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How Lying Affects Peoples Lives - Research Proposal Example

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"How Lying Affects People’s Lives" paper explores how lying affects people’s lives in relation to their health, relationships, and overall wellbeing. This research design employs different interpretative techniques which focus on decoding and interpreting research issues so as to create meaning. …
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How Lying Affects People’s Lives Name: Unit: Course: Professor: Submission Date: PART A: How Lying Affects People’s Lives Introduction Lying is a common human behaviour that often involves a deliberate fabrication of truth with the intent to deceive. There are a wide range of reasons why people decide to lie. People tell lies due to pride, intent to manipulate others or fear of certain consequences. The consequences of lying are felt on a global scale. Over time, a number of studies have demonstrated that lying can have significant effects on people lives. Lying can affect people’s health, relationships and reputation (Harris 2013; Bok 2011). Rationale Almost everyone has told a lie or been lied to at some point in their lives. Although lying is a common human behaviour, many people generally do not give much attention to understanding how lying can affect their lives. Lying has become an accepted norm within the society. In some cases, it is even regarded as necessary or beneficial. In recent times, lying has not only become part of our political culture but also part of the culture in our corporate and educational systems (Bok 2011). For instance, studies have shown that cases of exam cheating are significantly on the rise (Perez-Pena 2012). This is evidently a symptom of a society that has not keenly taken in to consideration how lying can affect people’s lives. Therefore, there is need to examine how lying affects people’s lives. Prior Knowledge Some lies may seem harmless, however in the long-term they may become detrimental. For instance, when growing up we would ask our parents where babies come from. In most cases, they felt obliged to lie by making up stories so as to protect our innocence. Although these lies seemed innocuous, as we grew up they reinforced the belief that sometimes lying is okay. Research Design 1. Research Questions This study will seek to address the following research question; How does lying affect people’s lives? This research will explore how lying affects people’s lives in relation to their health, relationships and overall wellbeing 2. Methodology This study will employ a qualitative research design. This research design employs different interpretative techniques which focus on decoding, describing and interpreting research issues so as to create meaning (Merriam 2009). Using a qualitative research design, the study will involve the collection of primary data through questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires will be administered to 30 participants whereas interviews will be carried out with 6 participants. Both male and female participants from different cultural backgrounds will be involved in this study. Some of the key research questions that participants will be asked during the study include; How do you feel after discovering that a close friend or family member lied to you? In what ways do you think lying has affects your relationships? Do you believe there are harmless lies? In what ways do you think lying has affects your overall wellbeing? Does lying make you feel stressed or anxious? In what ways do you think lying has affects your health? Proposed Research Outcomes This study hopes to create awareness on how lying affects people’s lives in relation to their health, relationships and overall wellbeing. Additionally, by conducting this study I hope to enhance my research skills in conducting interviews, collecting and analyzing data. Literature Review RESOURCE-Outline of literature review Topic: How Lying Affects People’s Lives Title: -Lying, moral choice in public and private life. -Lying Type of Resource: Book How did you find the resource? Online search Harvard reference: Bok, S 2011, Lying, moral choice in public and private life, Knopf Doubleday Publishing, New York. Harris, M 2013, Lying, Four Elephant Press, London Relevant to Research Question(s): How lying affects people’s lives in relation to their health, relationships and overall wellbeing? Key points of relevance to this Research Question (in note –point form): Examine the effects of lying in both the private and public domain Explores the effects of lying on relationships, health and well-being of society. Results Q - Do you believe lies are harmless? This graph illustrates a data gathered via questionnaire and interviews from college students. From the data, the majority of the participants neither take lies to be harmless or harmful (neutral). Additionally, relatively high percentage felt the question was relatively untrue of what they believe in regarding lies being harmless where else a smaller percentage than that felt that the question was true of what they believe; that lies are harmless. Depaulo, (et al., 2004 p147) the mixed reactions to the question can be explained