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Language Planning and Language Issues: South Korea
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Bae (2005) examines a number of these problems in a publication of the Social Science Research Institute of Kook Min University.... References Bae, Kyuhan (2005) “Sociological contemplation to Korea's enthusiasm for education” published by the Social Science Research Institute of Kook Min University at pp....
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The Process, Strategy, Principles, and Methods of Guiding and Assisting the Child in Learning
16 pages (3692 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "The Process, Strategy, Principles, and Methods of Guiding and Assisting the Child in Learning" tells that Bran has trouble understanding the same content as his classmates at his level.... He is more than willing to be read to by his mother or father and interested in doing tests.... ... ...
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Literary Criticism on The Star by H.G. Wells
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Both of them along with Jules Verne and Hugo Gernsback, have been referred to as "The Fathers of Science Fiction".... n this work we will make at attempt to reflect the points of view of the both writers to the power of human thought, the role of Science in the modern world, as well as the growing conflict between traditional religious beliefs and progressive scientific views.... While religious gives people the ready-made scheme of world and ready-made sense of life saying that everything is created and wisely provided by the God, the Science denies this approach....
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Human Pheromones/Hormones and Behavior
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Human Pheromones and Behavior Submitted to: Dr.... Laura L.... Carruth, GSU, Spring 2012 Abstract: In this paper, six research articles are considered where the authors have conducted experiments to determine whether human pheromones exist, and if they do how they affect humans.... ... ... ... The studies show evidence of modification of human behavior, mood, chemical balances in the body and the menstrual cycle....
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Importance of Nursing Theory
5 pages (1475 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
These include nursing is separate from medicine, nursing is achieved through altering the environment, nursing is a calling, nursing is in dire need of a specific education base, and nursing is an art and Science.... The paper "Importance of Nursing Theory" states that a theory is a collection of concepts that make up a pattern of reality....
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Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The various disciplines that are utilising scanning probe microscopy include (but are not limited to) material sciences, biology, physics, engineering, chemistry, computer sciences, medicine, space Science etc.... This paper 'Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy' looks at the various techniques in use and being researched in order to provide a sustainable framework for data storage at the atomic scale....
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An Analytical Study of the Earthquakes as a Natural Disaster
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Lisbon earthquake was one of the events that led to the development of Science and reduced the reliance on optimism (Prothero 18).... “Earthquake Science Research With a Microsatellite”.... “Disturbance & Forest Dynamics Along a Transect From Andean Rain Forest to Patagonian Shrubland” in Journal of Vegetation Science....
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The Importance of Project Risk Management
5 pages (1484 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "The Importance of Project Risk Management" states that the project managers need to adopt numerous dissimilar roles and tasks in order to work on all the details and phases of the project.... The likelihood and significance of the techniques are focused on Taylor's approach.... ... ... ...
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Evidence for (or against) water on Mars
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
No water in aliquid state has been found yet, Lemmon says, but there is new evidence that Mars had liquid water billions of years ago” (Science and Children, September 2009).... k/Science/across-the-universe/2012/oct/01/water-mars-history Dowdey, Sarah, Lamb, Robert.... Retrieved from: http://Science....
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Childhood trauma and Resiliency
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
Stressful events commonly occur in children's lives.... When unexpected, threatening and dangerous events happen, traumatic stress results, potentially causing a disruption in normal functioning of the child.... These events can occur singly such.... ... ... Traumatic stress can also occur as a result of ongoing events like domestic violence, abuse, religious persecution, and war....
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The existence of Telepathy is debated much know, some years before the term was not even know by the local man but know it is discussed much.... The communication of impressions which may be of any kind from one persons mind to another, without any physical interaction independently of the known channels of sense is what telepathy means....
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California Dairy
24 pages (6390 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper ''California Dairy'' tells us that California has numerous dairy farms and a robust dairy industry that has supported California with the creation of numerous jobs.... The impact of the California dairy industry can be felt in the local economy with a good pumping of over 60 billion dollars....
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Cryptography as One Fundamental Way of Saving Communications: Information and Data Security Technology
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Technology of Cryptography can be described as the Science which deals with the processes of alteration of information or data into a scrambled code that can be decoded and sent all through a private or public network (Kessler, 2009) and (Akdeniz, 1996).... The paper describes the detailed analysis of the cryptography technology regarding information and data safety....
