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The Theory of Experience Economy on the Basis of Building Theme Hotel
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The main aim of this research is to explore the perception of the branded hotel in a global world.... It further explores the cultural preference and distinction of these branded hotels.... From a corporate strategy viewpoint, a well-managed hotel brand tends to gain increasing market share in the industry....
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Models Explaining Socioeconomic Advantage in Education
10 pages (2912 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Models Explaining Socioeconomic Advantage in Education" highlights that learners who come from the higher classes that are economically well off will tend to perform better since parents will tend to discuss their jobs at the dinner table and during general family times.... ... ... ... Socioeconomic advantage as a factor that influences learner achievement is a concept that has been controversial....
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The Practice and Impact of Advertising on Consumer Perception of Body Shop Plc Company
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper contains a research proposal which aims to define the concept and practice of media advertising in the context of Body Shop Plc.... to establish current models and reported best practice in the advertising and to investigate consumer perception of Body Shop Plc's advertising strategy.... ...
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The Impact of Mentoring on Beginning Teachers Schools
37 pages (9643 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The study "The Impact of Mentoring on Beginning Teachers Schools" evaluates to what extent do the North Carolina Teacher Support Program positively affects new teacher success.... The retention rate among new teachers and student achievements can increase if new teachers receive well-trained mentors....
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How Lying Affects Peoples Lives
11 pages (3358 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"How Lying Affects People's Lives" paper explores how lying affects people's lives in relation to their health, relationships, and overall wellbeing.... This research design employs different interpretative techniques which focus on decoding and interpreting research issues so as to create meaning....
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Energy Resources Management and Sustainable Development
9 pages (2293 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Energy Resources Management and Sustainable Development" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal.... Natural energy resource management and sustainable development are intertwined; in other words, one leads to the other.... For the two principles to be well understood they must be examined together....
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Strategic Decisions to in Changing Circumstances in Tesco Plc Companies
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The report is based on Tesco Plc because of the nature of the industry in which it operates where the company has to look into the demand of the customers.... The characteristics of the changing environment suggest that the company should continuously engage in innovation promoting new products and services....
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Effects of Sleep on GPA
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper posits to provide a platform for further research concerning the effects of sleep on GPA.... This paper will draw from an anthology of articles and studies on the feasible relationship between GPA and sleep, and the prevalence of sleep disorders in college students.... ... ... ... This research proposal is motivated by the evident predicament of sleep disorders observed in college students, and the resultant effects this has on the students' academic performance....
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Performance and Guanxi Effect on Job Security to Reduce Turnover Intention in Saudi Arabia
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This essay talks that organisations are often created with the aim of achieving its intended goals and objectives in the most effective and efficient manner.... Different places have various cultures that greatly influence an organization's practices and other important management functions.... ....
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Integrative Research Project ( Samsung Co. ) Research proposal and Plan
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal is designed to study the possible issues affecting the Samsung Company performance and the possible improvement approaches.... pecifically, the report aims to study how issues related to company internal control system, company financial analysis and company.... ... ... This is because issues to do with financial accounting are delicate and if not well managed can interfere with the annual performance of any business....
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Are Staff Training Interventions Effective in Handling and Reducing the Frequency and Intensity of Patient Aggression
10 pages (2811 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Are Staff Training Interventions Effective in Handling and Reducing the Frequency and Intensity of Patient Aggression?... is a thoughtful example of a research proposal on nursing.... Patient aggression is a serious issue that affects the morale of workers in many nursing institutions....
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Corporate Social Responsibility - China Ocean Shipping Company
13 pages (4004 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This proposal "Corporate Social Responsibility - China Ocean Shipping Company" examines and analyzes the impact of the economic crisis on the corporate social responsibility of firms.... However, as the research topic is broad therefore the researcher has a specific focus on COSCO Greece.... ... ...
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Investigating Factors Contributing to Prison Overcrowding in the USA
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Investigating Factors Contributing to Prison Overcrowding in the USA" discusses that inmates in a crowded environment experience severe health-related issues.... Additionally, to make this worse, there is a lack of continuity of medical attention once an individual enters prison.... .... ...
