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, Personal Statement
I find myself having trouble discussing issues related to sexual orientation, and also abortion. I have trouble with these issues because I am not sure what the right decision is, and I do not feel comfortable claiming to have an answer. I am afraid of making people angry, and also that I do not have enough information to make a judgment on the subject.
Being an important aspect of the society, most especially in terms of maintaining the health and well-being of the people, the health care institution is necessitated to be a solid and amicable institution that values each and every individual in or out of the four corners of the hospital or any other health institution.
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Ethics in business apply to all aspects of its conduct right from strategizing in boardrooms, treatment of their employees as well as suppliers to selling techniques and other practices which include accounting (IBE 2007). Business ethics goes past the legal provisions for each and every company, thus, it is about tangible decisions and good business behavior guided by ethical values.
The study on genetic engineering, also known as the application of direct manipulation on the organism’s genes, started back in the 1960s. Through genetic engineering, it is now possible to clone another human being, modify the physical appearance, generate food, prevent future illnesses, or to enable the parents to choose the sex and appearance.
The organization is always willing and eager to learn from its mistakes, ready to bring in fresh changes within the processes, and always encouraging its stakeholders and employees to invest more in terms of money and time, respectively. Managing an organization is also an important function which comes under the learning principles.
As we all know the financial services organization is dominated by a “laddish” culture, where the women do not equal opportunities to advance in their field. This culture has been present for many years and hence would be very difficult to change. To bring about the changes recommended in the earlier part of the report, the management’s support is very necessary.
7 pages (1876 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The subtitle of this book: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures, in a nutshell, gives us an idea of the story of the book. In the story, a little Hmong girl is diagnosed as having epilepsy. However, her parents believe that it is caused by spirits and they try to cure her illness in their own Hmong ways and not with Western medicines leading to a huge misunderstanding.
An organization and its leader or manager should not stagnate and saturate. Schein (2004) pushes forward this idea by stating “that the leader of the future must be a perpetual learner”. The perpetual learner in the sense, they should learn new levels of perception and should play an important role in integrating the ethics component.
An organizational leader or the organization itself will be judged by the success they achieve. Judged in the sense, the leader and his/her organization will be viewed positively, feted, or on the other hand criticized, avoided, etc, etc… by various stakeholders mainly based on the success or the lack of success (failure).
To analyze if the person is right or wrong, it would be enough to have a look at what is he wishing to conserve. This can be explained with the help of an example. It can be revealed that if the social forms conform with the person’s highest goals and thus. relates to the deepest thinking of the man, then it is not an issue for him.
It indicates that if a plan is made to help a company but is merely able to help everybody except those unable to type, then the method eliminates specific individuals and is automatically ethical. In this scenario, the ethics could simply come under explanation as substantial ethics, meaning one thing takes place, so something else should happen to rectify or rationalize the condition.
Business owners have a great say in determining the moral philosophies of their business ventures. On the other hand, employees follow the instructions by implementing and attending to their respective duties, therefore, it is up to the business owner to build a work environment that supports ethical standards of their action or behavior.
A self-regulatory code of ethics ensures that a company exploits its full potential (Preston, & Andrew, 2000). This enables the organization to achieve its goals. This does not necessarily guarantee success but paddles companies into success in a major way. Advantageously, a personal code of ethics can include other ethical codes.
Marsha is recently recruited by XYZ Enterprises, Inc. She has worked together with a senior product development engineer Tom on the design of a new device of ground fault interrupt (GFI). Their design reduces the product cost, response time among other benefits. Tom risks getting fired from the company which he cannot afford given he needs money for the medical treatment of his son.
13 pages (3587 words)
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, Research Paper
Sometimes it is the manner in which offenders conduct themselves and then defeat the course of justice under unwavering due process of Law aimed at protecting people civil liberties guaranteed under the written codes. The ability to make the right decisions is a subject of paramount moral considerations
The subject of abortion is one of the leading courses of moral and religious controversy in the world today with different societies holding radically different views about it. However, in other countries such as the USA and the UK, abortion is practiced as a matter of cause in many hospitals and it is even considered a right.