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The effects of childhood obesity: Does childhood obesity presage adult obesity
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
New York: Nova Science.... New York: Nona Science.... This essay outlines the obesity and its impact on the society.... There are clear evidences to suggest that childhood obesity has a chance to continue into adulthood obesity.... Over the past 25 years there was an increase of childhood and adolescent obesity....
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The Relationship between Learning and Memory
7 pages (2075 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Even though the method is significantly based on experimental results in brain Science and cognitive psychology, there is just qualitative reliability with experiments.... Developmental Science, 12(4), 9-15. ... The paper "The Relationship between Learning and Memory" describes that cooperative learning is more perfect in enhancing memory among learners....
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Quality of Life Issues in a Group of Older People with Pressure Ulcers - Analysis
9 pages (2740 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Tom Defloor PhD RN is a Professor, Head of Nursing Science Department, Nursing Science Department, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium.... From the paper "Quality of Life Issues in a Group of Older People with Pressure Ulcers - Analysis" it is clear that statistical procedures are applied to analyze and organize or summarize the data in which case frequencies, types, trends, uniformities, or patterns of behavior are revealed....
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Study On Embezzlement Behavior Among Public Administrators
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Study On Embezzlement Behavior Among Public Administrators" provides information on different types of corrupt practices found to affect the operations of both the public and private sector.... This will help the administrators make necessary decisions on this issue.... ... ... ... Collecting data through questionnaires is a common method in research....
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Evaluation and Rebranding of Iceland as a Tourist Destination
15 pages (4328 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Evaluation and Rebranding of Iceland as a Tourist Destination" focuses on the creation of Iceland as the ultimate destination choice by incorporating the destination branding elements.... The country can enter into an integrated and synchronized developmental phase.... .... ... ...
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How to Streamline Checkout in the Food Retail Sector
6 pages (1787 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.... The paper "How to Streamline Checkout in the Food Retail Sector" states that self-checkout cannot operate itself and it is a need of human assistance to avoid technical problems that can be a major factor in pushing away customers and making them switch to stores possessing cash counter systems....
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Materials Used to Make Automotive Engine Blocks
20 pages (5906 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Jacobson, Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation.... "Recent development in aluminium alloys for the automotive industry," Materials Science and Engineering, vol.... kenaga, "Effects of Alloying Elements on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Heavy Section Ductile Cast Iron," Journal of Materials Science & Technology.... Bijender Singh and Manoj Kumar Agarwal, "RESEARCH OF CAST IRON IN ACIDIC MEDIUM IN THE INDUSTRIAL FIELD AS COMPONENTS IN ACID PICKLING," International Journal of Research in Science And Technology....
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Air Pollution in China
14 pages (3943 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Science, Technology and Environmental Policy program, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, MA 16(3).... "Air Pollution in China" paper is mainly on the factor of air pollution in China.... There are various forms of pollution in the present scenario of the region however this research study would be focused on delivering the probable aspects that lead to air pollution in this region....
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Personalized Medicine
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Basel, Switzerland: Springer Science Business Media, LLC.... This paper provides the information concerning the medicine that has adopted a new move of developing personalized drugs, which have the capability and potential to address the needs of various patients in society with reference to their medical conditions and diseases....
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Investment Analysis by the Use of the Markov Chain of Process
5 pages (1404 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The field of Markov chains has been widely used in the management field of Science as follows: ... The paper "Investment Analysis by the Use of the Markov Chain of Process" discusses that using the Markov Chain as a financial instrument will result in the null hypothesis, which states that the preset determinant definitely affects the given rate currency pair....
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Women Jealousy Feelings
8 pages (2260 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
and Nicholas Christenfeld, "Gender, jealousy, and reason" Psychological Science 7.... Psychological Science 21.... The paper "Women Jealousy Feelings" discusses that the check and balance of men's activities are done precisely by women, as insecure feelings lie in them....
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Violence and Its Impact upon Adolescents: An Inquiry into the Effects of Video Games
9 pages (2553 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
These “at risk” youths represent the most vulnerable in society and account for the lion's share of the behavioral issues exhibited within society (Science Daily 1).... Global Science & Technology Forum.... The purpose of this paper is to present the effects of video games on children's behavior and knowledge by examining some of the effects that these have on adolescent behavior....
