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Management, Work and Society
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It also helps us to understand the basis of valuation of an intangible asset in the context of sports players in corporate teams.... It highlights the trend of buying sports teams by the corporate houses and naming them after their name.... These corporate houses treat these sports teams and their players as intangible and their valuation is major concern for them (Cohen 2011)....
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Whose Culture Is It Anyway
5 pages (1621 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ccording to Zhu Wenhui, a research associate at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University's China Business Center, Many Chinese see in this cycle of consumption a devious plot.... SOCIAL SCIENCE research COUNCIL.... eaching Guide for “Globalization” essays....
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London's Fashion Today, From Primark to the club kids
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fashion extends to all phenomena of culture - in all that relates to the material and spiritual values and in the process of change: art, literature, science (particularly medicine, sociology, economics, philosophy), technology, politics, ideology, sports.... And now almost all the eminent firms - Prada, Gucci, Yamamoto - have released their sports lines.... Hence, there was even a «philosophy low heels» - virtually all prefer sports shoes....
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According to the instruction
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the case, the ruling simply states that a player is at liberty to depart his club when his deal expires and progress to a different club within the European Union on a free transfer.... The.... ... ... The case determined the legal justice of the players transfer schemes and the presence of the proportion schemes in which barely limited number of overseas (foreign) The Bosman case came about for the reason that of a Belgium player going by the name Jean-Marc Bosman (Rafaeel, 1997)....
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Research Article Critique
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research article critique Purpose of Study/Problem Statement The process of shared governance can be referred to as a collaboration process which leads to that of scheduling staff, educating them and that of implementing evidence based practice.... research Questions or Hypotheses This research question is the central part of any research paper and it signifies the researcher's endeavor in establishing some particular topic.... The research question should be also specific as well and in some cases multiple questions are necessary in addressing any complex issues....
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Animal Use in Medical Research
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Safety, ethical considerations, and application guidelines for the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinical practice and research.... The essay "Animal Use in Medical research" presents two different perspectives of medical researchers and ethics related to the use of animals on whether the animals should be used in the medical research or not.... The use of animals has been widespread across the world for the medical research and testing....
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Guide for School Facility Appraisal
6 pages (1506 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Guide for School Facility Appraisal" states that the general design of the school is just but perfect, combining the choice of colors for the classrooms, paths, sports rooms and food courts, aspects that more than keeps students attracted to the place.... Otherwise, the sports areas are wide enough; volley ball, football and basketball fields are big and attractive, allowing students to practice comfortably....
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RESEARCH Methods - Spain
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Most importantly, the research finding indicates that observed increase in oil prices affects the macro-economy through the supply side.... However, it is worth noting that the consequences can be welcomed differently between those oil importing regions and oil exporting.... ... ...
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Basic Principles of the Marketing
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For being able to expand the market, Five Islands should make a research of local region and conduct a survey that will help to study consumers' preferences.... ake a research of local region and conduct a survey during the strategy of expansion; ... Companies that practice e-business are Dick's Sporting Goods, sports Authority, Modell's Sporting Goods, Dunham's sports, Al's sports, Sport Chalet, Hibbett sports, Rebel Sport, Samba sports Australia and others....
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Analysing Research Literature
9 pages (2773 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Analysing research Literature" discusses that the article provides adequate information in relation to PA and the benefits that can be derived from PA for children and young people with DS in order to have a healthy life and growth in the future.... nalysing research Literature Table of Contents Introduction 3 Critical Analysis 4 Conclusion and Discussion 9 References 11 Introduction The journal ‘Exploring opportunities available and perceived barriers to physical activity engagement in children and young people with Down syndrome' by Downs, S....
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Major Container Shipping Lines of Singapore and Port Klang
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A Future Trends research Summary.... Singapore and Klang ports are competing with Tan Jung ports and the Port of Rotterdam is in competition with Antwerp and Hamburg.... The paper "Major Container Shipping Lines of Singapore and Port Klang" explains that the competition is fierce, but there are no interchangeable ports....
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Short answers
1 pages (443 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The downside is that we dont get to see anything that Kathy doesnt see.... So in case one is interested about where the gatekeepers rest or what Ruth and Tommy discuss when nobody is around, well, one is out of good fortune.... Kathys just human (well, you know, clone-human), so.... ... ... There's an alternate downside to this first-individual perspective: Kathys memory misfortune....
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Research Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Apart from human and animal consumption of Oat it has numerous medicinal uses.... Oats contain almost as much proteins as found in milk, eggs and meat; however due to slightly higher fat content.... ... ... Canada is the largest exporter of oats and its exports to the US have been about 1.... MT in the year 2009-2010....
