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To Kill a Mockingbird: Characters Analysis: Dill Harris and Maudie Atkinson

Characters' Analysis: Dill Harris and Maudie Atkinson

By Harper Lee Release Year: 1960

Supporting Characters

Dill Harris

Dill Harris is the playmate of Jem and Scout, who has left his house situated in Meridian, Mississippi, on his mother’s marrying another man after the death of Dill’s father. He is curious and confident short boy and has developed intimate relationships with both the young Finch siblings on his arrival in Maycomb town. Like Jem and Scout, he is also afraid of Boo Radley and looks curious to discover the mysterious personality and his activities.

Dill’s presence in the novel provides the readers with the image of childhood love developed in the children at such an early stage of life, as Dill proposes Scout in the beginning chapters, and wins her acceptance subsequently. Dill’s character shows a sense of insecurity and lack of protection the children belonging to the broken houses may experience in life. Such a sense of insecurity goes a long way and even throughout their life.

Renowned contemporary era US feminist novelist Dorothy Allison (2005) has also pointed out towards the same, where she remained terrified because of the presence of her drunkard and rapist stepfather. Although Dill has not been exploited by his stepfather; nevertheless, he finds himself as insecure while staying with his mother and stepfather.  

Maudie Atkinson

The list of all characters in To Kill a Mockingbird entails Miss Maudie Atkinson is a good-natured middle-aged woman and lives in the neighborhood of the Finch family. She has spent her childhood with Aunt Alexandra; however, contrary to Alexandra, Maudie’s character looks flexible, jovial and friendly.

She is witty and freedom-loving, and instead of looking at the apparent actions of others, she pays more heed to the motive behind the actions. As a result, she allows Scout to behave like a tomboy and appreciates Atticus’s mission of fighting for the cause of an innocent accused. Since she does not feel any hesitation in wearing male dresses while working in a garden, she does not have any objection to Scout’s involvement in the boyish activities. Maudie always demonstrates affection towards Jem and Scout, and her sense of humor always fascinates the children.

Overall, Miss Maudie presents a liberal, jovial and sensible character, which takes the things around her in a light way, and tends to focus on views and motives rather than mere trivial acts and minor things.  

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