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The Australian Health Systems Covering the Indigenous Communities, the Australian Aborigines and the Torres Strait Islanders - Literature review Example

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NURS 3046 Nursing Project Assignment 1 (2000 words 45%) STUDENT NAME: STUDENT ID: PLEASE DO NOT RE-FORMAT THIS TEMPLATE Background (300) State your research question and provide background and rationale about why you developed the question. Explain how your research question is important and relevant (useful) for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge at a local and/or international level. Describe your ‘target audience’ and provide rationale for your selection. This paper is based on the following research question; what social health determinants hinder achievement of equitable health care systems among the Indigenous communities to the levels of non-Indigenous communities? This research question focuses on the systems and structures that are to be put in place in the ensuring that there are no disparities in the access of the required health care. This is linked to the identification of the barriers that hinders such levels of equity. Accessibility and availability for all in a manner that is equitable is therefore the driving force for the research. The focus here is in the Australian health systems that covers the Indigenous communities, the Australian Aborigines and the Torres Strait Islanders. The reason for this consideration is the prevalent deterioration of the specialist treatment and the primary health care of these Indigenous communities as compared to the non-indigenous Australia population. The reason behind this inequitable condition can to a great extent be attributed to the ignorance of the determinants of health and wellbeing among the Indigenous communities. The awareness of these determinants will shed light to the general population on the condition as it is. Most importantly, however, there will be an awakening that will spread various structures like the government to bring about a lasting solution to this condition. Factors that are to be considered here are financial instability, poor levels of education, marginalisation and high unemployment levels. These social determinants are analysed by the help of research papers that are specific in handling the particular concerns. This will help in the establishment of the actual conditions affecting this study population in matters pertaining to effective access to the health care systems. With the correct information, the various stakeholders in the establishment of long term solutions through strategic measures and policies will be engaged. Summarise Four Research Papers (1000 words) Write a summary paragraph of each identified research paper using the five step format as a guide that you learned in Week 2. Paper 1 (250 words) Arabena, K 2013, ‘Future Initiatives to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’, Med J Aust,  vol. 199, no. 1, pp. 22. In this article the aspect of closure of health gap is addressed. The determination is to bring about health equality that is sustainable to these Indigenous communities. Statistics depict significant improvements in the quality, accessibility and impact of treatment for the Australians that are non-indigenous. However, this is not satisfactory at all since the Torres Strait Islanders and the Aborigines are missing out. The emphasis here is that of having the investments directed towards the improvement of the accessibility and utter benefit from the health facilities for the Indigenous communities being put to use. The national plans need to integrate in its making an extensive collaboration. This will involve the clinicians, advocates, researchers, services and the Indigenous communities. The national plan view should have a framework that touches on early childhood development, housing, employment and education. This paper finally expresses the need to address the issue of racism in association to health and other platforms so that the equity achievement is wholesome. The limitation of this paper is that it does not narrow down to the particular vulnerable groups in the indigenous communities. This is because the research question focuses particularly on youth, women and children. This will help in my research question because it considers creation of platforms that ensures that there is improvement in the quality, accessibility and impact of equitable health care systems. The idea of having future initiatives that support the implementation of the policy that that are achieved is very helpful. Paper 2 (250 words) Macdonald, J 2010, ‘Health Equity and the social Determinants of Health in Australia’, Social Alternatives, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 34-40. In this article Macdonald addresses the health disparity concerns in Australia. This research paper focuses on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples of Australia. There is a progressive global appreciation of the social determinants of health. This helps to identify the link that is there between the inequalities in the health status and the social inequality factors. This