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Cultural Tourism in Newcastle UK as a Part of Urban Tourism Tourism Research Paper
20 pages (6166 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The extensive growth of annual global visitors into these specific locations has certainly provided major support to the overall tourism sector of Newcastle in terms of developing its economy. The massive augmentation of the annual revenue has gradually fuelled the wave of urbanization that has further witnessed to be a major part of New Castle.
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A Review and Analysis of Efficiency in Front Desk Operations Tourism Report
11 pages (4209 words) , Download 1 , Report
It is clear that there is not a simple “one-step” fix for increasing the speed, efficiency, productivity, and/or zero defect that the front desk is capable of representing the client. Instead, a variety of different approaches exist as a means by which these factors can be engaged and the overall utility to the customer can be increased.
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Voyeurism of the Macabre Tourism Research Paper
49 pages (9567 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This study aimed at exploring dark tourism by way of case studies and focused on explaining, understanding and analyzing the psyche/motive of individuals who engage in different types of dark tourism. The outcome revealed that none of the tourists /individuals studied, were interested in engaging with brutality, but they were all interested in learning experiences.
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Marketing Analysis of Hampton by Hilton Hotel in Birmingham Tourism Report
12 pages (3959 words) , Download 1 , Report
The location of the hotel plays a big role in promoting this competition as many other similar businesses fall under its close proximity. Despite this, the hotel faces weaknesses such as the inability to reach a wider customer population resulting from the fact that the hotel has not fully exploited market opportunities provided by modern technological developments.
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Project Facility Design Tourism Report
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 1 , Report
The Nanaimo Bar Trail Information Center will be located in an area with several scenic beauties. One of these includes the beautiful ocean that will be in the southern parts of the centre. On the north of the centre will be a beautiful city, providing the customers with the beautiful scenes of architectural designs of the city.
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Lake District Tourism Development Plan Tourism Business Plan
9 pages (2753 words) , Download 2 , Business Plan
Adopting a sustainable plan is the only way for the Lake District national park to be able to attract a huge number of tourists. The plans will be influential in creating an understanding between the national park management team and the people living around the park to minimize human-animal conflicts.
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Facilities Planning for Hospitality, Tourism and Events Tourism Case Study
6 pages (2059 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The residents’ clubhouse is of many values; they provide an area for recreational activities that helps in improving the health status of the parents and their kids. Being that the residential clubhouse is closest to the people, those who work up to late hours may still manage to refresh themselves by going to the exercise rooms, have some exercise.
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UK Low-Cost Airlines in Recent Years Tourism Report
11 pages (3119 words) , Download 1 , Report
The UK travel and tourism industry are among the fast developing and largest industries. In this report, the organization is set such that, the tourism industry and low-cost airlines are first defined. This is followed by an illustration of factors and their relation to low-cost airlines. A conclusion is reached that evaluates how tourism and growth of low-cost airlines relate.
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Ecotourism in Costa Rica Tourism Report
8 pages (2146 words) , Download 1 , Report
The ecotourism industry of Costa Rica has grown to become a major industry in the county over the period of the last decade. Due to big volumes of tourists, the ecotourism industry has become a major source of income for Costa Rica. This is because the reason that the hotel and airline industry is flourishing due to increasing number of tourists.
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Impact of International Tourism on Climate Change Tourism Report
7 pages (2183 words) , Download 2 , Report
Climatic change will be a major issue in the future of International Tourism in the coming decade. Developing countries and small islands are at a particular risk of declined demand as tourists are likely to opt for higher altitude areas. Security risks, inability to adapt and greater distances will have a profound effect on them.
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Globalization, Tourism, and Foreign Investment and Liberalization of the Economy Tourism Coursework
15 pages (4081 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The latter half of the twentieth century has been marked with amazing changes in technology, transportation, and communication and, in varying degrees, a spread of geo-political stability that has accompanied economic affluence for many citizens in industrialized and developing countries throughout the world. 
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What business is NF in Tourism Essay
12 pages (3330 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This industry is staff-intensive and attempting to manage the resorts and hotels directly would cause a shift in its main business. Going in for marketing collaboration with one of the chain hotels would relieve it from the operational hassles. International growth prospects may be promising but strategic management has to be applied as NF already has to recover the investment in Corse Air. 
