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Importance of Nursing Theory in Nursing Profession
1 pages (369 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Importance of Nursing Theory in Nursing Profession" states that a well-defined body of theory such as Orem's Self-care nursing theory offers better patient care, guidance for research and education and enhanced professional status for nurses (Orem et al.... This can be observed as efforts by the nursing profession to keep its professional boundaries....
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Nursing reaearch
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The ambit of nursing research is indeed vast, and it includes clinical research, nursing education research, and health systems and outcomes research.... Specifically, clinical research that is founded upon behavioral, biological, and other forms of investigations, furnishes the.... n the other hand, health systems and outcomes research analyze Development of Nursing research Problem of the of the Development of Nursing research Problem The ambit of nursing research is indeed vast, and it includes clinical research, nursing education research, and health systems and outcomes research....
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Proposal Essay on Improving College Graduation Rate
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The number of students that graduate every year has particularly been a subject of interest for many.... This graduation rate.... ... ... nes the effectiveness and efficiency of an institutional organization and it can be perceived that whatever an organization does, is more or less related to the it's graduation rates....
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A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift's Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Your Name Subject/Course Date A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift One of the best examples of satire in English literature is Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal.... In the essay, he proposes that the children of the poor should be fed to the wealthy.... ... ... ... This proposal is actually plausible, however, it is quite a bit outlandish....
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Development research skill
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the increasing in the emphasis on the facts, figures and information it is required to develop the skill of primary and secondary research skill while studying business management.... inly includes the survey research, through conducting case studies, analysis of the content and focusing on the particular group(Creswell and Miller, 2000).... But this method and the types of research can be broadly classified as primary and secondary research....
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Professional Code of Ethics Analysis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "professional Code of Ethics Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the professional code of ethics.... The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is one of the renowned professional electrical and electronic organizations in the United States....
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University education guaranties a successful professional career
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he effectiveness of schools and universities in the processes of learning and excellence in academics has been the focus of study and research of numerous academic scholars (Purkey & Smith, 1983).... Education Guarantees a Successful professional Career 3rd November, 2008 ... hus, we can conclude that academic achievement aims to nurture students and aid their professional, societal and personal growth which would be beneficial to the entire community....
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English Essay : Implications Of An Ageing Society
5 pages (1731 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Economics Department Working papers no.... .... ... ... Implications of Ageing SocietyOutlineIntroductionAgeing population requires changes so that the society can grow as a whole.... How can we build a better society so that we can grow togetherThe society requires to change and adapt Population aging does Implications of Ageing Society ...
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Meaningful Use for Nurses: Implications and Recommendations
5 pages (1556 words) , Download 4 , Essay
research suggests, however, that if organizations plan for evidence based practice change, that staff will feel better able to cope and adapt their practice to meet the presented evidence (Gale & Schaffer, 2009, 97). ... research shows that nurses actually preferred the use of EHR because they believed that patient care and safety improves (Moody, Slocumb, Berg, & Jackson, 2004, 344).... research indicates that this is a long process for organizations, evidenced by the six years that the Group Health organization spent developing and working on their EHR delivery model in order to optimize the program to function efficiently (Ralston, Coleman, Reid, Handley, & Larson, 2010, 612)....
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Concept analysis paper pain
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Concept of Pain Paper Name Institution Concept of Pain Paper List any operational definitions provided in the articles The concept of pain can be used widely in professional fields.... The view of pain by both the professional and sociological fields therefore, is that it bears both the negative and positive functions (Meleis, 2011)....
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Patient Care and Clinical Expertise: Professional Goal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I also participated in various research projects, which was a gratifying experience because it kept me updated about the innovative and effective strategies in patient management.... I chose Master's in Public health with epidemiology as a major subject to acquire knowledge about various research and statistical tools.... worked as a research assistant in the cardiology division and assisted Dr J.... Varghese and Dr Mercader in the research related to the role of bi-ventricular pacemakers in CHF patients....
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Management research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author makes use of deep research and clarity in explaining the ideas in the project.... Additionally, the depth of the research also makes the paper look good.... The authors appear to have targeted experts in his field of research, locking out those interested in reading simply for general knowledge.... Choosing to focus on a broad topic affects the clarity of thought and the depth of the research done on the project.... Thus, although the researchers spent considerable efforts in conducting a thorough research, the length of the paper could not accommodate the whole research....
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Importance of Communication to Criminal Justice Professionals
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In order for criminal justice professionals to play their role effectively in the criminal justice profession, it is important for them to communicate effectively.... Through it, they are capable of understanding their work better.... They are capable of assisting people with.... ... ... This paper is a critical evaluation of the importance of communication to criminal justice professionals....
