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Industrial Placement in Hospitality and Tourism Sociology Research Proposal
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The author states that he received working knowledge from experienced professors at his university which further helped him fit into the industry when he finally started work at Holiday Inn Heathrow. His placement at the hotel was the turning point in his life. Even though he considered his college and university knowledge enough.
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Sexual orientation Sociology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
I have examined all the facts from both sides and believe that homosexuality is wrong. I believe that homosexuality is a choice, we all come from God's image, and he made Adam and Eve, man and woman to be companions. I would first like to discuss the physical structure of a man and a woman, then the theory of genetics regarding homosexuality, and finally I would like to discuss reorientation and its effectiveness.
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Treating Physician Drug Use Sociology Essay
2 pages (557 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that while encouraging anorexia and bulimia, there agents and photographers sometimes encourage the use of drugs to keep the weight of these models as light as possible, and sometimes lighter. Truck driving employers sometimes make it especially easy for their drivers to get drugs.
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Offender Recidivism and Employment Sociology Dissertation
39 pages (9750 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The key to the successful reentry of ex-offenders into the community is transitional employment, for which reason programs of all kinds and design have been established to secure a job for these people soon after their release from prison. This paper took up the growing literature on the need to provide employment assistance to offenders.
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Rent Control is Out of Control Sociology Essay
2 pages (591 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the intent of rent control, though well-intentioned, has negatively affected the housing market as it has become entrenched for a long period of time and sustained by emotional activism. Rent control has resulted in a shortage of housing, sub-standard units, and artificially high rents for available housing.
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Disabled People and Discrimination Sociology Essay
14 pages (4253 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This marked a significant divergence from the earlier system that had depended on the allocation of employment quotas for disabled people. The approach to tackling discrimination differs from measures to promote gender and racial equality. The climax of a long-drawn-out battle to enforce the rights of disabled people was the implementation of the DDA.
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Women in film Noir Sociology Movie Review
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The book explored women in film noir through the different milestones in history. More than half her book discussed the evolution of the role of women in film noir during and after the war. The trend of using less glamorous male characters was explained as being necessary to offset the shortage of eligible men.
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The victims of equality Sociology Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author discusses the significance of gender in communications in organizations to differentiate between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’. He explains that gender is found located historically since it is dependant on societal practices, and change over periods of time. Sexism is explained as those attitudes and practices that differentiate between the two sexes.
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Preventing School Bullying Sociology Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development reported that 15 000 children between 6 and 10 grade had experienced bullying both in private and public schools. A possible examination of the reasons and causes for this will determine the proper actions that need to be taken in coping and addressing this problem. 
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Liberalism and Positive Liberty Sociology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Within the realm of social science, one can see liberalism as a school of thought, a doctrine that highlights the magnitude of the free market, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, human rationality and individual freedom. Within this doctrine of liberalism, one can find a variety of what I categorize as sub-doctrines.
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Personal Development through Reflective Practice Sociology Case Study
18 pages (4292 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Similarly, we run the risk of reinforcing existing inequalities and potentially oppressive processes in the absence of proper reflection and reflective practice. In some organizations, this is seen to come in the way of work, especially to traditional bosses who think that adding processes is an upshot of not having enough work to do.
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More Guns Less Crime Sociology Annotated Bibliography
2 pages (939 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The author states that there is a systematic measurement error with the state-level crime data, which was the basis of the effects of laws regarding the shall issue of carrying weapons to lessen crime (MGLC). The people responsible for conducting this research are Robert A. Martin Jr. and Richard L. Legault.
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Multi-Agency Approach to Early Childhood Studies Sociology Essay
12 pages (3068 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The issue of managing the multi-agency initiative calls for the creation of a management team from among the individuals elected to push for the development of the initiative. For the sake of being effective, such a group must have the support of the junior staff for the sake of attaining the goal of the initiative.  
