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Public Transport in Parramatta and Tourism Industry Tourism Literature review
6 pages (1911 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Australian cities have a significant number of tourist arrivals thus local governments are actively promoting tourism. It is noted that mobility is a significant factor for tourists who visit large cities because it is a vital issue that they consider for comfort. Benefits spread across various cities in Australia are facilitated by mobility.
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Marine Tourism in Australia Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2860 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The influx of tourism around marine ecosystems creates noise pollution, water pollution among other forms of pollution. As the number of tourists in Australia grows, there is increased disturbance to marine life in its natural habitat. This not only disturbs the ecosystem but also threatens the existence of attractions and the industry as a whole.
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The Theories of Tourism and Gastronomy Tourism Report
8 pages (2282 words) , Download 0 , Report
It is also evident that gastronomic tourism is vital in terms of enhancing the experience of the tourists. Queen Victoria Market is also an important tourist destination that satisfies the needs of gastronomic tourists. The availability of a variety of food and drinks in the market plays an essential role in enabling the tourists to sample the Australian cuisines.
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Developing Sustainable Tourism in Yaringa Marine Park Tourism Case Study
12 pages (3534 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The impacts of boats, polluted water from Watson creek, and tourism activities in the park have been blamed on negative effects on sustainability. The authority has set the speed limit to 5kph to reduce siltation and damage to the coral reefs. The impact of locals and tourists has also been monitored and controlled.
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Gastronomy as Tourism Product: Melbourne Markets and Boroondara Farmers' Market Tourism Case Study
7 pages (2238 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The evidence of the basic structure of gastronomic tourism spins around the local cultures and the occurrence of foreign foods (Halkier 2012). The two have lent credence to the cultural capital theory, which seeks to explain why divergent patterns of consumption exist in society. The theory considers the physical need to eat as a cultural practice.
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Understanding of Gastronomy from Farmers Market And Fine Wine Retail Cellar Tourism Case Study
9 pages (2391 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
There is a need to carry out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of gastronomy tourism, as a tourism resource and product and as a way of enhancing socio-economic status. Therefore, gastronomy can be undertaken as a tourism product based on analysis of the local products from the farmers market in Melbourne and Fine wine retail cellar within the Yering Station Vineyard and Yarra valley.
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Understanding of Gastronomy as a Tourism Product Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2417 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The findings of this report show that food is a key motivating factor of tourists’ travel. As a result, gastronomy can be considered a tourism product mainly because it plays a critical role in adding value to the tourism value chain and enriching tourists’ experiences. Moreover, it contributes to the creation and expression of symbolic cultural identities and values.
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Community Issues on Kangaroo Island Tourism: Kangaroo Islands Flinders Chase National Park Tourism Case Study
10 pages (3066 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The concept of community involvement in tourism has gained increased attention in recent decades. This has culminated in the concept being central in each level of formulation and implementation of tourism research agenda, based on the perception that the involvement of the community in tourism will be core in making this fundamental undertaking sustainable.
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Why Hospitality Is Providing an Experience Rather Than a Service Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2385 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The present paper has identified that while service providers are addressed by the hospitable behavior that the host has towards the guest, the definition above as cited by Wood and Brotherton (2008, p. 103) differentiates between hospitality as an experience and hospitality’s hospitable behavior as portrayed in service provision.
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How Visit Experiences Contributed to the Understanding of Gastronomy Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2293 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
It is true to say that tourism and food avail a stage for the advancement of the local economy which through the use of experiences by tourists in regard to the food can strengthen the economy. Competition among tourist destinations is on the rise, the local customs are a priceless source of fresh products that can draw and interest tourists (OECD, 2012).
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Gastronomy as a Tourism Product Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2647 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Cooking is an attraction available all the time and has an impact on a tourist’s experience in a given destination. The better way to understand gastronomy as a tourist product is to provide a link to the culture of the tourist. Linking gastronomy and tourism demonstrates a good way of viewing gastronomy as a tourist product. 
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Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2080 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The tourism market in Australia directly employs around half a million Australian citizens in the various sports centers, hotels, and adventures that are tourist attractions. As a result of increased tourist, there are increased employees and also the growth of the hotel industry. Australia's tourism market is composed of local domestic tourists and international tourists from all over the world.
