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The Concept of Essentialism Sociology Term Paper
7 pages (2139 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Motherhood is generally seen as “natural” or biological. This perception of motherhood gives it the potential for further comparative study with respect to an essentialist view of identity against a social constructivist view. This paper proposes to study the concept of essentialism; and different theoretical perspectives from psychoanalysis.
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Migrants, Refugees, and Australian Society Sociology Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
“It is better to be defeated on principle than to be defeated on lies1,” “ Two Wyong do not make a White1, ” “ Populate or Perish1” and many other such popular but controversial quotes are attributed to the one and only Arthur Calwell, the politician who had the honour of being the longest-serving member in the House of Representatives in Australia; serving as an MP for 32 years.
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Impact of Colonial Ideology Sociology Term Paper
7 pages (2016 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
It refers to the economic and political control of a nation over another area and its occurrence is mostly associated with imperialism, the desire to gain economic and military power over another area, maintaining a relationship based on the subordination of the indigenous population. Colonization is a phenomenon with widespread effects.
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Language as a Seventh Sense Sociology Essay
8 pages (2444 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A teacher can make the students develop their interest in the language by encouraging them to narrate stories or jokes to the whole class. (Richards and Rodgers, 2001) wrote about Gouin on p. 8 of their book that he believed that the process of learning a language could be enhanced by using language to accomplish interrelated activities.
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The Effects of Different Disability Labels on Life Sociology Research Proposal
8 pages (1921 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The act aims to provide the disabled with statutory rights in the field of employment, as well as provide them access to goods, services, and facilities. In addition, under this Act, disabled people also have the opportunity to make the choice of buying and renting land and property. The researcher would like to focus on the fate of disabled children in schools.
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Analysis of the Methods Used in the Collection of Data in Australia Sociology Term Paper
6 pages (1547 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Depending on the subject, objective and hypothesis formulated data is collected by the use of different scientific methods of data collection. On 2nd September 2013 the Australian carried a prediction of election in which the Labor’s primary support had slumped to 33%, this was the lowest slump recorded under the leadership of Mr. Rudd.
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How Is Technology Changing the Self and Social Relations Sociology Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The technology has a lot of advantages in our daily lives and made our survival easy on this planet. It has developed tools to interact and socialize with people and made the modes of communication within people easier. However, the technology is creeping into our lives to take over the space of the personal relations.
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Own Sociological Theory Sociology Essay
7 pages (2071 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sociology is a wide subject that needs to be studied both at micro and macro levels in order to get correct understanding of society. My sociological theory is formulated taking into account good elements of both macro and micro-level social theories. The interests of both the individual and society are equally important. 
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Gender Issues in Marriage Sociology Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The present definition differs from the former due to the change in the cultural aspects of society. The society continues to change on a daily basis due to the high rate of globalization across the communities. Globalization increases the rate of interaction thus exposing individuals to a different sort of cultural practice.
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The Debate over Human Security is about Development Sociology Term Paper
7 pages (2316 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Much of the existing structures, be it science, value-formation, technology and even culture has reached a tipping point where there appears to be no way of stopping its evolution. Much of the world order owes its existence to the rapid transformation of prevailing concepts that accordingly triggers the development of much of the modern world.
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Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim Theories of Religion Sociology Essay
6 pages (1800 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Regardless of what one believes in, it should be understood a belief in a certain religion had an ignition beginning that was piloted by a certain set of principles. It is the belief in religion that has resulted in cults and occults. Durkheim and Marx have fronted their theories of religion that we have analyzed in this case.
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Research Methods for Social Workers Sociology Coursework
6 pages (2121 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Every social work research begins with a research problem. This is formulated through exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory research questions. Views on how social research should be considered in either qualitative or quantitative research can be epistemological, or ontological, but the ultimate focus is to solve social problems affecting individuals and society.
