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Chinese Cultural Code: Realistic Tendencies of Politics
49 pages (12250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The research 'Chinese Cultural Code: Realistic Tendencies of Politics' shall attempt to answer the following questions through the study but it is imperative to note that the research shall not be bound or limited by the establishment of these questions.... ... ... ... The purpose of this research is to acquire an understanding of the uniqueness of Chinese politics and provide effective and fundamental understanding of the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics that Chinese politics is striving for....
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Reverse Supply Chain and Carbon Footprint
17 pages (5070 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Study on Factors of Green Supply Chain Management among Chinese Manufacturers, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 12(3): p 81-85.... The paper 'Reverse Supply Chain and Carbon Footprint" is a perfect example of an environmental studies research paper.... The paper aims to critically analyze the relationship between the reverse supply chain and the carbon footprints following the dangers they pose to the environment and the entire ecosystem....
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Preliminary bibliography
6 pages (1117 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
R.... P.... K.... Mool and B.... R.... Shrestha.... "Impact of climate change on Himalayan glaciers and glacial lakes: case studies on GLOF and associated hazards in Nepal and Bhutan.... Bajracharya, S.... R.... P.... K.... Mool and B.... R.... Shrestha.... Impact of climate change on Himalayan....
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Research Methodologies in Education and professional practice
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Affecting the integration of children in the new culture and environment are the parent's economic insecurity, the inaccessibility of social services, and the social and.... ... ... Children in migration face challenges related to health, economic security, job opportunities and education. ... ... earning the language is one of the foundations for successful inclusion and integration of immigrants....
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Biographical Research on J.K. Rowling
14 pages (3748 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Similarly, her mother (say, Anne Rowling) was interested in Science and was a Science technician by profession.... The paper "Biographical Research on J.... .... Rowling" focuses on the critical analysis of the major milestones of the biography of J.... .... Rowling....
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Why teenage girls choose abortion
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Formal sex education, which can increase the knowledge of a teen, would also help in reducing the teen abortions and health transmitted diseases (Health Science Journal, Issue-2).... ealth Science Journal (Issue-2) http://www.... This essay dwells into 3 major issues: elements substantiating teenage pregnancy; why girls choose abortion; prevention of teenage pregnancy & abortion....
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The economic effects of intellectual property laws
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From an in-depth perspective, Intellectual Property Laws can be observed to have a direct impact on the technology and Science related sectors of any economy.... It also encourages the educational sector to be more competitive in up-bringing fresh innovative thoughts to the economic sectors which are directly or indirectly related to Science and technology such as pharmaceutical, automobile engineering, healthcare, and agriculture among others (Mitchel B.... With its distinct virtues, the Intellectual Property Laws tend to encourage Science and technology innovations which are quite likely to motivate the industry sectors to adopt highly efficient research and development programs....
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Key Factors of Project Implementation of Solid Waste Management of Thailand Tourist Destinations
72 pages (18990 words) , Research Paper
The focus of this paper "Key Factors of Project Implementation of Solid Waste Management of Thailand Tourist Destinations" is on Thailand as one of the developing countries in Southeast Asia which has witnessed an accumulating problem on solid waste management and disposal.... ... ... ... This chapter of the proposal paper includes the following sections: Statement and Background of the Problem, Background of the Study, Research Questions, Research Objectives, and Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitations of the Study, Research Contribution, Definition of Terms, and Organization of the Study....
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Office furniture ksf
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Hershey, PA: Engineering Science Reference.... This paper discuses two of the key success factors that are very essential in the office furniture manufacturing industry.... The two factors include flexible production processes and development of.... ... ... Due to the severe competition in the furniture market, furniture manufacturers have been forced to look at the emerging technologies in order to secure a competitive edge....
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Strategies to Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
?Science, 327 (5970), 1219-1223.... The research paper "Strategies to Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions" proves the effectiveness of policy measures as among the best strategies to address global greenhouse gas emissions and, consequently, a measure to combat climate change effects....
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Obesity, Sleep Apnea and Cognitive Functions in Children
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Obesity, Sleep Apnea and Cognitive Functions in Children Obesity is one of the fastest growing cognitive problems in the Western world, and increasing numbers of children are overweight or morbidly obese (Hedley et al, 2004).... Obesity is problematic in that it can cause a number of health problems, including sleep apnea and diabetes (Hedley et al, 2004)....
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Ethical manner
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
In the article, “The Impact of Understanding the Behaviour of Workers on the Success of Management (A Case Study of Five Star Hotels in Aqaba” by Mohammad Abdel Hameed and Ali Al-Hussein, the study reviews the relationship between managers and employee behaviour (Hameed, et.... ... ... The findings of the study reveal that traditional management practices had a significant effect on the development of frustration among the employees in the hotels and thus leading to further failure of the management....