If one educator or director handles the issue without supporting evidence, the dilemma won’t be resolved completely. When a dilemma arises it is important that the staff follow the ERC using supporting documents to support them. The dilemma centred around a preschool boy who was wearing female clothing when his dad arrived to pick him up.
From the analysis of the three articles as presented above, it is evident that there is a major link between the standards or the models of ethics and the codes of conduct that would govern the model. Honesty would be a key element of such code and it would have to be integrated into the entire business model of workplace ethics.
An ethical dilemma is typically described as a difficult circumstance that involves a conflict between different morals or it can also be defined as an intricate situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in contravening another.
There are philosophers who assert that if human beings have rights, non- human creatures and animals should also have their privileges and rights taken into consideration. Numerous disagreements have arisen about this proposition owing to the results that would come about following recognition of animal rights.
Though they were initially opposed by the Bush administration, targeted killings have a taken central role in the US government in the war against terror. Instances of target killings by the US have commanded significant attention such as the killing of American citizen Anwar al-Aulaqi and Osama Bin Laden in 2011.
This question requires one first to explain the statement that if one is doing the right thing, does it matter if they take a duty action or act from immediate inclination. Then it will answer if the objector of the question is right or not and give reasons. The essay will depict the thesis statement and give a supporting statement to support it.
6 pages (1685 words)
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, Literature review
Morality is a concept that usually has different understating from different aspects of life and from different ethical, political, and religious understanding. In most cases, the practical and observed agnostic or religious goals and values usually have different applications of the word and its related principles.
The issue of abortion has been a critical topic that every person worldwide has been every day discussing. Therefore, this research is going to answer some of the abortion questions that remain unanswered. Following the legalization of abortion, the number of abortions has been at an upsurge trend.
The ethical thought scholars see moral advancement through a set of stages that construct aptitudes and afterward interpret into the worldwide viewpoint of the tyke. The ethical behavioral methodology battles that fortification; discipline, impersonation, and situational presentation are components that help the ethical advancement of a person.
6 pages (1589 words)
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, Research Paper
If Nina is to continue being an employee of NAI without taking part in violating the accounting rules, she has to request family and medical leave. This will enable her to continue being an employee of NAI while also ensuring she does not take part in the violating of the accounting rules as proposed by Larry.
In his/her perspective, s/he uses the collaborative efforts of all the four aspects to decide about what his/her present should be and how will s/he use own competencies for moving forward, in the context of attaining a bright future. From a generalized point of view, s/he describes his/her mission as a combination of rigorous effort.
These workers operate under harsh working conditions that include long hours, unhealthy conditions as well as an oppressive environment. Proponents of sweatshops commonly argue that these uncomfortable working conditions are acceptable if the laborers freely contract themselves to work under such conditions. Critics of sweatshops retort to these postulations.
The term refers to both process of making those minute things in the nanometer scale and the things made using that process. The essence of nanotechnology is to enable human beings to dismantle objects into constituent molecules and reassemble them into other life forms with desired characteristics such as low cost, durability, etc. (Nano Research Facility, n.d.).
Having examined all the evidence, one is able to point out the following: there are surely many different approaches to parenting, each of which is able to present valid support of its position. That is why there may not be a single, one-dimensional analysis of parenting since this category involved at least two individuals.
Corporate ethics is one of the major issues of any business operations. Often managers are faced with ethical dilemmas where they have to choose between what is morally right and what their duty dictates. Although, the objective of an organization is to generate revenue while doing so the managers often forget about their moral obligations to society.
11 pages (3020 words)
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, Research Proposal
It is feasible through the use of the developed integrated model and an organization that seeks new employees. Effective use of the model through its three phases would ensure the incorporation of ethics during the recruitment and selection process. The timeline of implementing the development depends on an organization's schedule for recruitment.
Nowadays, unethical practices like academic dishonesty are rampant across all private and governmental sectors. When something like that happens in a respected department like Navy, it makes national news. The recent US Navy exams scandal created major sensation across the country bringing into focus the declining integrity of Navy ethics.
I know everyone sees the image in my hand. The rabbit looks vigorous, pleasant, and the kind of pet that you would want your little sibling or cousin to play with, generally because it is harmless. I bet that even some of you would describe themselves as ‘rabbit people’ when it comes to the choice of pets.
