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Essays on le corbusier

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Le Corbusier and Modernism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10
Modern architecture history has the replete of several examples that include the grand visions, which architects enact and have the impacts of alienating and attaining ineffective environments. For example, considering Brasilia as a unitary city, it is evident of desolate spaces... In most cases, architects fail to conduct post-occupancy evaluations and assessments on the structures because of their desire to avoid sullying themselves with problems that these buildings Architecture and Modernism...
Le Corbusier and Modern Architecture
8 pages (2336 words) , Download 8
This essay "Le Corbusier and Modern Architecture" shows that Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, later known as Le Corbusier was born in Charles La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland in 1887. He was an architect, urban planner and designer, interior and modern furniture designer, writer, painter, and sculptor.... His skill in designing modern spaces with minimum ornamentation made him one of the pioneers of the Modern Architecture movement of the early 20th century. In his 30s, he moved his base to France where he...
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Influence of Le Corbusier in Modern Architecture
10 pages (2791 words) , Download 5
The paper "Influence of Le Corbusier in Modern Architecture" outlines the creative architectural designs of Le Corbusier, what influenced them, and how they impacted the architectural revolution. Le Corbusier got a Beaux-Arts impacted architectural training in his city.... According to the findings of the paper, it can be said that the pure, rich geometry of Le Corbusier's International Style would give route in the years after World War II to another, more natural vocabulary, which did not anticipate,...
Contribution of Tony Garnier and Le Corbusier
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Architecture While today many architects and theorists reject Le Corbusier's modernist style, his significant contributions to 20th century architecture and urban planning are undeniable. Today Le Corbusier's contributions to urban planning can be witnessed throughout the entire country in the freeways that connect each city and many of the urban land-use structures.... Another architect who had a prominent influence on 20th century urban planning techniques was Tony Garnier. Garnier was a French...
Le Corbusier: History, Work, and Style
8 pages (2102 words) , Download 5
The paper "Le Corbusier: History, Work, and Style" focuses o the critical analysis of Le Corbusier's history, his remarkable work, and his unique architectural style. It also cites his most important architectural works that are used as points of reference in today's house designing field.... Charles Edouard Jeanneret Gris, commonly known as Le Corbusier, was born in North West Switzerland in the year 1887. His area of specialty was architecture, but he also ventured into designing, literature, and...
Modernist Theories in Le Corbusier and Marianne Brandts Works
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4
The paper describes Villa Savoye and teapot that have played a significant role in defining the visual practice, especially when finding an attachment with modernist concepts. Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye and Marianne Brandt's Teapot have a significant influence in the domain of visual art particularly.... Form follows function is an interesting principle of modern architecture that emerged especially in the 20th century and it determines the shape and the objectives of the respective buildings. This...
Frank Lloyd Wright vs Le Corbusier in Modern Architecture
10 pages (2687 words) , Download 3
This coursework "Frank Lloyd Wright vs Le Corbusier in Modern Architecture" focuses on visionary architects who have influenced twentieth-century architecture. Both Lloyd and Le Corbusier had no formal training in architecture, but it is amazing how they emerged as the best architects.... Both Lloyd Frank and Le Corbusier valued style in their designs. They all believed that their styles must fit in the modern context, unlike those of the conservative architects of that era. They desired to utilize...
The City of To-Morrow and Its Planning by Le Corbusier
8 pages (2179 words) , Download 1
This book review "The City of To-Morrow and Its Planning by Le Corbusier" focuses on the concept of reason as the major influence behind the path that man takes, with a view that man is not informed by the sense of feelings and instincts, but rather by the targeted goal that needs to be achieved. ... Man predicts the results in advance and then works towards achieving such results, based on the previous experiences that he has had. The cultural context of this text, as developed by Le Corbusier,...
Le Corbusier, Cubism and Social Connections to Picasso and Gertrude Stein
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4
Much has been written about the eccentric, extremist and the contradicting nature of Le Corbusier, as Charles-Edouard Jeanneret is popularly known. However, unlike other eccentric revolutionary minds of the previous century, Le Corbusier has only managed to draw scorn from his critics with not many supporting his ideas of Purism.... Le Corbusier, Cubism and social connections to Picasso and Gertrude Stein. Much has been written about the eccentric, extremist and the contradicting nature of Le Corbusier,...
