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University education guaranties a successful professional career - Essay Example

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Walt Disney said, "All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them," and education is a tool which equips individuals with the power of knowledge coupled and the will to achieve success in the world. …
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University education guaranties a successful professional career
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Education Guarantees a Successful Professional Career 3rd November, 2008 Walt Disney said, "All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them," and education is a tool which equips individuals with the power of knowledge coupled and the will to achieve success in the world. The primary reason why students opt for university education for the successful completion of the degree programs which are an important milestone in the academic achievements of students. The attainments of these programs enable students to establish themselves firmly on the path to an enterprising career. University education is the ideal way to achieve success as the achievement of good grades and a sound degree ensures the route to a successful career in future life. Achievement in academics tends to be the sole motive of students the world over and the aims of academic achievement are by and large similar in most educational organizations. Educators stress on the importance of academic achievement in university education, stating that it is the most crucial way of establishing a student firmly on his path to a successful career. But, is that all Is that the only aim of university education No, it is not. There are a multitude of reasons why university education has gained such importance in today's world. Rational and logical thinking have always been associated with learned and educated people. Excellence in education opens the mind of students to think rationally about the issues surrounding life in any situation. As a result, a rational thinker tends display sensitivity towards the different perspectives on delicate issues. Education opens the mind of an individual to think about the issues surrounding life in any situation. A rational thinker tends display sensitivity towards the different perspectives on several issues and positive attitudes in life. Cultural sensitivity and the development of necessary skills can be attained by education. Education is indeed a powerful tool in the hands of students and has immense value in today's rapidly changing global world. The aim of college or university education is not to merely gain bookish knowledge; it develops and enhances the ability of an individual to think and perceive the various situations that life offers. The cognitive development and progress of the mental ability due to education will obviously have a positive impact on the culture and society in which I co-exist. Thus, education ensures the social development of not only the individual but also the culture and society with which am closely related, enabling graduated and educated students to work towards a better tomorrow, not only for themselves but also the society in which they function. Educational institutions and educators can proudly claim to have achieved academic excellence when their students develop positive attitudes in life. The aim of academics is not to merely gain bookish knowledge; it develops and enhances the ability of an individual to think and perceive the various situations that life offers. The cognitive development and progress of the mental ability of the academician will obviously have a positive impact on the culture and society in which he/she survives. Thus, academic excellence ensures the social development of not only the individual but also the culture with which he/ she is closely related to. The primary drivers of academic achievement are the educators and the educational institutions. The role and importance of responsible families and parents, however, cannot be undermined. Edmunds (1979) pointed on the role of the teachers and their expectations in setting high standards for student accomplishments. There has to be a greater emphasis on making the student aware of the importance of reading and writing at all stages of learning. Regular feedback regarding the progress of the student, not only to the students but also the parents, is known to play an important factor in academic excellence. In order that individuals and students develop academically cultured values and perspectives, the 'climate' and atmosphere of the institutes in which they study has to be conducive. Maintenance of order and discipline by the authorities enables students to develop a sense of responsibility and value for ethics and morals in their educational as well as their societal life. The effectiveness of schools and universities in the processes of learning and excellence in academics has been the focus of study and research of numerous academic scholars (Purkey & Smith, 1983). Cohen (2006) elucidates that the subjective experience, which a student/academician acquires, plays an important role in academic progress. Besides the teaching patterns, there are other dimensions which enable successful academic achievement among students. The list includes the dimensions of school environment, educational structure of the, methods of teaching and learning, interpersonal relationships between students and tutors, effective boosting of morale and motivation, (not only among the academicians but also the educators) and last but not the least, the partnerships between the university and the students, by way of communication and mutual support to encourage excellence in academics. A responsive climate, which involves students and teachers in the process of education, has a positive effect in the educational as well as the social development of the student. Positive feedbacks regarding progress of students, from teachers have been known to benefit the child in more ways than one. Not only do they provide the necessary encouragement and motivation, but they also go a ling way in building a positive and self-confident personality. Thus, we can conclude that academic achievement aims to nurture students and aid their professional, societal and personal growth which would be beneficial to the entire community. Education is crucial in today's life to building a positive and self-confident personality to walk that extra mile. Educational and academic achievement has the power to nurture individuals and aid their professional, societal and personal growth which in turn would be beneficial to the entire community. Anthony Robbins has said, "It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute... that gives meaning to our lives." University education grants students the ability and the capability to build and work towards a better tomorrow, an honest tomorrow, a clean tomorrow. It enables them to take the road less traveled and make a difference to the community. References Cohen, J., 2006. Social, emotional, ethical and academic education: Creating a climate for learning, participation in democracy and well-being. Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 76, No. 2. Edmunds, R (1979). Effective schools for the urban poor. Educational Leadership, 37. Purkey, S., and Smith, M., 1983. Effective schools: a review. The Elementary School Journal, 83(4), 427-452. Read More
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