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The Historical and Cultural Value of Al Koot Fort Tourism Research Paper
18 pages (5060 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Al Koot Fort is a symbol of efforts taken by the governments and that of Qatar to renovate to ensure that the site looks more decent and attracts more tourists and also contribute towards creating the urge to pay for visiting the site. For example, specialists should come and observe the site and see what needs to be done in order to keep it safe and develop it.
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The Day Entertainment Event Tourism Research Paper
11 pages (2998 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The company “The Day Entertainment” is facing the problem of skills in the workforce. Although the primary workforce is skilled the emcees of the company lack the necessary skills. The company has received mostly positive reviews but there are certain negative reviews that have been also received by the company. 
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Impact of the Current Economic Situation on the Future of the UK Hotel Industry Tourism Term Paper
6 pages (1718 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The impact of the current economic condition in the hotel industry is profound with the need to take stringent measures for businesses in the hotel industry to survive. The harsh economic conditions have had profound impacts on the hotel industry that will determine the future of the hotel industry. The need for quality provision is the future of the hotel industry.
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Hospitality Operations Management of Silver Palm Hotel Tourism Report
15 pages (3989 words) , Download 1 , Report
The hotel had undergone various financial and operational changes which had a positive impact on the revenues of the hotel. Employee turnover had decreased while guest occupancy, room occupancy, market image index have increased thus indicating that net operating income and cash flow have improved.
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Travel and Tourism in Spain and Italy Tourism Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Travel and tourism in both countries have grown to very dynamic in the past decade. Travel and tourism contribute enormously to the economic growth and development in both countries. In essence, the contribution of travel and tourism in the GDPs of Italy and Spain is over 8%. Both countries, investment in travel and tourism has risen in the past ten years.
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How to Create a Memorable Wedding Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2310 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Creating a colorful and memorable wedding involves a lot of factors. It only takes careful planning to create that dream wedding. Some of the factors that frustrate the outcome of a wedding are inadequate funding, poor wedding population management and poor planning and organization by the wedding agencies.
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Menu Planning and Product Development Tourism Term Paper
6 pages (1603 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Before discussing the principles of recipe development, it is necessary to understand the concept of the recipe. A recipe can be broadly defined as the tested and standardized procedure used for the preparation of any particular food. It includes the proportion of the specific ingredients that are used, the order and the time period of mixing them.
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The Impacts and Problems of the Chinese Outbound Tourism Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2536 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The research focuses on Chinese outbound travelers. China's outbound travelers include all China residents who prefer to visit other countries. The purpose of foreign travel is not taken as the research priority. Instead, the research priority focuses on the problems of travelers when they arrive at their foreign country destinations.
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Customer Loyalty in Aviation Industry Tourism Research Proposal
13 pages (4675 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal’s objective is to gain discernment into the underlying forces of customer‐brand affiliations in the airline industry and the consequence these can have on the loyalty of a customer. To attain the specified objective, this research emphasizes the identification of the significant drivers of airline customer loyalty.
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Economic Impact of Tourism on London Tourism Coursework
11 pages (3540 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Over the course of the following coursework, the contribution of the tourism sector to the economy of London is analyzed. From this perspective, the contribution of the tourists to the local economy is also analyzed. The contribution of the tourism sector to the economy of London as compared to other sectors is considered.  
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Can Tourism Be Sustainable in the 21st Century Tourism Case Study
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The Sultanate of Oman is increasingly becoming a player on the international stage and opening up to the world has been a foreign policy goal for decades. A focus on the tourism and the hospitality sector is just one of the ways in which Oman has opened itself up to the international community and the rest of the world.
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The Low-Fares Airline Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2946 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
CEO Michael O’Leary can be characterized as an eccentric, charismatic leader. He has never been conventional and has always been ready for controversy. Thus, he dressed as the Pope, St Patrick, and an aviator to promote his company. He also repeatedly challenged his rivals in very outspoken and extraordinary ways (e.g., challenged EasyJet sitting on top of a tank, etc).
