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The first step is acknowledging that I have privileges at the cost of others. The second is challenging the social institutions such as family and the workplace that support a system of oppression. The third step is to refuse the privileges and advocate for privileges to the oppressed. In order for oppression to end, we must act all in unison.
“In the developed nations, economic inequality is regarded as appropriate for growth and competition. Social mobility and inequality are therefore interconnected. Intergenerational mobility is, therefore, an integral part of social stratification in any society with the close connection between parents’ earnings and their children status”.
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, Literature review
This essay traces the origin of the theory of suicide and analyzes several early studies into the phenomenon. Secondly, it discusses Durkheim's theory of suicide and how it tries to explain the phenomenon of suicide. Finally, it proposes a framework that can be applied by sociologists that deal with suicide in the field.
In the current world context, people struggle with their self-identity in search of meaning in negotiating the interpersonal demands of everyday life. Some of these struggles can be ascribed to the effects of online technologies that have changed the way people experience and practice the different aspects of love and sexuality.
Some will contend that illicit drug use, as deviant behavior is a reality or a local crime. It is important to note that behaviors become criminal activities through social construction. A crime refers to an act that violates stipulated rules and which warrants community condemnation and punishment. It takes place when a person violates rules through open acts, neglect, or omission.
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, Literature review
The paper “Postmodern International Relations - Different Theoretical and Practical Approaches” is an actual variant of the literature review on sociology. The international relations (IR) study has different theoretical approaches, whereby a number of them originate from the discipline itself and others are borrowed from other disciplines like sociology and economics.
Family life encounters a lot of challenges like domestic violence that influence children’s rights, development, and well-being. Parents are supposed to provide support and protection to their children. It is the right of every child to get access to basic and secondary needs. The government, parents, and caregivers are supposed to initiate a mechanism to protect the child’s life in society.
NGOs as civil society actors are important in addressing problems affecting individuals and communities. NGOs have been instrumental in addressing global problems such as pollution and global warming. WWF, for example, has played a big role in mobilizing states and corporations to conserve the environment in their activities.
Having the qualities of tuning in to the client, the social worker understands the client’s description with a lot of ease. In Mia’s case, she describes the challenges she encountered since she migrated from Austria to Australia. The Tune-in to Mia would focus on her lifestyle in Austria where she was born and had her first family and in Australia where she migrated after being married.
The determination of making childhood to be a major concern instead of seeing it as being submerged under general contents such as schooling or family that has for a long time been the trend for studies. An increase in such a view of a child can be attributed to a systematic move of re-democratization of modern society and the disassembling of all the stratification hidden forms.
Some of the social determinants include racism, individualized and systemized discrimination, limited access to services, imbalanced power relations, inter-generational trauma, and forms of state violence. These minority groups suffer high unemployment, lack of access to justice, health, and education, and generally lower standards of living.
The social workers should recognize and challenge any form of abuse experienced by a range of linguistically and culturally diverse groups by implementing the principle practices of anti-oppression. Affirmative action is justifiable in instances where there is a denial of the rights of an individual to access resources necessary for her well-being
As described in the report, it is usual to encounter ethical and value dilemmas in the workplace. When this happens, the Australian Code of ethics comes in handy to assist in the best ways of handling such situations. During my placement at St. Teresa’s School, I encountered two ethical dilemmas about a boy and a girl.
8 pages (2226 words)
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, Literature review
Some believe that independence and autonomy are important conditions for developing social solidarity as well as interpersonal cooperation. The founders of sociology place much emphasis on determining whether ‘individualism’ was an idiosyncratic feature of contemporary societies. The issue of individual society was totally a social issue that suggests modernity and expresses itself severely.
Both Australia and Japan are as said by Thakur are “natural trans-Pacific friends and allies” (Thakur, Online Edition) and are considered as among two small commercially strong, and most tolerant democracies in the whole of the Asia-Pacific region. They are as summed by Thakur, “the northern and southern anchors of the Western alliance system.
7 pages (2129 words)
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, Literature review
In a specially created prison environment at Stanford University, researchers simulated the atmosphere of prison with volunteers who played the role of prisoners and prison guards. The goal of the experiment was to study the “psychological effects … of becoming a prisoner or prison guard”.