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Ethical Tourism Practices in Cancun Tourism Essay
11 pages (3232 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Ever since it has invited large scale investments from the Mexican and the International hospitality industry. Today it has 140 hotels with 24000 rooms and 190 flights and 4 million visitors each year. Cancun is served by large market places where tourists brush shoulders with locals to buy the traditional and fast-moving consumer durable products.
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The Context of Travel and Tourism in London Tourism Dissertation
55 pages (9174 words) , Download 1 , Dissertation
These results are consistent with those of Bigne, Sanchez, and Sanchez who empirically investigated structural interrelationships among destination image, quality, satisfaction, and after-purchase behavior. Similar to the results for the current study on the London Eye which is an architectural landmark.
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State of Tourism Tourism Research Paper
8 pages (2261 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Like most industries and products, global tourism (as well as individual destination) is affected by the forces of demand and supply. Acts of terrorism, war, and natural calamities in an area can change the perception of prospective tourists about that place and can result in a drastic fall in arrivals. The situation is worse now with the collapse of the economy.
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Tourism as a Means of Colonialism Tourism Essay
6 pages (2169 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Without the advances of the industrial revolution, much of the organization of mass tourism that took place in the mid-nineteenth century would not have been possible.  At the same time, much of the mass tourism that took place had the effect of imposing a largely European ideal upon those lands most traveled to.
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Balanced Scorecard in Travel Trade Tourism Essay
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The use of a balanced scorecard for performance measurement is not a new practice. However nowadays the more complex business operation is trying to adapt this kind of scientific and technically sophisticated system to have a close look at the performance of the various departments of their organization. A multifunctional organization like a travel agency will be most benefited by the concept of Balanced Scorecard.
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The Effects of Swine Flu on Tourism in London Tourism Research Proposal
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
In the present time where the world has been hit with a serious pandemic which has claimed several lives across the world, it is essential to concentrate and study a little about how the pandemic has affected the tourism industry. The country chosen for this study is United Kingdom and the city chosen is London.
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Development of Tourism in Saudi Arabia Tourism Research Paper
13 pages (3660 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In addition, the research seeks to determine the attitudes of nationals and tourists towards the steps, developments and changes that have occurred in the tourism sector of the country. This research will be limited to the Middle East and more specifically Saudi Arabia as a country and kingdom. With reference to the description of tourism, this research will adopt a less strict definition of tourism.  
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The National Territory of Cuba Tourism Essay
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Visitors interested in history will definitely visit La Comandancia de la Plata, Fidel Castro’s ancient guerrilla in the mountains, Che’s Havana headquarters at the picturesque Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabana, and Presidio Modelo on mellow Isla de la Juventud, where Fidel Castro was held with other rebellions.
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Ecotourism: Pros and Cons Tourism Essay
8 pages (2326 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Our natural habitats have been subjected to great changes on the planet’s soil and have had to accommodate the human need to build huge structures.The need for responsible travel to the various natural sites of the world is important because many times, without even realizing, tourists tend to disrupt the natural balance of the site being visited (Quest, 1996).
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Event to Promote the Destination Tourism Coursework
6 pages (1727 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The merchandising activities of the events are essential in the development of the branding of the destination and the events. Various merchandising products may be brought in the market bearing resemblance to the events. The use of the jerseys of the sportspersons and the athletes may be used for the promotion of the event.
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How Romanian Government Can Drive Tourism Towards Improvement of Economy Tourism Research Proposal
8 pages (2520 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research aims at assessing the potential alternatives that the Romanian government can explore in order to attract service industry benefits for the national economy, maximizes local, regional and international tourism market exploitation through government policy approach and explores the capacity of Local Tourism Governance Approaches.
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Brazil and 2014 FIFA World Cup Tourism Research Paper
19 pages (5388 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Mega events such as the World Cup foster dialogue and cooperation between people and nations. They are able to attract massive foreign capital; they boost tourism and contribute towards regeneration and achievement of broader development goals. The study reveals that the weaknesses are many as the nation is still an emerging economy but the opportunities are plenty.
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Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry Tourism Research Paper
30 pages (7768 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The need to ensure the provision of excellent hospitality services in the hotel industry has given rise to hospitality management, a technically advanced field that attempts at delving into the minds of customers and exploring their perceptions of hospitality. Various physical variables govern the hospitality sector. 
