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Ethnicity is a term used to identify a group of persons belonging to a particular nation, culture, and traditions. Race on the other hand refers to the physical, biological, and genetic features of a person. Issues concerning race and ethnicity have for many years dominated several disciplines, including the field of socioeconomic and multicultural education.
As the paper states, there is a notion in many societies of hunting and gathering that men hunt while women gather. The states in which society men and women perform or are allocated different jobs is what is known as the sexual division of labor or in other terms gender division of labor (Peoples, and Bailey, 2011).
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Women have had to fight for their rights not only in Australia but the world over. Women sort equality in social political and economic aspects of life. However, it did not come easy. A movement arose in the eighteenth century that addressed women’s equality to men in the spheres of education, politics, and society: this was the feminist movement).
Communication is only effective if the individual who is receiving the information will understand the information which is being transmitted and in an exact manner it was intended. When communication fails in society, many problems do arise, meaning that communication is very critical in society.
Campaign newsletters provide crucial information on the objective, i.e. explains the situation of youth activities in LGAs, what the campaign aims to address, and inform all people on the role(s) that they can play in the whole campaign. Newsletter, in other words, provide one of the platforms for persuading people to join the campaign.
Social theories were developed centuries ago and are still being used in society today. They were generally laid down as frameworks that are being used as evidence in the study and to try and interpret the occurrence of social phenomena (Browning, Halcli & Webster, 2000). Most of the social theorists tend to explain the overall social life of people and their interaction with the environment.
An entity may be defined as something that exists by itself with specific components and rules that govern the components and their existence. While many have argued that the family is an entity, this might have been true in the past but the argument can not hold in the modern world. In the past, it was a widely held understanding that a family consisted of the married couple and their children.
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The policy seeks to provide universal, quality, affordable, accessible, equitable, responsive, coherent, and flexible health services to all Australian citizens. The paper intends to provide an overview of the policy and to examine key policy issues. Lastly, it seeks to evaluate the policy in its historical, political, and social context, as well as the government responses to the policy issues.
Domestic violence has always been present in all societies around the world. However, the prevalence of domestic violence has since changed (Burril, Roberts, & Thornberry 2010, p. 22). Moreover, this problem has substantially changed. Domestic violence has been defined as a problem for states, communities, families, and human rights activists.
The Anomie theory describes the values, norms, as well as social institutions that make up the social structure and how the society sets out to achieve its goals described by the values. The theory defines values as the desired goals of the society while norms and social institutions are usually established by the society to enable them to achieve those goals.
Sexism is a social problem experienced by human societies in different forms and in different places in all parts of the world. It is experienced in diverse situations ranging from the workplace to social places. For example, in some countries such as America, workplace earnings for women are less than for men.
Scholars examine different sociological phenomena through theories to explain the influence of society on individuals and vice versa (Giddens, Duneier & Appelbaum 2003, pg. 3). The scholars use sociological theories to explain the way society influences people, and at the same time describe and explain social phenomena.
It analyzes the historical and the current experiences of migrants, refugees, vehicle drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. It also provides explanations for the advent and change of mobility in various countries and locales. Moreover, it investigates the kinetic practices of global capital, images, biological and chemical substances, technology, ideas, narratives, and sounds.
The development of the core social concepts and cultural orientation remains one of the most contentious topics in the modern world. Several scholars engage in such a debate with a view of attempting to adduce their contextual and pragmatic meanings. The historical background of gender, sexuality, and race remains one of the most significant pieces of information discussed by several scholars.
Before a focus on the sociological theories of structure and agency is provided, it is imperative to provide a general understanding of the sociological theories. Sociological theories are many but most fall under three categories: Structural functionalism theory, Symbolic interactionalism theory, and Conflict theory.
The sexual division of labor in Australia takes two key features. On the one side division of labor occurs inside and outside the domestic household where the work of women is inappropriately directed to unpaid tasks within the household, while the men’s work is inappropriately directed to the paid work within the labor market.
The state has for a long time been a key issue in the study of sociology and politics. There are many people who think that the state is very important to people while there are others who think that the state is not very important to people (Domhoff 1993). I personally think that the state is important because it is part of society.
