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The Level of Inflation in Britain
6 pages (1732 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Economic studies, 1(1), pp.... When the price level goes up a unit of currency purchases fewer goods and services.... It is apparent that inflation reduces the purchasing power of a consumer.... Inflation rate is.... ... ... The paper "The Level of Inflation in Britain" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study....
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The Role of Worship within Evangelism
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Newer missions, such as Frontiers, are sending teams to areas of the world where music and dance are major channels of communications and encouraging them to develop evangelistic methods based on these “arts”.... This paper "The Role of Worship within Evangelism" discusses two key issues in the history of worship within religions and its impact on evangelism....
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Investigation Brief on Nova 96.9 FM
14 pages (5341 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Graphical representation offers a visual presentation that enables the understanding of the research findings hence facilitates their interpretation.... This case study "Investigation Brief on Nova 96.... FM" presents Nova entertainment that holds the lead position in the metro radio station network....
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Benefit of Implementing Electronic Referral in Ambulatory Area
12 pages (4009 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Some available studies however confirm the usefulness of using eReferral in the ambulatory area.... Searching through literature, there were a number of studies and researches that clearly support the use of eReferral in the ambulatory area due to the benefits it offer both practitioners and patients.... Some available studies however confirm the usefulness of using eReferral at the ambulatory area.... Research Methods in Business studies: A Practical Guide....
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Principles Mens Rea, Actus Reus
7 pages (1934 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Principles Mens Rea, Actus Reus" outlines examples of actions considered on offenses associated with stealing - stealing grapes, stealing peaches, reading magazines of which one has not paid for, removing a banana from a banana or a tomato stock, stealing nuts, and general contamination....
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Crisis Plan of Sandy Hook Elementary School
5 pages (1388 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The plan was defective and some students who could not bear the inhumane treatment were forced to transfer to other institution or abandon studies completely.... For instance, some programs and scripts available on the internet display information and visual activities which build bad character on school children....
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Cost-Effectiveness of Temporary Employees for a Manufacturing Company
26 pages (8075 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Cost-Effectiveness of Temporary Employees for a Manufacturing Company" states that the combined use of contingent workers and skilled contingent workers cut the cost for companies, or at least, did for the three companies involved in this one-year study.... .... ... ... Considering the current recession and the economic difficulties of this time, this may be an important way to help keep many businesses alive economically....
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International Business - Global Marketplace
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper International Business - Global Marketplace states that the globalisation of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe in other to take advantage of the national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production.... ... ... ... This paper is aimed at analyzing and discussing the potential impacts of globalization on a chosen multinational....
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Operation Performance and Risks Management of Britvic Group Plc
10 pages (2945 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
?The economics of exchange rates: Selected studies.... (Britvic, 2015a).... The company operates in overseas locations like US, Great Britain, France and Ireland.... The company own four distinct subsidiaries which are Britvic International, Britvic.... ... ... The paper "Operation Performance and Risks Management of Britvic Group Plc" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study....
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MPC Relationship With Its Large Global Customers
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
MPC conducted forecasting studies and found out that there were great opportunities but the forecasts did not guarantee any fact or figure.... The reporter states that MPC has an extremely good relationship with its global customers.... This is evident from the fact that many of its global clients while shifting their businesses to other offshore locations also offered MPC to open up their production units near their new capacity....
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The Meaning of Ethical Governance: Case of Siemens
7 pages (2745 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The company that is the subject of the paper "The Meaning of Ethical Governance: Case of Siemens" is Siemens AG, a German-based electronics major.... They are headquartered in Munich, in the Federal Republic of Germany.... Siemens has been in existence for over 150 years and is present in 190 countries....
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Fire Safety Legislation
7 pages (1917 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Fire Safety Legislation" is a good example of a case study on the law.... Having a comprehensive fire safety plan not only reduces uncalled-for repercussions of fire but gives a solution to the undesired consequences.... ... ... ... In accordance with the regulatory Policy University of Central Lancashire has a mechanism that ensures safety-related activities and responsibilities assigned to individuals at designated areas....
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Reasons for the Conflicts in the Middle East and Conflicts Solutions
5 pages (1409 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Reasons for the Conflicts in the Middle East and Conflicts Solutions" suggests that conflicts have solutions, including the ban of weapons in the Middle East, changing religious views of the Islamic faith, changing currency of oil prices, and reinforce policies to avoid corruption.... ....