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High School Education in America and China
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are two kinds of high school diplomas in China; Science and arts.... This paper "High School Education in America and China" analyses the differences between American and Chinese high school education systems from the American student's point of view who also have experienced China education....
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Motivation theories for drug use and addiction
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
A negative reinforcement model which emphasizes the central role of negative affect in motivating drug use, has been reformulated in the context of contemporary basic Science, in the areas of affect and information processing.... Science, 278(5335): pp.... The addicted individual uses drugs frequently and in great quantities; if drug use is interrupted it is highly possible that they will return to drug use....
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Benefits of Video Games
8 pages (2103 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Statistics indicate that over 50% of video game players spend more than 70% of their free time playing these games (Science Daily, 2011).... For instance, educational based games are superior in teaching difficult subjects such as Science and mathematics.... In learning institutions, it would be healthy to introduce gaming sessions where learning can play and compete to solve educational problems (Science Daily, 2011).... Video game developers have come up with education related games that feature in subject such as mathematics and Science....
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The Impact of Social Media on Political Life in the Arab Countries
13 pages (3760 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Impact of Social Media on Political Life in the Arab Countries" discusses the political condition of Arabian nations of the Middle East and the growth of social media.... For years, governments of Arabian nations have restricted their people from using social media.... ... ...
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Education in Kuwait: Kuwait University
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The current study 'Education in Kuwait: Kuwait University' demonstrates that all teachers in public middle schools in one county of Kuwait are successfully using the inquiry method of teaching Science in the classroom after having been trained by Kuwait University.... The author states that teaching Science as inquiry is common in many nations due to the powerful impact of the inquiry methods.... The educational system in Kuwait has also adopted these inquiry methods in teaching Science....
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The Psychological Construct of Exam Anxiety
12 pages (3780 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Problem-based Behavioral Science and Psychiatry.... New York: Springer Science.... The paper "The Psychological Construct of Exam Anxiety" highlights that using a highly reliable research questionnaire on exam anxiety, psychologists could learn more about the factors that may trigger the students' anxiety level when having an exam....
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Difficulties of Teaching Creationism in Public Schools
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Some people have gone to court to seek a declaration of the teaching of creation Science unconstitutional (Moore & Cotney, 2009).... If creationism cannot be discussed in Science lessons, it could be discussed somewhere else like at home, the playground, religious studies classroom, an indication that it is importance of study creationism in public schools.... Moore and Cotner further assert that majority of biology teachers are young-Earth people who believe in creationism, a belief based on religious fundamentals that decline geology, paleontology, biology among other aspects of modern Science, and instead focus on story that is aligned to the interpretation of religious materials....
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Database Architecture for GEMLCA Resource Availability
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
EMLCA was developed by the research team of Centre for Parallel Computing at the University of Westminster within the UK e-Science OGSA TestBed project.... of the 2004 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, Technical Session on Grid Computing, ISBN 3-540-22056-9, pp 30Y36, May 2004, Assisi, Italy.... Kacsuk, BThe P-GRADE Grid portal^, in Computational Science and Its Applications Y ICCSA 2004: International Conference, Assisi, Italy, 2004, pp....
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Regression Analysis Models for Marketing Decision Making
9 pages (2574 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"Regression Analysis Models for Marketing Decision Making" paper identifies various regression analysis models being applied by businesses in trying to get information from quantitative data and the information is used in making a business decision, especially in the marketing department.... ... ...
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The Rojas Murders of 1892
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
If prevention fails, law enforcement authorities have to resort to investigative techniques and forensic Science to try to solve a crime that was committed.... However, majority of crimes are committed in secret with no witnesses to the crime and this is where forensic Science can be a big help in solving the crime and catching the criminal.... Sherlock Holmes easily comes to mind when it comes to forensic investigative Science and also of logical reasoning in arriving at an expert opinion in a classic whodunit....
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The Emerging and Evolving Information Technology Mechanism
4 pages (1234 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Hershey, PA, Information Science Pub.... The paper "The Emerging and Evolving Information Technology Mechanism" states that the firm should be wary of the fact that issues and conflicts would emerge in the social subsystem, however, the economic results of the technical change would only lie in the successful resolution of these conflicts....