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Peru, a World Tourist Destination Tourism Term Paper
11 pages (2941 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
It borders the following countries; Brazil on the West, Colombia on the North East, Ecuador on the North, Bolivia on the South East, and Chile on the South (John, 2010). On the West, it borders the pacific where it has a 3000-kilometer coastline. The capital city of Peru is Lima which is within latitude 12 ͦ03’ S and longitude 77 ͦ 03’ W.
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Foreign Investment In Tourism In Dubai Tourism Coursework
11 pages (3028 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The objective of the research is to reinstate the development of the tourism sector with specific emphasis on Dubai. Foreign investment has gained momentum with the privatization of public enterprises in developing countries. Several countries have been successful in attracting substantial amounts of investment from foreign countries by selling state-owned companies to buyers from abroad.
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Koh Samui - Early Stages of Policy Evaluation of Green Island Draft Tourism Research Proposal
13 pages (3667 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The study is developed to evaluate the policies of Greenland Island that will include all stakeholders in the area so as to maintain a sustainable ecosystem and reduce conflicts. Firstly it aims to establish what has been done to prevent the accumulation of garbage, chemical contaminants, and other pollutants on the island by all the stakeholders and beneficiaries of the ecosystem.
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Effect of Globalization on Gastronomic Tourism Tourism Term Paper
9 pages (2456 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The culture of the people highly influences their choice of food from the available variety of foods in their environment. The local cuisine of a community, therefore, holds the story of the community for generations. Food forms part of the necessities of a person (Bell & Valentine 2000 pp.100). Over the centuries, food has transformed from being a mere necessity to a luxury component.
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The Importance of Gastronomy for Tourism Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2271 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Gastronomy refers to any tour experience during which the person gets to consume, learn about, and appreciates food and drinks that are a reflection of the host culture, cuisine, or heritage. Tourism may be defined here as the process in which people relocate to places away from their home environments for business, leisure, or some other purpose for a period not exceeding one year consecutively.
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Adelaide Hills Tourism Service Industry Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2309 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The former can drive to and from A-Hills in half an hour, while the latter are often accommodated in what Milbank (2010, p. 2) describes as “high-quality restaurants and accommodation”. The major tourist attractions in A-Hills include wildlife, cycling and walking trails, heritage arts, and historic townships.
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Adelaide Hills Management Plan Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2271 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The negative effects of tourism on destinations include environmental degradation, cultural attrition, increased costs of living, and leakage of income from destinations. Additionally, tourism may lead to a decline in traditional employment for locals and seasonal unemployment during low tourism seasons (Tand Publishing 2011, p. 360).
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Gastronomy as a Tourism Product Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2291 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Food has been increasingly growing in its importance to tourism. This has led to the development of gastronomic tourism, or otherwise, touristic products. Food continues to play a key role in tourism. As this develops, there are various upcoming trends that make gastronomy gain popularity in most touristic travels.
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Scenario Planning and the Trends in Accommodation on the Hospitality Industry Tourism Term Paper
7 pages (2363 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The scenario planning can be applied in the hospitality industry especially in cases where the major players in this sector have to plan for the trends in the accessibility of the accommodation sector. Scenario planning, in this case, helps in advocating for flexibility in the accommodation industry and through this enables a given organization to plan for the future.
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The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism Tourism Term Paper
9 pages (2559 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The growth of international tourism is attributed to several factors which include growth in the economy, tourist promotion, easing of travel restriction among others.  According to the terms of the Travel and Tourism Council (2014), internal travel is expected to look extremely favorable in the next years with growth expected to increase to 4 percent yearly.
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Impacts of Terrorism on International Tourism Tourism Literature review
9 pages (2451 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Terrorist groups appear to have realized the role played by international tourism in the growth of countries, and they have also realized that that international travel and international hotel and accommodation services are the two of the most important factors in international tourism. As a result, these groups have in previous years targeted these two factors.
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Operation Task System in Hospitality and Tourism: Central Parks Tourism Case Study
10 pages (2631 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Weekends, leisure trips, tours, and activities of those kind involves much of the intangible feelings and those feelings need much nurture and care. In the case study of ‘a family weekend at Center Parcs', the discussed weekend also would have involved with such feelings and anticipation of many days.
