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Problems Faced by Japanese Young and Old People Sociology Essay
8 pages (2095 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Japan is among the leading nations of the world with a high rate of aging populations. The increased number of the aging population in Japan is rooted in the decreasing rates of birth rates and longer lifespan. Even though the problem is faced by other countries, the case of Japan is far worst. This is essential because more than a quarter of the population is over 65 years.
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Insights into Practice Rationale Sociology Essay
11 pages (3236 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The most immediate illustration of how despised and underprivileged the indigenous people are is that a great percentage of them reside in remote and rural areas. Further, there are a series of historical, social injustices that are affiliated with the indigenous people being deprived of their lands and resources.
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Living in and Coping with World Risk Society - 42nd St Gallen Symposium by Ulrich Beck Sociology Movie Review
7 pages (1949 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
Science and technology are some of the most notable forces of change in the current society. Socio-economic development has been one of the core agendas for various governments. Additionally, Science and technology have been incorporated in various industries and sectors to ensure increased productivity.
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Relevance of the Hebert Mead's Ideas of Social Self Sociology Essay
8 pages (2371 words) , Download 0 , Essay
“Me” refers to the socialized individual who considered his personal desires in relation to that those of other members of the city. The relevance of Mead’s theory of self in understanding homosexuality in contemporary society emanates from its deterministic nature. Mead argues that every individual responds to the process of social interaction in a unique way.
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E-Services for the Elderly Innovation in Australia Sociology Assignment
10 pages (2678 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Similar to other global nations, the Australian government has developed a number of social human services for its society. In this regard, human services are aimed at ensuring a better, healthy, and coordinated society in the long-run period. The execution of these functions in the Australian government is executed by the Department of social services.
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Approaches to Modernity of Classical Social Theorists Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1680 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The classical theorists were developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As such, the development of the theories was mainly experienced across Europe by the social philosophers who were trying to understand the changing of the social world. The philosophers were; Marx, Durkheim, Simmel, and Weber.
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Cars in Everyday Life Sociology Essay
6 pages (1868 words) , Download 0 , Essay
When we talk of cars in our daily lives, we cannot forget to talk of environmental issues revolving around the use of cars. The air in the cities is not as fresh as that in a forest or any region that is isolated from motor vehicle operations. Motor vehicle emissions have polluted our environment with gases that are harmful to our health.
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The Poll Methodology by Fairfax/IPSOS Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The analysis will evaluate the methodological approach, what is reported, and lastly discuss the strengths and limitations of the methodology. The researchers in this poll used telephone surveys. This is through random digit dialing (RDD). In this method, the researcher uses the area code on software that generates the last numbers in a random manner. 
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The Social Need for Housing Sociology Coursework
10 pages (2830 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
This paper starts by describing the housing shortage problem that faces many low-income Australians. The failure by the Australian government to participate directly in the provision of affordable housing is part of the reason why Australia faces a severe shortage of affordable housing. The second part explains the liberal political ideology of the Australian state.
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Deviance and Difference Sociology Term Paper
9 pages (2391 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The latter introduces the use of policies and institutions to maximize nonoccurrence and offer reform opportunities while the former takes a high road and punishes severely the act in order to control its occurrence. It does not believe in reform and rehabilitation and mentions that the best way to prevent a deviant act is to impose heavy laws against it.
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The Road to Social Work and Human Service Practice Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The theoretically informed framework for practice in social work focuses on ensuring that change is implemented through care and that people are empowered within the contexts available. The framework for practice focuses on bringing change through focusing on the client. This has informed the approach taken in responding to the scenario.
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Richard Sennett's Concepts of New Capitalism Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1687 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Modernization is a broad term that is classified in relationship with several aspects of society. Some of the aspects that determine modernization include technological advancement, change in the organization setup, and change in cultural aspects of the society. Risk society, therefore, deals with managing these hazards in society.
