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Whitsundays: Tourism Strategies and Policies Relating to Transformative Destination Management Strategy Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1749 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Personal selling will be used in a situation where people are involved in the provision of s specific service or a product. For instance, individuals involved in selling foodstuffs will contact tourists directly by informing them about the products on the menu so that they can make a choice whether to buy the products or not.
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Key Concepts in Tourism Policy and Planning Tourism Literature review
6 pages (1797 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Policies and plans should be fully integrated with the action plan on a regular basis and they should be monitored constantly. Economic development should not be the key focus of tourism policy and planning, other areas of focus should not be ignored such as protecting tourism resource assets, enhancing customer satisfaction, and the integration of the socio-economic lives of the communities.
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Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism Tourism Term Paper
6 pages (1717 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The impacts that are likely to be experienced in the next decade and beyond would impact tourism significantly as shown in the paper. Most importantly, governments and policymakers should use the above statistics to come up with measures that would at least reduce the contribution of tourism to climate change. 
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Impacts of International Tourism on Environmental Change Tourism Coursework
6 pages (1910 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
There is a significant contribution of international tourism to climate change. As has been seen in the report, the industry has direct and indirect contributions to climate change. The sectors that tourism is dependent on are the key sources of climate change. This includes the transport and accommodation sectors of the economy. 
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Saving Indonesia Biodiversity through Ecotourism Tourism Speech or Presentation
6 pages (1947 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
In Indonesia, ecotourism employs more local people than mainstream tourism. There is also less loss of revenue as evidenced by mass tourism. Mass tourism only focuses on economic returns and fails to look at conservation. Nature and culture are the two distinct features of Indonesia's ecotourism. Indonesia's ecotourism has 60% nature and 40% culture.
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Tourism in Jordan - Major Tourist Attractions Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The flurry of tourists from other countries breeds international cooperation and creates stable business for Jordan on the international front. Furthermore, tourism inspires patriotism in the country’s citizens. Touring the country enables the citizens to experience their own rich culture and history.
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Why Customers Visit Restaurants Tourism Assignment
9 pages (2696 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author of the paper argues in a well-organized manner that the demands of the present-day customers are very stringent. Even if one was to take a lenient view of what customer service entails, courteous and competent staff, prompt and correct delivery is the bare minimum that would feature in the ‘to-do’ list of customer services.
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Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry Tourism Essay
10 pages (3328 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this chapter is to review the existing literature on the theories and theoretical concepts proposed by different scholars and researchers on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and service quality. All of these are important in the hospitality sector. The different theoretical perspectives would help develop the framework for the study.
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The Core of Heritage Tourism Tourism Essay
16 pages (4381 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When there is a hyper-reality, the lines between the inauthentic culture and the authentic culture become blurred, to the point where there is not really an authentic culture left.  This becomes apparent when the culture of the tourists mixes with the culture of the native populations, and it makes it more difficult for the native to retain any kind of semblance of cultural authenticity. 
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Investigation of Current and Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Tourism Coursework
7 pages (2130 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Investigation of Current and Emerging Issues in Hospitality and Tourism" is an outstanding example of tourism coursework. This is an essay that seeks to find current trends in hospitality and tourism. Hospitality and tourism are two terms that occur together and that rely on each other. Tourism has to depend on hospitality for its success.
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A Theoretical Framework of How Consumers in Tourism and Travel Seek Information Tourism Literature review
10 pages (2790 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The global tourism market is reaching its climax while the subsequent number of travelers is growing rapidly on an annual basis. During 2015, there was a 5 percent increase in international tourism arrivals in comparison to 2014; 1082 million globally. In 2016, it is projected that the tourism industry will grow by about 4 percent (UNWTO 2015).
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The Geographical Features of Jamaica Tourism Essay
16 pages (4373 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In each of the classes, including the stopover arrivals, the number continues to increase each year. It is quite predictable that this trend would continue to increase over the coming years. Also, the number of cruise passengers, although it might be shrinking from year to year, seems to be above the one million mark.
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Strategic Event Management of Tourism in Canberra Tourism Essay
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Since the spending of visitors in such areas contributes greatly to the local economic development, the majority of the communities for instance, in Canberra city endeavor to enhance the tourism as well as visitor-oriented events. The estimation of economic, social, cultural, and environmental impacts in event tourism, has become a major concern in Canberra city of the Australian community.
