The Utilitarianism The theory is in normative ethics in which the best ethical actions are the one that capitalize utility. Utility is linked to wellbeing of sentient entity. Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the best moral action is the one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined in various ways, but is usually related to the well. Utilitarianism is therefore a form of substantial is that states the the impact of any action are the standards of right as well as wrong.
This perception might be contrasted with virtue ethics that holds virtue as an ethical good. The intent is morally significant. Utilitarianism is definitely dissimilar from other forms of consequentialism like the egoism as it deem every interest same (Cliff Roberson 2009). The ethics issues in the Banton/Hardie as far as Utilitarianism is that the best ethical action wasn’t done that will maximize utility. It can be observed that Mr. Banton was not given the maximize satisfaction by Hardie by ensuring that safety standards at place of work is provided and fully complied as well as the compensation to asbestos victims isn’t fully guaranteed by the company.
It is apparent that Hardie is transferring cash to parent company in Netherlands inform of asset which cannot be claimed by Australian government due to the fact that there isn’t treaty entered into between Australia and Netherlands. In this regards, the assets were lawfully protected from claims for compensation from asbestos victims in Australia like Mr. Banton. The compensation finance from James Hurdle to comply with the requirements of the victims in Australia was grossly insufficient as well as the company had broken a promise on a vow that the assets transferred to the Netherlands might site be existing to claimants.
The reasons for creating apparent company yin Netherlands together with lawful maneuvers had been to save the company’s cash by take away the right of the asbestos legal compensation which is ethically reprehensible (Goodenough 2008). It can therefore be concluded that utilitarianism requires companies to ensure that there the best ethical actions is the one that capitalize utility. Utility is linked to wellbeing of sentient entity. Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the best moral action is the one that maximizes utility in which it isn’t being observed by Hardie (Gordon 2009).
Kantian deontology The hypothesis of deontology provides that we are ethically committed to act in compliance with specific set of rules inspire of the result. In religious deontology, the principles derived from celestial rules so that under the religious law, we are ethically committed not to steal, deceive or recline. The theory holds that some actions in deontology are judged independent of their results. An act might be ethically bad but might accidentally lead to ideal results (Gordon 2009).
From the case study, it can be observed that Hardie is not committed to their result which stated that the company is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior as well as the code of ethics that commands workers to adhere to the spirit of and also the letter of entire laws and other statutory requirements which in reality was not committed. The James Hardie code of conduct as well as ethics command workers to never discuss JH with the media unless one is clearly permitted to do so by investor relation (P.14). inspire, the Hardie board members deprived under the on oath statement to the supreme court, that the main documents of the case, the press release signed by Greg Baxter who is the senior Vice president corporate affairs concerning compensation of asbestos , it was not approved by the members of the board (Helen Anne Molesworth 2003).
The Supreme Court turned down the statement as well as held that board members need to approve the press release disgustingly under estimating the value of compensation. It can therefore be concluded that Hardie isn’t committed to their rules and rugalation as set such as maintaining the highest safety standards as well as full compensation to assessor’s victims.
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