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Tourism Planning Within Europe Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2341 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Tourism is one of the world’s main economic activities which has had a huge impact on local as well as international communities with regards to tourist destinations. It has also positively impacted the economic growth and increased employment opportunities in Europe. Resilience has been observed and this has been largely attributed to the importance attached by European citizens to holidays and travel.
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Policymaking for Tourism Tourism Coursework
12 pages (3424 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The tourism in the UK is undoubtedly a large revenue earner (both in terms of domestic and foreign visitors) for its economic system, yet had been neglected at the national level for many years, with tourism policymaking left in the hands of the LAs. With LAs ruling supreme, the primary focus in the UK tourism policies was mainly on making economic gains.
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Destination Management Vancouver Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2512 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Various aspects regarding the different organizations that are responsible for managing or encouraging tourism and visitors to the destination area, their structures, their vision statements, their roles and responsibilities, varied attractions of the destination i.e., of Vancouver, destination statistics along its economic impact will also be taken into concern in the discussion of this paper.
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The Impacts of Increasing Wellness Demand on Resorts Tourism Coursework
10 pages (3012 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Recent times have experienced a record increase in the number of resorts, spas, and hotels offering luxurious surroundings of natural beauty, which provide advanced health and education facilities, lifestyle training, and myriad other opportunities to enhance consumers’ health and wellness. The tourism industry is awash with resorts, spas, and hotels, which offer superior consumer services. 
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World Heritage Sites Tourism Term Paper
7 pages (1776 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The places are usually designated as those that have a special significance to humanity. The selection process of these places is usually a rather complicated one majorly due to the fact that there are several places that may all be proposed for inscription as a world heritage site. The body that elects those sites that are to be listed as the world heritage sites is the United Nations General Assembly.
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Visit Japan Campaign Tourism Capstone Project
54 pages (9990 words) , Download 1 , Capstone Project
This project will examine whether one trillion Japanese yen is feasible or attainable to determine if the number needs to be adjusted. As 2012 will mark the launch of the next ten-year development, all aspects especially in the tourism sector will be reviewed and evaluated. It scans the environmental drivers, identifying the strengths and weakness of the future growth.  
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Reward Schemes as a Means of Promoting Ecotourism Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2310 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Tourism is a lucrative industry that requires coordinated management efforts by all stakeholders to ensure the realization of full benefits. A country must invest in conservation and protection activities of its national parks, marine parks and game reserves within its jurisdiction to attract and sustain the maximum number of tourists.
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The Influence of TV and Radio on Worldwide Food Tourism Term Paper
7 pages (2190 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The media has allowed the food culture of various countries to be known by everyone and this information helps tourists to enjoy the food of each tourist destination accordingly. People have started researching on the different cuisines available worldwide. Through advertising mediums, the continental cuisines and food products have started gaining market share in different countries.
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Reflections on a Career Tourism Personal Statement
8 pages (2094 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
A positive reputation is so important to anyone who needs not just a future but a bright future. The author is conscious of how his actions affect the environment surrounding him and all other people around him and so the author always finds ways to reduce negative impacts on everyone around him. He believes that he is creative even in a continuously changing environment.
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Travel Information in Tourism Industry Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2652 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Travel advice can be either partial or impartial. The reasons depend on the source of information on the aim. Governments are said to act based on the political and economic interests of the nation. Companies are known to act based on the number of revenues generated. Partial and impartial travel advice is issued with definite goals in mind.
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A Critique of Tourism Policy and Planning in New Zealand Tourism Coursework
10 pages (2785 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Tourism in New Zealand contributes to about 9 percent of GDP and directly or indirectly provides 10 percent of all jobs. Therefore, the sector deserves the attention it gets from government departments, political parties, politicians, key stakeholders, and the wider public. The country is arguably a top tourist destination as seen from the many awards it has received from different sources.
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The Activities That Influence the Development of a Resort Business Tourism Coursework
10 pages (2822 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
There are two trends emerging in the tourism sector. First, people visit historical places, hill stations, seashores, and other important places of domestic land. Second, people travel abroad to visit famous foreign tourist destinations. The explosive growth of tourism sectors over the last decade has encouraged national governments to design projects with regard to tourism planning.