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Collaboration Skills for School Professionals
9 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research shows that the consequence of this particular solution is that if not taken care of, the student may start performing poorly in his favorite subject together with the units he performs poorly in. ... A writer of the essay "Collaboration Skills for School Professionals" discusses te point that the team of teachers is supposed to be flexible in order to accommodate opinions from other members to enable them to come up with the best solutions....
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Police Stop and Search Powers
11 pages (3192 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(2001) 9(1) European Journal on Criminal Policy and research, 71-93.... 4 However, subsequent research reveals that the practice of disproportionate stopping and searching of ethnic minorities have continued with insignificant modifications.... (2000) HMO Police research Series, Paper 131: 1-109....
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Research Based Practice
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Such gives them the ability of conducting research in literature regarding.... This includes evaluation of the different scenarios and Nursing Nursing In the workplace, research-based practice is applied in different forms.... Such gives them the ability of conducting research in literature regarding the best means of offering health care to the immediate population.... This creates foundation for the improvement of the research process in order to achieve the anticipated results of the research work....
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Nursing Research Appraisal
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
According to Schneider, Elliott, LoBiondo-wood and Haber (2003), qualitative research is carried out between researcher and research participants through direct relationship.... This paper is a research appraisal of the article by Rycroft-Malone J, Harvey G, Seers K, Kitson A, M Mccormack B & Cormack Titchen A published in Journal of Clinical Nursing.... The research has been designed as to provide for a basis for future studies and researches in this field, as the question of implementing evidence into practice is a relevant problem in the field of nursery....
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What is Action Research
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper will discuss as to what action research is, what its various stages are and how it can actually be used in real life by citing different examples.... Action research is known by different names and is considered as a collective and collaborative effort for problem solving.... ction research Introduction Action research is known by different s and is considered as a collective and collaborative effort for problem solving....
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Week 5 -: The Professional Portfolio- Career Development
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Simply speaking, professional portfolio is a set of a person's skills, qualifications, achievements and realized projects that characterize this person as a professional in some particular.... Generally, it is a combination of previous professional experience of a person and his/her personal and professional qualifications. ... e can say that professional portfolio is a snapshot of a person.... Using it, an The professional Portfolio- Career Development To begin with we would like to explain meaning of the term “professional portfolio”....
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Cultural Reflection Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Term Paper
This should indicate to a nursing professional that such a person will need to be consulted with in terms of the treatment or intervention that they will be comfortable with and also prove effective at the same time.... In dealing with a client of this particular culture, a nursing professional might have to decide which intervention strategy would be the most effective.... For a traditional Muslim man with specific wants, needs, and values, the best intervention method would likely be referring the patient to another health care professional and taking the case management route if the client appears to be increasingly dissatisfied with the current situation....
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What it means to be a professional in the military (army)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This is a discussion on what it means to be a professional in the military. ... Professionalism in the military calls for deep What It Means To Be a professional in the Military Introduction Military is arguably one of the most difficult, challenging, and demanding careers.... This is a discussion on what it means to be a professional in the military.... It is practically impossible to uphold the acceptable standards in any professional without understanding the underlying principles....
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Professional Practice, Education, And Freedom In American Universities
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An annotated bibliography containing a summary of 20 different research papers in this field will be provided. ... The research on different ways and means of applying information technology to assist the disabled students is necessary.... Also a critical and extensive research about the rules and regulations adapted by different schools and how they promote or hinder the application of information communication technology will be done.... The study will involve (a)the research of different rules and regulations adapted by different schools and how they promote or hinder the application of information communication technology (ICT), This will be done through the administering of a questionnaire....
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Evaluate research methodologies used in VoIP research
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Pervez & Kjell (2005) defines as: “we must ourselves collect the data that are relevant to our particular study and research problem.... he research method used is quite susceptible to various faults as security is not discussed in detail and more emphasis is given to VoIP protocols for their illustration....
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Marketing research paper (marketing major required)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Integrated marketing communication has been defined by the American Association of Advertising as a concept of marketing communication planning that recognizes.... ... ... sales, promotion, advert, public relation etc.... In integrated marketing communication, we have both traditional and integrated marketing....
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Nutrition and Fitness Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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Being physically fit does not mean that one needs to exercise like a professional body builder or like an Olympic athlete, as they are.... ... ... We as working professionals cannot spend so much time on exercises but at the same time we cannot accept our sedentary life style as it can lead to obesity, weight problems, heart attacks and so on....