Differences between Housing Projects Proposed by Michel De Klerk and Le Corbusier in the 1920s
11 pages (3025 words) , Download 1
This coursework "Differences between Housing Projects Proposed by Michel De Klerk and Le Corbusier in the 1920s" presents an architecture that continues to evolve into an issue of global concern as countries struggle through strengthened efforts to achieve the best form of architectural designs.... Since its inception in the 1890s, the classical system of architecture and decorative arts faces systematic attempts of replacement. Different countries are now struggling to adapt technologically advanced...
How New Materials Lead to New Thinking-Emphasis on Le Corbusier and the Villa Savoye
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
Name Professor Course Date How New Materials Lead To New Thinking-Emphasis on Le Corbusier and the Villa Savoye Introduction Architects are coming up with new building ideas that are not explicit but seriously eye appealing. Architects are concentrating on international style of architecture; as for example, instead of putting up a customary dreary un-detailed window in a building, they place framed horizontal windows.... The buildings take up the asymmetrical form with a podium on columns design....
Le Corbusier's Buildings
4 pages (1334 words) , Download 0
The "Le Corbusier's Buildings" paper argues that Le Corbusier dreams of 'cleaning and purging' the city with 'a calm and powerful architecture'. That is; developing a city with steel, plate glass, and reinforced concrete. To many people, this might s a modern blight practical to the beautiful city.... Le Corbusier also designed furniture. However, his main focus was on architecture and planning. Through architectural concepts, he developed several urban plans and designs based on his views on urbanism....
Sketches and Architect's Memories
14 pages (3969 words) , Download 1
The approaches used by popular architects, such as Frank Gehry and Le Corbusier, when sketching are presented in order to understand the role of memories in drawing, as this relationship can be quite strong in architecture.... Le Corbusier ... harles-Edouard Jeanneret, known as Le Corbusier, was born in Switzerland in 1887 (MoMA 2014).... Le Corbusier developed a series of unique architectural drawings and paintings (MoMA 2014)....
Le Corbusiers Spatial Design Oeuvre
11 pages (3047 words) , Download 4
The paper "Le Corbusier's Spatial Design Oeuvre" describes that the world becomes completely familiar with the splendour of Le Corbusier's philosophy, the newer structures being defined by a flexible, fluid style that incorporates innumerable perspectives.... History offers caution; even before, French radicalism—'a mixture of emotion and logic, one-sidedly tending towards program, system and doctrine' (Serenyi, 1974, p. 45)—has choked by its demand for structuring the positive emergence...
The Notion of Type and its Importance in the 20th Century
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3
The aim of this paper 'The Notion of Type and its Importance in the 20th Century' is to discuss the notion of type and its importance for the early 20th-century architectural discourse through reference to Hermann Muthesius and the German Werkbund, Adolf Loos, and Le Corbusier.... After the second industrial revolution, the second typology emerged, which was based on the mechanistic principles of mass production and its most famous representative was Le Corbusier, who formulated the concept of “objet-type”....
Comparing Architectural Styles
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3
Frank Gehry and Le Corbusier have been the most distinct styles of architecture.... Frank Gehry involves construction adding a playful as well as whimsical touch while Le Corbusier is a much more simplified one (Comparing Architectural Styles).... In recent times the most well known international styles of architecture has been Le Corbusier and Frank Gehry.... Villa Savoy in France is inspired by Le Corbusier architectural style while Guggenheim Museum in Spain has been designed according to Frank Gehry style of architecture....
