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Vietnam War and Its Effects on American Society Social science Term Paper
3 pages (925 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
For over a decade, America was torn apart by a war that was not even it's own: the Vietnam War. Moreover, unlike other wars, this war won the American soldiers and the American government little, if any, appreciation or encouragement from the masses. The war resulted in heavy casualties with nearly 50,000 U.S. troops out of the half million dead, along with another million Vietnamese troops.
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The Merits of Moza in the Educational and Social Projects of Qatar Social science Term Paper
3 pages (1059 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Sources affirm that Sheikha Moza has been actively engaged in education among other social reforms in Qatar for many years. She has played a crucial role in spearheading national and international developmental projects all over the world. She has managed to achieve this after she was appointed the chairperson of the Qatar Foundation.
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Socio-Political and Socio-Economic Aspects of Immigration to America Social science Term Paper
2 pages (824 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
ibilities, the number of immigrants across the globe to the United States increased gradually resulting in demographic phenomena quite complex in nature consequently making it as the major source of population growth and cultural changes in the history of the United States.
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Why People Start Smoking Social science Research Proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Why People Start Smoking" is a worthy example of research proposal on social science. All cigarettes packs have a warning reminding the smokers, and non-smokers that smoking can be harmful to their health, despite this people are continuing to their smoking habits and others are starting.
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Personal Responsibility: Why It Matters Social science Article
3 pages (774 words) , Download 2 , Article
Personal responsibility can also be described as freedom to conduct one’s life as long as they do so according to societal expectations, values and mores. Accountability is the most important aspect of personal
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The Role of Nature and Nurture in the Human Development Social science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Psychoanalytic theory, for example, supports the exclusivity of nature as a developmental influence, which can be observed in such theories as Jungian archetypes. Behaviorism opposes this view and emphasizes the role of outside sources in the learning processes. The position relies on the "tabula rasa" theory that we are all born as blank slates.
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Economic and Political Reform Programs in North Korea Social science Term Paper
2 pages (714 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Political reforms are important for the development of the country. Following the coup, it is evident that there are still some levels of political insensitivity in the country. This has to be subverted and a more credible and democratic approach needs to be taken by your government. The political shaping of the country should be different.
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Racial Discrimination at the Workplace Social science Essay
2 pages (556 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Martha shared with me her experiences regarding the racial discrimination she had to face at the workplace. She also shared her counseling experiences with a counselor who belonged to the white race. Martha told that she had to face discriminatory attitudes in every walk of life, especially in the workplace.
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The Effects of the Alcohol Consumption on Human Socialization Social science Term Paper
3 pages (850 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Alcoholic drinks are consumed throughout the whole globe; the purposes of consumption of alcohol differ from one group to another or from person to person. Some people consume alcohol as a means to unite while others may do it as a means to depict leisure. A major controversy arises from the fact that its consumption may cause risks.
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Is Collective Violence on the Decline across the World Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Collective violence is defined as the violence between state, groups, and nations with an intention to achieve social, economic, or political objectives (World Health Organization, 2002). The effect of collective violence cannot be underestimated in that it causes deaths, disabilities, physical illness, and mental anguish.
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Generation Y Time Spending Patterns Social science Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper "Generation Y Time Spending Patterns" is a marvelous example of a research paper on social science. Notably, although Gen Y women and men have more choices than ever, different genders in GenerationY spend time differently.
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Associations of Television Content Type and Obesity in Children Social science Article
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Article
Zimmerman Frederic is a professor in the Department of Health Services at the University of California Los Angeles. His research studies mainly focus on economic influences on population health, with a special focus on media use and children health. He is an economics PhD
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Obamas 2014 State of the Union Address Social science Article
2 pages (654 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Obama’s 2014 State of the Union Address" is a delightful example of an article on social science. On Jan. 28, President Barrack Obama delivers the Union address; key points of his address are summarized as per the following. The President Obama vociferously describes his governments achievements and future challenges that the nation is likely to face.
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The Impact of Mobile Devices on Cyber Security Social science Essay
3 pages (928 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Statistics have shown that 91% of the American adults at least own a mobile gadget, while 55% of this population is using advanced gadgets such as tablets and Smartphone (Mobile Technology Fact Sheet, 2014).Thus, at such an age where
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Development of Prosocial Moral Reasoning in Young Adulthood Social science Article
3 pages (895 words) , Download 1 , Article
Eisenberg and her colleagues sought to find out the mean-level change that takes place in the life of an individual in early adulthood when developing prosocial moral reasoning. They sought an understanding of the point at which an individual’s needs and desires clash with those of others especially when there are few formal obligations.
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Alcohol Abuse in Teenagers Social science Speech or Presentation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Speech or Presentation
During this period, teenagers are likely to try alcohol mostly due to peer pleasure. In a recent study conducted by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, more than half the young people between ages twelve to twenty have tasted alcohol (Abbey, 2003). The legal drinking
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Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act Social science Essay
2 pages (597 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act" is an excellent example of an essay on social science. The ruling by the Supreme Court on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) gave states the option of staying out of the medical expansion. The decision of any state is in the hands of the state leaders and the nation’s governor.