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Motorsports Industry in Carolina
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to their research, individuals who got the employment from the event also portrayed positivism to the event.... A research on the World Rally Championship in Australia also showed that over 90 percent of the Kyogele residents believed that the image of their city was altered positively by the event.... om/Portals/8/Documents/research/EconomicImpactsoftheMot orsportsIndustryonNCeconomy2004.... Stock car racing auto-competes other sports other than football in TV ratings....
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Marketing Aspects of Food Drinks
9 pages (2585 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Effective pricing and promotional strategy, significant product differentiation strategy and effective research and development team has increased the brand value of Lucozade in the competitive market of UK.... Marketing and Distribution research.... Marketing research: A Practical Approach.... One of the recent entrants in the market has been the Taut, which has looked to position itself as a clean sports drink.... Lucozade is one of the popular sports energy drink producing organization....
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Effort, Improvement, and Mastery: The Reasons to Get a Top Grade
2 pages (798 words) , Download 29 , Essay
Not only do teachers give us content, notes, labs, and papers to write.... Because I have learned the most important things about each writing form and work to make my papers even better, I hope you agree that my work deserves a grade of A.... o doubt you see many papers and judge they deserve an A.... In addition, I have been successful in learning the most important parts of the narrative, definition, and argumentative papers....
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Connex Market Research
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During peak hours in Melbourne, not only do trains become crammed full of passengers but the number of people wanting to get on an oncoming train ends up exceeding the actual capacity of the train, causing several passengers to remain stranded and wait for the next train to come.... ... ... The fundamental manner in which the Melbourne Train System operates is that of a Radial Railway System (Melbourne Online Pty Ltd, 2009)....
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Comparing the Arguments Within Social Networking Papers
6 pages (1813 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This comparison paper provides an Executive Summary of three papers describing important aspects of the collation and interpretation of social networking data that will be of great interest to business enterprises currently conducting marketing and sales campaigns using social networking applications such as Facebook and LinkedIn - an increasingly common practice in the business world.... Comparing The Arguments Within Social Networking papers 1st 1st affiliation 1st line of address 2nd line of address Telephone number, incl....
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Contrasting Research Methods
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Contrasting research Methods " it is clear that the observation method is both qualitative and quantitative, and has diverse impacts on group performance.... Even though research methods share some aspects, they vary significantly in terms of objectivity, their application and type.... Therefore, this essay compares and contrasts the Observation Method with the following research methods: qualitative methods - informal and in-depth interviews, qualitative methods - focus groups, questionnaire-based surveys, case studies, and panel surveys....
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Methods of marketing research
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Marketing research may include both experimental and quasi-experimental research designs. ... ualitative research is a set of research techniques, used in marketing and the social sciences in which data are obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and not analyzed with statistical techniques.... This differentiate it from Quantitative research in which a large group of respondents provide data that are statistically analyzed....
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Tracking in School
5 pages (1389 words) , Download 1 , Essay
?American Education research Journal 32 (1): 3–33. ... Such parents therefore always invest in the education and recreation of their children.... As such, they help nature the talents of their children by taking them to sports clubs and purchasing the best sports equipment for their children....
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Drifting as Motorsports: A Way Forward towards Institutionalization
9 pages (2362 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, research in the area provides evidence which indicates that the motorsports, i.... However, research in the area provides evidence which indicates that the motorsports, i.... A few of the commentators on the motorsports being referred here are of the view that Drifting is more of an informal sports which isn't being taken seriously for the most part.... The case study intends of explaining how parameters are set up by the judges and the format is seriously followed which clearly indicates that the sports is being institutionalized pointing to the fact that there would be further maturity in the area in the future....
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College Athletes and Sexual Assault in College Campuses
19 pages (5342 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "College Athletes and Sexual Assault in College Campuses" highlights that more research needs to be done in order to reduce the number of sexual assaults in high-risk groups of individuals.... This research is done by conducting a survey of 20 female college students and will reflect on the frequency of assaults by the athletes.... The research done in January 2014 by the White House Council on Women and Girls indicated that, Approximately 1 in every 5 women has been sexually assaulted while in college....
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What It Takes To Become A Motocross Racer
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The sport requires a lot of guts and relentless practice and this is why it is one of the most difficult sports.... Formula one is arguably the most watched all across the globe very closely followed by Moto GP.... Names life Hamilton and Valentino Rossi have become household names....
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: Marketing Challenges Developing a new board game
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Evidently, throughout its history the US government has greatly promoted sports and games in the country.... In simple words, these pieces or counters in this game are moved according to certain set of rules.... Traditional board games reflected a battle between two militaries.... ...
