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Degree in International Business Law
2 pages (623 words) , Download 6 , Personal Statement
From the paper "Degree in International Business Law" it is clear that globalization has become the most important movement of the 21st century.... In order to become a successful company firms must penetrate the foreign marketplace in order to increase their sales and customer base.... .... ... ...
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Chinese Student within the American Society
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
Despite the many odds that I face as a Chinese student within the American society, I endeavour by all means possible to make a mark in academic.... ... ... My worldview is shaped by the sum total of the Chinese and American influences.... This dual influence has often presented unique challenges and The paper "Chinese Student within the American Society" is a great example of a personal statement on education....
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Smokers in Great Britain and the USA
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
Social science and Medicine 67 (3).... In the paper 'Smokers in Great Britain and the USA' the author looks at the attitude towards smoking.... The habit of leaving a building to smoke outside in the rain had not begun and many people were smokers.... The majority of the population were smokers....
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What major personal, professional or academic obstacles must you overcome to be successful in school What are some ways you might work around these challenges
1 pages (188 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
Paying attention in class facilitates learning and every student must remain attentive. ... ... hoosing the right company is also crucial, it is extremely.... ... ... Diligence is a very important quality which every student must develop; diligence is the key to solving even the biggest of all problems. ...
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Letter to the U.S Government Concerning Gay Marriage Concerns
5 pages (1359 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
Yes gay couples can and might never procreate naturally unless science takes another turn, but there is an option to adoption.... The writer of the paper 'Letter to the U.... Government Concerning Gay Marriage Concerns' states that two individuals of similar sex and bound by love ought to be allowed to openly celebrate their relationship commitments and also access similar benefits as the heterosexual married couples....
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Visual Arts: Critique of Art Work
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
Contemporary art is one the popular art classifications of our historic past.... The research centers on the Contemporary art form.... The research includes focus on Vincent Van Gogh's artistic genius.... The Ox Cart exemplifies the artistic brilliance of Vincent Van Gogh's the Ox Cart art piece....
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What Are the Effects on a Person When He Moves to a New Country
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The paper 'What Are the Effects on a Person When He Moves to a New Country?... examines the integration of Asian immigrants in the Kiwi, English-speaking, and white society of New Zealand.... This article takes many accounts of both 1.... Generation members, as well as those, have interacted with them....
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The African American and Their Community
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
The author states that as a High School graduate and systems Analyst, the mother has never let their economic circumstances or ethnicity come in the way of his getting the best education possible.... In the essay 'The African American and Their Community' the author discusses his mixed African American/ American Indian heritage, which makes him particularly aware of the nuances of race and also its irrelevance in today's America....
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Education Psychology
3 pages (750 words) , Download 7 , Personal Statement
I am also a systems Analyst/Engineer and a successful Entrepreneur.... I am a systems Analyst/Engineer and a successful Entrepreneur.... Academic Pursuits for Financial Stability In my pursuit of self-improvement and in order to enhance my career skills to achieve financial stability, I obtained Microsoft Certifications to qualify as a systems Engineer and Administrator.... Aspirations I have been juggling a 40 hour a week plus job as a systems Analyst/Engineer, I also own 'Mahogani E2 Consulting Business' which provides onsite technology consulting....
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New Topic
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
This can be mitigated by ensuring that the chosen systems and tools fit the KM needs and goals of the company. ... One the main challenge here is choosing the right technology and systems that encourage, systematize, and ease the flow of information collection and sharing.... This can be mitigated by ensuring that the chosen systems and tools fit the KM needs and goals of the company.... Another challenge is rewarding KM practices, and this can be done by embedding KM goals into performance management systems....
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Summer Trip in Florida
2 pages (584 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
Other attraction sites that would perhaps make one's summer trip in Florida include museums as well as science and cultural centers which clearly brings out Florida as an art and historical state.... In the paper 'Summer Trip in Florida' the author describes his relaxing during the summer holidays....
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My Readiness for Direct Practice
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Personal Statement
Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work ... This paper 'My Readiness for Direct Practice' summarises the information about author's readiness for direct practice as a new social worker.... This module gave him the opportunity to apply what he has learned in a role-playing counseling session in which he was the counselor....