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High on Crack Street Social science Movie Review
3 pages (908 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
Although Brenda is a prostitute gets pregnant, the baby daddy does not want to take responsibility of the pregnancy. He leaves Brenda
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Ideology of the Catholic Church About Chastity and Contraception Social science Term Paper
2 pages (552 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Any form of oral contraceptive including the oral portions use is regarded as a sin amongst the Catholic faithful. The Catholic Church Catechism specifies that sexual acts among people must always be procreative. The Catholic Church has been teaching the essential evil of contraception use, which to them they see as a materialistic act.
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Claim for Pre-masters Graduate Diploma in Humanities Social science Personal Statement
2 pages (729 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The author is currently in his final year at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, a leading business school in Spain where he is taking a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. With his growing interest in Business, Languages, and Cultures, he took a two-year program in Copenhagen where he attended the Copenhagen Business School.
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The Role of Geography in Conflict and Genocide Social science Essay
1 pages (340 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Tribalism or negative ethnicity is a usually determinant in political success. In major elections, tribalism has generated civil wars. Hatred has developed and sometimes genocides have resulted in the killings of so many people. Countries that have experienced extreme genocide include Rwanda and Yugoslavia.
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Factors Determining Ethnic Conflict and Models for Resolving Conflicts among Involved Groups Social science Essay
3 pages (799 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I am a member of an ethnic group and there is the perception of the risk to adopting my group’s side or those that my group sympathizes with within specific cases of conflicts. What these challenges meant for me in the entire course of the research is the need to be objective so each and every variable I have cited were treated with respect. 
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Environmentally Sustainable Business Approach Social science Term Paper
3 pages (892 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Brazil and South Africa both face heightened challenges of poverty, new political institutions, and post-colonial inequalities. South Africa, however, has a relatively small population and the economy as compared to Brazil. South Africa has strived to pursue policies recognizing the opportunities and risks attributed to economic globalization.
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The Experience of Volunteering in Zombie Run Social science Essay
3 pages (839 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the project, I worked with a group of four people, and I tried to use some leadership techniques to create a dynamic working atmosphere within the group. I inspired the colleagues to be more active and creative, to think about interesting locations for us to hide and different ways to scare the participants of the race. 
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End of Life Medical Issues Social science Essay
3 pages (886 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Conclusively, patients should be allowed to end their lives in order to allow them to practice their autonomy, save resources, and prevent more painful deaths. The decisions by patients or doctors to end their lives should be based on patients’ preferences provided they have been given all the information regarding their health conditions.
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The Syrian Revolution and the Arming of the Rebels Social science Research Paper
12 pages (3201 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Hafez al-Assad became the sole master of Syria and ruled with an iron fist until his death in 2000. However, before he died al-Assad, was preparing to give his son Basil the power and made surely Syria will still be ruled by another dictator. But anyhow, his son, Basil was killed in a car accident.
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The Conflict Between Science and Religion Social science Term Paper
3 pages (830 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
In a debate on whether science and religion are compatible, the majority of the scientists claim to believe in evolution while still insisting that science does not conflict with religion. The truth regarding this belief is entirely dependent on how religion is defined in any argument. If religion is referred to as sympathy or charity then the two do not conflict.
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Opinion on the Immorality and Unconstitutionality of Abortion Social science Term Paper
2 pages (529 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
despite the claim that fetuses are not conscious of their own existence and that abortion should not constitute a crime to kill them. This is an impractical and illogical excuse for wanton killing and it is no more sensible than claiming that it should legal to kill someone who is unconscious or in a coma. Ultimately, abortion remains morally unacceptable.
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The Impact of International Non-government Organizations Social science Term Paper
3 pages (876 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Amnesty International is one of the most globally well-known organizations names when it comes to defending human rights. At the core of this group are over 3 million international members representing over 150 countries (, 2014) whose focus remains steadfast when it comes to the issue of advocating for human rights.
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Social Exchange Club at School Social science Case Study
3 pages (780 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Through the event, students were to exhibit a sense of belonging while interacting with the fellow students. In addition, it was an opportunity to fulfil one of the annual obligations of the club, which was to
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The World 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 Years From Now Social science Essay
3 pages (794 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Wars continue to influence the future of the world as countries continue to invest in their militaries in readiness for a hypothetical war. World War 1 and world war two portrayed the magnitude of global conflicts. The subsequent cold among many other wars that come thereafter had varying effects on the stability of the world.
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The Interpretivist Paradigm Social science Research Proposal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Interpretivist Paradigm" is an outstanding example of a research proposal on social science. Interpretivism views are said to have many different origins depending on the kind of discipline in question.
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Drug Abuse in the American Society Social science Research Proposal
3 pages (925 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Drug abuse in America has attracted a global attention because the number of drug abusers and the abused drugs keeps increasing year after year (Swartz 24). There is a need to commiserate the causes of drug
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Happiness and Death Social science Essay
3 pages (836 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Because of these contrasting beliefs, the former category of people tries to derive pleasure as much as possible from their earthly life while the latter
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Harold Shipman the Doctor Who Turned a Serial Killer Social science Case Study
3 pages (962 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
When one makes a visit to the doctor, they entrust their health to the doctor. The relatives and friends of a patient expect that the doctor will get the patient’s life on track; not end it. Doctor Harold Shipman turned to be Britain’s most dreaded serial killer. The lives of at least 215 patients entrusted under his care came to an end.