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News Poll: Methodology Analysis Sociology Case Study
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
We realize that there were a bunch of respondents who generally did not commit themselves to the interviews. Though this is a problem with various other research methodologies, it is quite prevalent with mobile phone methods. It may be difficult to convince a potential respondent to give a response to the interview questions presented.
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The Impact of Sociological Theories Sociology Research Paper
8 pages (2294 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The common feature in all the different forms like conflict, interactionism, and functionalism has that they all have been formed keeping the human society in mind. All that differed was the area in which they dealt. Conflicting theories were more related to the class struggle and its eminent outcome. It was more revolutionary in nature.
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What are the problems with the operational tradition in social research Sociology Essay
10 pages (2710 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, the operationalization approach has had its shortcomings, ranging from the possibility of ineffectively transforming complex concepts, up to its inability to define subjective experiences in the
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The Link between Terrorism and Globalisation Sociology Coursework
13 pages (3576 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Link between Terrorism and Globalisation" is an engrossing example of coursework on sociology. The issue of terrorism and the principles of globalization and anti-globalization are greatly interconnected. The continuing advancement in technology has done much in facilitating globalization and the world today is in fact a global village.
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The Price People Pay For Using New Technology Is Their Freedom and Personal Relationships Sociology Essay
11 pages (3089 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Virtual groups have changed the way organizations carry out their information without physical offices. New technology has enhanced communication and made the world a global village. Whereas access to information has created many avenues for learning and communicating, it has also interfered with personal life.
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The Issue of the Pornification of the Social World Sociology Essay
6 pages (1676 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Pornification differs from freedom of expression because it stems from the desire for romance as well as intimacy, which has resulted in sex fetishization. Pornography's definition has progressively changed from something that was considered indecent and explicit to something that is more acceptable. 
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Food and Home From a Sociological Perspective Sociology Essay
7 pages (2012 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Food and the home are directly linked and greatly influence personalities and behavior. The food environment in a home creates an identity for the individuals in the home. It additionally shapes the behavior of the members in terms of discipline and feeding habits, both present and future. Food is cultural, social, and technological.
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Social Work and Modernism Theory Sociology Essay
7 pages (2046 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Theories help one explain things in the world and why they happen. Every theory is a statement of different ideas about the world. The theory is used to describe the relationship between several phenomena and the reason why things happen. Through theories, social workers can explain, predict and assess behaviors and situations.
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NGOs and Poverty Alleviation Sociology Essay
9 pages (2906 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The NGOs play a critical role in building the capacity of the locals, which assists, empowers them at a personal level. From the philosophical background, the development of the community often does not depend on agents operating from outside; therefore, the communities need to rely on their local resources. 
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Westernisation or Integration of Different Cultures Sociology Assignment
12 pages (3435 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The global finance in conjunction with globalised production defines the global economy. The development of global politics and the increasing density of interstate relations suffice to be the primary focus of international relations. With regard to sociology, globalisation entails the emergence of the ‘global society’ with the help of increased global social densities.
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How Does Social Capital Affect Public Policy Sociology Essay
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to the findings of this essay, social capital plays a critical role in the development and evaluation of public policies. These roles include guiding the development of the public policies, assessing existing policies, and a platform for redesigning existing policies with reference to the stock of social capital. 
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The Importance and Role of Social Work with Different Population Groups Sociology Case Study
6 pages (1689 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
As such, these children felt as though they were different from other “normal” children, which affected their self-esteem negatively. These unfortunate predicaments only put more responsibility on social work. It involves establishing the unique challenges, needs, and motivations of such children, and helping them navigate difficult situations.
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Is There a Distinction Between Human Trafficking and the Smuggling of Migrants Sociology Essay
8 pages (2738 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Each year, thousands of immigrants are moved from one region to another by highly organized international trafficking and smuggling groups in very inhumane and dangerous conditions. Each year, an estimated 2.45 million people become victims of human trafficking and are being exploited for monetary gains (Chandran 2011, p. 11). A similarly high number is seen with the smuggling.