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Applied Workplace Practice - Jims Cleaning Franchise
9 pages (2778 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The paper "Applied Workplace Practice - Jims Cleaning Franchise" states that the actions will be made to arrest the sales decline of the author's franchise for the second week of February by calibrating the compensation package of my employees alongside the stricter implementation of credit terms....
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Learning Diary or Log
8 pages (2261 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The personal statement "Learning Diary or Log " points out that this paper starts with Part One, which aims to help me prepare in the draft a personal development plan by noting from the record experiences and activities that we had during the MSc year.... .... ... ... It is clear that a reflective thinker, just as I am now doing, draws on available information to construct his or her own belief system....
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Master of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
I am on the verge of completing my Bachelor's in Management Studies degree with marketing as the major course.... My basic aim is to get admission in the.... ... ... My grades in the business and statistics related subjects, which I studied at the bachelor level, depict my interest in studying quantitative analysis for ment of Purpose Applicant's Please write here I have recently applied for the Master of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business being offered by name of university....
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Cubism and 3D Sculptures
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
The beginning is 20th century saw the emergence of cubism.... The writer of the paper "Cubism and 3D sculptures" suggests that Cubism led to the abandonment of single viewpoint of objects for a more geometric and realistic 3D view of objects drawn on a 2D plane.... ... ... ... Artists like Frank Lloyd, Giger, Robin, and Boccioni among many other creative brains curved sculptures to pass a statement of the value of cubism....
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Field Project in a School
4 pages (1210 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
I am writing this project report to recount the daily activities in the classroom of the primary subjects namely: reading, spelling or language, writing, mathematics, and science.... Field Project in a School I am writing this project report to recount the daily activities in the room of the primary s ly: reading,spelling or language, writing, mathematics, and science. ... One of the most important branches of learning in basic education is science....
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What are the main changes that the music industry has gone through since the 1980's
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The technological development in recent years, has bankrupted record companies with the rise of legal downloading and the demand for live performances.... What is more artists who try to sell their CDs during their concerts realized that fans prefer to buy a T-shirt for $20 instead a CD for $10.... ...
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Reflective Essay - Writing
5 pages (1399 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
The focus of the paper "Reflective Essay - Writing " is on the writing skills, an eye for style, reading good books, the writer's use of conjunctions and other transitional devices, writing, rewriting and polishing, English courses, lack of coherence and organization.... ... ... ... Another mistake that I noticed in my own writing is the use of wrong punctuations like an apostrophe....
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Critical Interaction in Human Development and Learning
1 pages (301 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
The paper "Critical Interaction in Human Development and Learning" discusses that there is no single thing that an individual does without the consciousness of values and beliefs.... They influence how we react to ideas or behaviours by enabling us to interpret what is required.... ... ... ... When correctly implemented, value-based education defines the values that a country is built on and which she struggles to preserve....
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Upholding Ethics
2 pages (557 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
In the paper 'Upholding Ethics' the author provides a personal statement of ethics.... Being born and raised in a conservative family, the concept of ethics has been imprinted in his system as early as he can remember.... His parents have taught him what is morally and socially acceptable.... ... ...
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Health Care Reform and Future Trend
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
I am writing because the current Medicare system is thought to be the most modern and technological developed medical delivery system.... Nevertheless, like in the majority competitive business climates health care providers make an effort to provide the most comprehensive health services at the most reasonable prices....
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Education in the United States
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The following paper states that the United States has been known to have one of the highest educational standards in the world.... The country itself has a hugely unique social system due to the melting pot assimilation process that exists among those who live in the country.... ... ... ... I wish to come to the United States in order to take advantage of the multiple learning levels that are offered by the unique American educational experience....
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Why I Wish to Pursue a Career in Law Enforcement
2 pages (592 words) , Download 7 , Personal Statement
In the essay 'Why I Wish to Pursue a Career in Law Enforcement' the author describes a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions.... Since he was very young, he has looked up to and admired police officers.... Police officers are the embodiment of courage and integrity....