will help in creation of a rationale balance between prevention and treatment that is echoed by the health reforms that the government ids seeking to establish. There is a huge gap that is there in health between the non-Indigenous and the indigenous populations in Australia. The investments that are directed to health for the Indigenous communities need to have a focus on the social aspects that define them. Health cannot be restricted to mean medical services. A holistic approach must be taken by paying attention to the social determinants of health. This will cover basic factors like early life, transport, food, social support and social exclusion, employment, stress and the social gradient. The paper most importantly calls for social inclusion. Negative aspects like racism must be eliminated deliberately if the social wellbeing is to be attained. When dealing with the Indigenous communities, gender as a social factor need to be considered due to the distinct social structures. This paper is helpful in my project because it addresses the issue of equity in health which is the very core of my research question. Paper 3 (250 words) Rumbold, A, Bailie, R, Si, D, Dowden, M, Kennedy, C, Cox, R, O’Donoghue, L, Liddle, H, Kwedza, R, Thompson, S, Burke, H, Brown, A, Weeramanthri, T & Connors, C 2010, ‘Assessing the Quality of Maternal Health Care in Indigenous Primary Care Services’,  MJA,  vol. 192, no. 10, pp. 597-598. This paper majorly focuses on health gaps in perinatal outcome concerns. Data that is obtained from 34 indigenous primary health centres is analysed. The main goal is that of having an intervention aimed at attaining an improvement in health quality nationally. The human research ethics committee in each region approved the research. The indigenous people were involved at the subcommittee level. 89% of the 535 women that were assessed were Indigenous. It was observed that the utilisation rate of the health services provided was low as compared to the non-indigenous communities in Australia. These include advice on health behaviour, brief interventions and antenatal investigations done routinely. Advice that relates to areas like mood, nutrition and smoking was present but minimally done as well as that on hygiene/infection, injury prevention and infant death syndrome prevention. There was identifiable poor rating of the documentation of advice that regards the health risk factors despite a 53% record of postnatal visit. There is therefore a call to improve the primary maternal healthcare for the Indigenous women at a national, regional and local level. This paper is well supported by extensive research done on Indigenous women hence importantly supporting the remarks made. It reveals that perinatal outcomes that are persistently poor as far as the Indigenous communities in Australia are concerned. The importance of this article to my research is great since the focus of this article is on Indigenous women which form the focus of my paper. Paper 4 (250 words) Azzopardi, P, Kennedy, E, Patton G, Power, R, Roseby, R, Sawyer, S & Brown, A 2013, ‘The Quality of Health research for young Indigenous Australians: Systematic Review’, Med JAustr, vol. 199, no. 1, pp. 57-63. This paper describes the need to invest in 10-24 year-olds. The attention here is directed towards the Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginals. In this age these youths experience difficulties that are related to the treatable and preventable diseases. This distracts their lifestyles, reproduction, employment and education opportunities at a time their life is at the peak. Catering for the heath wellbeing of the young indigenous group will help in reduction of the mortality gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous. This gap has notably widened in adolescence and persisted into adulthood. The health system reform therefore takes the Indigenous young people’s health very seriously. This paper is aimed at identification of opportunities to improve health and establishment of health status of the young Indigenous Australians. As the project found out, the young people in these communities are highly vulnerable. This is linked to the research that is appropriately linked to the welfare of the Indigenous youths. The range of risk is big. This covers the substance abuse, oral health and communicable diseases. Related to this are non-communicable diseases, perinatal outcomes and adolescent pregnancy. The paper has extensive research done and the analysis given on the young Indigenous Australians health needs. Early effort that covers the population at an early age is therefore beneficial in a long-term view bringing about sustainability. This paper is very useful to my research since it deals with the young Indigenous group at the age of 10-24 which is within the bracket of my research coverage. Discussion (550 words) Compare and contrast the findings of each research paper. Ensure that your analysis explains why your research papers are relevant and how the quality of the findings enables the stated research question to be answered. Identify any existing gaps in knowledge or practice. Discussion should be supported by additional relevant literature. As all the