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Tesla Companys Business Strategy in the United Arab Emirates
9 pages (2532 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Regional studies, 44(5), 627-638. ... The objective of this paper 'Tesla Company's Business Strategy in the United Arab Emirates' is to analyze and describe Tesla Company's plan of internationalization to the United Arab Emirates.... The strategy focuses on the aspects of the company's background such as the mission, vision, core values....
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Marketing Strategy for Apple iMac
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The people used for the campaign are some of the most admired achievers in the world and come from all sorts of fields like government, business, sports, performing arts and human rights activism.... critical analysis of the advertisement sounds eerily similar to a critical review which might be given to a film noir or to any other art film which has been highly acclaimed at the Sundance festival.... Apple is not focusing on differentiation alone since it sells a lot more than just computers and its audio visual equipment (possibly future telephonic equipment) is also a recognized segment of the business. ...
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Business Proposal for the Requirements of the TEEVO Corporation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Business Proposal for the Requirements of the TEEVO Corporation" suggests a network set up to be created that would orchestrate the various departments and structures in the corporate settings.... Implementation of the proposed network design would accomplish a stable and secure communications system....
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The Climate of Macroeconomic Relationships in India
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The rationale for the study "The Climate of Macroeconomic Relationships in India" is to analyze the current state of the Indian economy.... Particularly, the writer attempts to investigate whether or not the Indian economy is 'overheating', discussing its internal financial market in the process....
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Iroquois Theatre Fire
8 pages (2132 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Iroquois Theatre Fire" discusses Iroquois theatre fire, Chicago, IL, December 30, 1903 that occurred on the eve of Christmas holiday, when many people were at home and on a holiday mood.... The situation was different for December thirty 1903 event (Campbell, 199).... ... ... ... There were many people who bought the attendance ticket, and therefore the theatre was filled to capacity, with all the seats taken and the standing positions for the patrons fully occupied (Brandt, 42)....
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Managment Operation
12 pages (3426 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
etty and Cacioppo (1981) conducted studies to arrive at the above conclusions.... studies carried out by them with help of industry sources on expenditures, losses and lead times should be cited as proof mitigates doubts.... The paper presents that Stevenson is primarily a dyeing unit and was dependant on its work through its parent CV from whom it got major of its work of dyeing knitwear but it also got work from other high fashion retailers who were market leaders in their field....
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SWOT Analysis Report on Nike Shoes for Men
10 pages (2852 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
onaghu, M and Barff, R 1990, Nike just did it: International subcontracting and flexibility in athletic footwear production, Regional studies, Vol.... The paper 'SWOT Analysis Report on Nike Shoes for Men' is a persuading example of a case study on marketing.... This report comprises of a SWOT analysis of Nike shoes for men, specifically focused on the Air Jordan brand....
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Company Law shareholders
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Samantha holding 5% of the shares in Filo Ltd as against 52% held together (26% each) by the two directors Richard Anthony and Joan, is obviously a minority shareholder in the company.... Even if she garners support of other shareholders, they would still form only 48% as a minority group. ... ... ...
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Benefits of Improvement Using a Technology Solution: UMC Clinic
3 pages (871 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Technology in UMC clinic will ensure that all the records of patients who visit the clinic will be stored in the UMC central database, and this will.... ... ... Records will not also be easily lost.... The records that can be stored in the database include all drugs and medications available, patients, insurance policies, age, and gender....
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Bank of England Monetary Policy from 2001 to 2013
8 pages (2029 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Bank of England Monetary Policy from 2001 to 2013" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... A critical analysis of the economic history implies that the conventional perception in relation to monetary policies has gone through sizable modifications subsequent to major events such as financial crunches and conflicts....
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Artistic and Social Accomplishments of Beyonce and Lady Gaga and Their Influence on Pop Music
7 pages (2189 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Beyonces proficiency in the performing arts enabled her to compete in singing and dancing contests.... Lady Gaga is an alumni of the Tisch School of arts in NYC.... The following paper under the title 'Artistic and Social Accomplishments of Beyonce and Lady Gaga and Their Influence on Pop Music' presents the respective artistic and social accomplishments of Beyonce and Lady Gaga and their influence on pop music....
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Leisure and Recreational Areas in Suzhou
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
During the 1980s, the drive of China to modernize had gained momentum, making Chinese officials eager to further develop the said country's economy and standing through modern management methods and economic regionalization.... These Chinese leaders visited Singapore to learn about the Southeast Asian nation that had boomed within its 30 years of independence. ...