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Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness through Active Defense
7 pages (2532 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper "Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness through Active Defense" states that effective cyber situation awareness involves taking initiatives that integrate a number of factors such as metrics, mission assurance, dynamic risk assessment, and visualization of the general architecture.... ... ...
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Technology and Human Resource Management
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A notable computer Science professor at Johns Hopkins University has recently told in an interview that hackers these days have shifted to hack important medical information.... The purpose of this research paper "Technology and Human Resource Management" is to illustrate the importance of the relationship between technology and human resources management (HRM)....
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Use of Xenon Gas in Humans
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Science,174(4016), 1334–6. ... The paper 'Use of Xenon Gas in Humans' will focus on this aspect of this noble gas.... Xenon will be noted to be a chemical element which is colorless, dense and odorless.... With atomic number of 54, xenon is a noble gas, which occur the earth's atmosphere in scanty amount....
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Statistical Analysis of E-Learning and Interactive Video Conferences in KSA Universities
18 pages (4314 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Informing Science and Information Technology, 4, 1-7 ... Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 27, 257-271. ... The paper 'Statistical Analysis of E-Learning and Interactive Video Conferences in KSA Universities' is a perfect example of an education research paper....
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The Potential Violation of Law through the Media
13 pages (3791 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper, The Potential Violation of Law through the Media, stresses that the development of globalization around the world has led to the differentiation of the criteria used for the evaluation of the effectiveness of various business policies.... ... ... ... The current paper focuses on the examination of the potential violation of law through the media – the reference is made specifically to the news sector....
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Benefits of Online Education
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Nature & Science, 9(8), 81-84.... The paper "Benefits of Online Education" outlines such potential benefits of online education as increasing educational access, providing high-quality learning opportunities, improving student outcomes and skills, and expanding options for educational choice....
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Induction Day at University
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The purpose of this paper 'Induction Day at University' is to present a detailed questionnaire required to solicit opinions from university students.... The target audience is first-year university students.... The questionnaire intends to collect data about their experience during the induction day....
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Ernest Rutherford and Nuclear Physics Contributions
10 pages (2603 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Though he showed no interest in Science as a child beyond reading one Science textbook, he forever changed the way that atoms and physics were thought of.... Though Ernest as a boy liked tinkering with clocks, and loved to make models of the wheels that were used in the mills, he did not show any real passion for Science during childhood (Mahanti, 2011).... Most of his education came through the winning of scholarships, first to Nelson College in 1889, then on to Canterbury College at the University of New Zealand, where he first developed an interest in electrical Science, running experiments that would determine whether or not iron was magnetic at a high magnetizing frequency (Campbell)....
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Theories of Consumer Behavior in the Field of Microeconomic
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Marketing Science, 22(4), 442-460.... From the paper "Theories of Consumer Behavior in the Field of Microeconomic" it is clear that proper marketing strategy for a restaurant to attract its visitors towards its bar is to provide relatively cheaper wines by a larger extent than some highly expensive wines....
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Theories of White Collar Crime
10 pages (2695 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
From the historical point of view, the theory found a place in social Science research. ... "Theory of White Collar Crime" paper analyzes white collar crime regarding studies of crime in micro and macro dimensions cross-sectional data.... Numerous methods were analyzed to obtain the information and prompt an example that illustrates every aspect that pertains to white-collar crime....
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How Stress Affects The Immune System and Overall Health
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
“How Stress Affects the Immune System and Overall Health” Stress is the concept which is not new for anyone and the prevailing trends of stress and its effects on each age group and social institutions make it more popular among the general public.... However, a concise definition and conceptual depth of this term is unknown to many....
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Benefits of Education
3 pages (1030 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
ducation is a vast field related to family and consumer Science.... The paper "Benefits of Education" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the benefits of education.... Education is the most valuable asset a person can have.... A person can never achieve desired goals and objectives without having some professional education....
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Analysis of Frequency of Visits to Breast Screening Service
11 pages (3270 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Understanding the mammography controversy: Science, politics, ... "Analysis of Frequency of Visits to Breast Screening Service" paper elaborates the research findings from surveys conducted among aged Australian women regarding their experiences of breast screening services catered to them by some of the leading Australian healthcare units....