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Purpose for Undertaking or Continuing Graduate Study
2 pages (554 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
My areas of interest include investigation of analytical and computational methods for optimization, risk analysis, and development of methodologies for the design, planning and control of systems, especially in governmental services.... From the paper "Purpose for Undertaking or Continuing Graduate Study" it is clear that generally speaking, modern life revolves around engineering....
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What are your academic goals for study in the US
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
By studying in the home of the world's technological leaders, I can assure that I will have the necessary insight into making sure our protocols and systems can operate on a cross-border basis.... By studying in the United States I hope to be able to bridge these gaps as the world moves towards a more unified global community....
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Hard work vs hardly working
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
American Dream has ample emphasis on working hard in order to realize true happiness thus presenting the notion that success comes due to hard work.... Partly, the statement is true depending on the.... ... ... Despite the actuality, that people have managed to be successful in their undertakings, certain factors that offer them an edge ought to be present. ...
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Learning Biometry and Statistics
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University is one of the most historic and prestigious colleges in the country.... The Biometry and Statistics program is the pioneer in biological statistics, statistical genomics and computational biology nationally and internationally.... ...
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Public health internship
2 pages (500 words) , Download 17 , Personal Statement
However, becoming a part of the system requires tuition fee money that not all students and parents can afford.... But the Human Resources and Services.... ... ... dministration internship program will grant students such as I the opportunity to become a part of this world thanks to the scholarship that is being offered. ...
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Crimes Against Humanity
1 pages (414 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
In the essay 'Crimes Against Humanity' the author strongly believes that the decision of war taken by the leaders of different countries of the world is a crime against humanity.... The leaders should resolve problems through talks rather than through wars.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that the decision of war taken by the leaders of different countries of the world is a crime against humanity....
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Doing Business and Public Policy
4 pages (1033 words) , Download 53 , Personal Statement
The author of the paper titled "Doing Business and Public Policy" focuses on the possibility of easing the demands of doing business that would be able to overcome the barriers of language and the competition from developed and established economies.... ... ... ... I intend to create a club of my fellow master's students from the two regions, those with roots from Asia, and those coming from the Latin American countries....
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The Importance of Communication
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
The current paper 'The Importance of Communication' aims to present a reflective essay on the challenges that were encountered while doing the research; as well as one's personal learning about organizational communication, as a whole.... The importance of communication has always been emphasized....
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Biology of Food
5 pages (1375 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
The writer of the paper 'Biology of Food' states that if it is required to buy the factory based food product try to look for the ingredients list first.... If the food product has less or chemical-based products, the food is good as compared to the food products that are nothing but chemicals.... ...
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A Conversation of Authors and Scriptures
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
This paper "A Conversation of Authors and Scriptures" focuses on the author who met his/her English teacher conversing with Roland Barthes, Nancy Sommers, and Andrea Lunsford in the restaurant.... He/she soon joined them to be engaged in a very useful discussion with them on writing.... .... ... ...
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A Reflection of Changes Based on Work
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The paper "A Reflection of Changes Based on Work" states that the business agenda for public schooling views education purely as a domesticating act- one that legitimizes current political and economic realities in the interest of the corporate elite.... ... ... ... the education system in a majority of the developed countries is surreptitiously dedicated to indoctrinating and encouraging students to be complacent workers and consumers....
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Reaction paper - James Weldon Johnson
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Personal Statement
The title in itself indicates that there is an intention not to be known as an African-American.... It clearly shows how the man intends to leave his.... ... ... Of course, there is always a price for one's decision.... And with the ex-colored man, it is the safety and economic necessity that made him decide to pass as a white man....
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Epidemiological Principles and the Issue of Teen Pregnancy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
In medicine the traditionally accepted means to accomplish this was through the branch of science of epidemiology.... The paper 'Epidemiological Principles and the Issue of Teen Pregnancy' focuses on teen pregnancy, which is one such issue that has benefited from the application of the epidemiological methods of investigation....
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Experience as the Part of a Team
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Personal Statement
he whole process is just one of the practice environments that allowed us students to learn not just about product or system being developed but the processes involved especially those that concern factors such as teamwork in designing, programming and modeling systems.... I was able to gain valuable insights on modeling and programming systems in a simulated real environment....