following the fact that lies can be taken positively or negatively by the person lying pertaining something. Also, religion, legal institutions and other life forming structures play a greater deal in people’s minds to either term a lie as harmful or harmless. From diary studies carried out among adults and college students; lying is a daily life facts. From the researches, on average a person tells a single lie per day. People think that the lies are not that serious, do not plan for them in most cases and neither do they worry much that they can be caught. In most cases, the motives for people to make a lie are benign. Most people take lies to be self-serving rather than altruistic; although studies show that in every four lies told one was made to benefit others, and for psychological reasons rather than for crass personal advantage reasons. This can be coiled to the findings to explain why there was a high number with mixed reactions regarding lies. If liar feel that the act may undermine their integrity may unlikely to do it or if cultural stereotypes on liars is so high such a person may feel grieved on lying and find lies harmful (Depaulo, et al., 2004 p148). However, simple lies compared to serious lies have different weighty of the experiences by liars. To others, white lies would be harmless compared to a foreseen moral truth (Ericsson, 2004 p121). Q - How does lying make you feel? Rate your feel from 1 to 5: Field Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation Variance Count Bottom 3 Box Top 3 Box Uncomfortable: Comfortable 1.00 4.00 2.13 1.05 1.11 24 91.67% 45.83% Don't care: Care 2.00 5.00 3.32 1.06 1.13 22 68.18% 77.27% Sad: Happy 1.00 4.00 2.23 0.95 0.90 22 95.45% 50.00% Weaker: Stronger 1.00 5.00 2.77 1.00 0.99 22 86.36% 77.27% From the data gathered, lying is seen to bring out a feeling that is either positive or negative almost as close to one side of the coin and the other. With an SD of 0.95-1.06, the standard deviation is approximately normal indicating that many people experience almost a mixed reaction regarding what they feel when they lie. According to DePaulo, (n.d. p9) on participant diaries for both adults and college students analysis indicated that when telling lies the participants were uncomfortable as compared to their feeling prior to that. Additionally, the discomfort levels was noted to be slight when the participants were lying. Further, though small impact of uncomfortable felt, it left a mark within their minds for a while. The participants seemed undisturbed by their lies during the act. They, however, reported feeling a great degree of distress when lying than before the episode with overall low levels of their discomfort realized. There was no much planning to lying, neither thought the lies were serious and nor felt they feared being caught (Depaulo, n.d. p6). Further, participants regardless of the weighty of the lies they never felt at ease when telling lies explaining why most lies were told to people out of sight like over the phone, than face-to-face (Depaulo, n.d. p6; Depaulo et al., 1996 p980). Fewer lies were told to people the participants care more about than to strangers. More lies are likely to come from irresponsible and manipulative people as they care about what other take them to be and are more extraverted. This highly correlates to the minimal deviation accrued on the feelings of the cases in this research regarding the positive and negative emotions realized on telling lies (Depaulo, n.d. p6). Q - What does lying affect the most? Rank the following from 1 to 3: Field Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation Variance Count Bottom 3 Box Top 3 Box Health 1.00 3.00 2.70 0.55 0.30 23 100.00% 100.00% Relationships 1.00 3.00 1.48 0.58 0.34 23 100.00% 100.00% Reputation 1.00 3.00 1.83 0.76 0.58 23 100.00% 100.00% The data gathered above shows that health was the most affected when it came to lies consequences. Further, the deviation accrued on health means that the data gathered was close to the mean of all other factors being examined in this case. Although lies affected relationships and reputation, health was the most affected of all, followed by relationships and reputation. Exploring this phenomenon, Brinke, Lee & Carney, (2015 p2) argues that is possible to embody dishonest acts. That means a dishonest act or participation choices are reflected in the mind, brain and the body of the person. On the other hand, psychological studies argues that fairness, altruism and truth have a positive health and psychological benefits to the actor. From research, it is said that dishonest acts occur hand in hand with distinct physiological signatures that align themselves in the body, brain and biology before, during and after a lie. Lies can be embodied under the victim’s skin; exerting deeper short and long-term effect on his/her health. And as the authors argue dishonesty behaviour is perilous for our health. Brinke, Lee & Carney, (2015 p5) Lying and other forms of dishonest acts are linked to compounded health outcomes issues. Such include, physiological regulation, and emotions zones depletion in the brain, elevated cortisol, vasoconstriction, blood pressure increase, and elevated heart rate. Further, dishonesty act not only poses negative