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Childhood Obesity and the Rise of Healthcare
33 pages (9094 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Childhood Obesity and the Rise of Healthcare" seeks to answer the following questions: What are the causes of obesity among children?... What are the different effective interventions for childhood obesity?... This study shall be a retrospective descriptive study of childhood obesity....
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The Sampling Strategy in the Research Proposal
2 pages (660 words) , Download 28 , Research Proposal
From the paper "The Sampling Strategy in the Research Proposal" it is clear that generally, the sample is within the recommended range of at least 30 subjects on a single variable, which should also include an anticipated attrition rate of 10-15% in a study.... ... ... ... The number of participants in this research proposal is 500 critically ill adults in the ICU undergoing mechanical ventilation....
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How Technology Has Impacted Patterns of Communication Between Parents and Children
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The paper will then present a research question and hypothesis from where it will proceed to categorically investigated literature review.... The paper will then draw a framework of research will carried and finally end with an explicit conclusion.... .... ... ... According to the paper compared to the pre-industrial era, the current society exists in an error of disintegration and erosion of social values....
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Research Paper proposal & annotated bibliography
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Vietnam War was one such instance where American traded values with numerous other countries globally.... The media played an integral role in the spread of the cultural values to the American populace.... ... ... ... he successful infiltration of a unified culture characterized by drug use and flamboyant lifestyles was a perfect portrayal of the media's roles and ability in enhance the spread of such factors....
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Environmental Impacts of Bottled Water Research Proposal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 14 , Research Proposal
The research paper will focus on and try to discusse the environmental impacts associated with the production and distribution of plastic bottled water.... The bottled water can have several effects on the environment and rampant use would have enormous consequences.... ... ... ... According to the paper, Environmental Impacts of Bottled Water Research Proposal, determination of the related impacts is of interest and can help contain any negative consequences before proceeding to uncontrollable levels....
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Student Perceptions of Reflective Practice
24 pages (9293 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Student Perceptions of Reflective Practice" critically analyzes the concepts of online education and its prominence in recent years and the concept of reflective practice.... It analyzes current studies and research reports that contain student perspectives on reflective learning.... ...
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Mandatory Preceptor and Mentoring Classes for Clinical Nurses
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Throughout history, it has been known that nurses play an important role in the healthcare of patients.... The main objective of this research is to investigate how do mandatory preceptor and mentoring classes for clinical nurses help decrease the number of nurses being burnt out.... ... ... ... It would be superfluous to mention that the healthcare system has always had more work than the personnel to take care of the patients....
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Corruption in Western Australia
11 pages (3589 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Corruption in Western Australia " discusses that it is suggestive that any abuse of position by the police officer constitutes corruption.... According to Carl Klockers, the corruption of police is entirely the corruption of the trust placed in them by the state.... ... ... ... Police corruption has become an endemic in the law enforcement sector in Western Australia as well as police agencies worldwide....
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Enhancing Instruction of the English Language in the United States
19 pages (5011 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This paper will identify the crucial factors that will help bridge the gap between the deficiencies and the desired state of ESL instruction in the United States.... The main problem of this study is: What are the crucial factors that will determine the success ESL instruction in the United States?...
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Corporate Social Responsibility in the Social Responsibility Performance of Organizations
29 pages (8418 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research " Corporate Social Responsibility in the Social Responsibility Performance of Organizations" deals with the factors that play a crucial role in the growing negative reaction towards CSR.... This presents the current discussions regarding CSR and, provides the theoretical framework.... ...
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Research Proposal: Clinical Leadership for Paramedics
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
They must make decisive actions each and every day that quite literally mean the difference between life and death.... As such, they need to be leaders and be willing make the difficult decisions that are required until they can get patients the.... ... ... Clinical leadership entails people who are willing to engage and motivate other healthcare professionals towards a culture of excellence in all that they do....
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Comparison of UAE Law and International Law on Children Rights Protection
13 pages (3628 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper titled "Comparison of UAE Law and International Law on Children Rights Protection" discusses the protection of the rights of children by comparing how the UAE and international laws advocate for the protection of children's rights.... ... ... ... Before international laws came into force, many national legal frameworks considered children, lunatics, and married women as legally incompetent beings and as a result, needed not to enjoy their basic human rights or any form of protection....
