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Helping Abused and Traumatized Children
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
This article "Helping Abused and Traumatized Children" is a review of a book written by Dr.... Eliana Gil.... It discusses the experience of Dr.... Gil on treating traumatized and abused children.... She also addresses special key issues that are likely to occur to those who work in this field.... ...
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Appointment of Supreme Court Judges
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This review discusses the process of appointment of the Supreme Court which is purely based on the President's nomination.... The review considers the facts of the appointment process such as ideological similarities, political affiliations, ethnicity, religion, and gender.... ... ... ... In order to ensure as much transparency as possible in the process of appointing Supreme Court Judges, US regulations provide an additional level of approval, vis-à-vis, the Senate....
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The Making of the Atomic Bomb
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
In the paper 'The Making of the Atomic Bomb' the author analyzes the full story of how the bomb was developed, from the turn-of-the-century discovery of the vast energy locked inside the atom to the dropping of the first bombs on Japan.... A small number of great discoveries have evolved so swiftly....
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The Glorious Cause
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name Institution Date The glorious cause Introduction The American Revolution was instrumental in the political, economic and social independence.... As such, its place in American history cannot, by any extent, be eclipsed by any other historical event.... It is with this premise that Jeff Shaara writes about this historical event....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The main idea in the book “Man's search for meaning” is to give a perspective and techniques for a person to use and find meaning in his or her life.... Victor Frankl wrote the book in an autobiographical style.... He issues the reader with a lot of experience he had from his.... ... ... He uses a descriptive language to give a clear picture of the ordeal that he received in the concentration camp. ...
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Union Leaders Gird for Battle Against Republican Running for Governor of Illinois
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Union leaders do not advocate for his leadership, as they fear he might pass inconvenient laws regarding the public sector labor unions, pensions, and pay.... The fear are because.... ... ... f previous republican leaders who passed laws that inconvenienced did not favor employees, such as, the Indiana Governor who brought an end to collective bargaining for state workers. ...
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Requirements and specifications
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The first project is about building a match making tool and its web interface that would allow users to search for their matches under different categories with conditional anonymity.... The idea of this project is to provide users a platform where they can look for partner under.... ... ... MySQL would be used as a primary tool to build the database of this web portal and the web interface would be designed on ASP....
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The Battle of Algiers
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The film focuses on Ali la Pointe, one of the leaders of the National Liberation Front (FLN) whose guerilla campaign against the French finally culminated in independence in 1962.... The film.... ... ... Ali la Pointe steadily rises through the ranks of the FLN, finding himself in a position requiring him to make difficult decisions such as killing former Movie Review: “The Battle of Algiers” The Battle of Algiers portrays the story of Algeria's violent path to independence....
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How to maximise the impact of teaching assistants in primary schools
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
According to Russell, Webster & Blatchford (2013), the latter is achievable if schooling institutions utilize teaching assistants efficiently and in right.... ... ... Despite teaching assistants in any learning institution known to play a significant role in the lives of students, they seldom realize how poor results usually affect the academic process of pupils....
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Father-son Relationship in Charles Bukowsky Ham on Rye
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Father-son Relationship in Charles Bukowsky Ham on Rye" states that whereas the protagonist Henry should grow a harmonious and calculative view of the world through his relationship with friends, he is forced to pass his childhood and boyhood in sarcastic loneliness.... .... ... ... Poverty struck Big Henry's self-hatred and hatred for poor is vividly evident in his advice for his son: 'What you must do, with money and the poor, is never let them get too close to one another....
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The Caning of Charles Sumner
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This was because he believed that the Republicans at that time had policies that did not favor everyone.... So with his position, he.... ... ... During this period, he took that chance as an orator and gave his first speech, stating his position against slavery, insisting that slaves should be given full freedom and equal rights just like the rest....