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Midterm Analysis Term Paper. Kazarian, OBrien, and McNeel
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
4 The feeling of authors in the essays ‘On the Fedala Road,' ‘On the Rainy River,' and ‘One Year in the House of Pain' point towards vivid emotions of excitement and fear in some way or the other.... Feddala was one of the three points where the Western Task Force landed on November 8, 1942 (the other two being Safi and Mehdiya-Port Lyautey)....
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Science Research Proposal
8 pages (2121 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper ''Science research Proposal'' tells us that In reducing the physiological need for 'heroin' as a treatment for heroin abuse.... Ethical Appraisal of a Science research Proposal - Genetic Factors Modulating Heroin Tolerance Capa - Number and Number Name of Professor Date of Submission Number of Words: 2,011 Summary of research In reducing the physiological need for ‘heroin', methadone serves as a treatment for heroin abuse.... In line with this, the following research objectives will be considered in testing the research hypothesis: (1) determine the extent of variation opioid receptors in heroin dependent volunteers who are receiving methadone therapy programme (0 – 9 months); (2) identify the functional consequences caused by genetic polymorphism (0 – 24 months); and (3) characterize the effects of methadone replacement therapy based on the levels of methadone replacement tolerance in each volunteer (0 – 36 months)....
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Academic Writing in the Digital Age
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The types are admission essays, film essays and photographic essays.... Ability to research, use handy information is another skill gained through writing academic essay.... After getting the data from the research, the student will be required to use the information into use in writing the essay.... Continuous writing of these essays gradually develops the student's research skill and the ability to put information to use (Ellis & Louise 260)....
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Welsh Migration in the late 19th century
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Jewish immigrants were businessmen and merchants who sold foodstuff, clothing, medical services, and various forms of recreation to the first wave of workers.... This paper looks at immigration to Wales in the years 1840 to 1900, causing a population boom in the region.... he phenomenon is analysed by identifying the countries of origin of the different peoples who settled in Wales....
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Argumentative research paper arguing how negativly the meadia influences the masses during times of war
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
They report stories or fabricate ones that they believe will gain ratings or sell papers.... The Hearst papers had the budget required to “... Chase Pierson March 25, 2011 Professor Martin English 1302 Essay Writing Three The Propaganda Chronicles Thesis: In framing the debate on issues, the media may marginalize, exclude, or censor various viewpoints from mass-distribution on major channels, in essence, robbing minority viewpoints of representation and popular consideration in the debate process....
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Environmental Factors Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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In this regard, comprehensive research is required to understand the consequences of such factors during the marketing of a product or service in an organization.... Marketing plays an important role in the success or failure of a company, whether it runs in the Asian region, American region, or the European region....
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Ethical Dilemma of Plagiarism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Still, many students have been buying papers from these sites lately.... Since the custom essays dilemma was just solved by both, the use in 'real life' should not be in question.... The essay "Ethical Dilemma of Plagiarism" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the ethical dilemma of plagiarism....
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Epistemology and Research
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Epistemology and research It is a common belief that the concept or entity of knowledge is indeed a valuable one, and so managing it, is extremely vital for individuals in everyday contexts as well as organizational contexts.... “We have seen that for some, the type of method to be used for research is largely determined by one's commitment to a particular epistemological position, and as it assumes a correspondence between epistemological position and research method”...
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Search and Seizure 4th Ammendment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Introduction Amendment IV of the bill of rights states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, homes, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by affirmation or oath, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the things or persons being searched” (Asimow and Mader, 2004).... The case involving John Entick, into whose home Nathan Carrington, a messenger of the king, had entered forcibly in order to arrest his friends for the publishing of seditious papers....
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Financial Management: Research focuses AMAREX Corporation
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The research focuses on AMAREX Corporation.... This research will basically study the Finance Management in ARAMEX, and how it affects the planning and decision taking processes in the organization.... Adler (2000) suggests that strategic investment decision making involves the process of identifying, evaluating, and selecting projects that are likely to have a big impact on a company's competitive advantage....
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London Olympics 2012
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It features both summer and winter sports in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions.... It features both summer and winter sports in which thousand of athletes participate in a variety of competitions.... These were the ice and snow sports, the Paralympics Games for those athletes who are physically impaired and Youth Olympic Games for teenagers.... In this era, the metric system was also introduced in the sports ...
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Research Proposal: How does Cathay Pacific Airways survive in the competitive global market
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
So, the study will assimilate relevant information from sources like books, articles, government reports, corporate reports, magazines, news papers and previous research papers.... inal year research Proposal: How does Cathay Pacific Airways survive in the competitive global market?... Here the proposal includes literature review, research methodology, discussion and conclusion regarding the various way in which the Cathay Pacific Airways survive in the competitive global market....