research papers have identified, there exists unequitable health care system among the Indigenous and the non-Indigenous communities. In the paper by Macdonald (2010, p 34-40), the social health determinants must be fully addressed in order to bring about wholeness in the health status of the Indigenous group. Wholeness cannot be merely restricted in the medical attention especially when considering the social structure of these communities. Among the Aborigines ad the Torres Strait Islanders, the women, children and the youth are among the most vulnerable groups. The paper by Azzorpadi et al. (2013, p57-63) focuses on the young group while that by Rumboid et al. (2010, p 597-598) focuses on the children. There is, however, a unanimous agreement regarding the need that is there to have the issue of health sufficiently addressed. Various structures have been suggested in bringing about cohesion in the framework that is geared towards sustainable health care systems. Arabena (2003, p22) considers future initiatives to Improve the health and wellbeing of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. The government investments are very fundamental toward when appropriately used in addressing the issue of accessibility to the health care systems. The success of this needs a proper research system so that the developed policies are enhanced. This is because health care improvement calls for strategic policy formulation and improvement. The funding that comes from various sources and particularly the government will therefore link the policy formulation to the implementation stage. The effective steps that foster equity and equality will therefore be established. The objective of having the vulnerable groups among the Indigenous communities has therefore progressively achieved great support from various quarters. This means that there is a collaborative effort to bring about success that lasts (Jorm 2012, p 120). These research papers are hereby very relevant in the achievement of the results desired. This is because of the supporting information on the condition of the Indigenous health status as it is. The coverage of the vulnerable groups which is also in the interest of the research is very helpful. This help in setting a pace for comprehensive coverage of the social determinants of health among the Indigenous group. The encouragement for a long term partnership between the government and the Indigenous communities will be very useful in ensuring that the platforms for successful health care systems is achieved (Jamieson 2012, p16). The gap that is there in the Australian communities will progressively be bridged by these endeavours. There is a good coverage in the research and practice domain pertaining the health facilitation factors and systems for the Indigenous communities in Australia. However, there is need to pay more attention to an approach that seek to integrate the belief system and way of life. This is because of the high rate of attachment that these communities have to their culture. There may be actions and habits that are absorbed by these communities that are obviously hazardous. There is a call for patience in the handling of such factors. The awareness that there is need for time to change the social structure needs to be there. To address this, there is need to have competent researchers and practitioners who emanate from these communities. This is a broad approach that brings about inclusion, identity and a motivation for change (Beresford, Partington & Gower, 2012). The goal to have an equitable health care system among the indigenous and the non-Indigenous will therefore be achieved. Conclusion [150] Summarize the major points in a synthesized non-repetitive manner, clear future directions for research. L8 The Aborigines and the Torres Strait Islanders need to have accessible health care systems. The structures that are put in place should be geared towards equitable health care systems. The social health determinants that include financial instability, poor levels of education, marginalisation and high unemployment levels must be considered. The vulnerable groups among the Indigenous groups which comprise the women, youth and children need to be covered. The research of this vulnerability provides a basis for establishment of strategic policy formulation and implementation. This research will significantly enhance the effective strategies that facilitate accessibility to health care systems. The prevailing health challenges among the Torres Strait Islanders and the Aborigines will be addressed by the use of existing findings and the results of the research. Progressive inclusion of these communities will enhance effectiveness. Analytical and evaluative skills will be used to have a wider coverage of the target population. References Use correct UniSA Harvard Referencing Arabena, K 2013, ‘Future Initiatives to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’, Med J Aust,  vol. 199, no. 1, pp. 22. Azzopardi, P, Kennedy, E, Patton G, Power, R, Roseby, R, Sawyer, S & Brown, A 2013, ‘The Quality of Health research for young Indigenous Australians: Systematic Review’, Med JAustr, vol. 199, no. 1, pp. 57-63. Beresford, Q, Partington, G, & Gower, G