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Portfolio Reflection
5 pages (1350 words) , Download 0 , Personal Statement
This paper 'Portfolio Reflection' highlights the portfolio reflection for personality course and highlights the different learning's, challenges, gains and outcome which was achieved.... the paper will discuss the course experience by the approach towards proactive learning, professional and ethical conduct....
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Urge to Strive for Perfection
2 pages (753 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
Eventually, it concluded in a suggestion for developing organizational knowledge management systems.... It was a qualitative analysis that came to the conclusion that knowledge management systems should be better integrated with the overall technology used in the firm.... In this study, current human behavior towards tutorial systems, prospect attitude towards them, and a complex....
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European History, The French Revolution
2 pages (500 words) , Download 11 , Personal Statement
This is probably the last correspondence that I am making to you; I have been tried at the court today and shall end my life by tomorrow at the court's orders.... As you know we have been witnessing havoc out here since last four years, but the real reasons for this lie in the degrading situation since the late 70s when the economic inefficiencies began to surface....
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Sunshine University
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
According to Kemske in “the computer based training report” (Filipczak 1997) that computer-based training jumped to 15% of all training performed.... ... ... The corporation's intranet, as reported by 39% of the respondents, was going to be a means of delivering training. ... ... omputer based instructions are when a computer delivers some instructional Personal ment Report of preparation on development new computer based instruction (CBI) for St....
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Experience in Veterinary Medicine
3 pages (871 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
The paper "Experience in Veterinary Medicine" highlights that veterinary education will empower the author to exercise leadership on issues that are of utmost importance, especially the prevention of zoonotic diseases, and the safety and limitations of the food supply system.... ... ... ... I always wanted to peruse my studies in veterinary medicine as it collectively shows my interest in medicine, compassion for animals, and practical implementation in protecting their well-being of them....
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Belonging to the World of Business
2 pages (715 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
Though s\he has always been a decent student, the author of the paper "Belonging to the World of Business" always felt the world of business is where s\he belongs to.... The author grew up while reading stories of famous businessmen from Bill Gates to Steve Jobs and from Warren Buffet to Ratan Tata,....
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What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public
1 pages (392 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The personal statement "What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public" demonstrates the author's thoughts.... It says: NUR 654 has made me realize that nursing as a profession is a part of legal practice that must follow some predesigned norms and protocols.... ... ... ... Nursing policies, just like any other common law, are drafted and enacted in the legislative House....
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University of California
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
Growing up in the Henan province of China, I was often exposed to the rudimentary to advanced math and science techniques.... The schools that I attended concentrated on the science and math subjects and introduction to various fields relating to the same.... Part Growing up in the Henan province of China, I ws often exposed, as most Chinese children are, to the rudimentary to advanced math and science techniques.... The schools that I attended concentrated on the science and math subjects and introduction to various fields relating to the same....
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Senior Class Gift Committee at the Bryant University
9 pages (2401 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
This paper outlines the process of selection at the Senior Class Gift Committee at the Bryant University.... Altering the selection process of the Young Alumni Trustee has left the Bryant University faculty and student body in disarray.... The controversy, which spanned six months, centered on the nomination committee's commitment to increasing the opportunity for diversity in the process....
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Why Sartre Was Wrong
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The following paper represents a critique of Jean-Paul Sartre, one of the 20 century's great philosophers' works.... An author suggests that Sartre was clearly a very smart man, but he was too much a product of his time and unable to get outside of his gloomy state of mind.... ... ... ... Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the 20th century's great philosophers....
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How Has My Practice Changed in Terms of Autonomy
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
In the paper 'How Has My Practice Changed in Terms of Autonomy' the author describes his experience as a 'Registered Nurse' who are professionally qualified with a degree and training for diagnosing and general medical conditions.... A nurse practitioner has held a wide variety of role in medical sciences....
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Learning Experience Reflection
8 pages (2091 words) , Download 5 , Personal Statement
In this paper 'Learning Experience Reflection' the author reflects on his previous course learning topics, including report writing, writing covering letter, academic writing, and employability skills using Kolb's reflective model by using four stages.... ... ... ... One of the defining moments of human beings is understanding the meaning of their experience....
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