The Notion of Type and its Importance in the 20th Century
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4
The aim of this essay is to discuss the notion of type and its importance for the early 20th century architectural discourse through reference to Hermann Muthesius and the German Werkbund, Adolf Loos, and Le Corbusier.... After the second industrial revolution, the second typology emerged, which was based on the mechanistic principles of mass production and its most famous representative was Le Corbusier, who formulated the concept of “objet-type”.... The aim of this essay is to discuss the notion of type and its importance for the early 20th century architectural discourse through reference to Hermann Muthesius and the German Werkbund, Adolf Loos, and Le Corbusier....
Architectural Analysis
7 pages (2077 words) , Download 1
This work called "Architectural Analysis" describes Le Corbusier's approach and feelings towards structures, the objects of the structures and how he expressed this in his architecture and art by evaluating the 'The Five Points in Architecture' he used as a structural basis on the buildings he worked on including Maison La Roche in Paris.... The 'Five Points in Architecture' basis was derived from two ideas that Le Corbusier and his friend Max Dubois came up with in the year 1915....
Tectonic Revolution
8 pages (2098 words) , Download 1
n Towards An Architecture, Le Corbusier begins by discussing the relation of tools of construction to the epochs in which they were invented – Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age – and argues that “they are direct and immediate expressions of progress; tools are necessary helpmates; tools are liberators too.... ??1 He draws a parallel between the nature of the building, specifically the house, and a connection to religion; for Le Corbusier, the house roof is akin to a steeple pointing toward heaven....
Design Culture
6 pages (1642 words) , Download 2
This work called "Design Culture" describes the personality of Le Corbusier, his own experience, the career development.... Le Corbusier was a designer, urban planner, painter, architect, and writer.... Le Corbusier produced several symbolic works including Villa Savoye and Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut.... Design Culture Assignment Le Corbusier Le Corbusier was well known architect who practiced architecture between 1920s and 1960s....
Modern Architecture: an Exploration of the Intimate Relationships
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
The slab shape of the Towers and their isolation grew out of anesthetic voiced best by Le Corbusier, who said that in order to have modern planning we have to 'kill the streets.... To better understand the modern relationship between architecture and the environment, it is helpful to examine the theories as well as actual practice expressed by architects as Le Corbusier. ... The slab shape of the Towers and their isolation grew out of an aesthetic voiced best by Le Corbusier, who said that in order to have modern planning we have to ‘kill the streets....
Constant Theory of a New Babylon
8 pages (2229 words) , Download 3
Le Corbusier in his theory develops axioms that ought to guide the development of cities or urban places.... Le Corbusier in his theory develops axioms that ought to guide the development of cities or urban places.... The attitude of the poets reveals that in the eyes of architectural philosophers such as Constant Nieuwenhuys and Le Corbusier cities are a nuisance.... In Constant Nieuwenhuys and Le Corbusier's theories, there is a relentless quest for cities to regain their lost glory, which to them can only be achieved by enhancing uniformity....
Modern Spaces - Our Understanding of Space as Affected by Modernism
11 pages (3044 words) , Download 1
To improve our understanding of modern spaces, it is helpful to begin applying the theories to actual practice as they were explored by such architects as Le Corbusier.... The slab shape of the Towers and their isolation grew out of an aesthetic voiced best by Le Corbusier, who said that in order to have modern planning we have to ‘kill the streets.... The four principle designers associated with the modern movement were Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd Wright....
Comparison and Analysis of Architects: Le Corbousier and Leon Krior
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2
Le Corbusier wanted to ensure harmony between the buildings and the natural surroundings.... ntroduction Leon Krier and Le Corbusier are two modern architects with two different focuses.... Le Corbusier, on other hand, had a very different focus, and that was putting his signature touches onto this buildings, so that these buildings became extensions of his personal aesthetics.... In this way, Le Corbusier took the foundations of how he conceptualized buildings and married this foundation to architecture of the past, and this was how he came up with his signature style....
Modern vs. Postmodern
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
The Bauhaus designers were driving contributors to the art of employing straight lines and the inventive use of materials in household items, but the four drivers of the modern architectural movement were Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd Wright (Barr 220).... Mies van der Rohe's grand but mystical skyscraper designs and Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye denoted the age of the citizenry.... Among these men, Le Corbusier was perhaps the most influential for later development of the modern age....