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Sport Tourism Operators: Addressing Issues Identified Tourism Article
9 pages (2515 words) , Download 2 , Article
There exist some external factors, like unforeseen man-made or natural disasters, which significantly influence the staging of particular sports events in particular places which in turn affect several important elements of the sport tourism industry. Hence, appropriate crisis management is also very important in the case of sport tourism.
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Collaborative Commerce Application in the Travel Industry Tourism Article
7 pages (2016 words) , Download 1 , Article
Tourism is a dynamic industry and in a constant state of change.  Airlines are an important sub-sector of this industry and play an essential role in the global tourist market.   Seeking to understand the applicability of Porter’s Five Forces model to the airline industry, an important subset of the global travel and tourism industry, we begin now with a concise overview of this important theoretical model for strategic management. 
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Travel Trade on the Internet Tourism Article
8 pages (2326 words) , Download 1 , Article
Drastic progress in the field of information technology has changed the conventional ideas about conducting business. The main advantage of the Internet business is that it introduces a businessman to the global market. Thanks to the benefits of Internet technologies, the person will be able to sell his products freely in the international market. On the other hand there are certain disadvantages in the system also.
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Tourism in Dubai Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1590 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
One of the most significant issues related to the Dubai hotel industry is that Dubai has no proper action to control waste products and it often creates environmental problems. Increasing wastes negatively affect health care programs. Tourism increases growth rate, national income and investments but it is very harmful to the environment.
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Economics and Tourism Development Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2251 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Though the Japanese tourists tend not to be too sensitive to price changes, they expect the maintenance of a standard price band. However, in certain instances, it is observed that they display little concern about their expenses when it comes to purchasing luxury items, as is evident from their craze for “ultra-expensive Gucci bags”.
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Ecotourism as a Product of Mass Tourism Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1995 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Though ecotourism is a rather new field of human activity and it has not still been discovered if it is an aspect of mass tourism or an independent phenomenon of human activity. The interest of the world’s community to indigenous cultures and remote lands predicts great success to ecotourism. Ecotourism is an aspect of mass tourism.
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Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The focus of the case study is shifted to managing baby boomers after which the culture and traditional values from each generation are analyzed according to how they affect preference to job training. The next stage is an analysis of what each generation values in the workplace and how best to optimize their operations, followed by a conclusion of the study.
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Marketing for Tourism Tourism Assignment
7 pages (1782 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This assignment also briefly touches on the appeal of the island as a port of call on Baltic cruises and whether the port and island could be made to appeal to more cruise companies, and how this appeal would be phrased. It reflects on what new marketing insight you may have gained as a direct result of engaging this case study. 
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Picture Frames for Marriott Hotels Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2233 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Consumer electronics products such as cellular phones with digital cameras make it relatively easy for anyone to take a picture without anyone helping; often, there is no need to hire a professional photographer for the purpose of taking a good photo. Some people may not like their pictures taken in a public place for reasons of privacy. 
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Tourism and Mount Fuji Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1953 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Lately, however, Mount Fuji has been called the “highest garbage dump” in Japan. Apparently, tourists and local communities near it have been dumping all sorts of the garbage along the path of the mountain, as well as it's on base. Volunteers have been cleaning up the mountain, although the garbage problem persists
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Managing Food and Beverage Operations Tourism Case Study
7 pages (2206 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
One of the major aspects that make the Chinese restaurant to attain a competitive edge in the market is the introduction of a menu that covers all the items as needed by the customers. In addition, the restaurant takes into consideration the cultural diversity of its customers. This is depicted by the introduction of an English and Chinese menu.
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Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Romania National Park Tourism Case Study
14 pages (4100 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The strategies proposed by the authority of Romania Tourism can be observed to represent a multidimensional approach in benefitting the overall performance of the Retezat National Park. The strategies proposed the inclusion of certain ethical and practical rules that were expected to limit the activities of the tourists up to an extent which will reduce the negative impacts on the natural assets of the Park.  
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Shangrila Hotels and Resorts Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2441 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
It’s extremely essential to recruit experienced and talented staff and managers within the organization, who might effectively utilize the decision-making power among all other juniors’ level staff of the organization of Shangrila. Only then, the process of decision-making might prove effective for the organization thereby presenting positive results in the current and future era.