Managerialism can be described as a set of beliefs and practices, at the core of which Is the assumption that better management is an effective solvent for a wide range of economic and social ills. Prison management may be considered as one of the most challenging tasks as it involves managing different types of people with at least, some undesirable happenings in their past.
Authorities responsible for the prisoners must have accountability and they should be able to report to the public from time to time about the condition of the prisons and the prisoners. The management of prisons must be within the ethical framework. Without ethics, there might be an abuse of power because of the perception of one group being superior to the other.
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, Literature review
History has shown that resistance towards power is also a normal reaction. Theoretical and historical evidence has shown that power and resistance go hand in hand. Karl Marx studied the capitalist mode of production in which workers are excluded from the appropriation of surplus value and are forced to sell their labor rather than keep control over their ability and fate.
The main argument of the following paper is that all the four theories explaining crime look at crime as deviance as a process and not as a situation. Therefore the solution of the situation at immediate sociological grounds is a missing link in the theoretical framework of crime in present-day sociology.
People have a nature that is dual meaning that the mental procedure has personal characteristics together with the outcomes of joint representations. The majority of the representations in a person’s mind have been jointly developed. Collective demonstrations take place from dealings of incalculable mind considered as an entirety as an entire from whose activities these representations come out.
Throughout history, various scholars have evaluated gender issues. Gender can be defined as the inner sense of one’s being that is psychological in nature. This is not considering the outside physique emanating from the sexual organs that one has. It is known that human beings have two distinct genders. These are the male and female or feminine and masculine.
The relationship between the members of these families especially the two spouses as the founders has changed leading to the emergence of two key processes: cohabitation and marriage breakdown. This highly influences the tendency of bringing up children, although these changes are experienced in all the family contexts, they have both positive, and negative impacts on the people.
A representation of another person’s work in a manner different from the real form may be referred to as deception. Deception in social research may be in different degrees. A low degree deception is one where the researcher may limit the information he or she gives to the participants so that they can imply their natural response.
Social construction is an active process where there is a definition and redefinition of issues that are widely understood as social problems and others understood as not. Unemployment was understood as a social problem which is named public trouble; it does not mean that this will always be a social problem its nature will change over time.
Jennifer Robinson and Saskia Sassen are prominent sociologists that have contributed immensely to the field of sociology. Saskia's global cities approach seems to trigger a contrasting view from Jennifer Robinson and she details her ordinary city theory in his book ‘Ordinary Cities: Between Modernity and Development.
Religion contributes to society by playing various social roles. Some communities can even be described as religious because of the adoption of a single or related religious outlook in social norms, beliefs, and values. The traditional Irish society is one such social amalgamation in which religion defines the day-to-day way of living.
There are different types of chronic illness such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Sociology study’s different parts of human life, but of importance to us is how it helps us in the understanding of the experience of chronic illnesses. Sociologists term the study of chronic illness as humanistic sociology.
Sociology of knowledge tries to explore the systematic interrelationship that exists between the thoughts of individuals and society. This is aimed at understanding the ways in which human beings are able to understand, construct, interpret and interpret different human views in the realism of life (Elder-Vass, 2012, p. 214).
8 pages (2356 words)
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, Literature review
Employers are responding by installing play centers and gymnasiums at the workplace. Additionally, the laws of some countries make breaks compulsory at the places of work. Schools curricular have compulsory physical education lessons. Such encourage leisure. Breaks are an integral part of the education system.
The author of the following paper examines how the attachment theory has been used to inform social work purpose and values. Lastly, the following paper outlines how the selected theory can be used to inform the work of the author in the field in which the author is interested under the social work discipline.
The concept of social imagination refers to the process of examining an individual’s attitudes and behaviors within the context of social forces that mold them. It is based on the assumption that changes in a society deeply influence human lives. The significance of the family diagram in understanding the circumstances underlying demographic changes over three generations is further examines.
Rosso et al (2010) postulate that ascribing positive meanings of works to a job serves to motivate the employee to perform better, this is because the positive attributes produce positive feelings leading to effective performance. Intrinsic motivation is driven by perceptions of enjoyment and satisfaction at work.
