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Point of Presence Advertising
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author discovered a linkage of this theory with the research by Kumar and Leone (1988.... In the end the author presented some short essays. ... In this short essay, the author presents an analysis of Point of Presence advertising which is carried out to attract customers through special offers, free gifts, discount schemes etc designed and executed at the retail outlet itself....
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Point of Presence Advertising
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author discovered a linkage of this theory with the research by Kumar and Leone (1988.... But such a phenomenon makes the customer buying behaviour more unpredictable and difficult to quantify – and if the fact is that two third supermarket sales are happening through this phenomenon, then the organizations are compelled to carry out additional market research on such buying trends.... How should the companies carry out market research on customer buying behaviours that are so unpredictable?...
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Critique Of The Last Health Assessment Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 7 , Essay
This critique paper addresses the provision of medical care by the healthcare provider.... It is about a woman, Susan, who was facing the problem of high blood pressure and to cure this problem, she visited a healthcare provider.... The provider checked her medical condition and provided her with a plan of care....
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University Students and Morning Exercise
15 pages (4313 words) , Download 5 , Essay
However, there isn't research based on how this is related to the lifestyle that is on the university as well as whether this is triggered by the motivational influences, environment and other factors that are a part of the health regimen of those in the university setting.... This research study will show that the exercise of university students in the morning is not common, specifically because of university schedules among students.... Aims and Objectives The aims of this particular research paper will be to determine the university culture, specifically while looking at the number of university students which exercise in the morning....
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Economics Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
That simply means that the UK is importing more and exporting less in all these years.... The paper examines the causes behind negative balance of payments, and how it.... ... ... The countries often do not prefer negative trade balance while trading with the other countries and this is also often a macro-economic objective too for the healthy growth of the economy....
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Spaces in the Global North Have Become Landscapes of Consumption Rather than Landscapes of Production
8 pages (2139 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Countryside and Community research Unit: University of Gloucestershire.... The purpose of this paper is to revisit the arguments for and against the post-production thesis with reference to the concrete background of the wider changes taking place in the rural spaces of the global north in general and the countryside of the UK in particular....
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Strategic Initiatives of New Zealand Customs
6 pages (1846 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Challenges facing change management theories and research.... In Understanding and facilitating organizational change in the 21st century: Recent research and conceptualizations: ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Volume 28, Number 4.... research Note: Retention Factors for New Zealand Graduate Customs Officers....
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How to Measure Emotional Intelligence
4 pages (1223 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
research On Emotional Intelligence Of Students In The School Of ... International Journal Of Academic research, 5 (6), 200-206.... Sertbas (2013) conducted a study, which focused on the establishment of the relationship that physical education and sports students have with emotional intelligence that is based on demographic variables.... Participants in the study were 176 students from Sakarya University that study physical education and sports....
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Effects of eating too much junk food
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Simple Approaches to Writing Short essays: (for Students of English As a Second Language).... In relation to this fact, the essay will mainly expound on the effect of junk food on the health of the consumers.... Among the questions, the essay will address include: What is junk food?...
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Portfolio Cover Letter
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Assignments such as the forums, essays and creating my Twitter page about Journey to the west were all helpful in enabling me to better structure my writing and integrate the skills that I had gained from connect assignments.... I remember the sense of excitement that I felt as I looked forward to what the class had to offer....
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Analysis of Self-Actualization as Related to Happiness
7 pages (1879 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Analysis of Self-Actualization as Related to Happiness" highlights that Paxton and Turner's paper shows that self-actualizing females have higher rates of sexual satisfaction and libido, which, in turn, fulfills one of Max-Neef's central needs in the matrix of fulfillment and happiness....
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Supernaturalist View Found in Civilizations
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The term supernatural has extensive connotations in art, sculpture, paintings, architecture and literature in the culture of many countries around the world.... It refers to myths that exist beyond our knowledge of the universe.... Ever since the dawn of human civilizations, supernaturalist views are reflected in religious rituals, curses and in the belief of life after death in many religions....
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Examining the Education System
22 pages (5998 words) , Research Proposal
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The research study 'Examining the Education System' has been conducted with the objectives of having a better understanding about the perceptions as well as expression of the students with regard to learning and curricular services offered by the University of Wolverhampton.... ecommendations: From the research, positive insights have been gained from which it can be concluded that students' experience at the University of Wolverhampton is great to have a confident future in society....