Making reference to the sentiments, it is, therefore, right to mention that power has an influence on the operations of an institution given time. The course of action that an institution takes to moderate its practices really depends on the relationship between agents to agents and institutions to other organizations.
Four types of change characterize it: the first involves globalization broadened in the scopes of political, social, and economic activities to across the political frontiers, continents, and regions. Secondly, it includes intensification, of the scale of growth of the interconnections and flows of investments, trade, culture, migration, and finance.
Durkheim, who is associated with the late 19th century and the early twentieth century, used various social variables to explain the phenomenon of suicide. The theories of Durkheim have been criticized by many sociologists as not being justifiable. The theories of the sociologist are based on real-life examples such as martyrdom and suicide bombing
Certain individuals are pushed to the edge of the community. They are prevented from full participation by virtue of poverty or because of discrimination. This results in being distanced from education, jobs, and income as well as training opportunities. There is little access to decision-making bodies and power. They thus feel powerless and unable to make decisions or take control over them.
Leisure time refers to the moment spent by individuals where they do not have a specific activity to do. At this time, an individual is their own master and has the freedom to use the leisure time for his own pleasure and will (Ramey & Francis, 2009). At such free times, the individual is free from usual work and has an unoccupied mind.
The policy of mandatory detention applies to diverse groups such as those who breach visa conditions and those who have overstayed their visas. Asylum seekers who find their way in Australia via boats or otherwise without due authorization from Australian authorities have been disproportionally affected by the law.
It is evident that quite a role evolution and losses experienced by the elderly intensify their susceptibility. The role transitions include children leaving home to begin their own families, retirement, death of a spouse and isolation are some of the factors that greatly contribute to the older generation's vulnerability.
Clearly, even the education system of a country will affect the extent to which the country is developed. Apparently, almost all developed nations have capitalistic structures. Such structures create some form of competition, which leads to creativity and innovativeness that boost development. Notably, neo; liberalism and the contentions of Rostow uphold capitalism.
It can be said that the media being free from anybody’s control is significant and essential in establishing and seeing the continuity of freedom and differing opinions within the society. Through the media and the reporting, the public is put on alert to ensure it upholds its moral standards and deal with anything posing a threat to society.
The national framework is comprised of six supporting outcomes they include; The right of children to live in safe supportive families, Children, and families' access to adequate support to promote safety and intervene early, Risk factors for child abuse and neglect being addressed, Abused and neglected children receive the support and care they need for their wellbeing.
The social worker initializes the conversation with the less inflicting issues such as Maria’s refusal to go back home. The social work theories help the social worker to understand and the client and hence able to handle and help them accordingly. These theories guide and direct the social worker’s practices in their line of duty.
Social workers must be ready to understand the multi-dimensional landscape associated with diversity. The multi-dimensional aspect here relates to the difference in races, religion, as well as the disability to age. Social workers must be able to put or understand the challenges that come along with alienation, marginalization as well as oppression.
6 pages (1832 words)
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After watching the video, I realized I have the interpersonal skills of effective speaking, body language, listening skills, and conversational skills. Crisp & Beddoe (2014) noted that the above elements were important for a social worker in developing the capacity to handle diverse, impassive, and high-tempered clients.
Judith's assessment used the ecosystems approach. This was significant in the planning as well as the evaluation of the whole intervention plan (Kirst–Ashman & Hull 2012). The theory was helpful in making Judith understand her resources as well as strengths and weaknesses. It was also found necessary in making Judith improve her perception of social life (AASW 2010).
The constructionist approach that shall be used within the paper has been presented by Cornell and Hartmann (2007) who together developed a constructionist framework that has effectively described the constructionist framework that basically helps in describing the overall development of the ethnic and racial identities.
Today, aboriginal people drink alcohol so that they might be accepted in society by white people. As much as they are known to drink less than white people, they tend to drink at harmful levels, resulting in binge drinking (Korff, 2004). This is a form of drinking beyond extended duration intoxicating an individual resulting in ignorance in their obligations and inability to carry out their duties.
Apparently, for Westerners Chinese civilization epitomizes the “other people of human existence.” Therefore this paper will discuss the ways in which western observers have represented China. Foremost, this paper will highlight key aspects of Chinese civilization thereafter it will examine the ways in which western observers have represented China.