Zeitgeist and architecture
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
In respect of the building of choice in this paper, Le unite de Habitation du Marseille form Le Corbusier, It is important to underscore the fact that architectonic space is a syntactic language that attempts to transmit concepts through our most basic instincts.... This has been brought about by the increasing sensitivity of people towards colors and their blending (Gargiani, Le Corbusier, Rossellini & Piccolo, 2011).... Building of Discussion It is important to note that most of the contemporary architecture in the cities around the world are just a development of the ancient technology and the design of Le unite de Habitation du Marseille form Le Corbusier is not an exception....
Zeitgeist and Architecture
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 1
The building of choice in this paper is Le unite de Habitation du Marseille from Le Corbusier.... This is one of the tools that have been applied in the Marseille form Le Corbusier building.... In respect of the building of choice in this paper, Le unite de Habitation du Marseille form Le Corbusier, It is important to underscore the fact that architectonic space is a syntactic language that attempts to transmit concepts through our most basic instincts....
Advantages and Disadvantages of Le Corbusiers Five Points of Architecture
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 1
The paper "Advantages and Disadvantages of Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture" is an outstanding example of an essay on architecture. The architect Le Corbusier from a Swiss\French descent is a major role player and pioneer in modern architecture. He was talented in various other forms of art in the range of design, writing, and painting.... The paper "Advantages and Disadvantages of Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture" is an outstanding example of an essay on architecture. The architect...
Urbanism and the City: Design, Architecture, and Building
12 pages (3398 words) , Download 2
This paper "Urbanism and the City: Design, Architecture, and Building" aims at discussing the relationship between the new city center and Le Corbusier's radiant city model.... The Belgrade city we have found out to have embraced the Le Corbusier Radiant City planning type which the most modern cities normally adopt.... In the 1920's Le Corbusier came up with this concept called the 'Radiant City'.... I this kind of arrangement Le Corbusier wanted to also resolve the issue of pollution I the urban set ups....
Between Beauty and Functionality
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 2
Wittgenstein and Le Corbusier: Between Beauty and Functionality The principles of architecture are controversial and disputable as some of them change with time or vanish due to obsolescence or redundancy.... The unity of firmness, functionality, and beauty was further explored by such philosophers and architects as Wittgenstein and Le Corbusier.... hus, logical space arrangement, creation of special color atmosphere, playing with symmetrical and asymmetrical components, and the absence of an immediate decoration allowed Wittgenstein to create an exclusive example of modernist architecture and reflect his philosophical concepts and theories which leads to discuss one of the most famous architects in the modernism era Le Corbusier....
Conventional architectural theoray
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Name Instructor Course Date Conventional Architectural Theory The rationale of modernist aesthetics and ideology become more concise when put in their historical perspective Modernism in many ways in the result of the humanist conviction in personal thinking; the intellectual base of the movement rest much on earlier Renaissance and Enlightenment contemplation....
Modern Movement in Architecture
12 pages (3014 words) , Download 0
The paper will then critically compare the work of historian Sigfried Giedion and Le Corbusier.... omparing the work of Le Corbusier and that of Giedion in modern architecture ... Le Corbusier was the mastermind of the congress while Giedion played the role of the secretary.... Le Corbusier also reinforced the use of concrete and received support from Giedion.... However, the work of Le Corbusier showed more transparency because the interior and exterior would be observed simultaneously....
The Home in Which We Are All Intended to Have a Right
12 pages (3112 words) , Download 1
For major designers like Le Corbusier and Bauhaus, domestic objects and home entails objects that is used practically and purified within the context of a home.... In developments of new architectures, Le Corbusier argues that the developments of house and homes are quite explicit.... The differences of Le Corbusier in defining house and architecture explains what he thinks a house should be in terms of relations between architecture and house....