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Consepts in political science
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The papers were published in periodicals in order to educate the people as well as to counter those that oppose the constitution, or the Anti-federalists.... The main argument of Publius in writing the papers was to prevent the overall destabilization that could arise from too much division in the state.... One of the most influential essays to be written, Mill's work On Liberty discusses the main premise that freedom must start from the happiness, or intended pleasure of the people (Hoffman and Graham 40)....
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Urban Entertainment: Trends in Mass Media
16 pages (4653 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This research paper "Urban Entertainment: Trends in Mass Media" discusses significant changes that have been witnessed in the various forms of urban entertainment.... research Paper on Urban Entertainment: Trends in Mass Media and Their Cultural research Paper on Urban Entertainment: Trends in Mass Media and Their Cultural Impacts ... Sex Roles: A Journal of research 63: 1-5 ... Handbook of quality-of-life research: An ethical marketing perspective....
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The Electronic Culture
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 0 , Essay
2007, Structures of Participation in Digital Culture, social science research ... This paper ''The Electronic Culture '' tells that Within the realms of media theory, there has been widespread documentation of the gradual paradigm shift from the print culture in the 19th century to the electronic culture in the 20th C and eventually to the more contemporary digital culture in the 21st C....
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The Stickiness of Social Class Systems in America
5 pages (1451 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The purpose of the following essay "The Stickiness of Social Class Systems in America" is to discuss why social class systems are 'sticky' as well as what the sources of class inequality are.... How classes exist through generations will also be examined.... ... ... ... In America, it is assumed that there is equal opportunity for everyone and that what family one is born into is irrelevant....
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Managing Across Culture
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
will be the centre of reference since research has indicated that the citizens of U.... Managing Across Culture Name Institution Professor Course Date Managing Across Culture Introduction This essay is aimed at finding out if the ability to describe, understand and judge any culture based on its own values mean withholding criticism of practices in the culture that the communicator in question finds unacceptable....
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Business Logistics Export of coal from Australia
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study is aimed at reporting the reserves of coal in Australia, the ways it is processed and the places it is exported in the world and who are the largest importers of coal from Australia.... The cost of exporting coal from Australia, the logistics involved and the transportation modes are studied in length....
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Evolution of the Keynesian Theory of Macroeconomics in the UK
7 pages (2208 words) , Download 2 , Essay
du/~markus/research/papers/bubbles_crashes_media_mention_ July2003.... df Cowling, Keith & Sugden, Roger (1990) A New Economic Policy For Britain: essays On The Development Industry.... This essay "Evolution of the Keynesian Theory of Macroeconomics in the UK" explores the different viewpoints of classical and Keynesian economic principles and concludes how prevailing economic policies are only transient and evolutionary....
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Alcohol and Substance Abuse Statistics
24 pages (7170 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Alcohol and Substance Abuse Statistics" states that there are various health issues that are being experienced by our society.... More so, with the decline of our economic activities, these issues have become even more rampant and extensive.... ... ... ... There are various effects seen from the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs....
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China-home for Apple or Samsung
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The study would include an analysis of the market that would also include a comparison of the marketing mix of Apple with Samsung that is a core competitor for the company.... The study would further include an analysis of the existing academic literature on the aspect of marketing communication....
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The Discovery of Oil and Economics of the United Arab Emirates
9 pages (2680 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Discovery of Oil and Economics of the United Arab Emirates" discusses the UAE which was among the least developed nations, the nation has made huge steps in the promotion of economic growth.... billion US dollars (Federal research Division 74)....
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Economic Reforms Aimed at Opening Up of the Chinese Market for Foreign Direct Investment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The aim of this research is to provide support to this statement based on the relevant evidence from the Chinese economy and its economic measures.... The aim of this research is to provide support to this statement based on the relevant evidence from Chinese economy and its economic measures....
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Leadership and management style in practice king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and sir Alex Ferguson
10 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper discusses key characteristics of the style of leaders and managers worldwide.... Reference is made to the leadership style of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and the management style of Alex Ferguson, the manager of Manchester United.... ... ... ... The paper makes an effort to understand the hierarchy of priorities for leaders and managers worldwide – even if they activate in different social frameworks....
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World Culture Term Paper. Islam
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Islam is based on five basic acts.... They are said to be instructions from prophet Mohamed who is regarded as God's messenger and servant to believers, which all Muslims are obligated to do them.... These five pillars are considered as the framework of Islam.... ... ... ... Islam is based on five basic acts....
