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Human Behavior Effects on the Environment: a Struggle for Positive
5 pages (1528 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Leitmotif is the thought that despite environmentally responsible behavior has a great value for a society in general, they are individuals (or groups of individuals) who make a real contribution performing a particular behavior from day today.... Thirdly, “the perception of ability” meaning, one performing a behavior should feel control, ability to make an action (Monroe, 2003).... eitmotif is the thought that despite environmentally responsible behavior has a great value for a society in general, they are individuals (or groups of individuals) who make a real contribution performing a particular behavior from day to day....
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A Critical Explanation of John 13-1:17
14 pages (3702 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The main literature used was the Bible.... Interpreting the literature without assistance from a knowledgeable person would only lead to the surface rather than in-depth information (Hayes et al, 28).... The text to exegete contains dialogue and sermons as the literature used....
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A Notion of Corporate Culture and Its Impact on Organizations Performance
8 pages (2733 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "A Notion of Corporate Culture and Its Impact on Organization's Performance" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "A Notion of Corporate Culture and Its Impact on Organization's Performance" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Though the strategic management literature frequently asked about the problems of representation and social behavior, top managers are judged by their ability to meet strategic goals along with ability to meet social needs (McWilliams & Siegel, 2000)....
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The Role of Meaning in Stress and Coping in Terms of Both Positive and Negative Outcomes
10 pages (2875 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Positive Thinking in Coping with Stress and Health outcomes: literature Review.... The "Role of Meaning in Stress and Coping in Terms of Both Positive and Negative Outcomes" paper points out the significance of considering both the negative and positive changes reported by individuals facing traumatic life events such as HIV, Cancer, or loss of a family member....
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Argumentative Analysis of Bram Stokers Dracula using Feminist Theory
22 pages (5035 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This review presents a detailed analysis of the change in society that women witnessed in the Victorian era with reference to Bram Stoker's story titled "Dracula".... An author of the review applies the feminist theory in order to highlight the submissiveness of women as depicted in the story.... ...
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding
16 pages (4222 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
n the syntactical structure of the sentence, Searle identifies the illocutionary force indicator, which shows “what illocutionary act the speaker is performing in the utterance of the sentence” (Speech Acts 30).... This research 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' investigates speech acts performed in the romantic comedy film 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'....
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Current Security Issues
12 pages (3732 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
A survey of the literature shows that the concept of security is interpreted differently using different perspectives, hence has varied definitions based on the context it is applied.... survey of literature shows that the concept of security is interpreted differently using different perspective, hence has varied definitions based on the context it is applied.... Further review of security literature shows different current issues based on the values, such as global crime, global food security and global energy security....
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Definition of Film Theory
5 pages (1443 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
It is however not clear what the filmic representation wanted to highlight although many reviews highlight anti-guerilla tactics, use of torture, counter-terrorism measures, or generally the as-it-was scenarios in colonial times. ... om/articles/arts/culturebox/2003/08/the_pentagons_film_festival....
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An Analysis of Marketing Procedures Being Used By Leading Fast Food Franchises
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper focused on the increasing pace of exploiting different marketing strategies of the global fast-food retailers, the discussion henceforth intends to compare the leading franchises such as Subway, Burger King and Chicken Cottage with struggling fast-food franchises such as Wimpy conducting a literature review....
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The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
6 pages (1687 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
?? Twentieth Century literature.... ?? American literature.... ?? Cardozo Studies in Law and literature.... This book review "The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner" discusses William Faulkner's fourth novel, The Sound and the Fury, which is undeniably a product of the postmodern school of thought....
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George Washington Gomez: A Mexicotexan Novel by Americo Paredes
5 pages (1409 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
omez and Chicano literature at the End of the Twentieth Century.... Texas Studies in literature and Language, 42(2), 154-168. ... American literature, 80(1), 111-127.... The purpose of this review is to critically discuss the underlying topics of social injustice and prejudice brought up in the novel "George Washington Gomez: A Mexicotexan Novel" written by Americo Paredes....