7 pages (1983 words)
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The report will compare the writings by Tannoch-Bland, J. to cite her work; Tannoch-Bland, J. (1998) ‘Identifying White Race Privilege.’ In FAIRA (eds) Bring Australia Together: The structure and experience of racism in Australia. FAIRA: Brisbane pp. 33-38. Dossier reading 9 and the work of Alice McIntyre, making meaning of whiteness: exploring racial identity with white teachers.
Participants interact in ways that respect one another’s dignity, with the aim of attaining a shared goal. In the participation process, the children experience themselves as playing useful roles in the school community. A school culture that values the views of students is enriched by creative solutions and ideas.
6 pages (1697 words)
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National research found that sexual and physical abuse played a role in a girl’s delinquency, i.e. adolescent disorders such as running away, truancy, and conduct problems (Chesney-Lind & Sheldon, 2004). A related study conducted by Siegel and Williams found that women who suffer sexual abuse are twice likely to commit violent offenses that those who do not.
Stevenson sees limits in the idea of tolerance in that: it requires parties to endure their differences; it introduces the concept of power relationships in that the powerful party can choose to dominate or be intolerant to the less powerful party, and it increases chances of conflict between parties since it focuses on differences rather than similarities.
In the paper, there is an example of the heightened power of the media in influencing the violent culture among different cohorts in the society, which has also been supported by other authors. The instigation of social media in the recent decades has just played a similar role, though at a more heightened level.
The inception of the Marxism theory was perceived as a great hope for millions who believed that capitalism was an oppressive approach to govern society. Nevertheless, as time went by, many theorists have extended or reacted to the Marxism theory in a number of interesting and useful ways leading to the formulation of what is referred to as post- Marxist theories.
The aspect of culture has both positive and negative influences on the way women behave or carry out themselves. As such the body timidity that they portray is instilled in them by their process of growing up fundamentally based on how society expects them to live. Finally, according to young, women view themselves more as objects more than men do.
The socialization process involves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, and norms that are necessary for the integration of various people in the society. Socialization involves self-imposed values and skills as well as externally imposed values and rules that allow the individual to interact with others in society.
Youth who are the majority in the society are always in high need have work and a source of revenue that can earn them a living, therefore, involving them in the organizations formed in the society to develop their talent is, therefore, a very important thing and should be taken into consideration by the movement.
The actual number of deaths and crude death rates (CDR) for the Japanese and Bangladeshi female population in 2010. Note: use 0 decimal places (dcp.) for the number of deaths and 3 dcp. for CDR.From the table above, the Total Number of Deaths in 2010 female population of:Japan=563,300Bangladeshi=538,884
When a child is born, often the first question asked is whether it is a ‘boy’ or a ‘girl’? ‘Gender’ pervades all walks of life even in a so-called developed society. Sometimes gender and sex are used interchangeably, though sociologists differentiate between the two terms. So what exactly is ‘gender’ and what is ‘sex’?
Mum thinks the son's job is eating into his university study work, one reason why he failed his university assignment. The son doesn't admit it to her, even as he seems to realize that it could be a reason for failure, but the mum has got a valid reason to think so. Due to his work commitment the son took only four hours on the assignment, whereas it required a lot more time to pass.
It is time that is supposed to be utilized without any obligation. For an activity to be considered leisure, it must be voluntary. The main distinction between work and leisure is the perceived freedom. Work has restrictions as opposed to leisure. Leisure has multiple meanings to different people and is related to the person's knowledge acquired.
Human rights were thought of as being moral rights. Rights exist both domestically and at an international level and in most cases are created by judicial decisions and legislative enactment. Entitlements attributed to persons by virtue of being Homo sapiens and the setting of minimum standards pertaining to how individuals should be treated are set by these two decision bodies.
There is a need to include the community in solving problems that significantly impact it, such as unemployment. Community consultation, participation, and engagement in the unemployment issue do not only ensure that whatever solutions the government has reached will be supported by it because it was part of the solution process.
This rate has increased by 4% over the last decade. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the male workforce in 2012 was at 79% which is 14% higher than the female workforce. This rate has however changed because in 2013 the rate of women in the workforce reduced to 43.5%. Clearly, a higher number of men are employed in the country compared to women.