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Home Automation Using Wireless Sensor Networks and Biosensors
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Home Automation Using Wireless Sensor Networks and Biosensors' seeks to evaluate home automation, which refers to the use of systems that use different technologies to equip parts of the home with a more intelligent monitoring and remote control.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that home automation has been in the scientific literature for several decades and only became a reality in the early 20th century after the rapid connection of electricity in homes and rapid technological advancements in the information technology sector....
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as an Intervention for New Mothers Postpartum Depression
19 pages (5933 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
"Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as an Intervention for New Mothers' Postpartum Depression" paper aims to test if Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) will be effective in helping women to deal with post partum depression (PPS) and attachment with their newborn infants.... ... ... ... Thirty (30) women in the first trimester of gestation will be recruited from a local clinic to participate in this study....
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The Impact of Antibody Developed for the Prevention of Acute GVHD upon B Lymphocyte Function
13 pages (2782 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Impact of Antibody Developed for the Prevention of Acute GVHD upon B Lymphocyte Function' is a well-turned example of the medical science research proposal.... Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to replace the damaged cells to produce new cells that can perform the same functions as the damaged ones....
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Effectiveness of Full Day Kindergarten
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Effectiveness of Full Day Kindergarten,' the author has justified the theory that minds of very young children are the most eager to adopt new knowledge and skills.... Thus, during these years, it is best to exert efforts in developing the cognitive, emotional, social and psychomotor skills....
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Critical Factors in the Success and Failure of Search-Based Advertising
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The paper "Critical Factors in the Success and Failure of Search-Based Advertising" explores the market structure of search-based online advertising and economic aspects of it.... The aim of the paper is to be able to explore and acknowledge how SBV advertisers should exploit this mode of advertising....
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American Capitalism and Empire in Iraq
16 pages (4275 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research paper 'American Capitalism and Empire in Iraq' investigates the historical background of the decision to invade Iraq.... The years have been chosen because this time period has been dominated by the Iraq war.... The American administration started the beginning of a new form of imperialism....
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Pressure Ulcer among Geriatrin Patients in Long Term Care
15 pages (3942 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Pressure Ulcer among Geriatrin Patients in Long Term Care" states that throughout one's experiences as a nurse there will always be situations involving other nurses that raise ethical questions.... A nurse cannot be ethically responsible and ignore the unethical conduct of colleagues....
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Sickle cell disease
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
Sickle Cell Disease: The Various Nursing Intervention Approaches to Decrease Pain among Patients in Kendall Regional Hospital In-Patient Section -Abstract Pain is one of the most important characteristic of sickle cell disease.... .... ... ... While prevalent to certain race origins, the treatment of, control and reduction of pain among SCD patients has become an integral approach towards delivery of equitable health care services....
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
This study aims to test if Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) will be effective in helping women to deal with post partum depression (PPS) and attachment with their newborn infants.... .... ... ... Cognitive Behavioral Therapy As an Intervention for New Mothers' Postpartum Depression and Difficulties with Attachment to Their Newborns....
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The Relationship between Motivation and Performance of Call Centre Agents at a Telecommunications Industry
12 pages (3640 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper under the following headline ''The Relationship between Motivation and Performance of Call Centre Agents at a Telecommunications Industry" focuses on the fact that call centre agents' have always been important to the success of the call centre.... The salary contribute to about 70% of the cost of running a call centre....
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Knowledge Management as the Key to Employee-Learning and Productivity: Indian Micro-financial Institutions
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The present study examines how effective is knowledge management in an organization to foster innovation and enhance labor productivity within the organization.... The present study also examines the effectiveness of knowledge management system among micro-finance institutions in India.... .... ...
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Research prosposal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The inequality between the poor and the rich is plainly apparent in higher education, where dwindling financial help, elevated costs and underfunded educational opportunity plans have made acquiring a college degree ever more hard.... Numerous students from low-income backgrounds.... ... ... However, remaining in these institutions frequently presents an even larger challenge....
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Research Proposal for Graphic Novels
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In this research paper, the researcher intends to investigate the values and significance of satirical graphic novels to primary education in the U.... .... The main aim is to validate the legitimacy and importance of satirical graphic novels to primary education in.... ... ... Recent research shows the adverse effects of satirical graphic novels in the American primary education....