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Issues and Stakeholders in Tourism: Bangkok Tourism Case Study
16 pages (4255 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
There are certain stakeholders involved in the tourism industry of Bangkok and Thailand in general. These include the government, the Tourism Authority of Thailand, tourism professionals, agencies, the Thai nationals, etc. The Stakeholders also play a major role in the tourism industry and maintaining responsible and sustainable tourism in Thailand 
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Conceptualization of an Innovative Event and Sales Pitch of the Bid Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2144 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
For every organization, branding and promotion are a key behind success in a longer time frame. Branding and promotional activities are well thought out strategies followed by every organization across the sector to not only promote their own brand or new products but at the same time also used as a tool to gain a lost market place in the highly competitive economic condition.
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Growth of Cruising in Australia Tourism Case Study
11 pages (3078 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The Australian cruise industry has had eight years of continuous double-digit growth, which is expected to keep rising. An example of a cruise company in Australia, Carnival Australia, has stated its aim to ensuring close to a million passengers take on a cruise vacation. The worldwide industry on cruising has also seen growth.
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Mangatepopo Stream Tragedy Tourism Case Study
6 pages (2054 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Starting with identifying the risks, a survey of the gorge to get a clear picture of the characteristics would be first. This would be accompanied by the Coroner’s report on the accidents that have occurred in the past. The result would be that feeling was the most frequent risk with flash flooding occurring twice a year.
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Balancing Access for Tourists With Protecting Nature Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2273 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Besides, the cultural contribution of local communities in the tourism perspective faces a threat on the basis of much focus on profit. Encouraging a limit to the tourists’ access to such a designated protected ecosystem is a complex task but achievable if well-thought-out. The level of government involvement, partnership with the private sector play a key role in attaining such a goal.
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Tourism of York, England, and Seville, Spain Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1712 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The city of Seville has a number of venues that are used as the attraction sites for the visitors. For instance, there are places like the cathedral, which ranks third in the world by size, the Giralda tower, the palace of the king, Maestranza bullfighting venue, Barrio of Santa Cruz as well as the Flamenco Passion.
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Ritz-Carlton Toronto and Fairmont Tremblant Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1857 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C and Fairmont Hotels & Resorts are some of the leading companies that influence the trends in the industry as they strive to grow their respective market shares. In Canada, Ritz Carlton Toronto and Fairmont Tremblant, Quebec enjoy substantial market shares owing to the uniqueness and effectiveness of the marketing strategies.
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The Burning Man Tourism Coursework
10 pages (3498 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Rather than any other festival where people visit the festival just to consume, the unique aim and objective that acts as the guiding light to the burning man event is the idea of radical inclusion. The event aims to instill in its participants a set of community values where they are not merely spectators but participants to the event.
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Inbound and Outbound Tourism in Thailand Tourism Coursework
9 pages (2633 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Inbound tourism refers to incoming individuals from other countries while outbound tourism describes the movement of residents from their country to other regions. This sort of traveling as earlier mentioned can be said to be a result of the rapid development of globalization. Improved means of travel and communication have opened up the world to one another.
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E-Tourism: Role of ICTs in Strategic Development Tourism Case Study
14 pages (4428 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The tourism industry is one that has to evolve to allow certain transformations to take place, so as to stay relevant (Brown, Muchira & Gottlieb 2007). The transformations that have taken place are largely focused on the advancement in technology, where different organizations ensure that they are better placed to reach individuals on a global scale (Beritelli, Bieger & Laesser 2007).
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Conference and Events Planning Tourism Coursework
10 pages (2845 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is important to understand that the events and meeting industry is quite young and full of opportunities especially for companies joining the industry to offer event planning and organization services. Many companies and organizations are looking for ways of enhancing their success and performance through such programs as staff training and development, team building.
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The Reasons for the Growth in UK Low-Cost Airlines Tourism Coursework
7 pages (2188 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Many companies are developing their business in the airline industry of the UK. As a result, the companies in this industry face strong competition. They try to attract customers by maintaining the low price of their tickets. The important companies operating in this industry are Easy Jet, Monarch, Ryan Air, etc. These companies dominate the market for low-cost airlines.