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Crime Prevention, Disorder, and Community Safety Sociology Essay
13 pages (3543 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Harsher sentencing and increased use of imprisonment, ‘three strikes and mandatory minimum sentencing laws; ‘truth in sentencing and parole release restrictions; ‘no frills’ prison laws and ‘austere prisons’; retribution in juveniles court and the imprisonment of children; the revival of chain gangs and corporal punishment.
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Roles within a Group Sociology Essay
3 pages (836 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that there are different people in the group, some groups are short and some are large, short groups can have members from 4-10 and larger groups can have members from 20-30. the behavior of people varies in a group, some are helpful and cooperative, on the other hand some are concerned with only the work.
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Social Psychology And The Process Of Interpersonal Communication Sociology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Large private companies and especially governmental institutions usually prescribe norms to their employees by issuing procedures, guidelines, and regulations thus killing two birds with one stone: the companies save employees the trouble of establishing their own norms and make it easier for new members to learn the norms.
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Effect Of Violent Video Games On Students Behavior Sociology Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The cardiovascular measures will be taken before, during and after playing the video game. An increase in cardiovascular measures will prove an increase in the respondent’s aggression. The results of the cardiovascular measures and the answers to the questionnaire will then be recorded, compared and analyzed.
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Individual or Organisational Culture Sociology Essay
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Practically, one can understand the term ‘culture’ as a regular practice of beliefs, habits and traditions for a longer period. It starts with an individual and envelops people living in his/her vicinities over a period. Our actions, behaviour, public relations, happiness, and suffering are the direct result of our culture.
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Change of Health Service since Its Creation in 1948 Sociology Assignment
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that since 1997, the government has made excellent progress: NHS funding has doubled and will be three times what it was at the end of the 1990s. This indicates that there has been a change in the NHS since its inception, and it has been argued that pouring money into an unreformed, poorly managed system has inevitably created waste.
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Left and Right Realism Influence on Criminology Sociology Essay
6 pages (1872 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Left Realism, often termed as ‘left Idealism’, possesses the deep root of ‘Marxist’ criminological perspectives, emphasising the key factors responsible for the cause of crime. Emerged in the UK in 1984, it stresses the political and social conditions of capitalist society, the onus, which it puts on the shoulder of the ‘class system’.
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Postal Codes in the UK Sociology Essay
4 pages (1323 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the Royal Mail, there are approximately 1500 post towns, city or major Tom defined by the Royal Mail. They are integral to any correct address and can accordingly be used as a reference point in geographic analysis. In the example initially given, PO defines the postcode AREA as Portsmouth, not that the post-Tom is Portsmouth.
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Is Death Penalty Justifiable Sociology Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that crimes vary from corruption to murder, rape or other sexual crimes, renouncing one’s religion or faith, treason, espionage and etc. Nowadays, countries and government systems that still use the death penalty as capital punishment are abundant while some countries have abolished this in their systems through time.
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The Truman Show, How the Media Manipulates and Control Sociology Movie Review
8 pages (2069 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The example of the huge role of mass media in the modern world is a perfect exemplification of how we often become dependent on the means which initially were aimed at making people freer, and, in its turn, the film "The Truman Show" offers a very interesting interpretation of possible consequences and ramifications of the enormous power of mass media.
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The Success of Individuals Sociology Essay
2 pages (704 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper states that children’s literature is an area that has attracted my professional goals and any greater understanding in the area improves my professional goals. Children’s literature needs specific and careful analysis which can lead to further knowledge and understanding.
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Change in Police Organizations Sociology Essay
19 pages (5177 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The change approach, by building its studies of policing systems throughout the conceptions of change in structures and functions, focuses its consideration on the association between law enforcement organizations, state and culture. Police is basically state organizations which, in quest of legality for its measures, have effect on the performance and legitimacy of the nation all together.