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The Importance of the Gastronomy to the Tourism Industry Tourism Term Paper
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
It has gone further to bring forward the relationship between gastronomy and other elements of tourism as culinary tourism, food tourism, agritourism, and gastronomic tourism. The report provides an overview of the two places that I made a visit to as well as analyzing the main content creating tourists' love for those places.
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What Is Tourism Development Tourism Assignment
12 pages (3302 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The agricultural revolution facilitated trade for some people to commercialize surplus production and generate wealth. The wealth gained provided finance for tour travels. The agricultural moguls made rich by the sale of agricultural surplus got ‘push’ factors such as discretionary time and income to travel for leisure and acquisition of colonies.
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Evaluating the Limitations and Strengths of Alternative Tourism Tourism Term Paper
9 pages (2799 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Traditional tourism involves the movement of people from one region, country, or state to the other in order to view and even a better experience in venturing the rest of the world. Traditional tourism is the most commonly known form of tourism and is characterized by the movement of tourists across the world.
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The Marketing of Tourism in Hawaii Tourism Case Study
6 pages (2385 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
A lot of internal and external factors may contribute to the success of tourism in Hawaii. Therefore, topics such as the importance of establishing a good destination image; the visitor satisfaction ratings in Hawaii; the effects of using e-commerce in tourism; and the impact of local festival promotions will be discussed in the study. 
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Service Quality and Operations Tourism Literature review
7 pages (2007 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Keeping the benefits of employee empowerment in mind, the manager of a tourism organization should also consider this aspect so that the employees are provided with proper support. If these aspects are properly fulfilled, it is quite sure that catering quality service and assuring operational completeness to consumers will not remain unachievable. 
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Moments of Truth in Customer Service Tourism Coursework
7 pages (2157 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Every business needs customers to thrive and grow. In order to attract customers, the business needs to market itself- its superior products and/or excellent service and deliver customers’ expectations, if not go beyond it.  “Moments of Truth” are times for businesses to prove themselves to the customers, as these are opportunities that they are assessed of the quality of their service.  
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World-Wide Destination Analysis: Sovereign Hill in Ballarat, Australia Tourism Case Study
10 pages (3021 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The environmental quality of the tourist attraction should not be allowed to deteriorate due to financial constraints. It needs to be a high priority that the environment should be improved and enhanced through regular cleaning and refurbishment of buildings, and the replacement of plants and trees that die, to ensure plenty of greenery and flora.
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Hospitality Supervision and Training Skills Tourism Assignment
12 pages (3215 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that we look at our clients and do the rest of the activities depending on the need and provision. In order to have good control of things highly qualified management staff should be hired and they should explain the whole proposal to them and then the rest of the things can be taken care of them but under supervision.
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Educational Tourism and Hospitality in Oman Tourism Report
13 pages (3408 words) , Download 1 , Report
Oman is committed to developing its tourism industry and capitalizing on renewed global interest in the Middle East. Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), the Oman Tourism College (OTC) and the National Hospitality Institute (NHI) each offer a unique education geared towards developing a professional cadre of staff for the tourism and hospitality sector.
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ITT Sheraton Corporation Tourism Case Study
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author states that hospitality being a service industry, competitive advantage and competitive success relies heavily on service quality. The delivery of service depends upon various factors and the most important factor is the people or human resources. Assessing customer expectations is a big challenge in this highly competitive industry.
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Stereotypes and Experience of Travelling Tourism Essay
6 pages (1543 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When a person gets an opportunity to travel, he gets a fair chance to learn the art of dealing with unexpected situations, to broaden his exposure, to be able to tolerate the differences in cultures and individuals and to develop a better judgment about the world, its people and his own existence.
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Perception on Tourism and the Areas for Its Development Tourism Research Paper
9 pages (2786 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The central premise of this paper is to use perception through guiding questions to view individual thinking to a subject. It is evident, that from the analysis, certain conclusions could be drawn to develop future plans and programs, to improve or change behaviour, or could be used as a basis for future developments. 
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The Relationship between Sustainable Tourism and Sustainable Development Tourism Term Paper
6 pages (1756 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
This paper has highlighted the concepts of sustainable tourism and sustainable development, the link between them, and determined why an understanding of this relationship is important. The evidence indicates that there are various similarities among the basic theories of sustainable development and sustainable tourism. 