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Poe's Critical Theories
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Poes main character "were studies of stages in consciousness when the real world slipped away or disintegrated and the mind found itself fronting the "horror" of its own loneliness and loss.... The paper 'Poe's Critical Theories' presents Edgar Allan Poe who is a defining author in American Literature....
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Study Case It isn't so simple: Infrastructure Change At Royce Consulting
3 pages (750 words) , Download 36 , Case Study
Royce Consulting consults primarily for major businesses, meaning that consultants are directly on site in countries across the globe.... Royce has 160 locations, one of which has 124 people working.... Entry-level staff are hired directly from college, promoted internally; managers maintained client contracts, managed personnel and assisted executives and leadership in creating consultation proposals....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This is because the peak shift that was characterized by ancient artists is still affecting our artists today.... Peak shift principle refers to the act of the brain focusing on areas with pleasing.... ... ... This means that artists tend to abandon reality in favor of exaggerated concepts.... For instance, the statue of Venus of Willendorf has exaggerated breast and hip sizes....
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The movie John Q Case study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 14 , Case Study
John Q is a film played back in 2002 starring Denzel Washington, who plays the role of an ordinary individual who is a factory worker with his wife Denise and son Michael who are his world.... John becomes more desperate with time running out and gamble John Q film analysis s Introduction John Q is a film played back in 2002 starring Denzel Washington, who plays the role of an ordinary individual who is a factory worker with his wife Denise and son Michael who are his world....
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Resourcing and Talent Management at Coca Cola Company
14 pages (3955 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
studies dealing with human resources and investigation of skill reserve of corporations suggest that there are three levels in a company; individuals, collections and the company.... The paper "Resourcing and Talent Management at Coca Cola Company" is an exceptional example of a Human Resources case study....
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The Importance of Disability Awareness
9 pages (2598 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Sensory effects are not an exception and they develop in terms of decreased hearing, decreased vertigo and balance, and eminent visual disturbance.... The paper " The Importance of Disability Awareness " is a perfect example of a case study on nursing.... I am a 35 year old female living with a disabled person in the category of Acquired Brain Injury....
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Pepsi Co bid for quaker oats
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
A current ratio should exceed the 1.... threshold to be considered sound.... A company that has a low current ratio is at risk of defaulting of its debt.... The formula to calculate current ratio is current.... ... ... In 2000 Pepsi had a current ratio of 1.... 6, while Quaker had a current ratio of 1....
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Busniess Information system
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Kimberly-Clark, a multi-national manufacturer of hygiene and health consumer products has ardently been relying on and using innovation, and has thus become an indispensable business partner.... In 2010, the company re-affirmed bottom-line and top-line business growth with a global.... ... ... The aim was to enhance K-C's major capabilities of marketing, customer development and innovation so as to sustain its rate of growth through partnership with large retail customers Business Information System A summary of the case Case: Kimberly-Clark Maps IT to Its Global Business Plan Kimberly-Clark, a multi-national manufacturer of hygiene and health consumer products has ardently been relying on and using innovation, and has thus become an indispensable business partner....
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Royce Consulting: Organizational Structure
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The work describes the case of Royce Consulting, which consults primarily for major businesses, meaning that consultants are directly on site in countries across the globe.... Royce has 160 locations, one of which has 124 people working.... Entry-level staff are hired directly from college, promoted internally....
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Business Logistics of the Apple Incorporation
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
of Global studies & Geography, Hofstra University, New York, USA.... Master of Management studies.... The author examines how Apple is restructuring the supply chain and the logistics management, with the aim of minimizing the logistic system, and in improving the speedy delivery and the information relating to it....
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Management Issues in Global Family Businesses: Samsung
11 pages (2993 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
An overview of the field of family business studies: Current status and directions for the future.... In order to achieve this goal, Samsung focuses on the utilisation of innovative, reliable products and services.... It prides in having a talented workforce.... It adopts a.... ...
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Robotic Drug Discovery
14 pages (3812 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Also there is difficulty in terms of visual analysis, comparison and recognition of a certain characteristics that is required.... The paper 'Robotic Drug Discovery' is an affecting version of the case study on health sciences & medicine.... Robots have been increasingly used in pharmaceutical development to assist to meet decreasing drug development time, reducing the costs, and increasing productivity....
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Investigating Down Syndrome
10 pages (3496 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Investigating Down Syndrome" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues and peculiarities of the problem of investigating Down syndrome.... The life in South Africa circumstances of persons with intellectual disabilities has changed markedly over the last 10 years (Brown, 2004)....
