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A Critical Analysis Of the Changing Face of Fashion - Essay Example

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The essay analyzes the changing face of fashion. Photography is a practice science and art of durable images creation by recording electromagnetic radiations or light. The recording is done chemically by use of material sensitive to light like photographic film. …
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A Critical Analysis Of the Changing Face of Fashion
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PERCEPTIONS OF BEAUTY: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGING FACE OF FASHION By Photography evolution Introduction Photography is a practice science and art of durable images creation by recording electromagnetic radiations or light. The recording is done chemically by use of material sensitive to light like photographic film. Recording can further be done electronically using image sensors. Often, lenses are employed in the process to focus the light emitted or reflected from objects. The lights are converted into a real image in the camera on a surface e that is light sensitive. The recording occurs inside the camera during a timed exposure. Photography roots dates back to the remote days of the invention of the principle concerning the camera obscura. During this timeline, some substances were observed to be visibly altered by the light. At this stage, no one thought of capturing the images in a permanent. Background In 1800, Thomas Wedgwood attempted to come up with the first photographic documents which turned out to be unsuccessful. In mid-1820s, Niepce Nicephore came up with a successful camera although several days of exposure to the camera were needed and thus the earliest results turned out to be very crude. Louis Daguerre, a Niepce’s associate, came up with the daguerreotype process. The process was the first photographic process that was publicly announced. The process required a few minutes of exposure so as to record the image. The process produced a finely detailed, precise result. The process was commercially introduced and traded in the year 1839, and the date is accepted to date as the year of birth of actual practical photography. Exhibit 1 shows the world’s earliest surviving camera. The metal based process of daguerreotype had some competition soon. The competition was of the salt process by the paper-based collotype negative. The photographic process was invented and innovated by Henry Talbot Fox. Subsequent innovations as time went reduced the required camera exposure as per from minutes to seconds and later to a fraction of minutes. Introduction of more convenient, sensitive and economic photographic media made it possible for a picture taking on black- and-white as El as on natural colours. Camera revolution has gone on up to the introduction of digital cameras that are computer based in 1990s. In the first decade of 21st century, photochemical methods that were traditionally used were marginalized in an increasing manner. The marginalization turned out to be a practical advantage of new technology. The process became widely appreciated, and the image quality of the moderate digital cameras was continuously improved. Technologically, photography is as a result of a combination of different several technical discoveries. The technical evolution is long before the first photographs were developed. Greek mathematicians, Euclid and Aristotle and a Chinese philosopher, Mo Ti described a pinhole camera back in the 4th and 5th centuries BCE. In 6th century, a Byzantine mathematician, Anthemius of Tralles, used a particular pinhole camera type in his experiments. In 1193/1206-80, Albertus Magnus discovered the silver nitrate. George Fabricius found Silver chloride in 1516-71. Back in 1568, Daniel Barbaro described a diaphragm. In 1694, Wilhelm Homberg described how light darkened some chemicals. In 1729, Giphantie described the interpretation of photography. Exhibit 2 shows an image of a pinhole camera obscura used in drawing various pictures. Around 1800, Thomas Wedgwood did the first attempt to capture an image using a camera obscura by means of substances that are light sensitive. Photography and the 20th and 21st century Photography has had more impact in the 20th and 21st century as a technology. Photography is the most pervasive although other high profile technologies do exist. A social world without photography is the same as the world that lacks portraits and pictures of the people present. In the present world, images are used as reminders of past events, characters and even the occurrences. Photography can thus be used as souvenirs of travel, advertising purposes or even souvenirs of travel. Pictures are also employed in medical care and diagnosis as they help in the recording of medical results in the form of X-rays. Various social and cultural activities can also be recorded for use of pictures. These activities include Sports, disasters, natural calamities as well as war. Pictures can also be used to record the ultimate moments of one’s life. Exhibit 3 shows various recordings of activities by use pictures. Evolution of the technology of photography dates back to 1839. The technology is partly optical and partly chemical. After the invention of photography, it was used to document t foreign places that had an interest. The areas included America West, Holy Land and India. Photographs of Political, religious and cultural leaders, as well as practices, were taken. The leaders included statesmen, theatre/literary personalities as well as kings. In the 19th century, cameras were commonly used by the self-educated or professional entrepreneurs who carried out photography as a trade. Early after his invention, Talbots’s unsuccessfully attempted to sell photography licenses. Since then, photography to date has never required guild membership or professional licensing. In the mainstream of the photography field, any aspiring businessman could just need to purchase the equipment, obtain the relevant direction and then proceed to the performance. As a result, the openness of the sector has made it possible for photographic practices to be rather free in comparison with the tradition of painting and printmaking arts. Pre-coated dry plates were introduced in 1878. With time, the messy and tedious coating of plates made of glass in darkroom was eliminated. When photographic papers that were pre-coated made available, photograph printing was made more predictable and manageable. Amateur photography Aspiring to art; in the late 19th and early 20th-century enthusiasts became interested in aping the artistic formulae that they had learned from Tonalist and Whistler painters of the time. Thus, matte papers, lenses as well as elaborate framing and mounting techniques were employed by pictorial photographers. Sometimes unusual emissions were hand coated onto the papers used for printing. Often drawing as well as another handwork was introduced into the images. The arts were either made on the print-out or even on the negatives. The Amateurs later formed societies and clubs. Clubs were originally formed in most European countries and the United States. The exchange of the clubs members was typical. The Kodak In the 19th century, amateur photography mass marketing was initiated. George Eastman was the first entrepreneur who enormously succeeded in the challenge of photography. Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company, the Eastman’s company, was in business since 1884 in New York, Rochester. The primary Product of the company was Kodak. Kodak was originally a plain box camera with a reel of an emulsion that is paper-backed. The purchasing price of the camera was $25. The camera had 100-exposure reel. When the photos were all been taken, the entire thing was returned to the factory for reloading of the camera and pictures development for a modest fee. In the second year, 1889, Kodak did carry out its emulsion on transparent nitrocellulose support. Kodak did eliminate the need for delicate stripping and in return it introduced film to photography. George Eastman realized that there existed no need for his cameras. Thus, he had to create the demand. He, therefore, invested heavily in marketing and advertisement of the Kodak products. The primary target group of the society were women. The reason for targeting women was that, women are the most likely recorders of their children’s childhood as well as the family events. Women and girls were thus seen as a potential market for Kodak products. The feminine gender was thus amicably featured in the Kodak advertisement. In the year 1924, there was an evolution of a new type of camera in the Europe market. The camera was Ermanox, which was tiny in size such that it would be hidden in a vest or even held at level of an eye for quick framing and shooting. The camera could thus photograph in low light intensity and had a relatively good magnification. The camera was disadvantaged as it did not handle roll film. A year later, 1925, a real revolutionary camera was introduced. The camera was Leica that was invented by Barnack Oscar. The camera had a full aperture, Excellent Leitz lenses and used a length of 35mm of the motion picture film (Baldwin, Daniel & Greenough, 2004). Rolleiflex was later invented in 1928. The camera was held at the waist level and had a twin lens reflex. The negative was six by six cm. The cameras had many limitations of both types and both types ensured by several cameras made by Kodak. The mix of cameras was enhanced Japanese Single Lens Reflex (SLR). These cameras took 35 mm roll film, although the focusing and the viewing mechanisms. Polaroid In 1947, an instant Polaroid camera system was introduced by Edwin Land. Its paper pack/ film were pulled through rollers as soon as the exposure was done. The rollers released the chemicals that would later be used to develop the print. In a fraction of seconds, the four by five print could be pulled off from its negative and then fixed by use of s saturated pad. The pad is usually provided with the film pack. Edwin did invite many professionals so as to test the system and also market it to then amateurs once it was a professionally accepted. The camera was oddly shaped and was little. The camera spit out colour images that were square in shape. The images were developed right from the eyes. The camera became a popular sensation. Although it had technical problems, the SX-70 system was adopted by many (Buckingham, A. 2004). Kodak evolved into its version of the SX-70 camera. Polaroid then sued the Kodak Company for the copyright of their instant camera in which Polaroid won. Kodak, as a result, paid the Polaroid a fine of millions of money (1985-1991). The evolution of photography technology, however remains a significant challenge to the Polaroid’s niche of the instant imagery obsolete. The Polaroid Company however filed a bankruptcy protection and the Company has nowadays seemed to be over (2001). Kodak has now got back to the market of the digital cameras. Consequently, is film and paperwork have diminished (Hosack. 2009). Photography without Film Film-less or digital photography has of late gained dominance over the movie photography. The digital migration has greatly been felt in the amateur market. In 1981, Sony Company propelled the genre via its Mavica camera. Since the environment did not support Photoshop, i.e. high-quality digital printers and computers in every home, the digital migration and marketing took a long period to catch on. The first marketing was done in 1989. In 2005, Kodak announced that it would stop the production of the white and black printing papers. The act would further seal the photography fate of the darkroom. However, the new photographic printing giants, e.g. Hewlett-Packard and Epson are thriving in this new world. Digitized photography makes everyone a visual recorder of his or her life. Advertising photography As Kodak used advertisement so as to create an efficient market for its papers, films and cameras, the photography advertisement was increasingly done in 20th century. Adverts were made through the media e.g. newspaper, as well as popular magazines and TV stations. The primary objective of the advertisement was to create awareness of the presence of such photographic accessories. Another factor for advertisement is to create a desire for a particular product. As a result, the demand of the consumer products hikes and hence an increase in sales. Consequently, the market for a specific product expands. With time, the product dominates the entire market. By the end of 20th century, all visual adverts of photographic products were photographic and thus the exact needed impact on the public was implied. The greater shift in the market happened in the 1930s and 1920s. By mid-1930s, the photographs equalled hand-drawn pictures and illustrations in the print adverts. The sector has significantly dominated the field since then Benefits of