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History of Theoretical Perspectives Sociology Literature review
12 pages (3421 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The adoption of different behavioral traits may also result in the development of problematic and deviant behavioral traits in children. The main objective of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of the history of theoretical perspectives that explain the causes and responses to the problematic behavior in children since the 1950s. 
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Is There a Difference Between Human Trafficking and the Smuggling of Migrants Sociology Case Study
14 pages (3987 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Human trafficking and human smuggling also have different forms. While human smuggling is reciprocally voluntary from both the smuggler and the migrant, it is mostly motivated by individuals seeking asylum or labor. On the other hand, human trafficking largely occurs in the form of forced labor and forced sex. 
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Homelessness and Domestic Violence Against Women in Australia Sociology Assignment
12 pages (3476 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Nonetheless, the various definitions have been adopted in research literature and provide a basis for systematic inquiries into this important social issue. For the purpose of this literature review, domestic violence is defined as any form of abuse of power and privileges perpetrate by one partner in the context of an intimate relationship (Rollins, Glass & Perrin et al, 2012).
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Women Shelter Armidale Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1735 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
My placement has made me learn various issues concerning social work and how to ensure that the possible community-related problems can be solved in a way that is effective. For instance, I learned that in the process of providing a solution to the problem to the community is important to ensure good relations.
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Zest Care Organization Sociology Case Study
11 pages (2942 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Besides, the paper has clearly indicated how social work roles can be integrated with the Zest Care organization to address its auspices. Ultimately, the paper profoundly delineated the community development strategy that would be used to implement the program was designed to address the needs of parents with intellectual disability.
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Ecological Systems Theory Sociology Case Study
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
However, the environment created by parents is crucial in developing the child behavior. However, the case in study shows that the infants have no proper environment to be well protected and feel secure with the constant eloping of the mother and the physical abuse of the father.  This will affect the overall development of a child.
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How Psychology Can Help in Understanding Human Behavior Sociology Essay
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Psychology facilitates understanding of human behavior by their knowledge and sensitivity to individual differences. As social norms rule and define acceptable behavior among various groups, individual differences in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and social orientation influences the development of social norms.
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The War on Terror Fought on Many Different Fronts Sociology Essay
8 pages (2090 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As Giannacopolous put it, Australian law and white sovereign laws are one and the same; Australian executive power of essentially white power.  This is nothing new.  After all, history is written by those in power, and laws are also made by those in power, and the power has been in the hands of the whites of Australia since the 18th Century.
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Population Growth and Resources Sociology
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 0
The paper "Population Growth and Resources" is a great example of a report on sociology. The world population has reached over 7 billion people where the world gains 78 million people yearly. However, there are observed trends in fertility levels decline which leads to an estimation of 9.1 billion people in 2050. The yearly increase forecasted by then will be about 33 million people.
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Child Labor Analysis in the Middle East and North Africa Sociology Case Study
6 pages (1876 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The donor groups should also come in handy to provide enough resources especially needed for such other important supplements as free food to the kids. Enough policies and guidelines should be set in place to ensure that these parents are compelled to perceive education as an important aspect of the future success of their kids.
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Education Policies in the UAE Sociology Assignment
55 pages (15091 words) , Assignment
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To achieve the good curriculum and education system the country has to incorporate ideas from all the people. UAU has to go beyond the limitation of their language and religion by using global languages such as English in their systems. This includes ensuring that they meet the student needs and that the universities include a mix of technology and print mediums during their teaching hours.
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The Impact of Globalization on Contemporary Society Sociology Essay
7 pages (2083 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Globalization has affected the economy, religion, family, social setting, lifestyle, education system, technology, and the moral values of a given people. Globalization has had a great impact on society. People move across national and international borders in search of new opportunities in terms of jobs and education.
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A Description of a Thin or Fat Body Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2332 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Some methods have been widely employed in surveys about fat and thin bodies and their sway when it comes to physical education, particularly sports. The commonest has been the employment of focus groups and one-on-one interviews. The school of thought employed by the writers in coming up with their works is basically qualitative structuralism.