Le Corbusiers LC4 Chaise Longue
4 pages (1058 words) , Download 0
"Le Corbusier's LC4 Chaise Longue" paper focuses on one of the designs that have captured and captivated many eyes. Its design inspired simplicity one of the ideals of the modern movement that aimed at changing social dynamics in people's lives. This piece of art consists of a tubular chrome frame.... Le Corbusier's LC4 Chaise Longue pride itself in having the water draining polyurethane and draining padding which comes in natural organic fiber. For its extreme use, Le Corbusier's LC4 Chaise Longue...
The Role of Architecture in Addressing Different Social Ills
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
The paper will begin with the statement that in 'Architecture or Revolution,' Le Corbusier argues that architecture is better than a complete revolution because it plays a critical role in addressing different social ills that are happening because of vast social and technological changes.... In “Architecture or Revolution,” Le Corbusier argues that architecture is better than a complete revolution because it plays a critical role in addressing different social ills that are happening because of vast social and technological changes....
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2
Among the great and unique buildings that Le Corbusier constructed, two structures will be discussed in this essay.... What techniques in form and material does Le Corbusier use to achieve spiritual architecture in Ronchamp and La Tourrette?... mong the great and unique buildings that Le Corbusier constructed, two structures will be discussed in this essay.... What techniques in form and material does Le Corbusier use to achieve spiritual architecture in Ronchamp and La Tourrette?...
Organic Architecture Style Issues
4 pages (1204 words) , Download 6
Le Corbusier International Architectural designs Le Corbusier was born and grew up in Switzerland before moving to France at the age of 29.... Le Corbusier took the initiative to lead from the front and create new inspiring designs.... Whereas Le Corbusier designs are specific and detail is adhered to all through the implementation process.... For instance, one of Le Corbusier houses has a garden architectural structure that has plants....
The House Is a Machine for Living In
17 pages (4181 words) , Download 3
As one of the most influential architects of the 20th century, Le Corbusier coined the phrase that 'A house is a machine for living in'.... As one of the most influential architects of the 20th century, Le Corbusier coined the phrase that “The house is a machine for living in”.... Using this viewpoint, Le Corbusier showed consistency in application of these principles and, according to Pallasma, his earlier works did not place much emphasis on architectural phenomenology, although his latter works showed a shift towards this concept1....
History of Architecture & Design: Le Corbusier's works
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the history of architecture and design. The researcher of this essay aims to pay special attention to the most iconic works done by Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, known commonly as Le Corbusier.... The conclusion from this study states that Le Corbusier's ideas have remained fundamental in the design and planning of modern urban centers. The designs of airports throughout the world have adopted a similar technology in a bid to improve...
System of Structuring Cities and Understanding Interactions between Individual Components within Sets
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Alexander, Lynch, Jacobs and Le Corbusier all take different tacks at understanding the configuration of the city but each has one important component: an incredible focus on the city as existing for the people within it, and the fact that human interactions serve much more to define the structure of a city than any physical layout – so it is an architect's fundamental job to use the physical layout and structure of a city to shape those interactions however possible.... The idea of people being the fundamental unit of architecture appears in the works of Christopher Alexander and Le Corbusier as well, though they take almost opposite tracks to understanding how to fascilitate people's use of cities....
Dreams versus Practicality: The Legacy of Modernism on the Planning of London
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2
An exhibition of Le Corbusier's works, drawings, artworks and concepts held at the Barbican in 2009 brought back, to many of those interested in the changing face of London, the memories of this famous architect's ideas and the imprint of Modernism whose effect is still evident in some places in London.... ?An exponent of Modernism, it is true that Le Corbusier has left a legacy of ideas in a number of locations, not least of which being London, one of the foremost capital cities of the world (Boyd Whyte 2003). ...
The Chair as an Icon of Design in History
11 pages (3285 words) , Download 1
THE CHAIR AS AN ICON OF DESIGN IN HISTORY MARINA DIMA THE HILL HOUSE CHAIR , Rennie Mackintosh THE CHAIZ LONGUE LC4, Le Corbusier THE SUPERLEGGERA CHAIR, Gio Ponti ... The three chairs that will be focused on are The Hill House Chair, Le Corbusier's LC4 chaise lounge, and the Superleggera chair.... ur second example is the Le Corbusier design for the chaise lounge LC4 chair.... It was designed by Le Corbusier in cooperation with Pierre Jeanerette and Charlotte Perriand in 1928 for the French Villas he designed, Villa Savoye and Villa d'Avray (Design Museum 2006)....