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Regulating Marriage and Cohabitation Sociology Assignment
4 pages (1173 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that unmarried fathers do not and it is upon them to acquire parental responsibility. They can do this by coming to an agreement with the mother, through a court order, residence order on the child, by marrying the mother, getting a parental responsibility order or by being appointed guardian when a mother dies.
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Sociological Perspectives on Social class Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
He, defined social class by (i) the people who own or possess property and the means of production and those who perform the work in the production process, (ii) the social relationships involved in work and labour, and (iii) people who produce and who control the surplus human labour can produce.
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Social Approaches to Crime Sociology Essay
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The most essential aspect of this approach is that behind the fluctuating appearances of social reality lie its organizational structures. It concerns the political and economic conditions of society. Structuralists believe that arbitrary laws create criminal activity. Therefore, equal distribution of power and wealth can curb crime and deviance.
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Civil Disobedience in the Age of Dotcoms: From Confrontations to Campaigns Sociology Essay
9 pages (2422 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Just as the Vietnam War and the Gulf War brought thousands to the streets to disrupt the flow of normal business and governance - acting upon the physical infrastructure - future interventionist wars will be protested by the clogging or actual rupture of fiber optic cables and ISDN lines - acting on the electronic and communications infrastructure.
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Effectievness of Political Party Sociology Article
7 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
As the report declares it is evident that throughout the history of mankind, the political parties have mostly evolved with one sense of purpose, and have sustained for one, the former and latter may or may not always the same.Party competition required public figures to act upon a mutually contrary set of assumptions.
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Alcoholism and Debt Sociology Case Study
9 pages (2536 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Though it has not been conclusively proved that alcoholism is a causal factor in an individual’s accumulation of debt, the data shows unequivocally that alcoholism is indeed a depressant of wages and income. If we make the theoretical connections between lower socioeconomic status and debt, we see that alcoholism is a factor in an individual’s indebtedness.
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Analysis of Industrial Decline in South Wales Sociology Essay
41 pages (11118 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Taking the information from the above chart, the researcher prepared individual graphs using ten-year increments to better display the results. Winning seasons are depicted by the bar charts showing 100 during the winning season years while no bar during a year depicts that the Wales Rugby Team did not win the championship during that year.
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The Impact of Career Planning on Employee Relations in the UK Sociology Essay
6 pages (1896 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The issue of compensation and benefits has been a subject of much debate from time immemorial. Indeed this issue has been at the heart of trade unions in the UK and elsewhere. Most organizations in the past sought to pay their employees the minimum wages /salaries in an effort to effort to rent costs and increase profitability.
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Feminist Theory and Activism Sociology Essay
11 pages (3278 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The development of human rights law is often if controversially, described in terms of “generations”: the “first” generation of rights covers civil and political rights, still regarded by many Western commentators as the paradigm against which all newer claims of rights must be measured (indeed some assert that civil and political rights are the only possible form of international human rights).
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NHS and Community Care Act Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper provides the critical analysis of the some policies and their implication for the local authorities. This act states that the local authority has the duty to assess the needs of people and has the responsibility for results of this service. People with the following peculiarities are eligible for the Community Care Assessment: with a physical disability or illness, terminal illness, sensory impairment, learning disabilities and mental health problems (including drug and alcohol).
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New Uniform Policy Sociology Essay
1 pages (439 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that more specifically, items that identify students as members of gangs or encourage exclusion ought to be banned. On the other hand, he thinks that the school should reconsider when the headwear or other accessories involve religious items. Students, as Americans, ought to be able to express their religious beliefs in public.
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Effective Leadership Styles in Local Government Sociology Coursework
25 pages (7050 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Initially, these theories examined solely the leader out of context from his surroundings, but as the theories have evolved theorists have come to examine not just the leader but the environment in which he operates. This understanding that life does not occur in a vacuum has led to the development of more complex theories that examine.