Eds 2012 Reform and resistance in Aboriginal education Sussex Academic Press. Jamieson, L M, Paradies, Y C, Eades, S, Chong, A, Maple-Brown, L, Morris, P, & Brown, A 2012 Ten principles relevant to health research among Indigenous Australian populations Medical Journal of Australia, 1971, 16. Jorm, A F, Bourchier, S J, Cvetkovski, S, & Stewart, G 2012 Mental health of Indigenous Australians: a review of findings from community surveys Med J Aust, 1962, 118-121. Macdonald, J 2010, ‘Health Equity and the social Determinants of Health in Australia’, Social Alternatives, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 34-40. Rumbold, A, Bailie, R, Si, D, Dowden, M, Kennedy, C, Cox, R, O’Donoghue, L, Liddle, H, Kwedza, R, Thompson, S, Burke, H, Brown, A, Weeramanthri, T & Connors, C 2010, ‘Assessing the Quality of Maternal Health Care in Indigenous Primary Care Services’,  MJA,  vol. 192, no. 10, pp. 597-598. NURS 3046 Nursing ProjectAssessment Feedback Form Assignment 1 Weighting 45% of final grade (2000 words)Course Objectives assessed: 1; 2; 3 Criteria HD(85% -100%) D (75% - 84%) C(65% - 74%) P1 (55% - 64%) P2(50% - 54%) F1(40% - 49%) F2(39% - 0%) Background (300 words) 15% Includes all requirements of a Distinction ANDprovides exceptional description of background; and how research question is important and relevant for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge. Evidence of original thought. Includes all requirements of a CreditANDprovides a comprehensive criticalrationale about how the stated research question is highlyimportant and broadlyrelevant for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge. Includes allrequirements of a P1AND provides a thorough, more advanced rationale about how the stated research questionis important and relevant for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge. Research question adequately stated, somebackground provided. Rationale presented to explain how the research question is important and relevant(useful)for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge at a local and/or international level. Target audience identified. Rationale provided for selection. Research question stated, limitedattempt to provide background information on the relevance of the question. Basic/weak rationale provided about theimportance of the question for the development of clinical practice or professional knowledge at a local and/or international level. Target audience identified, no rationale provided. Does not clearly identify research question or background; Question stated but inadequateand or irrelevantexplanation of importance for clinical practice. Purpose is vague Target audience unclear As for FIANDResearch question not stated. Poorly described and/or incoherent background description No target group identified Summary of four Research Papers (250 words per research paper) 40% Includes all requirements of a Distinction ANDdemonstrates exemplary critical analysis ofresearch articles, synthesis of information and original thought. Demonstrated an exceptional understanding of each paper linked clearly to the stated research question. Includes all requirements of a Credit AND provides a high level comprehensive critical analysis the research articles, demonstratingin-depth, comprehensive understanding of the papers and findings. Persuasive in-depth, comprehensive summaries about how the findings from the research papers are highly relevant (useful) to answer the stated research question. Includes all requirements of a P1 AND provides a thorough, more advanced criticalanalysis of the high quality, relevant research papers and findings. Persuasive clear, succinctsummaries about how the findings from the research papers are highly relevant (useful)to answer the stated research question. Adequate identification of four relevant research papers. Citation -correct use of UniSA (2013) Harvard author-date. Statement of author’s viewpoint in student’s own words demonstrates an adequateunderstanding of each paper. Summary of findings in student’s own wordsshows adequateunderstanding of papers Satisfactorycomments on the usefulness (relevance) and/or limitations of research papers to answer research question Adequateevaluative comment on the work, taking into account how findings from papers could be relevant to the question. Limitedattempt to summarizefour research papers. Some papersnot high quality. Citation – mostly correct Statement of author’s viewpoint in student’s own words shows abasic understanding of each paper. Summary of research findings in student’s own words shows a basic understanding. Limited, basic comments on the usefulness (relevance) and/or limitations of research papers to answer question. Limited, basic evaluative comment on how findings could be relevant to the research question. Less than fourrelevant research papers summarized.Some not research based or not relevant to question. Incorrect citation Statement of author’s viewpoint and/or findings in student’s own words demonstrates inadequate or incorrect understanding of papers Inadequate or incorrect comments on usefulness and/or limitations of papers to answer question Inadequate or incorrect evaluative comment on how findings