Cities of Modernity
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2
he beginning of this research will look at the three prominent urban planners of their time, namely Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier.... The other two, Wright and Le Corbusier spent time in the great state themselves with the United Nations building and the Guggenheim being two of their more prominent pieces in the city.... Le Corbusier used quite a number of variations in his work making his work all the more interesting for research....
The first machine age
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3
The two French artists who were later known as Le Corbusier sought a more rational elucidation of Cubism, beyond its symbolic and literary baggage and decorative or dynamic motivation.... The aesthetic of industrial technology and machines was used to model this ideal of essentiality and efficiency in art, which Le Corbusier suggested as a possible repertory of plastic forms (Matteson Art, n.... : Figure 1: Le Corbusier, oil on canvas, 1926 The major objective of their work was to provide an illustration of collective values such as asceticism, order and lucidity....
Development of Architecture
6 pages (1654 words) , Download 2
Le Corbusier recuperated classical architecture in his modern houses with his inspiration coming from the Acropolis in Ancient Greece (Cohen 127).... he Acropolis in Ancient Greece, which inspired Le Corbusier when he was designing the Greek structures. ... n example lecture of Le Corbusier's reinterpretation of classical architecture can be seen in Villa Savoye, built around 1929 in France.... Le Corbusier recuperated these elements, but implemented them using a more refined technology for that time; reinforced concrete (Cohen 128)....
The Significance of Home as a Impotent Subject in Modern Architecture
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2
The paper considers that the architects in the modern movement of design came up with interesting features which are now being used as five points of Le Corbusier.... Le Corbusier is one of the integral names among various architects who enhanced the details of house designs in architecture.... For this purpose, Le Corbusier has been selected as an individual architect of modern architecture who formed various principles for house designs.... efore understanding the context of modern architecture and housing design, it is important to understand the vision of Le Corbusier....
The Differences and Similarities between Le Corbusier's Radiant City and Frank Lloyd
11 pages (3057 words) , Download 1
This literature review "The Differences and Similarities between Le Corbusier's Radiant City and Frank Lloyd" discusses aspects of culture and subsequently identifies a particular nation. Modern cultures bring into being architecture along with preserving it.... Besides, with culture, it is likely to determine various cultural factors ranging from the standard of living, arty sensibilities, and societal organization. Different cultures are capable of motivating various types of architecture. The...
Impact of Technology on Traditional Architecture
15 pages (4176 words) , Download 1
ome early architectural designers such as Le Corbusier argued that the aesthetic of an engineer and architecture are two different aspects that march together and follow one another where one this aspect is in its full height while the other is retrogressing.... According to Le Corbusier's views the design and construction of buildings was being surpassed by design and production of cars, ocean lines and airplanes.... Thus, according to Le Corbusier, it is the custom of ignoring the new technologies and industrial methods that inhibits integration of new ideas into traditional architecture but not the architectural tradition itself18....
Evolution of the resort design
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
Deeper scrutiny of the building exposes a combination of a variety of techniques with patterns that are in line with the organization of different apartments that constitute it (Gargiani, Le Corbusier, Rossellini & Piccolo 32).... Name Instructor Course Date Evolution of Architectural design History/Evolution The architectural styles and the laguage of any one world history ia and has always been a universal language It is important to note that solving modern life problem ....
Evolution of the Role of Interior Designer
12 pages (3501 words) , Download 0
Le Corbusier is another old successful designer.... I will be discussing much more about Le Corbusier in this essay.... A good example of a practitioner who worked in several different fields of life is Le Corbusier.... Le Corbusier had a variety of projects.... He got the formal education from his Architecture teacher Architect Rene Chapallaz who made a lot of influence on the work of Le Corbusier.... Le Corbusier most excellent job is the preparation of Chadigarh master plan, a city in India....
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