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The Airline Industry Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2634 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The industry’s multiplier impact supported economic activities worth $3.5 trillion and employed 32 million workers worldwide. Trends and issues, however, threaten the financial sustainability of airlines. IATA, which has 230 member-airlines, estimated that net losses of airlines would amount to $5.2 billion this year and $4.1 billion in 2009.
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Leisure and Tourism Tourism Case Study
7 pages (2257 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the perspective of psychology, Cohen presented 5 different meanings that people have in desiring to travel and take leisure from it. It has also been presented by the group of Crawford in their constraint model that there are different constraints that people experience that definitely influence and hinder their motivation to engage in leisure activities such as traveling.
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Sustainability in Tourism, Unequal Guest-Host Relationships Tourism Coursework
10 pages (2871 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper 'Sustainability in Tourism, Unequal Guest-Host Relationships" is a perfect example of tourism coursework. Tourism, from the social point of view, is the process in which people from different cultural, economic and social context gain social contact. Relationships are bound to be developed from these social encounters and their nature and sustainability are dependent on a number of factors.
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Economic Impact on Tourism in Asia Tourism
8 pages (2236 words) , Download 0
The paper "Economic Impact on Tourism in Asia" is a great example of a report on tourism. In the new millennium, the Asia Pacific region is most probably going to be identified as the leading region worldwide that is getting the greatest revenue from the tourist industry. In the past few years, the tourist arrivals and receipts have been rising so rapidly in Asia than in any other place.
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Kangaroo Island - Policy, Planning and Development for Tourism Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2687 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Kangaroo Island - Policy, Planning and Development for Tourism" is a good example of a tourism case study. This paper will seek to find and highlight ways in overall policy, planning and development of tourism are to be formulated and implemented in a sustainable manner. It will seek to establish the role of various players in the tourist sector in playing their part in their coordinated efforts.
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Current Approaches and Emergence of Ecotourism Tourism Essay
10 pages (2692 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Ecotourism has emerged as an important sector towards ensuring sustainable and ethical tourism and it shares many characteristics associated with adventure tourism. It takes place in unspoiled natural areas and thus it is a form of tourism that seeks to conserve the environment, educate tourists and improve the lives of the neighboring communities 
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Tourism Policy - Malaysia Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1976 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Іn detail, thе alternative was tapered tо Malaysia which can be characterized accurately іn compliance wіth thе prescriptions оf destination management literature. This method directed me tо recognize thе “Malaysia” аs аn apt case. Since thе starting оf 2010, Malaysia іѕ engaged іn destination management for thе tourism industry.
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Cultures and Organisations or Software of the Mind Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2336 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper 'Cultures and Organisations or Software of the Mind' is a perfect example of a Tourism Assignment. Tourism has been an important aspect of societies across the world. However, it is also responsible for a number of negative gains to the culture of these societies. This question focuses on the effects of tourism on the culture and society of Tana Toraja.
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A Tourist Itinerary Made by Rosevine Travel Agency for Two Australian Couples Tourism Case Study
18 pages (5789 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'A Tourist Itinerary Made by Rosevine Travel Agency for Two Australian Couples " is a good example of a tourism case study. The tourism industry is one of the subsectors that contribute to a large portion of most countries’ GDP. The tourism sector mostly involves the provision of services that must be tailored to the needs of each individual traveller (Choi, Murray & Kwan 2011).
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Positive and Negative Impacts of Tourism in the 21st Century Tourism Coursework
6 pages (1562 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper 'Positive and Negative Impacts of Tourism in the 21st Century" is a perfect example of tourism coursework. Today, tourism is one of the largest and dynamically developing sectors of external economic activities. Its high growth and development rates, considerable volumes of foreign currency inflows, infrastructure development, and introduction of new management and educational experience actively affect various sectors of the economy.
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Online Travel Agencies in the UK Tourism
11 pages (3100 words) , Download 0
The paper “Online Travel Agencies in the UK” is a forceful variant of the report on tourism. The UK online travel agency is termed as one of the largest in the world as well as the most dynamic this is in terms of the market share it occupies. There are a number of online travel agencies in the UK thus making competition stiff.
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Natural Features and People of Peru Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2246 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Natural Features and People of Peru" is a great example of a tourism case study. Peru, a state in South America is famous for scenic features most preferred by tourists from all parts of the globe. It has many islands like Amantani, Isla Del Sol, Peru and Capachica among others. Earlier, communities living in Peru were more conservative and reserved in their cultures.