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Too big to fail
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Movie Review
The title of this 2011 television drama movie is “Too Big to Fail” and details all the steps that were taken to save the American financial system during the height of the sub-prime housing mortgage crisis.... The title derives from the idea that some banks and other financial.... ... ...
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Out group culture experience
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The in-group culture identity would range from religion (Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism), arts (Kung Fu, traditional dance, acrobatic,) and immigration policies.... The film describes the American culture in relation to immigration issues.... In the movie, many people move from their homes in Central and South America to United the US to search for better living opportunities. ...
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The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkins
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
As with so many forms of literature, the works of Gerard Manley Hopkins cannot fully be understood by merely a cursory review of his poetry.... s with so many forms of literature, the works of Gerard Manley Hopkins cannot fully be understood by merely a cursory review of his poetry.... Although this but to go point is not unique among the body of literature with regards to the fact of how it integrates with the audience through symbolism and imagery, it is, like so many other works of poetry and literature, best understood within the historical context in which it ultimately took place....
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Social Workers in Community Care Practice: Ideologies and Interactions
6 pages (1754 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
This is not a new issue, since the Act had been in force for almost two decades at the the time of publication of the article, but the author demonstrates that the critical literature has produced very mixed evaluations.... (Sullivan, 2009) literature Review Sullivan cites a number of key studies in her description of the fundamental changes in the delivery of care to older people since 1990.... The extensive quotation of other scholars gives the literature review the quality of a meta-analysis, and at the end of this the author homes in on the issue of how ideologies impact on practice delivery....
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Innovation in the Public Sector
5 pages (1360 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "Innovation in the Public Sector" provides an overview of innovation within the public sector, deriving from American, European, and UK theoretical and empirical reports from 1999 up to the present.... HAPTER II literature REVIEW While a considerable amount of research has transpired during the last forty years regarding innovation among the private companies, there exists a substantial knowledge gap as regards innovation in the public sector, where there is only a limited amount of quality research on the subject (Mulgan & Albury, 2003)....
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Use of Job Analysis in HRM Context
5 pages (1901 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It includes the equipments and tools to be used for performing the work, the working environment, work schedules and working conditions.... Lastly, it provides the requirements of the personnel performing the job, like his knowledge, skills and abilities.... At times the observer requires asking questions about the job and even performing the job....
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Measuring Outcomes of Knowledge Management in Action
6 pages (1783 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This includes reviews of an after-action (Thompson & Walsham, 2004).... Additional strategies for developing knowledge management include learning through cross project mechanisms, reviews of the organizations' after actions and the use of rewards to motivate people to share knowledge in the organization.... The paper 'Measuring Outcomes of Knowledge Management in Action ' is a fascinating example of a management literature review.... The paper 'Measuring Outcomes of Knowledge Management in Action ' is a fascinating example of a management literature review....
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Auto Parts Firms Maintain Speed Even As Market Shifts
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The following article review "Auto Parts Firms Maintain Speed Even As Market Shifts" deals with a greater attachment of a four years gains of the auto-retailers and distributors to technological, consumers trends as well as economic which have seen the increased demand of car parts.... ... ... ... It was aimed that auto-parts sales would decline to result from the earlier expectation of a temporary favorable market dynamics which became permanent resulting into increased car sales and hence increased demand of auto- parts as aging trucks and cars continuously demand auto-parts from retailers....
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Why Is Foot Ulcer One of the Common Causes of Hospital Admission among Diabetic Patients
6 pages (1908 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper 'Why Is Foot Ulcer One of the Common Causes of Hospital Admission among Diabetic Patients?... depicts foot ulcers as a key cause for the admission of diabetics in hospitals.... The paper includes a multicentre study, predictive risk factors, and diabetic neuropathic foot ulceration.... ...
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Flannery O Connor Stories
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The main characters of O'Connor's "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" and "The Lame Shall Enter First" both came across a meaningful realization of Christ's existence following a confrontation with wickedness (Cook). ... ... he selfish and manipulative grandmother is more concerned of looking like a Christian than being a good Christian while Sheppard is a doubtful believer who sees Christianity as obsolete and old-fashioned....
