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Ethics for Interpreters and Translators - Assignment Example

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The paper "Ethics for Interpreters and Translators" states that the accuracy of details is hampered if the translation of a document does not meet the minimum standards of accuracy. It might as well carry and convey the same inaccurate message to the audience it is meant for. …
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Ethics for Interpreters and Translators
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Ethics for Interpreters and Translators (Assignment) Answer The principle involved here is that of accuracy. If I find any error in the facts or figures given in the document, it is my professional obligation to bring it to the notice of the client. The principle of accuracy in the Code of ethics means that a practitioner should use his/her best professional judgment in ensuring the accuracy of details that can determine the meaning of the texts and messages. So I would first inform the client of such incongruity in the figures quoted in the document. Then if the client permits me to make the corresponding corrections, I would do that. Or else I would simply do the translation keeping the figures as they are. Answer 2 The principle involved is meeting professional commitments. If the lengthy task assigned along with a specific deadline for submission has already been accepted by me, then I have no choice but to finish and submit the assignment within the given deadline, even if that requires me to seek help from anyone else. If I seek to obtain my partner’s assistance in completing the project, it would involve two issues. Firstly it would entail the process of sub-contracting of the task, which requires sanction from the client. Secondly if the work is shared with my partner, it would require disclosing all information in the document with him. This too would require the permission of the client. So before taking any decision on this matter, I would apprise the client of the situation and follow the course of action chosen by him. If he permits my partner to share the task, then my partner will share my accountability for the quality of work done. Answer 3 The principle involved here is professional competence. It states that translators should only undertake work they are competent to perform and in the languages for which they are professionally qualified through training and credentials. So if I am assigned a task that involves sound knowledge of Latin, I would not accept it at the first place. I would clearly reveal to the client that I do not possess the requisite expertise in Latin as a language, nor do I have the necessary accreditation needed for the same. But I would also tell him that if he permits, I can still do the translation by taking the help of internet research. If then the client agrees to let me do the translation, I would do it. Or else I would give up the assignment keeping in mind that I lack the professional competence required for this particular task. Answer 4 The principle involved here is that of accuracy. The principle of accuracy in the Code of ethics means that a practitioner should use his/her best professional judgment in ensuring the accuracy of details that can mould the meaning of the texts and messages contained in the document. The Code also permits interpreters and translators to ask for repetition, rephrasing or explanation if anything is unclear. The accuracy of details is hampered if the translation of a document does not meet the minimum standards of accuracy. It might as well carry and convey the same inaccurate message to the audience it is meant for. If I am asked to check a translated document that lacks the required level of standards and quality, it is my professional duty to bring it to the notice of the client and then take due permission from him to redo the translation from scratch for the sake of the quality of the work. Answer 5 The situation in question involves the issue of transparency and disclosure of necessary information to the client. If the client has any questions regarding the higher rates charged by me for my translation work as compared to that charged by the other translator, I will give him the apt explanation for the same. I will apprise him of the fact that the other translator who is working at relatively cheaper rates does not possess an accreditation. An accreditation is a mark of the authenticity and competence of a professional and ensures high quality and precision of the work delivered. This is the reason why the accredited translators like me charge higher for their work as it comes with the assurance of accuracy and credibility. Work delivered by unaccredited translators, on the other hand, may be spurious and not up to the acceptable standards of literary work. Answer 6 The assignment cannot be accepted as we need to protect a client’s right to privacy and confidentiality. Also there might be some kind of conflicts of interest in this case unless it is clear to me why the client has gone to that agency. As a translator, I need to be able to guard against misusing private information for personal benefits. I am not sure what information that agency will require me to translate. My long term client might have some reason why they did not come to me for this assignment. I need to respect that client’s privacy and interest in this case. Hence taking permission from the concerned Commonwealth government department is essential before accepting the task. In order to be ethically correct, I should not take up this assignment immediately without consulting my old client. Again it is not ethical for that agency to pass on extra work to another translator “if they are unable to accept an assignment from a client WITHOUT expecting any monetary recompense in return from either their translator colleague or the client requesting the translation.” Answer 7 The ethical principle at stake here is the integrity in business practice. The principle states that practitioners should not by any means engage in, nor allow, the use of statements regarding testimonials or credentials that are “false, misleading, incomplete, or likely to mislead participants or members of the public”. (ASLIA, p. 8) If during my research I find out that the diploma titles and the certificates