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Features of Natural Environment in Ghana, Which Attracts Tourists Tourism Case Study
13 pages (3813 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Features of Natural Environment in Ghana, Which Attracts Tourists” is a provoking example of the case study on tourism. Ghana is among the unique tourist destinations in Africa. It is competitive not only in Africa but also in the whole world. It has a rich coastal history because of the slave trade that took place several centuries ago.
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Tourism - Food, Wine, and Festivals Tourism Case Study
11 pages (3472 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Tourism - Food, Wine, and Festivals” is a pathetic example of the case study on tourism. This essay will examine the Melbourne food and wine festival that takes place annually. It will tackle issues such as industry involvement, environmental impacts, economic impacts, community involvement, and cultural impacts.
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Food and Wine Festivals and Their Contribution to Destination Tourism Tourism Literature review
11 pages (3648 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Food and Wine Festivals and Their Contribution to Destination Tourism" is an outstanding example of a tourism literature review. Festivals can affect the perception of a place amongst the people thus creating an image for destination tourism. Various festivals are discussed as cases that highlight social wellbeing, economic impact, industry involvement and gastronomic tourism sustainability.
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Tourism Destination of a Cultural Paradise: Thailand Tourism Report
10 pages (2751 words) , Download 1 , Report
The development in the various areas of the tourism industry gave a further boost to industries. Tourism has helped in enhancing the culture of Thailand and spread it across the world but on the other hand, the local culture and tradition have been commodified. With the growth of the hotels and infrastructures, there is an emergence of new and important destinations.
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Ten UK Travel System Quality Programs - Market Conditions and Competitive Environment Tourism Case Study
19 pages (4837 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Ten UK Travel System Quality Programs - Market Conditions and Competitive Environment ” is an intriguing example of the case study on tourism. In the evaluation of the Customer Quality program, I have chosen ten UK and chosen to study the customer quality program of the travel business system.
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Natural Environment, People, History, Tourist Activities and Heritage Resources of Turkey Tourism Literature review
9 pages (2434 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The country has turned out to be a famous global destination for spas, health care, and culture tourism in the past few years. Last year, it attracted over 31.5 million tourists from different foreign countries and thus, took 6th position in the rankings for most famous tourist destinations across the globe. 
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Conflict in Tourism Developments: Proposed Marine Park on Kangaroo Island Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The plan claims to improve understanding, plans, and action as well as communicating to all stakeholders. It is worth noting that fisheries, agriculture, and forestry are the largest industry employers in KI which is an indication of the significance of tourism in the economy of KI (Ministry for Environment and Conservation, 2009).      
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How Significant is any Process of Cultural Homogenization Tourism Essay
8 pages (2482 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'How Significant is any Process of Cultural Homogenization' is a great example of a Tourism Essay. Globalization can be defined as the act of selling goods and services without any restrictions. It is a form of free trade whereby countries have been confined in a village market whereby trade takes place without any restrictions. It is the issue of globalization.
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International Tourism in Mexico Tourism Essay
9 pages (2434 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “International Tourism in Mexico” is a creative example of the essay on tourism. International tourism is defined as the activity of people visiting or touring other foreign countries and destinations outside their home country for purposes of leisure. One of the countries in the Asia Pacific region which is a major tourist destination in the world is Mexico.
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Tourism Sector in the Asian Countries Tourism Case Study
13 pages (3625 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Tourism Sector in the Asian Countries" is a great example of a case study on tourism. There are so many countries that are catering to medical tourists in the world. The aim of this case study is to find out the situation of the medical tourism sector in Asian countries. In addition, the case study will find out the competitive advantage that some countries have over others in Asia.
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International Tourism Travel Trends Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2257 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "International Tourism Travel Trends" Is a wonderful example of a Tourism Case Study. Tourism is now seen as an affordable commodity to be enjoyed by all those who choose to engage in a variety of leisure pursuits. The prospects for continued economic growth underpin the World Tourism Organizations (WTO) 2020 forecasts of sustainable tourism growth in South America. 
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Religious Tourism - Pilgrimage, Mecca the Hajj, the Wailing Wall, the Harmandir Sahib Tourism Essay
12 pages (3221 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Religious Tourism – Pilgrimage, Mecca the Hajj, the Wailing Wall, the Harmandir Sahib” is an impressive example of the essay on tourism. Religious tourism can also be referred to as faith tourism that entails individuals or a group of believers traveling for missionary, pilgrimage, and fellowship leisure purposes.