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The Judgment Against Lance Armstrong
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
CBC sports.... a/sports/cycling/story/2012/08/24/sp-usada-cycling-lance-armstrong.... This paper is about an unpopular stance of defending somebody that I disdain because he cheated when he competed not to mention he used illegal performance-enhancing substance just to have an edge over his competitors....
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Periodisation Justification for football season
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, periodization involves moving the priority activities not related to sports to activities that are sports related.... Non- sports related activities includes low intensity and high volume.... Professional football is manifested in the detailed plan of the coaches and players....
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Psychological Research
2 pages (566 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Psychological research" tells us about terminal and instrumental values.... okeach, in psychological research, developed a set of values and categorized them into two, terminal, and instrumental values.... Instrumental values are the means by which we achieve our end goals....
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Retail Industry for Eyewear and Its Dynamic
7 pages (2185 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Bright Eyes needs to decide its marketing strategy after doing proper research on customer lifetime value or CLV.... This essay "Retail Industry for Eyewear and Its Dynamic" focuses on 'Bright Eyes', a manufacturer of glasses/spectacles based in Singapore.... The company started competing with branded glass manufacturers in the early 1990s and cemented its position as premier glass manufacturers....
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Tourism Industry Trends Article Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It has a population of more than 22 million people, therefore, one of the most densely populated regions known in the world.... Besides having the high population, its environment is.... ... ... It has very beautiful scenic sites and high number of national parks.... Initially, Taiwan was populated by indigenous tribes but presently, only a small portion of the tribes can Of this, the Taiwanese outnumber the mainlanders whose families fled from the mainland due to communist take over....
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Research paper nuclear testing in North Korea
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
North Korea was able to carry a nuclear test on the 12th of February 2013, and this was the third test since the regime sought to produce nuclear weapons.... North Korea conducted this test, despite receiving warnings from the international community, and this includes the United.... ... ... This nuclear test by South Korea led to the international community to start discussing a new policy approach towards North Korea....
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Artificial reefs on the gulf coast and why funding should remain for them
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper seeks to present a feasibility study in relation to artificial reefs on the gulf coast and the reasons why their finding ought to be maintained.... Studies have revealed that artificial reefs have quite a number of benefits.... It is important to mention that the potential.... ... ... Otherwise general benefits would be economical or as a biological replenishment source (Chuck, Lindberg and Stevely, 1)....
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Understanding Primary Research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As you started to do in your research proposals, you need to determine why you are conducting primary research and what purpose your research questions serve.... Ultimately, when you finish this activity, you should understand the role your primary research plays in your Final Project.... For both of your primary research sources, provide a description that answers the following: What are your goals for this portion of your primary research (establishing problem, determining solutions, testing feasibility, etc)?...
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Expanding paper (two more pages)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
William Blake The Expending Paper Introduction In the backdrop of Romanticism in post industrialization period, when there was no dearth of talent and genius in literary as well as cultural figure, William Blake happens to be the stand alone figure.... A true genius, scarcely recognized in his lifetime, Blake belongs to those rare breed of genius who scores high both in poetry as well as painting and visual arts....
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Research Methods In Maritime Policy
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "research Methods In Maritime Policy" will be dedicated to analyzing research methods in the maritime policy.... Accordingly, we will put an emphasis on both qualitative and quantitative methods of research needed to carry out the task 1B.... Within the area of qualitative method, there will be conducted a mini-survey, using the interview as a method to collect data with overseas students to investigate their quality of life in London and submit a report which 'gives an account of the research process with a brief summary of findings....
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The Research Process
9 pages (2296 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The research Process'' tells us that author was pleased with the research topic and he was excited to explore it and be enriched by it.... Once he started with the research process, he found out that it was indeed a very complicated topic.... During my initial search for research materials and background information, I was able to retrieve historical information which helped me understand the current situation between the US and the Middle East....
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Defending the Tort of Negligence
1 pages (289 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Skis cause a lot of accidents to participants and the danger posed by the sport should not be blamed on the merchant of sports kits or their salesperson.... The essay "Defending the Tort of Negligence" focuses on the critical analysis of defending the tort of negligence.... In the defense of the tort of negligence, a plaintiff must provide facts and demonstrate that he or she did not know of the danger of buying a particular product....
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Materials Used in Body Panels
8 pages (2214 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Recently in the United Kingdom, GE and BII Composites created a hood for a sports car from Azdel Superlite.... This paper ''Materials Used in Body Panels'' tells that Over time, automobile manufacturers have used various materials in the manufacturing of body panels.... Steel, aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, and composites have all been used....
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