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The Role of Evidence in the Detection of Cases in the UAE
17 pages (4758 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In addition, what witnesses think they saw sometimes conflicted with findings of forensic Science (Bradbury & Fesit 2005). ... ond, J & Phil, D 2007, "Value of DNA Evidence in Detecting Crime," Journal of Forensic Science, Vol.... ond, J & Phil, D 2008, "The Value of DNA Material Recovered from Crime Scenes," Journal Forensic Science, Vol.... radbury, A & Fesit, A 2005, The use of forensic Science in volume crime investigations: a review of the research literature, Home Office, viewed 5 August 2013, ...
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The Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan
10 pages (2715 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Journal of Science.... Wired Science.... The paper "The Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan" states that the attempt to construct a large reservoir of water in an area subjected to severe stresses between the tectonic plates adversely meddled with the geography of the region causing the development of earthquake....
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A Defense of the Significance of Intentional Logic
10 pages (2891 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In The Handbook of Philosophy of Science, vol.... The aim of this research paper "A Defense of the Significance of Intentional Logic" is to show that an intensional logic can be done, for it seems to be necessary for an adequate analysis regarding the problem of identity statements between singular terms or variables....
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Free Radius Distribution for Linux OS
2 pages (608 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Free Radius Distribution for Linux OS" critically analyzes the major issues on the free radius distribution for Linux OS.... Geier called that the FreeRadius was widely used as a popular server in the world.... This free radius server is compatible with old desktop tower systems.... ... ...
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Well Being and Job Satisfaction
13 pages (3465 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
harles S Carver is a Distinguished Professor in the department of Psychology in the College of Arts & Science at the University of Miami.... harles S Carver is a Distinguished Professor in the department of Psychology in the College of Arts & Science at the University of Miami.... She is a leading scholar within social psychology, affective Science, and positive psychology, and her research and teaching have been recognized with numerous honours, including the American Psychological Assocation's Templeton Prize in Positive Psychology. ...
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Moynihan, Rector, and Jennings' Views on Persistent Misery
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Regardless of the fact that the debate is embroiled in deep-seated political disagreements, the union between social Science and welfare policy should not be divorced.... The aim of the study is to find new explanations of poverty.... Existing theories base on individual and family deficiencies, cultural belief systems, political-economic issues, geographical discrepancies....
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Nurse/Patient Relationships and It's impact on the healing process
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Nurse/ Patient Relationships and its Impact on the Healing Process Odalis Rosales Name of the Department Name of the University Transitions and Trends Professor Emilio Ong Jr.... BSN MBA/ HCM, CCRN October 23, 2012 Nurse/ Patient Relationships and its Impact on the Healing Process Abstract The Nurse/ Patient relationship is considered as the heart of nursing practice, and is key to achieving healing and maximising the patient's therapeutic outcomes....
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Motorsports Industry in Carolina
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It will also provide detailed information on the cultural issues related to motorsports as well as the Science behind motorsport industry in North Carolina.... The paper will also provide detailed information on the cultural issues related to motorsports as well as the Science behind motorsport industry in North Carolina (Arthur et al.... he Science behind motorsports ... Little has been tabulated about the Science associated with what racecar drivers experience in their profession....
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Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment System
57 pages (15605 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment System" states that generally, the solutions by WSUD have a number of different benefits that can be seen in the form of improved amenities, increased biodiversity (plants and fauna) and better microclimate.... .... ... ... Stormwater run-off has become a crucial issue in most suburban regions because of the fact that they generate a lot of pollutants....
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Modern Astronomy Frontier: Black Holes
6 pages (1739 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Astronomy is 'the Science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere' (dictionary.... Astronomy is “the Science that deals with the material universe beyond the earths atmosphere” (dictionary.... The paper "Modern Astronomy Frontier: Black Holes" discusses that one of the last frontiers in modern astronomy, black holes play a significant role in the behavior of certain occurrences in the universe....
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Result of Cultural Beliefs
6 pages (1778 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The authors of the article are qualified and have experience in the field of health Science.... From the paper "Result of Cultural Beliefs" it is clear that the lifestyle and eating behavior of children depend on the racial beliefs, emotional health, and social status of their mother....
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Teaching English Language Arts through Writing
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper describes a lot of research has been done on the topic of teaching the English Language to young children and much of it talks about the importance of reading and writing and the methods that can be adopted to make this an effective learning procedure.... ... ... ... In her article, 'Important Research in Reading and Writing', Margaret Early talks about how teaching the language arts through reading and writing has been influenced by two major factors in our recent history....
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