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Purpose for Undertaking or Continuing Graduate Study - Personal Statement Example

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From the paper "Purpose for Undertaking or Continuing Graduate Study" it is clear that generally speaking, modern life revolves around engineering. Be it in the field of mechanics, electronics or communications, life today is dependent on engineering…
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Purpose for Undertaking or Continuing Graduate Study
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In addition to gaining an advantage over others, I also want to be the best in the field of engineering so that I can make a difference in the lives of people. I have always strived to excel in what I do and would therefore like to sharpen my skills and update myself with the latest topics and technologies in this field. Pursuing an educational program that would give me comprehensive exposure to industrial engineering will prepare me for a career in this field. 

In today’s competitive environment filled with challenges and demands on professionalism, I have to make sure that I am able to outperform all the others in this field. Since a mediocre performance and knowledge on the subject will not take me very far, I need to get the knowledge from an educational institution that offers well-rounded exposure and prepares future industrial engineers to face challenging times. This includes theoretical and practical training in management techniques, people management skills and computer technology in addition to basic engineering knowledge. Although I anticipate that my career will be filled with challenges and demanding situations, I expect it to be very satisfying as I see the projects that I design is built to completion.

Professional plans

            My areas of interest include investigation of analytical and computational methods for optimization, risk analysis, and development of methodologies for the design, planning and control of systems, especially in governmental services. I believe that being part of governmental services, I will be able to make a stronger impact on society and the country at large. The exposure to industrial engineering will therefore help me to add more value to the organization I chose to work with in the future. This way, I can also give back to the society which has had a major role in helping me achieve this level of education.

            In addition to this, I also aim to be a role model for people from my community to strive to do their best and be able to establish themselves in the field of industrial engineering. In the past minority groups have always been discriminated against and they, in turn, have developed a stereotypic attitude towards them. I desire to change this by motivating others to pursue higher education and excel in their field so that they can improve their quality and standard of life. This is also part of my professional plans.

            Lastly, I aim to create a benchmark in the field of industrial engineering so that the generations after me will be able to strive towards it and make significant contributions in this field. One of the values in my life is to do the best that I can and not wait for others to do it. I, therefore, plan to follow this value to achieve my professional goals in the field of industrial engineering.  

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