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Reflection paper about course Entrepreneurship101
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
My course is Foundations of Entrepreneurship and I had my own expectations.... One of my expectations was to comprehend.... ... ... In other words, I anticipated to scrutinise and explore various trends and opportunities in entrepreneurship.... These expectations were met through actively engaging in the classroom and also engaging In addition, I was hopeful that I would meet a good number of successful entrepreneurs, engage them in debate with an intention of having a clear understanding of their lives and work....
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Marketing management
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cinema is one of the most entertainment sports for the people and the new movies can always attract people to cinemas.... Need to Develop Marketing Plan: In consideration to the information available in the case study, I am of the view that Barry has been enjoying the profitable operations of the other two cinemas without developing marketing plan....
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Impact of European EURO Crisis on the US Marketplace
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From research, it is evident that European banks are some of the main players in the euro crisis, since they have to extend financial help to the affected countries (Nelson, Belkin and Mix, 2011).... research indicates that a total of $700 billion is held be U.... research indicates that more than 25% of all exports from the United States ...
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An Investigation of the First language - Second Language Transfer
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
du/iedg/papers/KHuthaily_MA.... For this research, English will be considered the second language (L2).... According to Huthaily (2003), Schachter (1974) conducted a research in which he analyzed that the Chinese and Japanese native speakers made fewer errors while learning English as L2 in comparison to the Persian and Arabic learners due to the reason that they generated fewer relative clauses.... According to the research carried out by Noor (2007), the common source of error in acquiring English is the influence of Arabic in terms that when English syntactic structures are being processed by a non-native speaker, the strategies adopted by the native speakers is similar to those of the L1 which includes simplification and over-generalization....
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Why the School of General Studies of Columbia University Is the Place for You
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 6 , Admission/Application Essay
Successful essays should not only identify and describe specific elements of the program, academic or otherwise, that meet your needs as a nontraditional student, but should also explain why GS is the place for you. ... Me education was not limited by studying and sports: I played clarinet in the school orchestra and worked as an English/Korean translator in the administration....
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Ford and Toyota SWOT Analysis
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The company should also invest more on research to enable them to make informed decisions as far as production is concerned.... Ford is also one of the heaviest investors in research and development in the automobile industry.... It is also one of the leading companies in research and development Has invested in new technologies and management systems including the IMV as well as the gasoline-electric car.... Has invested heavily in alternative fuels research and is currently producing a gasoline-electric car that had sold over 2 million cars by 2010 Conclusion Evaluation of the internal environment is crucial to the success of any business....
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Why is the British Government pursuing a policy of austerity while the economy is not growing
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Fiscal Policy in a Depressed Economy”, Brookings papers on economic Activity 2012 Fatas, A.... The current economic situation being witnessed in the Britain has led to the Government admitting that it is its past strategies and approaches towards dealing with the economic crisis that faced Europe in 2008 that have led to the economic failures being witnessed in the country....
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Poverty in China and Pakistan
5 pages (1461 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper discus on two major states that is China, Pakistan, and poverty as the major social problem affecting the two states.... Literature review In a research article done by Cohen (2011), he gives the accounts of the future of Pakistan relating it to the macro economy of the country.... The research paper focuses on China and Pakistan on the increase and decrease in poverty level in the two states.... According to research done by Cohen, (2011) the government in Pakistan gives an upper hand to obtaining of firearms compared to giving its people better health care and basic needs....
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Organizational Analysis Paper on Railroads of Pittsburgh
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This paper is about Railroads of Pittsburgh.... It is a company of contradictions.... Its primary customers are immersed in a world highly influenced by technology.... These are the very same people that go on facebook and twitter just to mention that they are riding a train and share what they see during their ride or what they think of....
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How social class affect us who live in america
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They have the necessary resources to acquire medication and access health-improving activities like sports and gym.... They have the resources to engage in social activities, like sports, and they have a good relationship with one another.... These similarities mainly are in the economic field....
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Branding for Mental Real Estate
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The people used for the campaign are some of the most admired achievers in the world and come from all sorts of fields like government, business, sports, performing arts and human rights activism.... The statement given in the questions can be shown to be true if we take a historical look at the art and advertisements which have gone into creating Apple Inc....
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Exporting and Importing for a Developing Country - South Africa
7 pages (1934 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Exporting and Importing for a Developing Country - South Africa " it is clear that South Africa has encountered both successes and struggles in its receipt of imports.... One of the greatest struggles is that of rising demand, especially for commercial services.... ... ... ... South Africa, which is officially referred to as the Republic of South Africa is a nation situated at the southernmost tip of Africa....
