whistle blowing’ unethical practices and protecting intellectual property. Whistle blowing There are at least three basic responses for an engineer once they deem that current practice is unethical. Theses includes; ‘whistle blowing’ publicly or internally, resigning, or keeping quiet and become loyal to company’s actions. Ethical issues must be distinguished from prudential ones, and thus a would-be whistleblower ought to carefully think before acting. Whistleblowers effectiveness is uneven and often pays a substantial price (Bok, 1980). The employee must also consider the duties of fellow employees in the event of resigning just to avoid unethical conduct. We know that employment is indistinguishable from other work-for-hire unless there is some level of commitment. Ethics must be practiced by both employers and employees (Chubb, 2014. Although it may be difficult for a company to take action on an employee who behaves unethically, we believe that engineers have a duty to uphold ethics and values in the course of their work. Intellectual property Engineers create little else than intellectual property because they are essentially designers. We believe it is important that they understand the issues and concept surrounding intellectual property rights. A rethinking of intellectual property law and ethics has been facilitated by rapid development of information and biological technology (Beauchamp & Bowie, 1997). Legally speaking, intellectual property can be a copyrighted material, a trade secret or patented invention. We know that a patent is always registered in the inventors name but owner of the patent may be a corporation or another person. An engineer needs to respect any trade secret or invention conceived by an inventor even when working ‘for hire.’ We understand that pure ideas must be allowed to circulate without commercial restraint, and that is why intellectual property rights ownership is steadily increasing (Chubb, 2014. On the other hand, the development of affordable new remedies could be spurred by the patenting of variants (Hooker, 2000). A more general analysis of their moral status and property systems is required for full resolution of this dilemma. For example, one may tentatively suggest in the meantime that genetic or other engineering aspects have a capability of creating products that substantially extend beyond the traditional substance. Through intellectual property, one may commercialize or grant the patent to the product (Sachs, 2011). We figure out that there are better ways of organizing property where their effects are substantially similar, grants no patent, but allows for commercialization. Role of an engineer in protecting the environment As far ecological control is concerned an engineer has big role to play. The art of using the great sources of power in nature is basically engineering (Okamoto, et al. 2005). We believe that an engineer is at the center of convenience, benefits and survival of mankind. Some of the components of engineering include energy, machines, manpower, materials, and money (WEF, 2013). We think that just as engineers are responsible for the construction of industries power plants dams, sanitary schemes, and water supply they are the solution to problems caused by the same projects. Two major reasons that compel engineers to consider environmental protection during design and construction phases are practical and moral (Thomas & Graedel, 2001). In practical terms, environmental mischief increases the danger to public health, cost money and lead to political opposition (Engineers Australia, 2012). Morally, developments inconsistent with environmental processes betray our responsibilities to our descendants, the earth and our humanness.  Environmental protection is now a global concern and all engineers including those in the fields of atomic energy, nuclear physics, chemistry, and metallurgy are called to act (WEF, 2013). Although the government has some input, people's participation is in the interest of mankind and essentially required (DOI, 2014). Industrial engineers play major role in protecting the environment since they are mainly responsible for environmental pollution. Regarding pollution prevention they can develop ways to alter the sources of the waste or practice this concept for minimal wastes to be generated as a by-product (Chubb, 2014).  We now appreciate that engineers have responsibilities and roles in the management of products and wastes as well as production process. We feel that environmental engineers should be called upon to act when industrial engineers fail to contain source wastes. As we struggle with this thought perspective, we question the extent at which industrial engineers have gone without monopolizing environmental protection. We also believe that environmental engineers and industrial engineers should be willing to accept and share new roles of preventing pollution. If this concept were to take flight, there is need to realign occupational goals, recognize potential and integrate the two disciplines (Thomas & Graedel, 2001). Careful planning of resources is needed in the event of performing certain operations or designing a new process of product manufacture (Weiss, 2008). Creating ecologically sustainable organizations is possible through incorporation of industrial engineers into design processes. We believe that businesses will benefit when the amount of waste are reduced in the by-product system. Limiting energy use makes the ideal state to be attained much more easily when materials undergo product redesign or recycling. Besides, ecologically sensitive purchasing policies are possible and can be developed (Engineers Australia, 2012). We appreciate the effort by engineers in continuous improvement in order to engender zero product defects, zero system wastes and less damage to the environment. Challenges and recommendations in producing the document Producing this poster required equal participation among group members. At first it was difficult to go through the team stages, but familiarity of each member made work easier. We divided roles and some members were ahead of others. We had to meet regularly to compare notes and receive updates on the progress of the group report. Our tasks were involving and demanded extensive research on secondary sources. Adopting a specific search strategy was challenging as well as agreeing on one item to be presented and documented. We learned that it is important to embrace ethics as an engineer. Specific point of learning was sustainability and role of an engineer in protecting and conserving the environment. We feel that our group roles led us to appreciate engineering innovation and ethics as a discipline that is intertwined with business ethics and law. We found that although engineers are under pressure to deliver quality and highly performing products, they are mandated to engender responsible processes, systems and organizations. We recommend that; Engineers should learn and practice sustainable development during their training and also practice. All engineers should integrate sustainability and innovation ethics in the course of their careers. Lastly, proper structures of whistle blowing need to be instituted to raise the consciousness of organizations in fighting unethical activities in firms and unfair use of intellectual property. Engineering competencies We identified two competencies from the Australia Engineers stage 1. First was about ethical conduct and professional accountability. In the course of writing the engineering ethics report, we demonstrated great commitment to Engineers Australia professional conduct and code of ethics. We now understand the need for a professional engineer to be accountable, observe due diligence and protect intellectual property rights. Second competency was about effective written and oral communication in lay and professional and lay domains. To a greater extent as a group, we have been able to produce a report written and read in English. We also learned to prepare high quality reports such as proposals, technical descriptions and poster design. We have been able to present arguments and justifications in engineering innovations and ethics especially in the Australian context. References Australian Treasury (2009). ‘Raising the Level of Productivity Growth in the Australian Economy’. Beauchamp, T. L. & Bowie, N.E. (1997). Ethical Theory and Business, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall (Upper Saddle River, NJ). Bok, S. (1980). Whistle blowing and professional responsibility, New York University Education Quarterly 11: 2-7. Chubb, I. (2014). Speech: 2014 Jack Beale Lecture at UNSW, 13 August 2014. Cunningham, S. (2006). in “What Price a Creative Economy?” DOI, (2014). Department of Industry. Australian Innovation System Report 2014. Engineers Australia (2012), Innovation in Engineering Report June 2012 Ferraro, X. (2012). The emerging roles of industrial engineers in preventing pollution and creating a sustainable environment. Mexico. Fischer, H.A. (2003). The National Security Implications of the Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming, Submitted to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Hooker, J. (2000). Some business-related ethical issues in engineering. Carnegie Mellon University. Melnyk, S. A., Handfield, R. B., & Calantone, R. J. (2001). Integrating Environmental Concerns into the Design Process: The Gap between Theory and Practice. IEEE transactions on engineering management. 48.2. OECD (2014) Economic policy reforms: Going for Growth, February 2014. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).  Okamoto, N.D., Rhee, J. & Mourtos, N.J. (2005). Educating students to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global / societal context. 8th UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education. San Jose State University. Oriordan, T. (2013). Conserving the environment: the engineers role. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 3(10): 10-28. Quek, A. (2011). The Role of Environmental Engineering. Engineering, Suite101. N.p., 21 Oct 2008. Web. 28 Nov 2011.  Sachs, J. (2011). “The Price of Civilization”. Thomas, V. M. & Graedel. T.E. (2001). Research Issues in Sustainable Consumption: Toward an Analytical Framework for Materials and the Environment. Environmental, Science & Technology. 37. 23. WEF (2013). The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-14. September 2013, World Economic Forum (WEF) Weiss, P. (2008). Oceans of Electricity: New Technologies Convert the Motion of Waves into Watts, Science News Online, 159, 15, 234.   Read More