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Economic and Non-Economic Factors Driving International Migration Sociology Literature review
8 pages (2566 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The movement of people from one location or state to another is something not new, however, with the advancement in global technology, need for development, progress, and advancement, the concept of international migration has become an aspect worth evaluating. In evaluating international migration, it is vital to consider the key factors that drive international migration.
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Glass Ceiling and Gender Pay Gap in Australia Sociology Essay
7 pages (2071 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For example, some of the factors that result in the gender pay gap are attributed to social and cultural factors. Case in point, the responsibility of raising children and housekeeping is often preserved for women, which makes them work fewer hours a week when compared to their male counterparts. As a result, they end up earning less amount of money based on the limited hours that they spend at work.
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Theory of Technology Determinism vs Theory of Construction of Technology Sociology Essay
7 pages (2103 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The theory of the construction of technology is however criticized because it does not take any moral stand judgment on the disadvantages of the various interpretations of technology. This makes it not helpful in addressing important issues relating to the position of technology in human affairs. It explains how technologies arise but ignores the effects of the technology afterward.
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Theories of Technological Determinism Sociology Essay
8 pages (2032 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The social construction of technology involves all members of a specific group that share the same ideologies regarding a particular artefact. The development of technology involves different social groups who show their views on a particular artefact and come together to negotiate the design of the artefact while at the same time constructing various objects.
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How to Be a Social Worker Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1849 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The implementation of the learning meant that I would become a better social worker. I became motivated to think sociologically with the aim of solving the many problems facing society. The skills gained here is important to me because it helps in preparing me to become better in my career placement.
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Main Categories of Social Inequality Sociology Essay
7 pages (1901 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Social inequality can manifest itself in different ways such as wealth and income inequality, inequitable access to cultural resources and education as well as unfair treatment by police or in judicial systems among others. The following paper seeks to discuss social inequality in line with corporations and sweatshops as examples.
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Theoretical Frameworks and Codes of Ethics within the Scope of Social Work Sociology Case Study
6 pages (1722 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Role-playing as postulated by George in discussing his difficulty in staying at home as a retired points to the need to gain appropriate skills and ethical attributes to be a person who is flexible and responsible with regard to his communication and, can address social related affairs, especially with the most vulnerable people in the society
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Policy Perspectives of Federal Government Sociology Term Paper
11 pages (3469 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
According to Head (2008, p.102), the word ‘wicked’ is such perspective implies not in the context of evil, but a case of highly resistant issue. In Alcohol and drug policy, the wicked problem is the presence of numerous stakeholders with different interests and values, alcohol and drug culture in Australia and, implementation disadvantage.
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How to Start an Online Escorting Service Sociology Assignment
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author state that making the business online gives a huge advantage, but also apart from that, advertisements in the Adult-service section or personal section of newspapers, maybe yellow pages or in some instances, referrals from regular clients would also provide the customer databases.
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Socio-Economic Reforms 1830-70 Sociology Assignment
11 pages (1937 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that France once again was transformed from a monarchy into an absolute monarchy under Charles X, and the popularity of this regime had declined piercingly by the late 1820s among the French population. François Guizot who was a historian and liberal leader organized liberal political efforts under the banner of a society.
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The Semiotic Method: Two Advertisements Sociology Assignment
7 pages (1934 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the interpretation and study of these signs and signals are referred to as semiotics. Semiotic analysis, on the other hand, has a deeper connotation. According to Maasik and Solomon, a semiotician takes ‘a shirt, a haircut, a television image, anything as a sign, as a message to be decoded and analyzed to discover its meaning.
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Emergency Operations Center Preparedness Training Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1601 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that security is one of the most significant aspects of a nation that ensures the protection of the life and freedom of its people. Every country develops and maintains its own homeland security services protecting the nation both from its internal as well as external threats.
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Piracy in Somalia Sociology Assignment
13 pages (3468 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that pirate gangs in the Indian Ocean, as well as the Gulf of Aden, operate with callousness and a flagrant disregard for international law in their quest for ransom. Massive vessels have been overpowered by ragtag bands of pirates intent on seizing these ships for the sole purpose of one day releasing them for a profit.