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Late-Nineteenth Century American Poetry, Women Fiction, and Prose
19 pages (5038 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
A prolific writer of poems, essays and reviews, Brooks' poetry has moved from traditional forms of ballads, sonnets, Chaucerian and Spenserian stanzas to unrestricted free verse of the Blues.... s/literature/reviews/yellowchopin.... The author of the paper "Late-Nineteenth Century American Poetry, Women Fiction, and Prose" will begin with the statement that the nineteenth century was a remarkable period in American literature.... American literature – A Survey ...
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Grief and Bereavement Support Groups
44 pages (10161 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The "Grief and Bereavement Support Groups" paper contains a literature review on grief and bereavement support groups as a supportive intervention for people who are facing the experience of loss.... In later stages of recovery, group support can be essential to the process of going on with life....
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The Team-Management in Organizational Development
6 pages (1978 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
iterature reviews are focused on the aspect of cultural diversity and various leadership concepts that are of significance to cultural diversity.... The paper presents the concept of cultural diversity and its benefits to the workforce and the organization.... With the concept of globalization continuously rising, various industries and communities nowadays are adapting with the idea of having cultural diversity....
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Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy Threatment
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The present review of the literature, although not exhaustive, achieves in documenting at least three possible sources of error in the prognosis of prostate cancer.... For the same, a review of literature was done with the key words “Prostate cancer, bladder volume, patient compliance, organ motion, set-up error, UK” in speciality databases like the BiomedCentral (www.... om) apart from literature search in regular libraries....
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Arabic Version of The Da Vinci Code
8 pages (2169 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
ranslation is still highly valued and is required for science, politics, diplomacy, education, literature and many other uses.... Although translating for all the variety of purposes is subject to many rules with many books and theories written on methods, translating works of literature alone stands out as most problematic.... Two cultures have to be properly understood in going into the meaning and message of the whole literature or book....
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Research Critique on Nursing Healthcare
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
The research "Factors Influencing Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit" written by Gruenberg et.... al deals with the patient experiences related to the reasons why they need to stay in ICU departments of hospitals and its implications to the nursing practice.... ... ... ... To critique this research, Caldwell and Henshaw framework for critiquing health research will be used. ...
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Racial and Cultural Stereotypes
9 pages (2552 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author of the following paper "Racial and Cultural Stereotypes" will begin with the statement that literature has always been social-focused and the social themes have often been given pertinent focus in literary works throughout literary history.... The Racial and Cultural Stereotypes evident in Daisy Miller and Where Angels Fear to Tread literature has always been social focused and the social themes have often been given pertinent focus in literary works throughout the literary history....
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Karnak Cafe and The Day the Leader Was Killed by Naguib Mahfouz
7 pages (2111 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Karnak Cafe and The Day the Leader Was Killed by Naguib Mahfouz" compares the two nowels.... Works Cited Cachia, Pierre, Arabic literature: An Overview, Routledge Curzon, 2002 El-Enany, Rasheed, Naquib Mahfouz: the pursuit of meaning, Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005 Mahfouz, Karnak Cafe, Anchor, 2008.... Mahfouz, The Day the Leader Was Killed, Anchor, Later printing edition, June 6, 2000 Somekh, Sasson, Genre and Language in Modern Arabic literature: Studies in Arabic Language and literature, Volume I....
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How Drama Can Be Used to Enhance the Development of Literacy
19 pages (5534 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
This literature review "How Drama Can Be Used to Enhance the Development of Literacy" discusses how effective Drama is in enhancing learners' development of literacy through the novel and enjoyable ways.... Most theatrical plays and dramatic productions are based on literature written by the most proficient writers.... Immersing children in literature and ensuring their enjoyment in involving their creative and critical thinking skills may be a challenge for teachers....