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Education and Social Inequality Sociology Essay
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Marxist and functionalities perspective on education position education as a powerful entity to influence students especially on social values. The functionalities believe that this will lead to social harmony and social integration within society. It is believed that through education, students are equipped with skills.
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The Oasis Scenario Sociology Article
8 pages (2277 words) , Download 0 , Article
The decision-makers should target to diversify the economy by recommending investments in alternative sectors rather than oil-dependent sectors to enhance the productivity of the labor force by improving the skills and technical expertise of the individuals and combat terrorism in the region to attain political stability.
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Community Strengths in Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Communities Sociology Essay
5 pages (1494 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Both non-aboriginal and aboriginal communities hold their own perspectives on community and community strengths. Both communities build on the foundations of working collaboratively to benefit their respective communities. However aboriginal communities demonstrate less social network and human relationships. 
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UK Government Prevent Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism and Terrorism Sociology Case Study
6 pages (2018 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Statistics show that women make up three-fifths of the world’s poorest population. They are not only poorer but also more susceptible to the consequences of poverty. In most societies, women occupy inferior positions and status compared to their male counterparts. This is because women’s main task is considered to be a reproduction.
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Methods in Data Gathering Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1666 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Oftentimes, a verbal presentation is required to support the proposal; this may be done in front of academic staff or even fellow students. Basically, as Glatthorn (2005) observes, a proposal is aimed at convincing the academic department that there is a concrete plan to undertake a given project and additionally, to prompt the researcher to think through the research in its entirety.
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Principles of Working with Communities Sociology Assignment
9 pages (2404 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Drawing from the unit materials and topics, this report highlights lessons in the journey to understanding how to work with communities. Based on the first module that entails understanding communities, I have learned that effective community work calls for the maintenance of key principles linked to community work, defining a community.
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Social Work Direct Practice Skills Sociology Assignment
11 pages (2823 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The summary recording focuses on four major parts namely the subjective, objective, assessment and finally the plan and it is for this reason that it has gain the acronym of SOAP. It was developed and first adopted in the 1960s by several health professionals since it helps to provide a snapshot of the whole session (Rocio, 2003).
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Social Work Through Lifespan Sociology Case Study
14 pages (3961 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Social work is an essential part of the community service that assists in running intervention mechanisms for the challenges within the society (Dickens, 2009). The duty of social workers is limited to assisting others to experience the usual quality of life after a devastating occurrence. It could be medical care, family assistance, education, etc.
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Social Work Theory Application Sociology Case Study
10 pages (2631 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In the case study, a social worker can effectively use attachment theory to explore the psychological adaptations that revolve between Bob and his sons. Bob is psychologically disturbed by his wife’s situation as well as his pressure from his children hence application of the application theories principles in analyses of his situation will eventually provide the most viable therapy.
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International Campaign for Womens Right to Safe Abortion Sociology Assignment
9 pages (2739 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This network is dubbed ‘International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion (ICWRSA). With a key focus to challenge rather conformist political and religious groups that seek to diminish efforts for improvement of abortion laws and family planning inventiveness, the network’s members collaboratively work for the promotion of women’s rights and legitimacy of access to abortion services.
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Gang Violence in Melbourne Australia in the Last Two Decades Sociology Essay
7 pages (2097 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The media largely excused the targeting of Indigenous communities in regards to these issues by labeling it as ‘positive discrimination. However, a number of academics suggest the situation could and should be analyzed as social categorization, perpetuating cultural violence and self-other distinctions.
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Refugee Crisis in European Union and Greece Sociology Case Study
15 pages (4351 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Even though there have been major topics amongst the European nations for decades; including climate change, and terrorism, amongst others; not one of the topics have been much prevalent as the refugee crisis; refugee crisis in the EU has been one of the leading topics of discussion and concern relatively more than any other topic (Dragostinova 2016).
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