5 pages (1470 words)
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, Literature review
The article under consideration is titled “Who Owns Your Body Parts? Everyone’s Making Money in the Market for Tissue – Except the Donors” and was written by Kerry Howley, a senior editor at Defunct magazine, who raises awareness of the need to regulate the process of tissue procurement.
As a moral obligation, the occupational health researcher should ensure that an occupational health physician takes part in the research. Having a workplace physician is very vital since he works as a double agent with the responsibility of caring for the workers. The physician will help in conducting an assessment of the workers.
Ethics is considered to be the most important essence in life. The norms and customs within the society give life a more meaning in itself as a long yet an ever-evolving journey. It is difficult for an individual to go the hardship and bitter way without having a set of his/her own rules of ethics.
The individuals’ right to decide to prolong or end life is a very provocative issue which has not yet been conclusively resolved. The arguments for and against euthanasia are many and have their respective merits. The patients’ right to decide to end his life in cases of the terminally ill, suffering from chronic, unbearable pain is accepted.
The researches conducted on the therapists elaborate on the need for ethics and values in counseling. The clinicians displayed greater support of independence and lower backing of traditional values in the Survey of Interpersonal Values. Bergin and Jensen (1988) view it irrelevant to endorse the idea of values in counseling.
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is a part of the larger Federal Reserve System which manages the open market systems that are present in the US. When it comes to making the national economic and monetary policy, the FOMC has the primary responsibility of setting the short term agenda as a target rate for the Federal Funds Rate.
Ethics plays a role in the business world, but many times companies have to make decisions that are aligned with the best interest of their stockholders which are increasing revenues to create higher stockholders’ value. These situations are sometimes very tough, and humans can not let personal emotion influence their reactions to these decisions.
Ethics has no part to play in managerial activities, which tends to suggest that as a manager considers issues of strategy and the fulfillment of corporate objectives he or she is not required to exhibit or promote ethical behaviors or policies. Such a statement implies that businesses, by design, should be focused on sustaining the profitability needs of the company.
In the political, social and individual spheres, moral decisions are to be informed and influenced by both emotion and reason. The philosophical precepts of moral philosophy elaborate on the varying significance of emotion and reason. They have explained the concepts of reason and emotion in the best way possible for the sake of their respective arguments.
Without this inherent nature of being good, it is not possible to motivate a person to be good. Motivation is cognitive while emotions, religious conviction, and love are non-cognitive aspects of rationality. So merely knowing the distinction between good and bad cannot motivate a person to be good.
With a struggling global economy that is without a doubt, most challenging, there always seem to be other opportunities that constantly present themselves when a crisis occurs. In the legal services industry, this opportunity came in the form of legal process outsourcing (LPO). Many years ago, this was a small idea that brewed in the minds of a small group of people in the US.
After about six decades, people can claim that religion has undoubtedly heard of preservation or conservation in Leopold’s premise, which means accord and harmony between the mortals and the land. Roger Gotleib’s latest, a remarkable collection of spiritual ecological concern narrates its global expanse and diversity.
This relationship cannot exceed the working quarters and the heart of the linkage must remain within the dentist’s clinic. Anything which asks of the patient/dentist relations to exceed the already accepted norms within the society is a manifestation above logic and legality. Patient/dentist dating is something that does not stand as a very accepted procedure.
As one of many progenitors of other human beings, s/he finds this issue morally and legally reprehensible. But s/he bears a two-fisted burden in saying so. As a member of the medical community, s/he also finds that the possibilities for stem cell research are filled with the hopes and promises of the possibility of bringing forth cures for what is now.
It also highlights organizational behavior driven by organizational culture. Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior at work, including individuals’, groups’, and organizations’ actions and reactions within psychosocial, interpersonal, and behavioral dynamics. The most important of them is the individual behavior forming a part of the other two.
There is the important element of looking after the respective health regimes of both Mary and her kid as well. All these considerations need to be properly taken care of so that Mary could feel safe for not only her own self but also for her kid. Jean has a huge role to play and she must realize the gravity of the whole situation at hand.