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Recommendation letters/support letters for a research grant proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
To whosoever it may concern Dr.... Kerrie Adams has been working as ‘Fellow and Instructor' in the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, OSHU since October, 2010.... She has been making invaluable contribution in the areas of urogynecology and women's pelvic floor dysfunctions....
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The Psycho-Emotional Effects of Gender Inequality in the Workplace
10 pages (2859 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "The Psycho-Emotional Effects of Gender Inequality in the Workplace" details a study aimed at studying the impact on the psycho-emotional state of people of gender inequality in the workplace.... ... ... ... The results shall determine gender differences in job perceptions and the psychological and emotional effects of such perceptions on the workers' performance and motivation....
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Behavior Modification
13 pages (3345 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Behavior Modification" tells that behavior modification is an extremely valuable tool in helping our young people to prevent unwanted behaviors that they may exhibit.... This is provided if this behavior is not captured, which can become serious and triggering.... These children can be difficult to control....
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Behavior Modification of Students
13 pages (3345 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Behavior Modification of Students" highlights that parents invest most of their energy with the child in the child's first long periods.... In that sense, they are better positioned to establish a connection that will allow them to win the child's admiration.... ... ... ... Instrumentation and implementation of the participant are the main setbacks to internal validity....
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Therapeutic Occupation and Intervention for a Group of Clients
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Therapeutic Occupation and Intervention for a Group of Clients' identifies client group as adolescents between the ages of 10-19 suffering from autism.... Autism is associated with the impairment of brain development leading to a lack of social intercourse and communication.... ... ... ...
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Dubai Government Sector: Service Excellence Models
106 pages (35121 words) , Research Proposal
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This research proposal "Dubai Government Sector: Service Excellence Models" is about the emirates government service excellence program, that was initiated by the government in 2011, the goal of which was to improve the quality of federal government services to the citizens.... ... ... ... There is limited knowledge on the impacts of service excellence on service quality in the Dubai government sector as a result of optimized service processes and performance....
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Studying the Motivation According to the Gender
9 pages (3037 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Girls are more interested and excel better in literacy work while boys find superiority in mathematics and the three core sciences --- biology, chemistry and Physics.... This paper "Studying the Motivation According to the Gender" suggests the research of direction to increase the academic achievement of children by studying their motivation based on their age and gender....
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Perceptions of the Advantages of Inclusive Classrooms
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Perceptions of the Advantages of Inclusive Classrooms,' the author analyzes inclusive education, which has been one of the recent developments in the education sector in our country.... Such a development was first seen in Article 23 of the 1989 United Nations Convention.... ... ... ...
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Establishing a Fast Food Retail Outlet in the UK
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim of the current study 'Establishing a Fast Food Retail Outlet in the UK' is to investigate the branding and customer satisfaction trends among the best fastfood retailers in the UK and to put forth recommendations on setting up one's own fast food retail outlet.... ... ... ... The purpose of carrying out secondary research is to have a clearer and more comprehensive background of the topic at hand....
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Personality and Executive Functioning
15 pages (4220 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Personality and Executive Functioning' aims at investigating if the relationship exists and the connecting factors.... It utilizes existing literature and recent data from empirical findings.... The findings of the paper are instrumental in adding the knowledge of the existing findings....
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Developing Practice in Radiography and Computed Tomography
10 pages (2853 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Medical Physics.... "Developing Practice in Radiography and Computed Tomography" paper identifies the current practices and analyzes the future scope of CR and DR in the healthcare industry when enhancing the outcome of care.... In this regard, to achieve the stated aim of the study, specific objectives have been framed....
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Smart Guns and Their Role in Light Weapons Trafficking in Nigeria
13 pages (4041 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Smart Guns and Their Role in Light Weapons Trafficking in Nigeria" analyzes the operational advantages of smart guns in controlling unauthorized gun use.... The research will then assess how these advantages can affect the trafficking of illicit SALWs.... .... ... ... The issue of illicit SALWs in Nigeria and the rest of West Africa has been researched by many scholars and other affected agencies because of the atrocities that have been perpetrated in this part of the world....
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