health effects to the victim, but also to his/her significant others. That means the negative impact of lies starts with the benefactor, and thus it could concur with the findings that health was found to be the most element that is affected by lies. While, this is so, Haupt (2012) a US News writer, did report that lies and holding on lies affect mental and physical aspect of people as well as quality of relationships energy and is a contributory to stress among other negative health related outcomes. In a study working with controlled group, those who told fewer lies did report fewer mental health related disease or disorders. The author, explains this is so as honest improves relationship quality and subsequently health. Thus, truth is seen as the way forward to mental and physical health reasons. This can possibly explain the deviation obtained in health 0.55 and relationships 0.58 as in general they show how the participants found the variables correlated to lies effects. Depaulo et al., 1996 (p980).Therefore, impact brought in by lies makes lying unjustifiable as a fact of social life. Q - How are you affected after discovering that a close friend or family member lied to you? Field Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation Variance Count Bottom 3 Box Top 3 Box How are you affected after discovering that a close friend or family member lied to you? 2.00 5.00 3.87 0.80 0.64 23 30.43% 95.65% From the study, the data gathered did show that most participants had moderate effect on realizing that close family members and or friend lied to them with 48% outcome. According to Fitness, (n.d. p6), although there are wide reasons of person’s lying to their loved ones like partners, most often than not liars regard their deceptions as selflessly motivated such as not to hurt their partners or build their partners self-esteem. However, the positive agenda remains viable if not found out. This is so as women unlike men view lies of high levels of profound relational transgressions. The outcome of unmasked lies among married people is the perception of bringing shame and disrespect to the third party more so if it happens in public. Further, lies contribute greatly to the feeling of humiliation (Fitness, n.d. p7). This study, however, differs from other studies Leary et al 1998 in (Fitness, n.d. p8) that was carried on 168 students with only 20%recalling a very hurtful events pertains betrayal by dear ones. People feel relational devaluation and rejection upon realizing one party does not hold the relationship or oneself in high regard. Goman, (2013 p3) in another collection people are said to lie for various reasons; such as organizational culture drive, greed and fear. Regardless of the drive lying kills employee’s morale more so the bottom line in the workplace. In the workplace truth equips the leader with tools of piercing through the truth and equips the managers with tools suitable for tackling lies ones spotted. Coleman, (2008). Depending on the unmasked lie, the outcome can be very devastating. For instance, discovering an affair with one’s partner can be very detrimental and heartbreaking bringing what has been held as true by the other party to a question. The betrayed person may end up doubting her/his attractiveness, and question the beauty inherent in the world. Unmasked lie makes the other party feel though has been living in untrue and unreal world. According to psychologists betrayal within a romantic relationship cuts deep in the heart. Outcome From the findings, lies in most people pose a mixed feeling of being harmless and or harmful. This can be said to be triggered by the lies context and motivation, seriousness of the lie, cultural stereotypes, religion teaching and laws of the land. The feeling on lying from research and secondary information shows that liars feel quite uncomfortable when doing so, and the aftermath reactions are feelings of lowliness and distress. However, for extraverts, the reactions is likely to be different all the same. Further, lying to dear one is more disturbing than it is with a stranger. Lying was found to affect the health of the benefactor and the viewer or the person being lied to significantly. Lies destroy the mind, brain, and the general biology to greater deal compared to relationship and reputation. Secondary information did link relationship building to be the reason behind good health for those who evade lying. Lying was found to moderately affect the person lied to when they get to know. The primary research shows that most people would be moderately affected. The secondary information point to the consequence of realizing that someone you love lied to you. However, the reaction to unmasked lie was thought to differ greatly depending on the liar and third party relationship. At the end, building on truth policy would be a great solution rather than learning and embracing lying attitude. Recommendations This study was only carried on college students. It is recommended that mixed sample of people with varied relationship be carried to understand the gravity of lying. For example, married people, children and parents, workplace interaction etc. The sample size was small. Future research is recommended with a big sample size A further, research