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Data Mining for E-Commerce
16 pages (3750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Moreover, this term is sometimes directly linked to “link analysis” research, which is a newly emerged research area particularly designed for the use of data mining in mathematics and computer Science for graph-theory and communication and social sciences for social network analysis (Lappas, 2008; Kosala & Blockeel, 2000; Cooley, Mobasher, & Srivastava, 1997). ...
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Individual Privacy and National Security Issue
7 pages (1910 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Bulletin of the American society for information Science and technology, Feb/Mar; 29, 3.... The paper "Individual Privacy and National Security Issue" discusses that people are more relevant to the country.... Efforts by the government to fight terrorism compromise individual freedom and, therefore, the government should establish an appropriate balance between the two roles....
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Running Head National Security versus Personal Privacy
7 pages (1910 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Bulletin of the American society for information Science and technology, Feb/Mar; 29, 3.... This research paper "Running Head National Security versus Personal Privacy" aimed at establishing whether the proposed antiterrorism measures will compromise individual privacy, also will analyzes how enhancing national security has compromised individual privacy....
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Global Impact of Cell Phones on Humans
6 pages (1923 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Springer Science+Business: New York, 2011.... The paper "Global Impact of Cell Phones on Humans" evaluates the pros and cons attributed to the device.... It analyses the changes in communication, society, technology, and foreign relations as a result of the widespread technology, giving appropriate recommendations....
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The Losing the Competitive Advantages of Keiretsu Inter-Firm Structure
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Keiretsu Alliances and Asset Specificity as Sources of Japanese Competitive Advantage' Organization Science.... (1992) ‘The Japanese Corporate Network: A Block Model Analysis' Administrative Science Quarterly.... (1999) ‘Keiretsu, Governance, and Learning: Case Studies in Change from the Japanese Automobile Industry' Organization Science....
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Orienting Attention to Sound Object Representations Attenuates Change Deafness
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Psychology Brief Name: Instructor: Affiliation: Course: Date: Introduction There is the body of applied Science that involves the study of the human brain.... This involves researching and exploring the capabilities of the brains of a certain individual and the way it functions.... ...
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How Does New Technology Help the Arts
10 pages (3003 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Computers, the fruit of technological revolution, had been related to mere calculations, word processing, banking, and Science until the time the World Wide Web was invented.... ince the mid-twentieth century, thanks to cybernetics and computer Science, we see the formation of techno-artistic hybrids of the third level.... Intersections of art, Science, and technology....
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Comprehensive Exam
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Comprehensive Exam Question 1 Part 1 Theory is considered as a map or a plan for conducting any kind of research.... In any research, the main motive of people is to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the best approach to study, by using previous experiences and explanations of others who have conducted similar researches before....
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Economic Significance of Databases
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
International Journal of Computer Science.... This paper "Economic Significance of Databases" deals with the significance of databases in the economic sense by doing a strategic and operational analysis of its application in business.... Reportedly, an attempt has been made to provide background information on the pros and cons of database systems....
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History of the Manhattan Project
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The various scholars collaborated in cities like Cambridge, Rome and Berlin where they shared ideas and views on inventions and new ways of improving Science.... In the 1930s, theoretical Physics was like an esoteric Science which was known by a handful of people2....
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Computer Systems and the Information Found Online
5 pages (1564 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Psychological Science 210 Research Report Curtin Australia Computers have affected the way people live – the way people talk, the way they think.... If our goal is to excel in academics, especially in the field of Science and technology, the effects of this issue would be a great obstacle because it could cause most of the people to use their minds less and become less effective.... Science, 333, 277.... 126/Science.... Science, 333, 776-778....
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Factors influencing students' choice towards private universities
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Higher Learning Institutions situated in well developed countries like US and UK are the first preference of students all over the world.... Earning a degree from Harvard, Stanford or Cambridge universities is considered highly prestigious.... ... ... ... Students who get a chance to study in such renowned institutions get a special preference in the job market and are paid many folds higher than the students studying the same course in the other universities....
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Graham T. Allison
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
He is currently the “Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government at Harvard's John F.... The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs John F.... Graham T.... Allison Personal Profile Graham T....
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Gender Differences in the African American Community
5 pages (1610 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the courses selection, women are more likely to choose majoring in social Science and humanities while men on the other hand chose a business, engineering, medicine field and social Science.... The paper 'Gender Differences in the African American Community' is determined to identify the gender difference in African American society....
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Smoking Bans: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research paper 'Smoking Bans: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations' reports research findings on the benefits and challenges of smoking bans.... It also presents recommendations for designing and implementing a successful comprehensive smoking ban.... ... ... ... The author states that organizations that comprehensively ban smoking can attain the benefits of fewer hospital admissions for its employees, lower fire hazards, and better air quality because smoking rooms and areas are futile in protecting non-smokers from secondhand smoke....