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Tourism Development Planning: Silver Resort Tourism Business Plan
6 pages (1591 words) , Download 2 , Business Plan
The author states that destination planning involves setting goals and objectives for the industry, understanding present market conditions and trends, recognizing issues and possible constraints, creating opportunities, identifying alternatives and recommending actions. It should lead to timely and better development of suitable projects.
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The Benefits of Using Environmental Management In Hospitality Industry Tourism Thesis
29 pages (7808 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
Environmental issues have never been such a central source of popular and scholarly concern. Global warming, tropical deforestation, ozone depletion, and toxic waste disposal are some of today’s major environmental issues that have recently been given greater coverage in the media and have greatly impacted social life across the globe.
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Tourism Business in Dubai Tourism Case Study
7 pages (1964 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The bargaining powers of buyers or the tourists are low because the numbers of resorts are less. Thus, the buyers are bound to pay the rates asked by resort owners if they want to enjoy the experience of staying in a resort. The tourists are not left with a lot of options due to the presence of a lesser number of resorts in Dubai.
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Tourism Analysis on Pacific Asia Region Tourism Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
All products require branding in order to compete successfully for customers in the market. Destination branding is one of the branding done in order to attract tourists. Destination branding entails the integration of various industries such as agriculture, transport and communication, sports, arts and culture, and education and technology.
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Analysis of Tourism Policy, Planning and Development in Singapore Tourism Term Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Accordingly, tourism companies should use cleaner as well as minimize their reliance on energy and water resources, and more importantly reduce unnecessary packaging. The government on the other hand should follow their cleaner strategies; for instance, walk the talk by making the public service more efficient. 
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Urban Tourism in Australia: Analysis of Brisbane and Melbourne Towns Tourism Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Tourism provides incentives for cultural preservation in both Brisbane and Melbourne as a socio-cultural impact of urban tourism in the Australian urban cities (Middleton, 2008). Cultural preservation is one of the practices that people ought to keep in their lives. It shows a distinction between one’s social background and cultural practices. 
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How the Relationship between Tourism and Terrorism Has Changed since September 11th, 2001 Tourism Literature review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Transport has particularly been identified as the key to the growth of many industries, including tourism. The Department for Transport and the Highways Agency ensure that there are useful links between local authorities, the central government, and local enterprise partnerships to boost transport and hence tourism (Penrose 2011, p. 23). 
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Senegal and Its Implications on Tourism Tourism Assignment
7 pages (2031 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that Senegal which is a major tourist destination is found in West Africa. It bordered by Mauritania, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. The country has a rich natural and cultural wealth, which forms the basis for tourist attraction. The economy of Senegal is quite stable endowed with many natural resources.
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The Importance of Tourism to the World Economy Tourism Research Paper
15 pages (5534 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There is much hope among young tourists, as the majority expressed that accidents happen all the time, but that they should not let these risks hold them nack from exploring different places. The imperative is still effective risk management for the tourism industry, to sustain this enthusiasm and credence that young people hold about traveling.
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Competitive Advantage in Hong Kong Hotel Industries Tourism Assignment
8 pages (2133 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that most of the hotels there are operating on an approach that is friendly to the environment. Most of the hotels there prefer to operate on a traditional basis in which they are somewhat using primitive gadgets and the likes which lessens the use of energy while delivering the same output they want to see.
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Englands Tourism Tourism Assignment
6 pages (1722 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that there are a lot of visitors from overseas to England. There is almost 1,25,000 business in this industry. There are various sectors involved in the Tourism Industry are Hotels and other accommodations, Restaurants, Travel agencies, and tour operators. It also provides lots of employment opportunities than many other sectors.
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Issues of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Tourism Term Paper
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The respective governments are supposed to frame policies, provides financing investment, build the fundamental infrastructure for the hospitality industry, education, and training in the hospitality and tourism sector, etc. The private sector too is required to provide a helping hand for the industry to prosper and bring in more professionalism.
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Risk Management of Space Tourism Tourism Case Study
12 pages (3175 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The government authorities have to ensure the operators possess the knowledge and skills in that particular sector before licenses are issued. Since the tourists who opt for adventure tourism are prepared to face challenges, they should be well informed on the risks including the objective real risk.
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