would be recommended with highly defined questions for instance, “How are you affected after discovering that a close friend or family member lied to you?” is too broad, a definite question would help understand the extremities of lying to a loved one and the particular episodes would differ. From the findings, it is recommended that for good health and relationships building, people should refrain from telling lies. Conclusion The rationale for the study was to understand how telling affects people lies. The initial part did point that telling lies has become more of a norm. Thus, the research ahead was trying to synthesize this behavior embraced by most people and understand its effect. To most participants in this study, lies present a mixed reactions they are both harmful and harmless. This can be deduced from the perception of people from religious and legal structures, to cultural stereotypes and people personalities. Lying as a moral aspects differ depending on people principles and the teaching they have. Regardless, of the weighty of a lie, lies bring in various emotions with uncomfortable, feeling low and disturbed being the main outcome. Regardless, of gravity of lies and whether is unmasked or not lies play a great deal to people’s health and undermine relationships. Thus, embracing truth policy would go an extra mile in addressing some of related mental illnesses people suffer from. The outcome of unmasked lie, makes the person lied to feel having lived an artificial life with much truth hidden. Thus, despite the reason for lying, people should work hard to avoid lies at all cost. References Bok, S 2011, Lying, moral choice in public and private life, Knopf Doubleday Publishing, New York. Brinke, L.T., Lee, J.J. & Carney, D.R. 2015. The Physiology of (Dis) Honesty: Does It Impact Health. COPSYC 149. [Online]., accessed 8/29/2016. Coleman, J. 2008. Surviving Betrayal. Greater Good in Action. [Online]., accessed 8/29/2016. Depaulo, B.M., Kirkendol, S.E., Kashy, D.A. et al., 1996. Lying in everyday life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(5):979-995. DePaulo, B.M., Ansfield, M.E., Kirkendol, S.E. et al. 2004. Serious lies. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 26(2&3): 147-167. DePaulo, B.M. n.d. The Many Faces of Lies. In Miller, A.G. (Ed) 2004. The social psychology of good and evil. NY: Guilford Press. Ericsson, S. 2004. 50 Essays of Samuel Cohen: The Ways We Lie. Bedford: St Martins. Fitness, J. n.d. Betrayal, Rejection, Revenge and Forgiveness: An Interpersonal Script Approach. In: Leary, M (ed) 2001. Interpersonal rejection (pp73-103). New York: Oxford University Press. Goman, C.K. 2013. The Truth about Lies in the Workplace. How to Spot Liars and What to Do about Them. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Harris, M 2013, Lying, Four Elephant Press, London. Haupt, A. 2012. How Lying Affects Your Health. U.S. News Wellness. [Online]., accessed 8/29/2016. Merriam, S 2009, Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Perez-Pena, R 2012, “Studies Find More Students Cheating, With High Achievers No Exception”, The New York Times, September 7 2012. PART B: Professional Reflection Initially, my topic was the impact of lying. As I went on researching and reading regarding my topic, I reframed my topic to “How Lying Affects People’s Lives?” I did this because on reading various materials and discussing with my tutor on the topic approval on how to carry out research, the question had to be specific, measurable, achievable and realistic. With the latter topic, I found the topic ease to maneuver and research as it was clear what I wanted to achieve at the end of the day. The study questions I had earlier on listed, were on several occasions been altered. First, they were revised to ensure they are objective engineered to the study question. Secondly, they were changed to be realistic for a college student, as research also requires time, and money as well as other resources which was a limiting factor in my case. Thirdly, they were reviewed frequently, to ensure that the question do not bring the same thing structured differently and ensure professionalism. During my research, I gathered most of the data from the online libraries as they were ease to use and explore. Most secondary information used was from books and journals as they are the primary academic guiding tools. Although, there were information from various websites, I rarely used them as in most cases the data though might sound good fails to employ academic authenticity. During my research, I also read blogs and Wikipedia information, though for general knowledge only on my research topic but not for the write up as they are non-academic sources. When it came to data analysis, I realized that I needed statistical analytical knowledge which was a bit challenging for me. However, I not only followed videos links on how to solve and present the data, but also, reached out to my classmates for more help. On completing my research, I found that analyzing the data gathered was a challenge especially where question was broad and thus, in future I will endeavor to refine my research questions and study objective to ensure a fine finish. Read More
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