Only 30 people live in the agency observed and most of them are over 70 years. It advocates for a positive lifestyle and offers numerous activities. The aged care services offered by the agency are flexible and supported by experienced and multidisciplinary employees who offer care for a large number of residents' needs with respect and dignity.
It is interesting to note that poverty has taken diverse dimensions in respect to its definitions over the years. This implies that shifting trends in society have triggered how different people and institutions define poverty. Perhaps, this is because poverty is an aspect that has had a continuous influence on human development.
Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim made a major contribution more than any other philosopher in the 19th century. Marx, Weber, and Durkheim both combined their efforts in defining the nature of our society with respect to social changes that were likely to be encountered in the 20th century.
The role of communication in ensuring the continuity and perpetuation of such norms makes communication a crucial factor in the impediment of the development of a post-traditional identity. Such evidence suggests that the claim that the contemporary identities are predominantly pots-traditional is largely inaccurate.
The analyzed article is from ABC Radio Australia, and it is authored by Worthington Elsie. It is posted on the ABC Radio Australia website, and it was last updated on October 23rd, 2013. The analyzed article is titled “New research finds Australian University students rely on drugs to help them study.”
Health also influences human dignity since all the international treaties that limit weapons use basically concern human health (ICRC 2010, p.1). Before the intervention of most social movements, the health professionals were slow to recognize the health effects of these weapons and that the concern had reached a global level.
The moral support of the Young Lives approach is that additional research should be conducted on the basis of children’s strengths so as to understand their perception of what is a really good life. In so doing, it becomes easy for children and young people to make sense of the experiences affecting their well-being.
The essay has looked deeply into the concept of gambling. There are several forms of gambling that have been defined and discussed in this paper. These include gambling in casinos using machines or even on the poker tables. Another form is online gambling where people gamble online from the comfort of their homes
Male children growing up in deprived families may be forced to use their masculine instincts to acquire material things that their parents cannot provide. Girls may also get exposed to prostitution to fend for themselves and their families. This makes them adapt to harmful situations in their home environments to increase their chances of survival.
Some of the famous ones include rape cases, queerphobic violence, and pornography. Each of these forms affects the growth and the development of the members of society in a negative manner. Millions of cases involving some form of violence across the globe in one way or the other have been documented (Schwartz 2010, p. 84).
People have different perceptions regarding rape and this is mainly because of the myths that surround it. Generally, rape is considered as sexual penetration or contact that is achieved without consent. A sexual act can also be considered rape when physical force, coercion, threat, or deception is applied.
Sociology is the cannon of thoughts and ideas stretching way back into the 19th century. Sociology thinkers are dependent on any form of influence and are not spontaneous. Karl Marx (1818-1883) is considered to be one of the most important sociological thinkers of the 19th century. It is quite evident that his work and developments are very rich in different sociological insights.
The proposition of possible intervention will also be a feature of the assignment in relation to the identified case. In this way, the paper will also include a rationale for the parameters of every assessment in order to establish a comprehensive case study. The film on which the assessment is based gives a presentation of assessment of risk in relation to further suicide attempts.
What am enjoying is the economic stability and the legal freedom within my country that has enabled me and my spouse to live together happily.
We are having the best marriage life. However, the fact that my spouse is proposing for us to relocate to their country is somehow disturbing me. If I was to choose a husband again I can use any so long as we get along together happily.
The empirical advantage of tangible evidence afforded by scientific knowledge and postulates admittedly draws people towards itself more and more refuting their reliance on spiritual and religious beliefs and practices. This then finds root in the continual inventions science is bringing into human understanding in all spheres: from cosmology to philosophy; from biology to sociology.
The author of the paper states that one can speak of a control continuum but not of classes. But both the Marxist and the Weberian conception of class also presumes a multi-modal distribution of something; and Marx often used the term "control," (Howard 279- 290) as do contemporary Marxists, especially Wright. (Howard 279- 290)
The symbolic interactionist perspective of deviant behavior postulates that deviance originates from an individual’s learning of the behavior. The deviant can either learn the deviant from the deviant individuals surrounding them as they grow or once the deviant establishes a justification for the deviance.