that feature in the translation I have been assigned are false or non-existent, I would then and there give up the task stating the same as the reason for quitting. It is evident that the client is trying to forge an academic record for the sake of supporting an application. My assisting him in such an endeavor will not only be ethically unacceptable but will also significantly endanger my professional authenticity and credibility amongst my prospective clients. Answer 8 The aspect of the code of ethics involved in the given situation is professional accountability and professional conduct. The principle of securing the privacy and confidentiality of the information supplied by the client comes to play in such a situation. The Code states that practitioners should respect the privacy of the clients and “hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service, be that within an interpreting assignment or in the details about an assignment”. (ASLIA, p. 3) I would respond to such a situation by adhering to the code of ethics and safeguarding all the confidential information related to the client disclosed in the contract. It would be very tempting to utilize a piece of confidential information if that could bring financial gains. But getting carried away by such a lure would not only harm the client but also damage my professional career by jeopardizing my goodwill in the fraternity. Answer 9 The issue involved in this case is that of impartiality in the treatment of professional contacts. In this case, the affidavit needs to be translated in order to file a claim for the worker’s compensation. Since the client is the patient of my spouse, my spouse might be summoned by the court for giving evidence. In such a situation, I will remain impartial and not show any kind of bias towards any of the clients, irrespective of the fact that they are related to my spouse in some way. I would surely strictly adhere to the code of ethics which instructs me to disclose any conflicts of interest that I perceive in the way of my work. The Code of ethics clearly says that “Translators do not show bias towards either the author of the source text or the intended readers of their translation” and they should “frankly disclose all conflicts of interest, e.g. in assignments for relatives or friends and those affecting their employers”. (AUSIT, p. 9) Hence I will not be affected by any such perceived conflict of interests in the course of my work and translate the affidavit in an objective and neutral way. Answer 10 The aspect of the code of ethics involved in the given situation is the privacy and confidentiality of the information supplied by the client. It is a matter of professional accountability and professional conduct. Exploiting the client’s confidentiality by revealing their private information to the public is something that goes against the code of ethics. However such an act, though unethical, promises great financial gains by boosting the share prices in the stock market. So here the discretion lies in my hands and I get to make a choice between my personal gain and the principles of professional integrity. Given such a situation, I would definitely choose to abide by the principle of professional integrity. I hold both my profession and the ethics involved in it in a very high esteem. The code of ethics states that a practitioner must “hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service, be that within an interpreting assignment or in the details about an assignment”. (ASLIA, p. 3) In keeping with this principle, I would respect my client’s right to privacy and confidentiality, and abstain for any such activity which involves the misuse of the client’s inside information for my personal gain. Answer 11 The situation given here involves the ethical principle of impartiality. A translator while doing his work should remain neutral, impartial, and objective. He or she should refrain from tampering with the content of a document “for political, religious, moral, or philosophical reasons, or any other biased or subjective consideration”. (ASLIA, p. 7) The Code states that a translator should have the ability to “put aside personal biases or reactions which threaten impartiality”. So I will adhere to the same while translating a leaflet on HIV/AIDS. Even if I feel that the content might be unacceptable in my community, I would not let it affect my work in any way. However in the less probable event of being unable to do so, I will resort to other options available to me such as withdrawing my services from the assignment, or may be not accepting it in the first place. Answer 12 The principle involved here is that of accountability. If I find any incoherence in the original affidavit, it is my moral obligation to bring it to the notice of the client. The principle of accuracy in the Code of ethics states that a practitioner should use his/her best professional judgment in ensuring the accuracy of details that can determine the meaning of the texts and messages. So I would first inform the client of such incoherence featuring in the legal document. This would be to ensure that the onus of the incoherence does not rest with me. I would then leave it to the client to take the necessary measures to remove the incoherent elements and rectify the affidavit, before I start working on the translation. If needed, I would even volunteer to discuss the matter with the practitioner who had originally drafted the document. Answer 13 The ethical principle involved in this situation is accountability for professional competence. It states that translators should only undertake work they are competent to perform and in those specific domains for which they are professionally qualified by virtue of proper training and credentials. So if I am assigned a task that involves sound knowledge of engineering and technical expertise, I would not accept it at the first place. I would clearly reveal to the client that I possess neither the requisite knowledge nor adequate experience in the specified domain. But if I have already accepted the contract and started working on it by taking the help of secondary research, I will have no choice but to complete the task even if it is not financially viable for me. Since the decision to carry on with it was my independent choice it is my sole obligation to finish it. Answer 14 The issue involved