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Studies on Listening
16 pages (4666 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
reviews are carried out at different time periods.... The paper "Studies on Listening" suggests that the literature relating to listening strategy is not as wide as that relating to strategies associated with other language skills such as reading, writing and speaking.... literature Review Listening Strategies 2.... Introduction The literature relating to listening strategy is not as wide as that relating to strategies associated with other language skills such as reading, writing and speaking....
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The Depiction of the Theme of Social Criticism
7 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
“Women in Borges: Teodelina Villar in ‘El Zahir'” The Woman in Latin American and Spanish literature.... ?? The Norton Introduction to literature.... The setting itself is a sign of the domesticated life of women, wherein, society expects them to operate within the private space of society, never in public, and most especially, never performing male roles (Langås 157)....
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How Training Leads to Job Satisfaction
6 pages (1811 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "How Training Leads to Job Satisfaction" presents job satisfaction that is strongly linked to an individual's values, subjectivity, and preferences.... he literature reviewed for this paper outlines certain key arguments in support of the preposition that training leads to job satisfaction.... here exists a considerable amount of literature that discusses training as a major prerequisite for the attainment of job satisfaction....
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The Avahan India AIDS Initiative of Bill & Melinda Gates
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This essay discusses the Avahan India AIDS Initiative of Bill & Melinda Gates that was primarily designed to prevent the rising cases of HIV/AIDS in India.... At the same time, data collection through CMIS forms became a major element that was able to provide Avahan.... ... ... ... The figures still were much higher and needed to be addressed urgently....
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An Analysis of Marketing Procedures Being Used by Leading Fast Food Franchises
8 pages (2768 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "An Analysis of Marketing Procedures Being Used by Leading Fast Food Franchises" is an outstanding example of a marketing literature review.... The paper "An Analysis of Marketing Procedures Being Used by Leading Fast Food Franchises" is an outstanding example of a marketing literature review.... ocused on the increasing pace of exploiting different marketing strategies of the global fast-food retailers, the discussion henceforth intends to compare the leading franchises such as Subway, Burger King and Chicken Cottage with struggling fast-food franchises such as Wimpy conducting a literature review....
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Psychology behind Doping in Sport
6 pages (1678 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
port psychology literature ... The main aim of sport psychology literature is to uncover any competitive sport, the advantages of achieving cognitive factors which is related to propensity that need to approach success and avoid failure.... "Psychology behind Doping in Sport" paper argues that sportsmen and women need to follow the rules of the sport in order to succeed in their careers....
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The Analysis of the Who Killed Homer
10 pages (2618 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
Victor Davis Hanson is Hellenist (expert in Greek language and literature) and John Hanson is Latinist (a specialist in Latin language).... Classical education is a method that has various interpretations, but the main focus is on the establishment and refinement of wisdom and virtue by nurturing the soul through seven liberal arts and four sciences....
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How Celebrities Charm Influences Crowdfunding Success
8 pages (2393 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
is a good example of a literature review on management.... is a good example of a literature review on management.... literature Review Crowd funding:According to Jacob H.... In the literature review, a brief description was provided about the various types of crowd funding and the steps for a successful crowd funding....
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Comprehension Technology: Direct Strategic Instruction and Teacher Competency
7 pages (2012 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The current essay reviews literature on research conducted on the current technologies, strategies, methodologies, and techniques that help students with a disability improve their comprehension skills.... The "Comprehension Technology: Direct Strategic Instruction and Teacher Competency" paper review literature on research conducted on the current technologies, strategies, methodologies, and techniques that help students with a disability improve their comprehension skills....
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Stigma and Discrimination of Living with HIV in Middle-Aged People
23 pages (6463 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The author of the following paper "Stigma and Discrimination of Living with HIV in Middle-Aged People" argues in a well-organized manner that the stigma noted on the old is majorly based on their likely manner of contracting the disease at their old age.... ... ... ... As the world marks almost the fourth decade of the serious ravaging of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the number of those living with the disease in various societies continue to advance putting most people living with the disease in the old age bracket....