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Roots and Causes of the Current Economic Crisis, Monetary Policy
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Roots and Causes of the Current Economic Crisis, Monetary Policy" it is clear that the recent financial crisis resulted in such levels of credit spreads widening and credit standards tightening that even an aggressive easing of monetary policy failed to put a break to the crisis.... ...
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Principles of Management and Challenges for Megan
7 pages (1968 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There can be two approaches to it and Megan can use either of the two or both at the same time; Megan should encourage the design and manufacturing department to experiment with new designs and come up with new products or Megan can directly obtain the customers' expectations via surveys and research.... du/home/jgans/agt/papers/mcafeemktg.... Increase in the need of research and innovation A major problem of the CAR's products is that they are getting comparatively outdated whereas the customers are looking for latest and innovative designs and features....
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Personal Leadership Development Project Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Verizon is a leading wireless networking company in USA.... As an HR manager my responsibility is to providing training to the sub-ordinates.... The main function of HR manger is recruitment, selection, training and.... ... ... My family comprises three member's father, mother and me and is a middle class family....
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Financial Statements Paper Part II
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Key financial ratios that can throw some light on the financial conditions are: performance ratios, liquidity ratios and financing ratios. ... ... he Home Depots gross.... ... ... In 2007, the companys reported gross profit margin was 33.... %; this matches with what has been calculated for years 2009 and 2008....
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The Effect of Globalization on Developing Countries
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The key to economic success is market liberalisation; and research has proved that “the average growth rate of actively open economies was five times greater than that of closed economies”.... The Poverty Reduction Strategy papers (PRSP) approach, promoted by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is part of the development agenda that was inaugurated at the 1999 World Trade Organisation meeting in Doha (Qatar).... From their research, the authors found that “liberalisation may impact favourably on growth of real GDP per capita....
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Strategic Management of British Airways
11 pages (3967 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The focus of this paper "Strategic Management of British Airways" is on British Airways Plc as one of the largest airlines in the UK which caters to more than 330 destinations (Hoovers, 2011).... Till now, the organization has more than 240 aircraft serving over 33 million passengers.... ... ... ...
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Computer Use and Excercise may Help to Fight Memory Loss
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the article, evidence that is based on research argues that through exercising and using computer regularly, memory loss is controlled.... In the article, evidence that is based on research argues that through exercising and using computer regularly, memory loss is controlled.... Article 2: Blame high school sports for the rise in type 2 diabetes in kids (The Dallas Morning news).... Blame high school sports for the rise in type 2 diabetes in kids....
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Here, There, Elsewhere - Stories from the Road
1 pages (333 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Here, There, Elsewhere - Stories from the Road" refers to William Least Heat-Moon who provides various ideas in his essays.... He puts forward the idea of American culture and Heritage.... In his essay, 'Heritage of Blue Highways' he explains his Native American heritage and culture....
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Does community corrections for juvenile offenders effectiveexample: Juvenile detention center
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
That is, they will be normally ‘made' before they enter their adulthood, when they were juvenile.... In that stage only, they can live a positive and happy life due to constructive steps, or live a negative and.... ... ... If they use their mental and physical ability and energy on the negative aspects like violence, drugs, alcohol, etc, then their lives will be full of difficulties and tortures....
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Reading Meaning through Deconstructing the Writing of Shelleys Frankenstein
7 pages (2032 words) , Download 3 , Essay
His knowledge of reading brings him knowledge of his nothingness, as he shows the papers of his origins to his Maker: I sickened as I read.... The paper "Reading Meaning through Deconstructing the Writing of Shelley's Frankenstein" states that Shelley is destroyed for the text to have meaning....
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Layers of Physical Security
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper 'Layers of Physical Security' is an exploration of the elements of security at each level.... Layers of physical security have developed with time but the basic need for security and the underlying concept at each level is the same.... ... ... ... The author is sure that the concern for security is a topic of great concern, how reliable the security system depends on the planning that the involved institutions apply....
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Paper 3 : Relationships Between Arts and Sciences
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Your Full Name Instructor: Class 16 February 2011 Relationships between arts and sciences.... The arts and sciences of Europe have been well adapted by the Western world.... Of these genre several have been utilized to date as evolutions.... The innovation of modern physics, cinematography, and painting during the European era between 1895 and 1914 can be critiqued....
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