We now understand that innovation in engineering can build competitive and stronger economies, and extend the frontiers of science to solve real-life problems. Through championing the importance of research and engineering in a nation is a great commitment growth the national economy (Cunningham, 2006). We believe engineers can help build even stronger relationships between academia and industry by enabling entrepreneurship to derive more value from technologies and inventions. Therefore, global corporations, government, SMEs and universities all have an input in cultivating an environment for creative technical minds to thrive and new ideas to engender innovative services and products (Oriordan, 2013).

We think the engineers have significant contribution in science and technology as well as organizational growth and competitive advantage. Impact of innovations on society and environment Engineering for centuries has paved way for true national and international wealth creation. Engineers and their professions continuously find new creative ways of encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation (Thomas & Graedel, 2001). The world is dynamic and globally interconnected as emerging economies adapt ‘leapfrog’ strategies to increase market share and use of new technologies.

For example, in Australia, the society has transitioned to high value-added, high tech activities. In the course of this transitioning, engineers have provided adequate attention to product safety and cost (Australian Treasury, 2009). We understand that products and services impact all engineering products users and society as a whole. Of late, engineers are increasingly becoming more sensitive to the impact of their products on the environment (Oriordan, 2013). It has also come to our notice that some engineers may have been involved in the creation of a particular solution, but became constrained by the situation they attempted to address.

For example, industrial production of chemicals and release of CFC’s gases to the atmosphere could not possibly imagine or were not aware of its impact on the society and destruction of the ozone layer. One other case of an engineering project that has had major effect on society was the hydroelectric dam construction (Three Gorges Dam project) on the Yangtze River in China. Despite providing hydroelectric power, the project had greater social and environmental ramifications (Thomas & Graedel, 2001).

Structural and environmental engineers working on this project were careful to create a no greenhouse gas emissions or pollution free environment, but the impact on people, and flooding of farmland and cultural sites could not be contained. Other negative environmental impacts of the projects were eutrophication, ponding and decimation of fish populations (Oriordan, 2013). However, engineers have always been steadfast in protecting the environment through science and engineering, and also teaming with other professionals (Fischer, 2003).

We believe that engineers can solve the vexing environmental challenges by designing complex solutions in order to save our world. We laud one success of chemical engineers in the conversion of power plant gases (sulfur oxides) into gypsum that is used in making wallboards. We also agree that engineers have been instrumental in removing trace contaminants from drinking water, improving our water supplies and developing innovative methods of disposing and treating of farm waste. Sustainability and environmental issues in engineering Engineering profession and future growth are intertwined through sustainable development.

Key areas of technological innovation such as energy and the environment, information technology for society, entrepreneurship, and biology and health care can have a bold and broad impact on society. Sustainability encompasses smart transportation, alternative energy sources, environmental restoration, and mitigating effects of global warming (Fischer, 2003). We believe that by confronting the major global challenges, engineers through their creativity and innovativeness can utilize energy and the environmental technologies to engender a sustainable society for all future generation.

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