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How Marijuana Affects Drivers
5 pages (1505 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Within the context of social Science research, both approaches must be used in order to arrive at an objective, measurable understanding of the phenomenon and a humanistic comprehension of its socio-environmental dimensions.... Besides establishing construct validity, social Science researches need also establish external validity by testing the applicability of the findings to external case studies (Wille et al, 2010, pp....
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Caring for the Elderly: Assessment Tools Anyalysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Running head: CARING FOR THE ELDERLY 1 Caring for the Elderly: Analysis of Assessment Tools and Watson's Theory of Human Caring Lucianna Cianciulli University of Phoenix CARING FOR THE ELDERLY 2 Caring for the Elderly: Analysis of Assessment Tools and Watson's Theory of Human Caring Introduction Caring is the foundation of nursing (Chinn, Kramer, & Chin, 2004 and Watson, 1994) and the basic nature of being human (Chinn et al....
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Global Information Systems Management
12 pages (3251 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A literature search was conducted during January to May 2008 in two online databases; EBSCO host and Web of Science.... This research paper "Global Information Systems Management" focuses on exploring the major themes of IS research studies and identifying areas in which more research was needed to increase understanding of global IS....
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Strategies For Successful Kiosk Implementation
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The authors have described it from the computer Science perspective also.... The definition will be changed for both the perspective for the computer Science and for the database system or business.... omputer Science can be considered as the application of engineering and design of the human interface.... Thus, they had concluded that human–computer interaction has engineering, Science as well as designing aspects.... According to them, this is a combination of cognitive Science, social Science, and computer Science and system design....
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Effects of Chocolate on Mood
11 pages (3540 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
?Chocolate Science and technology.... ?Science, 273 (5282), 1719-1722.... The Science of Chocolate.... Women and Cannabis: Medicine, Science, and Sociology.... The paper "Effects of Chocolate on Mood" discusses that scientific research on anandamide has shown sufficient evidence that it contributes to elevated moods....
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Qualitative Research on Criminal Behaviors
9 pages (2569 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper "Qualitative Research on Criminal Behaviors" describes all aspects of criminal behavior.... The author takes into account proper handling of the limitations, the examples of validation.... From this work, it is obvious that increasing cases of criminal behaviors is a big challenge in our society even though many people tend to avoid talking about them....
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How Decisions in Customer Service Impact the Level of Sales and the Ultimate Profitability
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper builds up to the knowledge of the service-profit chain by analyzing how decisions in customer service within Beira Mar Mall impacts the level of sales.... The author states that customer service enhances customer satisfaction which builds a long term relationship with customers.... ... ...
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Privatization of Zain Company in Kuwait
2 pages (628 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Privatization of Zain Company in Kuwait" states that a pilot study refers to a small study test aimed at trying out data collection instruments, researching protocol, sampling recruitment strategies, as well as other research techniques needed for the larger study.... ... ... ... Pilot studies are essential in research projects and are done in order to identify would-be problem areas as well as deficiencies in the research protocols and instruments before the full implementation of the study....
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Suicide Rates of African-American Youth
7 pages (2068 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This work "Suicide Rates of African-American Youth" describes the critical health Science and social issues which is the suicide rate of African-American youth.... Suicide Rates of African-American Youth Introduction This paper deals with in-depth analysis on one of the critical health Science and social issues which is suicide rate of African-American youth.... Social Science & medicine, 74(4), 482-489....
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The Characteristics of a Market Oriented Firm and How Adoption of a Market Orientation Affect Firm Performance
13 pages (3587 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"The Characteristics of a Market Oriented Firm and How Adoption of a Market Orientation Affect Firm Performance" paper examines the characteristics of market orientation introduction and adoption in Harvard bank.... The examination subject is one of Harvard's business banks.... ... ... ... Effectively in 1990, Prahalad and Hamel (1990) recognized that in excess of 80 percent of senior administrators concurred that the advancement makes a solid wellspring of point of interest....
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Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
10 pages (3163 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29 (2), 190-202 ... Management Science, 40(1), 4-13 ... The paper "Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions" highlights that it is quite important to notice that while research is still inconclusive on the obsolescence of Hofstede's cultural index, it will become apparent when the research has completed one full circle....
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Extinction of Species
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
All around us we see technology and Science dominating us in one way or other.... The paper "Extinction of Species" accents certain costs of technological improvement that are not only subject to mankind rather all entire living beings - the birds and animals equally.... They also come in form of the threat to the natural balance of the environment and the species related to it....
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