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The Step of Self-Management and Self-Assessment
10 pages (2756 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The things I need to achieve my objective are to concentrate on my studies and work hard for it.... I now write down my everyday tasks related to my studies (like homework, books to read, problems to solve).... With studies and job going side by side, it is naturally difficult to manage time.... Would apply in various colleges for further studies and for this I have list down all the well-known and reputed universities as a target....
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A Form of Revenge for Taking Life of Another Person
4 pages (1162 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In addition, studies shows that state which practice death penalty do not have lower homicide rates; therefore, the argument is that it does not help in reducing crime; instead, it increases the prevalence of crime as it encourage use of violence.... The paper "A Form of Revenge for Taking Life of Another Person" explains that the death penalty has been a controversial issue since its first introduction as critics argue that it violates human rights, that is, the right to life....
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Scientific Management at McDonald's
8 pages (2455 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
“Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks; (Time-and-motion studies) ... When Taylor introduced the use of stopwatches for time and motion studies in 1911, there was such an uproar from organized labour that the US House of Representatives convened a special committee to investigate the matter....
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Peter Pan: Constructions of Childhood and Adulthood
8 pages (2274 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This paper "Peter Pan: Constructions of Сhildhood and Adulthood" presents comparisons between the 1904 text and the 2003 film that reveal that childhood has grown slightly 'older'; adulthood is slightly less distasteful, and girls and boys are no longer seen as distinct as they used to be.... Comparing the 1904 play text with the recent 2003 film adaptation may prove a rewarding exercise in studying some of these changes.... The idea of the mother remains more or less the same, except that in the film Mrs....
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Structure and Function of Talk
5 pages (208 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
umon: Try to enjoy the film if you can manage the time. ... This paper "Structure and Function of Talk" discusses that talking is the uttering of words using your mouth to pass along a message; the message may be understood by everybody or a section of some people depending on the person's relationship the other one listening....
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Talent Recruitment at Frog Design Shanghai
15 pages (3886 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Furthermore, having undertaken her studies at a local university – the Fudan University of Shanghai, Ada is very much in touch with the prevailing socio-cultural aspects dominant in the Chinese setting.... The paper 'Talent Recruitment at Frog Design Shanghai" is a great example of a human resources case study....
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1980 MGM Fire and Fire Codes
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The MGM Grand Hotel of Las Vegas, Nevada met one of the deadliest hotel fires in the history of America on November 21, 1980 that killed 84 people and injured another 679.... This tragic incident proved to be a lesson for all the hotel managements .... ... ... The MGM Grand Hotel of Las Vegas, Nevada met one of the deadliest hotel fires in the history of America on November 21, 1980 that killed 84 people and injured another 679....
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Exploring A Communication Event In Saudi Lingua Culture
9 pages (3033 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
studies show that a lingua franca language may turn to be the common language if it widely spreads in an area.... studies show that learning communication skills depend on individual community, rules and the way of life.... ommunication events case studies ... These include the growth, individual characteristics, and the way one performs thriving arts....
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Dysgraphia: Poorly Understood Learning Disorder
10 pages (3243 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Research studies confirm lateralization of language processing in the brain's left hemisphere hence dysgraphia is closely associated with poor development of this hemisphere prior to introducing handwriting.... In future studies, extension of such programs should be considered and a further integration of classroom teaching in order to address all the needs of the leaner. ... The interventions selected for Nima relied on the pre-assessment data collected and various evidence-based approaches designed through previous studies....
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A Detailed Overview of the Case of Wayne Williams
13 pages (3331 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Indeed, longitudinal studies have revealed that boys who exhibit restlessness or lack of concentration in class, the most daring, and the most impulsive on psychomotor tests between the ages of eight and ten had a tendency of engaging in crime in later stages of life.... iological and Genetic Causes Numerous twin, adoption, and family studies have been conducted over the years to determine the effect of genetic heritability and other biological factors on criminality, albeit with varying degrees of approval and acceptance by psychologists due to the difficulty in differentiating between the effects of nature and nurture in the study settings....
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The Nature of the Employment Relationship
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Nature of the Employment Relationship' is a dramatic example of a human resources case study.... Workplace procedures have a significant function to play in making sure that the operational flexibility of the organization and increasing the productivity of that organization in the entire industry....
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Market Analysis for China - Jetstar Airways
12 pages (3363 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economics studies Australia (ACESA).... (2004) ‘Perspectives on multinational enterprises in emerging economies', Journal of International Business studies 35: 259-276. ... “An institution-based view of international business strategy: a focus on emerging economies” Journal of International Business studies....
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