are relevant to the research question As for FIAND incorrect summaries Abstracts used. All papers not research based. Discussion (550 words) 40% Includes all requirements of a DistinctionANDdemonstrates an exceptional critical analysis and capacity for higher order, original, creative thinking. Argument is exemplaryvery clear and logical, reflecting a strong understanding of the research papers and literature in the field. Sophisticated ability to integrate an impressive range of additional relevant literature. Includes all requirements of a CreditANDprovides a high level comprehensive analysis and synthesis explainswhythe research papers are relevant and how the quality of the findings answers the research question. Comprehensive attempt to compare and contrast findings, includes points of agreement and differing views, deficiencies in the papers.Existing gaps in knowledge or practice identified. Discussion supported by wide range of additional relevant literature. Includes all requirements of a P1AND provides an advanced analysis and synthesis of findings to explainwhy the research papers are relevant and how the quality of the findings answers the research question Advanced attempt to compare and contrast findings, includes points of agreement and differing views, deficiencies in the papers.Existing gaps in knowledge or practice identified. Discussion supported by 3-5 sources of relevant additional literature. Adequate attempt to summarize and synthesizefindingsto explainwhy the research papers are relevant and how the quality of the findings answers the research question. Mostly satisfactory attempt to compare and contrast findings, includes points of agreement and differing views, deficiencies in the papers. Some existing gaps in knowledge or practice identified. Satisfactorydiscussion supported by 1-2 sources of relevant additional literature. Limitedattempt to summarize and synthesizethe findings from the research papers. Limited discussion of areas of agreement in views, differing views, deficiencies in the papers. Gaps not identified in knowledge required to improve practice. Little evidence of gaining new understandings about the research question. No additional relevant literature used. Did not address all required components, inadequate discussion of overall findings& gap/s identified in knowledge required to improve practice. Did not identify areas of agreement in views, differing opinions, contrasting views deficiencies in papers. As for Fail 1 &/or incorrect discussion of all overall findings. Failed to identify gap/s in knowledge required to improve practice. No discussion. Conclusion (150 words) 5% As for DistinctionANDexceptional critical interpretation, stimulates new thoughts. As for CreditANDhigh levelcomprehensive relevant conclusion with links to theory and accurate future directions. Includes allrequirements ofP1ANDa clear succinct conclusion, summarizes major points in a synthesized non-repetitive manner, clear future directions. Satisfactory conclusion,clearly written and relevant to the research question. Summarizes most main points in a non-repetitive manner. Limited, superficial or unclear conclusion. Limited relevance to research question. May lack depth. Inadequate conclusion, vague, not relevant to the research question. No conclusion provided. Overall writing and presentation Adhered to all guidelines of Distinction ANDdemonstratedexceptionalexemplary work. Adhered to all guidelines of CreditAND demonstratedhigh level,comprehensive work. Adhered to all guidelines of P1 AND demonstrated clear succinctwork. Adhered to most guidelines re: sentence & paragraph structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, use of inclusive language, sequenced and logical flow. Word limit met Limited level with some problems with: sentence & paragraph structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, inclusive language, sequenced and logical flow Adheres to word limit Poorly written re: sentence & paragraph structure, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, inclusive language, sequenced, logical flow Below or above word limit As for F1 &adheres to very few guidelines. Written very poorly. No logical flow. Well below/well above word limit Referencing & Academic Integrity Extensive sourcesand Reference List correctly referenced as per UniSA(2013) Harvard Guidelines. Multiple sourcesand Reference Listcorrectly referenced as per UniSA (2013) Harvard System Guidelines All sources and Reference List correctly referenced as per UniSA (2013) Harvard System Guideline. Some in-text references well integrated. Adheres to UniSA (2013) Harvard author-date system for and Reference List and in-text referencing, In-text references mostly accurate. Mostly correct use of UniSA (2013) Harvard author-date system for in-text referencing, Reference List - some inconsistencies in formatting and omissions In-text referencing is incorrect or incomplete Reference list is incorrect or incomplete. Some evidence of plagiarism. Possible referral to AIO No references in text. No reference list. Evidence of extensive plagiarism Refer to AIO STUDENT: MARKER: MARK/GRADE: Comments: Read More
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