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Effects of Perception of the Use of Helmets among Motorcyclists Sociology Assignment
12 pages (3598 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The research is based on a population of motorcyclists and riders who regularly use their motorbikes and motorcycles as a means of commuting to school, work or office or even simply to the market for shopping or other leisure activities such as clubbing and sports. The study will thus be based on a population of motorcycle users.
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National Database for Police Killings Sociology Essay
7 pages (1847 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The death of Michael Brown at the hands of police was an incident that I found unacceptable and tragic, especially when it emerged that this has been a pattern in black neighborhoods all over the United States. Indeed, the number of black civilians killed by the police is shocking because I believe in human rights for all, which I also believe is what the US constitution stands for. 
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The Division of the British Society along the Lines of Gender and Social Stratification Sociology Term Paper
20 pages (5433 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The British society has been functioning over many centuries and its history can be traced back from the prehistoric era, through the Roman era, the early medieval period, the late medieval period, the Tudor society, the Stuart society, the Georgian Era, the Victorian Era, into the industrial era and the twenty-first century. 
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Advantages and Disadvantages of People Living Longer Lives Sociology Term Paper
9 pages (2476 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Societies with people who stay or live long lives are faced with both advantages and disadvantages. Across the world, a person's longevity has been found to vary depending on several factors like the food they eat, activities they do, their beliefs, and many other factors. In the past, it was found that people live longer and their lifestyle was not as complex as the current persona. 
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Which is More Important-Vertical or Horizontal Decentralization Sociology Assignment
12 pages (3630 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Vertical decentralization has the tendency to increase the total expenditure on public goods as well as inequality across the regions. In spite of these arguments, it is vital to note that the benefits of vertical decentralization overweigh its costs or limitations within the society (Ayres et al, 2014 p. 230).
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Critical Analysis of Social Work when Working with Children and Families Sociology Literature review
9 pages (2696 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In this paper, the 100,000 homes initiative innovated in the US by community solution is working to resettle homeless people in decent permanent homes. However, the initiative is faulted as it concentrates on providing physical shelter and does not address underlying causes of homelessness such as domestic violence.
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Perceptions and Experiences of Crime, Victimisation, and Criminal Justice Sociology Case Study
6 pages (2183 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The perception of safety is locked within each and every individual and protection on ones’ self is the first priority. Due to instances of poverty, unemployment, indiscipline, family breakups drugs among others, many people especially young people get involved in crime, violence, threats, and other forms of criminal activities (Barak, 2000).
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The Gender Divide in the Family Sociology Term Paper
8 pages (2257 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The gender divide is influenced by many factors. The family structure plays a major role in the extent of the gender divide. This is because the family is a key institution in the life of members of the family. In addition to the family structure, the ideologies of family members also play a role in the extent of the gender divide. 
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Pornography as a Social Vice Sociology Literature review
10 pages (2766 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The usage of explicit pornography and its availability on the internet just shows a changing face of a society that is precipitated by the breakdown of societal bonds and the birth of cultures that are dictated by personal lifestyles which go to any extent of exploiting other people due to personal sexual drives.  
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How International Students Use Chat Tools: Analysis of the Group Project Sociology Case Study
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Chat tools provide a platform on which different kinds of communications between individuals can be facilitated. Since the technology includes different functions, the use of chat tools has become part of the social trends in the present time. This functionality, together with its social status, has made chat tools a common phenomenon among international students.
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Silver Surfers Sociology Statistics Project
2 pages (582 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
In a class of 30 children, eight of the children can expect to get a telegram from the monarch and the others are likely to get to a ripe old age. For the teens who are 16 years old, boys can expect to live to nearly 88 years old on the other hand girls of the same age will reach 91 years and a total of 27%  of 16’s and under will attain the age of 100 years.
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Marxian Alienation and the Modern Workplace Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author of the paper states that it is a fact that many individuals in Europe and in America are persuaded that the machine threatens the sacred values of humanity. They discovered it difficult to comprehend the very strong faith in technological advancement which motivated previous generations.
