Mamun: Yes, I feel that it is appealing.
Sumon: Try to enjoy the film if you can manage the time.
Mamun: Of course, I shall try. Thank you for your advice.
Adapted from
The conversation is between two friends, but it is informal but quite decent. It is unplanned since Mamun did not know that Sumon was at the movies the previous night, he was just asking why Sumon was not available the last night. There are greeting at the beginning, such as 'Hello?' The sentences are short and very easy to understand. The dialogue is effortless and simply flows. Repetition is notable with words such as ‘yes’ in the conversation. There is an emphasis on solidarity present at the closing of the interview, Mamun says ‘thank you for your advice’ which also acts as the conversation heading.
In conclusion, talking is not communicating, and spoken English is quite different from written English. Many factors, such as context, relationships, and purpose of the talk, need to be considered before communication occurs. The context of the talk determines what to say or not what to say. Speech acts help in communication and making the talk more understandable, although speech acts may defer depending on the culture and sociality of the people.
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