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Analysis of Three Papers about Tourism Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1438 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In most cases, conservation values always legitimized the resettlement of indigenous people out of national parks. As such, the resettlement process usually relied on both global as well as national interests to legitimize these evictions. Furthermore, they also legitimize the prohibition of shifting agricultural forms. 
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Role of Commercial Aviation Within the Tourism Industry Tourism Coursework
6 pages (2031 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The aviation sector plays a critical role in the growth of the tourism industry. The global economy has been improved to a great extent with the support of the tourism industry. There are employment opportunities created by the tourism sector and this improves upon economic conditions. GDP growth has been facilitated in many regions because of air transport.
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Effective Rooms Division of a Hotel Tourism Case Study
14 pages (3738 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper starts by giving a brief description of the hotel chosen for the case study and assess how good design and use of property interiors can improve hotel management in general. It will assess why the front office should be properly planned and managed in every hotel. The selected hotel from the case study is a 4-star hotel located in London, United Kingdom.
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Realities of Climate Change Tourism Coursework
8 pages (2392 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Evolutions that relate to the travel industry are observed in the apparent periods because of many discoveries and renovations that underlie the countries and the regions that the tourists visit. These improvements and innovations together with the customization of the products of tourism have led to the increased demand for international tourism.
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Far East Hospitality Holdings Tourism Case Study
7 pages (2033 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Being a large organization in Singapore, the team has faced the challenge of managing diversity in its workforce. Globalization and immigrant of labor into the workforce of hospitality has continued to increase cultural diversity. This is because these people have different cultural backgrounds, and hence they have to be efficiently managed.
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Tourism in Dubai Tourism Essay
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Being a coastal city, Dubai offers several attractions like the sun, sand, sea, and traditions of Islam and Arabs. These have therefore made the tourism sector in Dubai to increase and is famous among people all over the world.
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Tourism, Leisure and Society Tourism Essay
9 pages (2514 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Leisure and tourism have some observable differences, but they are also closely related in terms of the activities involved and the factors that drive individuals to participate in them. There exist familiar influences that explain how individual behavior during tourism and leisure experiences, which include psychological and sociological factors like the motivations, economic status.
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Climate Change and Its Impact on Tourism Destinations Tourism Essay
12 pages (4231 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Changing weather patterns will influence both winter and summer tourism as mountainous regions become unreliable for winter sports and the beaches will be affected by rising sea levels, heatwaves and stormy weather. Global climate change will have an impact on ecosystems and adversely impact islands that are popular with tourists.
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Adventure Tours Australias Operations in Brazil Tourism Research Paper
7 pages (2097 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The company was established in the year 1993 and it has been evident that in the year 2010 the company had been successful in providing 90000 passengers which were the biggest achievement for the company. It has a wide range of tours that explore highlights along with hidden delights of Western Australia.
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Bookabee Tours as an Indigenous Tourism Product Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2544 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The report reveals that indeed, Bookabee Tours is an indigenous tourism company based on the products, services, and the people that are employed as well as the ownership and control. Bookabee Tours, therefore, qualifies to be categorized into the culture-controlled matrix presented by Butler and Hinch.
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Strategic Marketing Plan: Tourism Destination Tourism Term Paper
12 pages (3403 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The plan analysis the market niche, competition and determines Peru's unique positioning in tourism. Through the set marketing goals tourism is expected to gain a 20% increase in visits and benefits in the next two years (Peru Tourism Bureau ). The goals include sale services, profits, and customer satisfaction.
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Special Interest in Marine Tourism Tourism Term Paper
11 pages (3056 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Tourism has been one of the most important revenue-generating sectors. While the patterns and interests of tourists have changed remarkably during this period, they have also shown avid interest in what could have been earlier termed as unconventional tourism. This form of tourism is now known as special interest tourism.
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The Technical and Logistic Requirements - Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2868 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is an annual event in Australia. These events include an iconic parade and other associate events including Parade Party and Fair Day. These events attract a diverse group of people from all over the world. It takes place in the month of February where the gays and lesbians are able to showcase their talents and acceptance to the world.
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