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Mark Twains Views on Technology Sociology Assignment
11 pages (2925 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that Twain thought of science and technology as very significant in people’s lives and he took the help of various technological developments of his time in his writings. Steam engines, telephone, typewriter, and many other technological developments are mentioned in his writings.
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Global Ramification of Poverty Sociology Assignment
9 pages (2610 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that a cross-continental analysis of the political and economic situations of two countries, Iraq and Somalia, will explore the relationship between poverty and political instability. The term poverty will be defined and our theoretical analysis of political stability will be guided by Leon Hurwitz’s definition of this tricky concept.
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The Swedish Model and the Bureaucratic Problem of Social Reforms Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that American political analyst Marquis Childs attributed this to Sweden’s so-called “middle way” policy. This is a way of life between the extremes of socialism and capitalism. It is a way that combines private enterprise with a government that greatly influences the development of the economy.
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Job Analysis as an Important Feature of the Recruitment Process Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2260 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that human resource managers have the power and capabilities to keep employees aligned with the organization’s overall business objectives, strategies, and goals. Therefore, having competitive human resource management increases a company’s competitive advantages within the global markets.
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The Corrupted Cash Cow for Cops Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2242 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that for the people of Massachusetts, it seems like detail work has always been done by police officers. Whether a road is being paved, a pothole being filled, or any type of construction that may affect the roadways, police officers have been the most likely candidate to direct traffic.
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The Evolution of the Bureaucratic Model Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1505 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that Durkheim proposed the theory of division of labor not as a new model of organization then, but as a means to bring harmony into an organization or society while concentrating or specializing on a particular task that must be accomplished within that society or organization.
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Should Obese People Buy Two Airline Tickets Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1830 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that most of the airlines are running in immense profit and hence the strategy for charging obese people more is another way of exploitation. If one person is obese, his overweight will be compensated by another person who has lesser weight. It is the duty of the airlines to ensure a comfortable stay for all passengers.
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A Spiritual Dimension of a Game Sociology Assignment
24 pages (6222 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that many people have experienced ecstasy and spirituality through the arts like dance, music, writing, poetry, and painting. Others have experienced it though prayers and charity. These are the mediums where there is no competition, pressure, and expectations. The artists have freedom of expression.
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Contours of Individualism according to How Generation Me Sociology Essay
14 pages (3594 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Generation Me's high focus on self-fulfillment and lack of resources that make the self-fulfillment possible might lead to an increase in crime in the future. I have already discussed how narcissism leads to criminal acts, and that is on the extreme end. But regular Generation Me individuals might resort to crime to get what they want.
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Islamophobia in Australia and Western Countries Sociology Term Paper
8 pages (2312 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The meaning of Islamophobia attributes to hatred and fear of Muslims to their culture, culture, and to the religiosity of Muslims and Islam. The survey was done on what was the possible cause of tensions between the western countries and the Muslims and different results were received from different countries.
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Two Policy Approaches to Drug and Alcohol Usage Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2487 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
A similar survey was done by Quek et al., (2012) also indicated that 35% of the respondents reported having engaged in problem-causing behaviors during the 2010 schoolies week. Additionally, many surveys that have been conducted prior to the schoolies week indicated youths intended to have sex during the event.  
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How the Immigration Museum Presents the History of Cultural Diversity in Australia Sociology Term Paper
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The Immigration Museum gathers and exhibits materials that exemplify Australia’s cultural diversity as well as settlement impact on native Australians. Notably, the Museum is chronologically arranged, in order to allow the visitors to research the occurrences during the time of their ancestors. With the Museum's support, the local communities are tasked with creating community exhibitions.
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Social Work Direct Practice Skills Sociology Term Paper
9 pages (2566 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
It is crucial to engage in periodic reflection in order to understand one’s personal communication style, strengths, and weaknesses. A reflection of an argument with Kerri, a sales person for Avon, shows that my primary communication style is submissive. Although I try to listen to what others say, I take too much time before responding.
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