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Sustainable Tourism in London City Tourism Research Proposal
22 pages (7137 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This study seeks to also determine the current state of tourism in London and the gaps in relation to sustainable tourism.  Based on related studies, sustainable tourism includes the application of appropriate and sustainable land use activities, as well as conservation practices.  The participation of the private and public sector are crucial determinants in securing sustainable tourism.
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The Importance of Authenticity in Urban Tourism Tourism Coursework
10 pages (2765 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Authenticity in urban tourism does not make much difference to the experience as it does in the case of eco-tourism or rural tourism. The search for authentic tourism is actually motivated by existential ideas that make a tourist discover the self through exposure to diverse cultures. Dubai and Bangkok are places with low authenticity but high levels of urban tourism.
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Hospitality Group Developing Managerial Skills Tourism Coursework
8 pages (2711 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
This paper covers a theoretical explanation of the employability skills the author could develop from his previous academic experiences and draw towards a critical review of his learning in these particular areas. In the current phenomenon, diversity is often regarded as one of the vital aspects of the hospitality industry.
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Effect of Bad Communication Between Various Departments in Hotels Tourism Research Paper
20 pages (5382 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This paper will also look forward to recommending the means through which the communication can become more faster and reliable and different technologies will be discussed that can be efficiently deployed in order to increase the satisfaction of the tourist. It takes a look into the matter that how the relationship between the top management of any hotel can be improved.
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Current Trends in Ecotourism Tourism Literature review
7 pages (2021 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Ecotourism has six principles that it focuses on; minimizing impact, building cultural and environmental respect and awareness, providing both visitors and hosts positive experiences, providing direct financial benefits for conservation and raising sensitivity to host countries’ environmental, political and social climate.
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Family Market in Hospitality and Tourism Context Tourism Coursework
6 pages (1954 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Even though the phases of family development are more variable and less distinct when compared to the phases of personal development, such a conceptualization can assist a person to assess a household’s functioning in a wider context, and improved comprehension of the family’s problems, as well as the strengths. 
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Authenticity in Tourism Tourism Literature review
7 pages (2084 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Tourism is a journey in search of authenticity. It is also a commercial activity, and businessmen in this sector understand the needs of tourists in search of authenticity and as such, they develop certain cultural and social values that are not authentic. The purposes of this behavior are to satisfy the needs of their customers. 
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The London Olympics Tourism Coursework
7 pages (1734 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The main disadvantages of the hosting of the games are the huge cost is involved. The experts estimate the total cost of hosting the Olympic Games at the amount of £ 9 billion. There would be a £ 500 million operating loss for the UK funding sources. This huge cost represents a drawback for the British government, which suffers from a financial crisis.
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Place of Spa Resorts in Hospitality Business Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2663 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Not only are the lay people not clear about the definition of the various types of spas, but even in some cases the professionals who run these spas may not be completely and competently aware of the definitions of the various types of spas. One type of spa that has not received the right definition is the resort spa. 
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Development and Marketing of Culinary Tourism Products Tourism Term Paper
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Culinary tourism like any tourism plays a major role in revenue accumulation of any given country.  This is clearly seen as Ontario which one of the provinces in Canada gets revenue from selling farm produce to culinary tourism companies. The farmers are having complaints due to the rising trends of importation and land fragmentation for residential purposes.
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Global Tourism and Sustainability Tourism Term Paper
7 pages (1971 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
International Tourism has shown that no matter what type of tourism is undertaken there will always be a series of impacts on both environmental and social levels. Tourism can be alternative or mass tourism. It is seen that mass tourism has the deepest and visible impact at the destination level, being mostly of negative ones.
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Casino and Resort in Las Vegas Tourism Business Plan
10 pages (2681 words) , Download 4 , Business Plan
The business will be located in Las Vegas. The theme of the business is “Casino resort for all you desire”. This is to cater to the large size of the business that requires large tracts of land for its establishment. The business ideal customers cover all classes of people. The products will stand unique in the market because of the affordable prices that they will be charged.
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Environmental Impacts and the Relation With Sustainable Tourism Planning Tourism Research Paper
6 pages (1821 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The environment has numerous effects on sustainable tourism planning and development. The external theory has been used to describe this relationship and this has been combined with a literature review of some of the works on this relationship. Future research should research more on this issue to come up with solutions to the environmental issues affecting sustainable tourism.
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