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KPIX Polls for the Californias 17th Congressional District Social science Case Study
3 pages (789 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Honda had the support of powerful democrat leaders including the US President Barrack Obama in his bid to retain the seat. On the other hand, Khan was counting on the support of the republicans as well as the top Silicon Valley chief
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Black Buzzard and Big Significance to Appearance Social science Article
2 pages (528 words) , Download 0 , Article
‘Black Buzzard’ discovered the actual internal sad, unhappy, and lonely feelings of a narrator, which were somewhere hidden by his own self. This strange-looking man just appeared and disappeared like the wind blowing in the cold streets of Brooklyn. The narrator thought of him as a mug and was afraid of getting mugged by him at any time.
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Criminalization of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism in Qatar Social science Term Paper
2 pages (757 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
GCC countries; Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, have been blamed for their money laundering activities that lead to their support to terrorism activities. The US government increased its efforts to combat money laundering activities. The advancement of IT has given way to more sophisticated channels.
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Relationship between Federalism and Freedom of Speech Social science Term Paper
3 pages (951 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This is to say that there is a national government that encompasses the whole country in terms of governance while smaller units of governance such as county or local governments also assert their authority in those smaller units. It is important to note and record that the different levels operate with some degree of autonomy (Carroll, 1920).
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The US Homeland Security Perspective to Guide the US Policies toward the ISIS Conflict Social science Essay
3 pages (955 words) , Download 0 , Essay
To address the morphing challenge in Syria, the U.S should combine its decisive military capabilities with local partnerships that have the aptitude and capability to choke off funding to military groups (The White House, 2015). This should be attained through the formulation of policies that encourage more intelligence and military cooperation.
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Committing a Horrific Crime Social science Term Paper
2 pages (761 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The Stanford Prison experiment initiated by Phillip Zimbardo in 1971 forms the foundation of our understanding of the effects of situational forces on an individual. Despite lots of criticism of his research, we seek to relate his experiment with crimes committed by US troops against Muslim prisoners. His research is paramount in conceptualizing how altered behavior concerns the rules stipulated.
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Elaboration Likelihood Model Social science Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Elaboration Likelihood Model" is a great example of a research paper on social science. As claimed by Petty, et al., (2002), a small fraction of social scientists still believe that the mass media and the social media have the power to influence a vast audience to vast extents likely.
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The Anti-Islam Discourse of Medieval Europe That Fueled the Crusades to 19th Century Orientalism Social science Essay
2 pages (716 words) , Download 5 , Essay
For over 1000 years, the West has influenced what Islam is and determined any expression that can and cannot be pronounced of Muslims. This has put the West in confrontation and antagonism with the Muslim world. However, there have been changes to this discourse over the past years with a different perspective in Medieval Europe and during the time of Orientalism.
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The Challenges Faced by Police Departments Social science Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Challenges Faced by Police Departments' is a wonderful example of a research paper on social science. Law enforcement is a critical aspect of every society that does not only generate law and order but also protects property thereby preserving the interests of community members.
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Effects of Globalization in Qatar Social science Speech or Presentation
3 pages (791 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
Globalization has surprisingly become ingrained closely in all fields ranging from businesses, social, economical and even in our government among other areas. Over past few decades, advancement in the information field and technology has posed a profound on the global
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Marijuana Should Be Illegal in the United States Social science Research Proposal
4 pages (1275 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Marijuana Should Be Illegal in the United States' is a wonderful example of a research proposal. Marijuana refers to the dry leaves of the female flowers of Cannabis Sativa plant which are used to as a narcotic drug or hallucinogen.  Marijuana is obtained from the dry leaves of Cannabis Sativa which are also known as the hemp plant.
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Contemporary Moral Problems Social science Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
By saving poor people, the situation is not helped: it is worsened since overpopulation is one of the major causes of it. It is a responsibility of the government to take care of the population and think about ways to help others nations, but ordinary citizens, since there are many aspects that should be taken into account while doing so
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The Death Penalty in America Social science Annotated Bibliography
3 pages (822 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
ists who are its main opponents fiercely oppose it, its proponents argue that it is appropriate and should be applied so as to help in preventing the occurrence of capital offenses like murder, terrorism and armed robbery. Here, the authors present and argument about the issue
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Race Segregation Issue Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1479 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper 'Race Segregation Issue' is an excellent example of a research paper on social science. This is the practice of restricting a certain group of people into specific areas of residence. This could be institutions such as schools, restaurants, and churches or even public facilities such as playgrounds, restrooms, and parks.
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Labor Mobility and Migration Social science Essay
2 pages (702 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Labor Mobility and Migration" is an outstanding example of an essay on social science. Migration, throughout the ascendancy of mankind, has been the most distinguishing interactive characteristics of the humankind. William McNeill an historian wrote that from the time our ancestors fully became human, they were already migratory.
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