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How Society and Cultural in Ghana Impacts Development of Tourism Tourism Case Study
12 pages (3168 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
'When a good thing goes bad, it is not the end of the world but the end of a world.’ With this in mind, European interactions with Africans, which led to slavery, are an example of such. Ghanaians have discovered this and have moved on from the days of hurt to those of hope for a future and economically viable times. 
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Impacts of Tourism in Singapore Tourism Essay
6 pages (1852 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Singapore as a nation is experiencing mass tourism. The expansion of the tourism sector comes along with social, economic, cultural, and environmental impacts. These impacts are both positive and negative. The positive impacts are developmental and are not a cause of concern. However, the negative impacts need to be identified and dealt with to avoid dire consequences.
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Tourism Package Operations Tourism Essay
11 pages (3054 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “Tourism Package Operations” is a fascinating example of an essay on tourism. The tourism and travel industry is currently undergoing structural change due to advancements in technology and consumer demand as the key drivers in travel retail. However, the tour operators and retail agencies still feel that their role in the industry is very important regardless of the unavoidable changes.
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Cancun Car Rental in Mexico Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2796 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Cancun Car Rental in Mexico" is a good example of a tourism case study. This paper shall give a complete overview of why Cancun, Mexico is an ideal tourist destination. It shall cover all the push and pull factors as well as motivation which attracts tourists. International tourism becomes an essential economic activity in Mexico after world war11.
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The Impact of EU Legislation Affecting Tourism and the Environment within the European Union Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2475 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
But from a global point of view, the EU holds vast influence on tourism policies of member countries, getting policy inputs from non-tourism fields like transport, environment, and culture. The present treaties among the EU nations are competent enough to provide a complete picture of European tourism policy. 
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The Role of Melbourne Food and Wine Festival to Tourism in the Melbourne Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2974 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Role of Melbourne Food and Wine Festival to Tourism in the Melbourne" is a great example of a tourism case study. Food is a big business all over the world and it has been the case in Australia. Julia Tum, Philippa Norton, J. Nevan Wright states that the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival is a unique event which is operating on a not for profit basis.
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How Different Types of Cultural Tourism Products Present Different Levels of Authenticity Tourism Coursework
9 pages (2590 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper 'How Different Types of Cultural Tourism Products Present Different Levels of Authenticity" is a great example of tourism coursework. Cultural tourism is not a new phenomenon and has existed since ancient times. Different cultural groups would travel from place to place and the main reason for travel in the ancient times was trade and pilgrimage.
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Tourism in Peru Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2607 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Tourism in Peru " is an outstanding example of a tourism case study. In this particular case, we are going to concentrate on tourism in Peru within its widely known tourist cities such as Cusco and in particular Machu Pichu. In Peru tourism is a symbol of national pride, despite the fact that Cuzco is Peru’s capital it is also one of the world’s major tourist attractions, foreign tourists have continuously been flocking.
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The Development and Changing Nature of Tourism Tourism Literature review
12 pages (3410 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Tourism is a big business and one of the largest industries in the world. It is also the simplest source of investment and employment in many regions. It also involves caring for the environment through the generation of significant pollution and consuming considerable amounts of natural resources. 
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The Concept of the Pop-up Restaurant Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1757 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper will illustrate the concept of a pop-up restaurant. This is an old inner-city factory space with plenty of room, and since it is supposed to be converted into executive apartments, the last chance has been provided for the establishment of a pop-up restaurant. The concept of establishing pop-up retail and restaurants is to attract the attention of young cosmopolitan urban professionals.
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Collaborative Commerce Applications for Interactive Marketing in the Travel Industry Tourism Coursework
10 pages (2880 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Generally speaking, understanding the complexity of the travel industry is quite a difficult task. This is because there is a certain number of smaller businesses which is actually involved with the word “Tourism”. But interestingly enough these elements do not work in tandem and often fails to collaborate.
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Strength and Weakness of Dubai Tourism Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1856 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Strength and Weakness of Dubai Tourism" is a good example of a tourism case study. The global economy has entered a growth phase whereby which certain sectors has been witnessing unprecedented growth and to leverage the present day’s consumers buying and spending habits, a certain amount of management strategy should be there to cash on it.
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How Sociological, Psychological, Economic, or Anthropological Theory Can Be Applied to Business Tourism Tourism Essay
11 pages (2930 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper “How Sociological, Psychological, Economic, or Anthropological Theory Can Be Applied to Business Tourism” is a worthy example of the essay on tourism. Business tourism has been in the increase across the globe. Such tourism involves conferences, exhibitions, business meetings, training events, or people traveling to various parts of the world to conduct various business transactions.
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