in this case is that of impartiality in the treatment of professional contacts. The Code of ethics states that a translator should “frankly disclose all conflicts of interest, e.g. in assignments for relatives or friends and those affecting their employers”. (AUSIT, p. 9) In this case, the medical report needs to be translated for the sake of filing a claim for compensation. The client, being the relative of my spouse, might try to influence me to translate the report in a way that creates undue benefits for them. In such a situation, I would surely not yield to such requests and strictly adhere to the code of ethics which instructs me to disclose any conflicts of interest that I perceive in the way of my work. I will remain impartial and not show any kind of bias towards any of the clients, irrespective of the fact that they are related to my spouse. The Code clearly says that “Translators do not show bias towards either the author of the source text or the intended readers of their translation.” (AUSIT, p. 9) Hence I will translate the report in a way I would have done it if the clients were complete strangers to me. Answer 15 The principle involved is professional solidarity. First of all I would take this matter up to the other practitioner who had translated the text, and try to resolve the issue amicably and professionally. If that yields no fruits, I will bring this matter to the notice of the organisation of which the practitioner is a member, since both of us belong to the same professional fraternity. The decision that is made by this consultation with the organisation and the mutual agreement of the involved parties will be final. Since the issue is very delicate and involves the question of mutual respect and professional harmony, it needs to be sorted out with extreme caution and care. The aim should be to reach a resolution that promises not only to deliver perfection to the client, but also to offer scope for professional development to the other practitioner. Answer 16 The ethical principle involved in the given situation is accuracy of translation in terms of truth and completeness. My job as a translator is to simply translate the matter supplied to me by the client without judging whether or not that information is accurate in itself. The principle of accuracy as stated in the Code of ethics relates to the accurate translation of the facts and information as represented in the original document. Even if blatant untruths are written in the document to be translated, translators are expected to convey these accurately as presented. As a translator my professional obligation is to communicate accurately and completely everything that is said or written in the travel brochure of the company. It is neither my duty nor in my professional capacity to judge whether the company has accurately represented the quality of their tour services or stated the fees charged by them for the same. Hence, I would restrict my work within the limits of what is stated in the brochure and not go beyond it to verify the authenticity of the details given therein. While translating I will keep the meaning and intent of the content same as that given in the original document. Answer 17 The ethical principle involved here is accountability for professional competence which states that a translator should only undertake work in which he or she is competent and qualified by virtue of proper training and credentials. So if I am assigned a task that involves high expertise in word processing skills, I would not accept it. I would clearly reveal to the client that I possess neither the requisite knowledge nor adequate experience required for heavily formatting the document. However, if the client still insists on getting the job done by me, I would be candid enough to put forward the condition that I would render the translation in the standardized simple format. Any additional formatting that needs to be done has to be done by the client himself. By doing so I can do my job without running the risk of performing a task for which I lack the desired competence. Answer 18 The matter here involves the principle of professional solidarity as well as professional development. If the translation done by my colleague is fairly accurate with respect to its content, it should not raise any issue while I do the checking. A translation can be regarded as accurate as long as it adequately and correctly conveys the message contained in the original document. The code of faithful interpretation says- “Every interpretation shall be faithful to and render faithfully the message of the source text. A faithful interpretation should not be confused with a literal interpretation.” (ASLIA, p. 5) However, if I feel that it lacks the required finesse of language, it is entirely my own personal opinion and I may, at the most, suggest the translator to improve his language skills, in keeping with the code that advises translators to “support and encourage professional development within the profession and among their colleagues”. (AUSIT, p. 12) Answer 19 The ethical issue involved in this matter is fulfilment of professional commitments. If the assignment with the specified deadline has been accepted by me, then I am expected to finish and submit the assignment within the given deadline, even if that requires me to seek help from anyone else. If I seek to obtain some other translator’s assistance in completing the project, it would involve the process of sub-contracting of the task, which requires the consent of the client. Moreover sharing the work with another translator would require sharing all information in the document with him which would also require the permission of the client. So I would apprise the client of the situation and if he permits me to share the task with another translator, then I would make sure that the co-translator I choose has the required competence to perform the work as I will be holding full accountability for the quality of work done. References: ASLIA’s Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Professional Conduct. Ratified at ASLIA National AGM, September 2007. Retrieved from: AUSIT’s Code of Ethics for Interpreters and Translators and the associated Guide to Professional Practice, The AUSIT National Council. November 2012. Retrieved from: Read More
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