photography Preservation of an individual’s old photo preserves the family history, historical activities, ceremonies as well as rituals. With then technological change, it has been made possible to enhance, edit, save and store the images. The technological change increases digital files that can be shared with friends and family members electronically. The following are the reasons why one should restore his or her old photos (Buckingham, A. 2004). Preservation of once origin: In most instances, old photos are restored as preservation of one’s originals. When pictures are deteriorating, time may be an essential factor to consider. As for the old photos that may be outside the archival papers, professional editing, preservation and restoration may be employed to prevent them from fading. Fading may occur even if the photos have been stored in a faraway place that is free from moisture and sunlight. Fading and degradation may still occur without the factoring of the believed factors and exposure (JEFFREY, 2014). Eliminates scratches, fading, tears and folds: Old photos degrade over time. As a result, photograph professional restorers have developed methods and techniques of cleaning the old pictures. Restoring the old photos disguise tears, repairs, folds and scratches. If the repair of old photos is done by the amateurs, it can ruin the originals. Electronic storage and ease of sharing: Restoring the aged images helps one to convert them to electronic digital images. The digitized images are easy to share, store, edit and even to view. The photos can be used to make visual slides or even videos. Genealogical benefits: Restoring old photos is priceless for historians. The genealogical benefits to anyone creating a family tree are significant. The type and property of paper and ink used in deteriorating photographs gives a clue to the time-frame or age of the subject or image. As a result, exact procedures and careful handling during the restoration of historically significant photos should be considered (Buckingham, A. 2004). Expertise should then be found in any historically significant photo. Exhibit 3 illustrates a restored picture. Photography is essential to the entire family life. Most importantly digital photography is a valuable tool in the mental development t of kids. The following g are illustrations of the digital photography for kids. Creativity stimulation: Children grow up in the visual world. Everything that the children see has its impact on the growth. Thus, visual aspect of the kids’ life is a big chunk in the development of their understanding and learning. As a result, the children develop an increase in their vocabulary as well as creativity stimulation. Visual learning should not be limited by the age of the kids. Beneficial to parents: Digital photographing generates a productive and meaningful part-time for the children. The files create an after-school activity thus relieving the parents from the step to step follow-up of the children. Parents worry less concerning their kids browsing inappropriate websites on the Internet as well as playing of violent games. The parents can involve their children in using digital cameras thus they can grow their talents. Extra-Curricular Activity: Children further develop their knowledge of photography expertise in extra-curricular organizations. The subject in return may benefit the institution in the complementation of their resources. A talented good student in photography can be given responsibility take pictures for the respective system. Photography keeps the kids busy as per Exhibition 4. Photography has got numerous benefits. The benefits are as follow; Photography affords the immortality: the immortality is felt once an individual looks at the old pictures of the relatives and parents. Exhibit 5. Photography documents your journey through life: The photography journey starts right from the childhood pictures to one’s children pictures. The mission range right from the first step followed by the first smiles to the very first date (Buckingham, A. 2004). Thus, life can be preserved and documented. Photography captures and preserves personal communications. The communication would otherwise be lost forever. Exhibit 6. Photography is a wonderful stress reliever: Photography is a fun activity and can be used during leisure time. One’s an individual is stressed, and he or she can utilise the time in taking fun pictures. Exhibition 7. From the above illustration, photography is of great advantage of to the everyone in the society. Conclusion Photography is an essential tool in the social-cultural life in the present today. As per the paper, photography has gradually evolved and improved. The change has been highly factored by technological improvement as well as innovation of new viable ideas. Presently, high technology photography has been implemented in the field, and every sector of the field digitised. Thus, photography has become more effective, efficient and fun. Photography has turned to be of high benefit to the entire community. The field have come up with means of retrieving the old photos as well as making them digital. The art caters for the relatively old generation. The field is furthermore a business idea and thus a source of income. Photography is also done for the utilisation of leisure time. As per the paper, presence of photography in the society is a means of sustaining life. The paper thus urges the society as a whole to embrace the art as well as implementing further development. The art has dynamic uses as well as benefits in the society. Appendix Exhibit 1 Worlds earliest surviving camera photograph, 1826 or 1827. Exhibit 2 A camera obscura used for drawing image Exhibit 3 The following is a small photo that has been restored an enlarged. Exhibition 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibition 7 References BALDWIN, G., DANIEL, M., & GREENOUGH, S. (2004). All the mighty world: the photographs of Roger Fenton, 1852-1860. New Haven, N.J., Yale University Press. HOSACK, K. (2009). Photography. Chicago, Ill, Raintree. JEFFREY, I. (2014). Photography book. [S.l.], Phaidon. Vaccines, S. (n.d.). Perfecting Mankind: Eugenics and Photography. International Centre for Photography, New York City, New York: PERFECTING MANKIND: EUGENICS AND PHOTOGRAPHY. Museum Anthropology,5-15. Buckingham, Alan.(2004) Photography. New York: Dorling Kindersle. LINKS (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2015, from Read More
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