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The Australian Health Systems Covering the Indigenous Communities, the Australian Aborigines and the Torres Strait Islanders
9 pages (3813 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'The Australian Health Systems Covering the Indigenous Communities, the Australian Aborigines and the Torres Strait Islanders' is an impressive example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper 'The Australian Health Systems Covering the Indigenous Communities, the Australian Aborigines and the Torres Strait Islanders' is an impressive example of a literature review on nursing.... Discussion should be supported by additional relevant literature....
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Analysis of Lola Rennt German Thriller Film
6 pages (1625 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
reviews.... om/reviews/run-lola-run-1999 [Accessed November 04, 2014]. ... The paper "Analysis of Lola Rennt German Thriller Film" discusses that Lola is the main character in the movie 'Run Lola Run'.... In this movie the director, Tykwer has arranged the screenplay in order to highlight the fact 'The Difference a Moment in Time Makes'....
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Nature of Training and Development, Impact of Training on Employee Performance
10 pages (2614 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Nature of Training and Development, Impact of Training on Employee Performance' is an exciting example of human resources literature review.... This chapter is a literature review that explores the impact of training and development on employee performance.... The paper 'Nature of Training and Development, Impact of Training on Employee Performance' is an exciting example of human resources literature review.... This chapter is a literature review that explores the impact of training and development on employee performance....
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British Politics
8 pages (2360 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The above literature review on pressure groups in U.... "What Are the Main Factors Determining the Success of a Pressure Group in British Politics" paper discusses the relationship between the organized groups and Governmental Authorities, Members of Parliament, and major Political Parties responsible for their success as pressure groups....
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Pay for Performance: What Does the Research Say and Does It Work
7 pages (1917 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Pay for Performance: What Does the Research Say and Does It Work" is a wonderful example of a literature review on human resources.... literature on the diffusion of pay for performance exhibits scarcity across occupations; however, insight into human resource practices can be gained through examining the related bodies of research....
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The Association between Sleep Disorder and Depression
11 pages (3729 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
"Sleep-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Integrative Review and Neurobiological Hypotheses," Sleep Medicine reviews (June 2008): Vol.... This literature review "The Association between Sleep Disorder and Depression" discusses sleep disorder.... There are a deep analysis of various literature and research on the relationship between depression and sleep disorder.... The analysis is enhanced by used of existing literature about the relationship between sleep disorder and depression....
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A Conduct of Sexual Violence
6 pages (1864 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Criminology Dissertation literature Review Table of Contents literature Review 3 Rape Myths 3 Treatment of Rape Victims by Judges and CJS 4 Unconventional Legal Response to Rape 6 ... The paper 'A Conduct of Sexual Violence' focuses on rape as the conduct of sexual violence, dominance, and antagonism, where the suspect is involved in sexual activity with the accuser without the accuser's consent or with the accuser's false support....
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Impacts of Social Media on Online Presence
8 pages (2521 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
literature review (CONTINUED) ... Towards this end, a survey of literature shows that social media promotes building and strengthening online communities, workforce management and work coordination, marketing and self-promotion, creativity and political participation and civic engagement (Colin's et al.... o conclude, a survey of literature has given evidence to the fact that social media promotes building and strengthening online communities, workforce management and work coordination, marketing and self-promotion, creativity, and political participation and civic engagement. ...
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Business Ethics and Socially Responsible Investing
7 pages (2190 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
n current literature of business ethics, there are two major streams.... n current stream of business ethics literature second group is becoming dominant and either calls for the practice of personal values or even urges the investors to play an active role for the implementation of those values into the businesses.... These terms has been used interchangeably in literature (Pan and Mardfin ,2001; Schueth, 2003;Spark and Cowton,2004). ...
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The Religious Aspects of Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne
9 pages (2462 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
One of the most enchanting short stories of American literature and certainly one of ... American literature.... This renders the religious nature of the story extremely problematic and the illusionary nature of the story actually brings in the question of sinning within one's own mind, rather than performing any physical action that may be interpreted as sin, because one is able to see it directly....
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