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Using Ends Based and Rule Based Ethics for analyzing buying a paper from a customized essay service is ethically unethical for the buyer, not the seller or site. The Ends Based Ethics would see buying a customized essay paper as unethical. First, the buyer is not learning. Then, it is highly unlikely that this student will pass on exams or practical tests, so they will be dismissed from college before getting a degree. If they do pass, a professor or another student will find out about the cheating. The result will be expulsion from school. The purchase of a custom essay in this scenario does not justify the wanted or potential end to this action.
The Rule Based Ethics in this dilemma are straightforward. It is against the rules to plagiarize. Passing off someone else’s work as your own is against the rules. Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. Plagiarizing can be intentional, or unintentional. Intentional plagiarizing is buying an essay from a custom essay website, or using information and not crediting the source. Common knowledge does not count. The sun rising in the east is an example of common knowledge. An example of unintentional plagiarizing is reviewing many articles and including a fact picked up from one of the articles. This is still plagiarizing.
One type of plagiarism that most people do not consider is self-plagiarism. If a paper is written by someone for one class, and then submitted for another class that is self-plagiarism. Your paper becomes a source that must be cited. Once written a paper becomes a source, whether it is from a famous physics professor or a first-year student. These rules on plagiarism are well defined by DeVry.
The writer of the paper is not ethically unethical on either level. When a writer produces an essay based on guidelines given by a client, they are not doing anything ethically unethical. The writer is producing a plagiarism-free paper from scratch. This plagiarism-free essay is their Intellectual Property to sell. What the buyer does with the paper makes it unethical.
Plagiarism is unethical in all Three Primary Schools of Ethics. The end of plagiarism is a graduate that is not knowledgeable in their field. Since plagiarism is against the rules, plagiarism is unethical. The care-based aspect is also unethical since it hurts the plagiarizer. It is just best not to plagiarize.
The similarities between the two ethical approaches toward custom essay websites are that both indicate the action is unethical. The differences are the End Based Ethical approach is focused on the impact on the student, whereas the Rule Based Ethical approach is unethical because of the college’s rules. Both the End Based and Rule Based schools of ethics are worthy of use in ‘real life’. Since the custom essays dilemma was just solved by both, the use in ‘real life’ should not be in question. That was just one example, but generally Rule-Based and End Based can be used in real life. Most rules are based on results, so these two ethical approaches can be used in real life.
Aristotle would have approved of both of my solutions. Aristotle believed ethics should be able to be used in real life. Since I applied both schools of ethics to a real-life situation, Aristotle would have approved.
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