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Research of management systems
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Date Characterization research of Management Systems Introduction A management system is an extremely broad concept.... Essentially, two or more instances of action intended to affect an entity or process can be regarded as a management system.... ... ... ... However the context of this discussion marginalizes the reference to management systems to systems of managing organizational elements....
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Critiquing nursing research
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
37) asserts research is, ‘rigorous and systematic enquiry conducted on a scale and using methods commensurate with the issue to be investigated, and designed to lead to more.... The original research topic question was “For women who suffer stress incontinence in hospital or the community what is the best In order to answer the above question the background questions were created, for example what is stress incontinence?...
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Business IT A Professional Issues Group Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Future research should focus on how guidelines are best implemented in routine practice, since conventional strategies are not displaying any substantial improvement in their impact on patients.... ID: 10916 Order 197030 December 26, 2007 Business IT- A professional Issues Group Report The increased cost of consultation, examination, and treatment is driving people to seek online health advisory, particularly of illnesses necessitating a prolonged medication....
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Museum Research Paper: DuSable Museum of African American History
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Of most significance to me is the Red, White, Blue, and Black: A History of Museum research Paper: Dusable Museum of African American History The DuSable Museum of African American History standsout as the oldest central African American autonomous museum labelled to gather, interpret, and reserve the experiences, achievements, and African American history....
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Nursing Profession
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
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Research proposal nursing
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
For ischemia of soft tissue to come about, the pressure in the external part of the body must exceed the pressure in the capillaries so as to obstruct the flow of blood.... The minimum pressure for which the capillaries would close is about 32mmHg.... .... ... ... Despite the fact, that high pressure interface is a factor that is pertinent; the duration of time that is on promoting skin integrity would also play a significant part....
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The Statement of Research Interests
5 pages (1274 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Statement of research Interests" discusses Chinese vernacular journals that were blooming in the early 1900s.... ment of research Interests Shuk Man Leung ?... School of Oriental and African Studies, London My research interests lie in the fields of twentieth century Chinese literature, Chinese print and media culture, sinophone literature, modernity, cultural production and theories of ideology.... Currently I have two main themes in my research: (a) how do underlying concepts of Chinese literary modernity be ideologically constructed in particular historical context....
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The Roles and Functions of a Professional Nurse
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
I want to be able to continue doing research so that I am able to help others in need.... The author of the paper "The Roles and Functions of a professional Nurse" operates mainly based on a question which can be stated as follow: What do you believe are the roles and functions of a professional nurse and how do you envision fulfilling these roles and functions at program completion?... The roles of a professional nurse are to have high standards to embrace the ill patient who is in need of healthcare....
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Research on Tenured Teachers in the School System
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the paper 'research on Tenured Teachers in the School System' the author analyzes the pros and cons of the teacher tenure in the school system to identify the major arguments that this problem raises currently.... research on Tenured Teachers in the School System Education is essentially one of the most important areas of human activities.... This essay will aim to research the pros and cons of the teacher tenure in the school system to identify the major arguments that this problem raises currently....
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Results of Dressing Style: A True Revelation of the Personality
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The idea of good dressing is quite prevalent in humans and this essay is being written in order to highlight and clarify the importance of professional dressing in the corporate world (Costello pp.... Student Name Professor Name Paper Date Prewriting Results of Dressing Style: A True Revelation of the Personality Introduction The idea of good dressing is quite prevalent in humans and this essay is being written in order to highlight and clarify the importance of professional dressing in the corporate world (Costello pp....
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General Style of Writing
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Finally, I combine simplicity with insightfulness to ensure that the fact that I try to keep the structure and content of my papers simple does not take away from them the in-depth of explanations that the arguments deserve.... Since the beginning of the semester, there have been a number of academic assignments and tasks that have caused me t put up different writing responsibilities....
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Education: Evaluating the Research of others
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Both papers were published within the last three years and represent aspects of current thinking on this topic.... This paper concludes with a personal reflection presenting my own views on the two papers, and how useful I anticipate they will be in my future professional career.... The sample sizes of 1000 to 2000 in these papers entail a lot of analysis work, but they do give some confidence that the results have wider significance.... , papers from the Nordic Workshop on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Gothenburg, pp....
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The New Professional Discipline of Ethnography
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reporter underlines that the new professional discipline of ethnography very often requires the tedious study of a group of people by spending a lot of time with them, hoping to gain some good insights into their way of life which might prove useful in other societies.... .... ...