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Social Psychology of Organisations Sociology Essay
11 pages (3031 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Organizational attitudes where on one hand propose that motivational goals exert a fundamental influence on the dominance of particular attitude components, on the other hand, this function-structure model of attitudes proposes that salient motivations influence the weighting of information within each attitude component.
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The Truth behind Resilience Sociology Essay
2 pages (579 words) , Download 8 , Essay
The author states that resilience is defined as “the ability to recover from or resist being affected by some shock, insult or disturbance.” Also, a notable feature of resilience is that it has come to be associated with various fields in a variety of contexts, the capacity of people to cope with and stress and catastrophe.
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The Heritage Industry Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For those who are in the Third World Countries, such a development actually pertains to a nation's ability to support the maintenance and necessary provisions in the sustenance of an old, withering asset. For Hewison (1987), the proliferation of museums all over the country has meant to be a danger instead of a benefit to the nation.
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Worlds most dangerous drug Sociology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This division in opinion is bound to continue, given the fact that different countries have varying intensities of problems based on the production, availability of the drugs and the societal awareness. Drugs, basically, are chemical substances that are used to treat or grant relief from a condition. But when these chemical substances are used for purposes other than these, it can be called illegal drug abuse. It can be as simple as taking cold medications without actually having and as complex as taking cocaine.
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Incest and Exogamy Issues Sociology Essay
2 pages (716 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In addition, they well thought-out other emotional and psychological issues like love. Sociologist’s main attention was on variations across time as well as national, ethnic, and class lines, they gave little importance to studies across cultures. The incest taboo can disclose the real meaning of society because it is responsible for constituting society.
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The Essence of Modernity Sociology Essay
4 pages (1278 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It was accompanied (some would say produced) by the Industrial one, which both prompted and made possible the reexamination of society as such. The new society replaced the traditional social order in Europe, the ancient regime, and, the opposition between ancients and moderns being a long tradition was called "modern".
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Thomas Lanier Williams III Sociology Assignment
4 pages (1123 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the religious dimension is appeared in his early plays and portrayed as an important part of the characters' life. One of his best early one-act plays, Portrait of a Madonna, is at once a pathetic portrait of a deranged Southern spinster, the precursor of Blanche DuBois and a grotesque parody of the immaculate conception.
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Formation of Public Opinion Sociology Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
 The United States Information Agency (USIA) was established in 1953 to facilitate the international dissemination of information about the United States.  Radio Moscow, Radio Havana, and The Voice of America are just three of the large radio stations that provide information and propaganda throughout the world.  
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Growth of Suburban Population Sociology Essay
2 pages (591 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author is of the opinion that the haphazard growth of suburban outskirts is now becoming the kind of ‘improvement’ with people from different nationalities residing there. On the other hand, Katz finds that suburban growth is a compulsion for the people of the mainland as well as the immigrant population.
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Cultural Context and Design Sociology Essay
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The process of designing for industry depends not only on designers' understanding of the technical, technological and material aspect of their work but also depends on their knowledge of the markets for which they design as cultural networks. In the process of acquiring the understanding and expertise designers.
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The Changing Role of Women in the American Family Sociology Essay
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Women had for years been traditionally relegated to an inferior position in all cultures, societies and religions. At home, the man was lord and master for women to love, honor, and obey. The paper argues that the impetus for change in women's position was not entirely due to feminist activity, but to a variety of historical factors.
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The Kikuyu Culture Sociology Essay
2 pages (777 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author states that in the 19th century, most of the Kikuyu people spread from this region into many other areas of southern Kenya, something that has put them into conflict with many neighboring tribes such as the Maasai, who live along the famous Maasai-Mara, which is the most popular tribe in the whole region of Eastern and Central Africa.
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Reasons For Homelessness And Ways For Their Solutions Sociology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Private housing in Phoenix registers 92 percent success rate and having real address supports the medical compliance and reduced the costs down the line that is significant to a for-profit company like Value Options. In San Francisco, their street homelessness has seen a 40 percent drop through the supports.
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