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Business and Professional Ethics
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
As the paper "Business and professional Ethics" tells, ethics is a discipline that mainly deals with what is good or bad with moral duty and obligation (Schneeman, 2000, p.... Business & professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants.... 198).... Simply, ethics can be defined as moral principles that guide the behavior of an individual or a corporation....
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Personal and Professional Development for Business
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Management education helps shape the attitudes and behaviour of business leaders through a number of ways; the most prominent way in which management education does this is through business education, research and management programmes.... Unlike management, science entails the development of systematic knowledge through empirical research that is justifiable.... The idea of developing capacity for people already involved in management through management training and professional development in management schools is noble, but to purport creating managers out of inexperienced individuals in a classroom is sham (Mintzberg 2004, p....
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How to Write an Essay - Should Euthanasia Be Approved By-Law
1 pages (380 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "How to Write an Essay - Should Euthanasia Be Approved By-Law" discusses that a good essay never encourages personal opinions in the body but it takes into account ground realities through proper research.... The essay then develops around this thesis statement scanning all pros and cons....
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Important Skills for Future Education
1 pages (282 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Without proofreading, my papers turn into something my reader can't understand.... Even though this isn't as high pressure as the situations I will be under as a practicing nurse, writing good essays for college classes teaches me skills for when I do need to make decisions to save lives.... That can be dangerous in the nursing profession and can threaten both my college and professional careers....
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Research Project-Methodology: The nursing shortage - NHS
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
According to research, there have been fluctuations in the number of nurses leading to wither inadequacy or overflow in nurse supply.... According to research, the health sector is one of the areas that Nurses are a valuable resource in the health sector and form part of the most important staff in the health sector.... This research report gives a detailed analysis of each of the impacts and gives the necessary precaution measures that will curb this problem....
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General science journal/research/argumentative paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Studies on the validity of the big bang theory have created divisions in the society making scholars develop divergent opinion concerning the application of theories while explaining the origin of the universe.... The scholarly body houses both proponents and the opponents of the.... ... ... According to Fox (203), the divisions are attributable to the differences when understanding the formation of the universe....
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Ethical Research Concerns on Criminal Justice and Security Management
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
As a result this forces the researching body to strike a balance between the scientific expectations and standards of his/her research and the human right issues that may result in violation of criminal justice system.... In this regard, this paper tries to understand Ethical research concerns on Criminal Justice.... It has more intricate cultures such as professional art, literature, organized religion and complex customs associated with the elite....
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Research Designs and Methods
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ajor decisions of corporations, countries and even individuals, if taken without the backing of facts and research can often lead to costly mistakes – sometimes irreversible.... The author concludes that the use of scientific research is invaluable to our understanding of our world.... Critical Essay on research Designs and Methods. ... cientific research often seems like a tedious task to the lay man since it requires dedication, standardisation, and a structured approach....
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The Social Work Profession
7 pages (2122 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The ability to conduct ample research, promote social justice, and gain knowledge about life course development are the most important aspects of social work.... The most fundamental skill required of the social worker is the ability to conduct qualitative and quantitative research and build experience in research methodology.... A competent social worker is able to excavate the intangible characteristics of the client lifestyle, including social and family dynamics, historical patterns of relationships during development and early adulthood, and comparisons of existing case study research on what outcomes are known to be most effective for anti-social members of society (as three relevant examples)....
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Research and argue a problem/ solution or cause/effect paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
McFarlin and Fals-Stewart (17-21) conducted a research on 280 participants employed in a large company in Northeastern U.... They stated in their research that, “A significant relationship was found between alcohol use and workplace absences; workers were, roughly 2 times more likely to be absent from work the day after alcohol was consumed” (17).... This research shed light upon the workplace culture of Northeastern states like Boston, and clearly shows that workplace alcoholism has a direct influence upon a worker's job performance and attendance....
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Benefits of Recycling Paper
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A lot of papers are wasted after being used.... A lot of papers are wasted after being used.... This is normally a threat to the environment especially if the papers are left to be blown away by wind which spreads them all over the land.... This is because the more the papers disposed, the more the number of trees needed to manufacture more papers.... This is a significant service to the environment since the sludge ends up choking the soil as well as causing water pollution once papers get access in to water reservoirs and rivers....
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Strengths and Weaknesses of Professional Development
8 pages (2229 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The paper "Strengths and Weaknesses of professional Development" states that success is an intangible asset that is very difficult to measure and rate.... and Section # of Self Analysis and professional Development Plan "The journey to wholeness requires that you look honestly, openly, and with courage into yourself, into the dynamics that lie behind what you feel, what you perceive, what you value, and how you act1.... With the help of this ability, I am able to keep my personal problems away from the professional life....
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