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Assessing Organizational Performance in Regard to Human Resources
2 pages (598 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The aim of the following review is to evaluate the approaches for enhancing human resource performance commonly adopted among organizations.... Furthermore, the document "Assessing Organizational Performance in Regard to Human Resources" also examines certain aspects of employee management structure....
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The Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the paper 'The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan' the author discusses the origins, major features and implications of corn in modern American life.... One would expect these chapters, therefore, to be backed up with solid facts, to be argued in a sustained manner throughout the book.... ... ...
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Writing in your job
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Hence, it is necessary to go through them once, so to get timely informed about recent modifications or any new updates (Zinsser, 64).... Discipline and.... ... ... Yet, the process needs certain command of actions, which also requires serious attention.... That is why institutions and professionals tend to become Number] Article Review ‘Writing in your Job' By William Zinsser Any or every piece of document which is circulated in one's professional environment is an essential piece of information....
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Summary of the article
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The article "The Upside of being an Introvert (And why Extroverts are Overrated)" by Bryan Walsh discusses in his article, the debate between whether introverts or extroverts are successful on individual and collective levels.... This is an issue that scientists and psychologists.... ... ... In present times, when social engagement is more encouraged and participation is seen as a sign of confidence, it is seen that introverts tend to be at disadvantage because of their lack of participation in any social situation....
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From Slavery to Freedom, Edition 9, CHAPTER 16, ODYSSEY PART 7/2
2 pages (500 words) , Download 14 , Book Report/Review
The book From Slavery to Freedom by John Hope Franklin, a distinguished African American historian, touched upon a racial inequality in the United States and shifting of accents in public opinion concerning a growing impact of black artists upon cultural realm of both the USA.... ... ...
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History of ECON 2
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The need to understand value resulting from commodity production and market prices requires a deep exploration on the perception held by the two theories of value: labor theory of value and utility theory of value.... In which case, each has differing explanations for the price.... ... ... This essay provides a critical review of the two concepts, by first explaining the difference existing between the theories; then using this as rationality for verifying economist classification of objective and subjective theory. ...
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Thirteen Days Critique
2 pages (564 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The review "Thirteen Days Critique" focuses on the critical analysis of the movie Thirteen Days.... In 1962, American spy aeroplanes finds out that russia is secretly hiding and delivering nuclear weapons in Cuba.... The advisers of then-US President John F.... Kennedy remind him about it.... ... ...
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The Analysis of The Yacoubian Building
1 pages (501 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The paper "The Analysis of The Yacoubian Building" tells that Egypt remains the long-standing capital in film production.... The movie, The Yacoubian Building features Adel Imam and was directed by Marwan Hamad (Mattin).... Imam is one of the most popular actors in Egypt, appearing in over 100 films....
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Analysis of the Novel Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee
8 pages (2123 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The author of the paper analyzes the novel 'Disgrace 'J.... M.... Coetzee that talks about how individual identity is looked upon in both social and political arena.... The author argues this with reference to how social and political change impact on the main character of the novel, Professor David Lurie....
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Suite Francaise
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The aristocratic Madame de Montmort says: "What separates or unites people is not their language, laws, customs, but the way they hold their knife and fork" (pp.... 3) The increasingly complex life of a German-occupied portion of France shows uneasy coexistence with the soldiers billeted among villagers, and how the villagers, from aristocrats to shopkeepers to peasants, cope as best they can....
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Summaries of The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and Against the Wall Films
5 pages (1335 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
Books and movie reviews were the basis of secondary sources.... From the paper "Summaries of The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and Against the Wall Films" it is clear that films fit a general thematic structure of prison life.... The morality of revenge is evident in the films....
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Racism and the Value of Justice in To Kill a Mockingbird
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
This essay focuses on racism and the value of justice in To Kill a Mockingbird.... The film shows the American society and justice system during the early year of the Civil Movement wherein both Blacks and Whites faced the challenges of overcoming their racial barriers.... ... ... ... The context of the film, as well as the novel on which it is based, is the Civil Rights Movement, and it bears similarities with the Scottsboro Trials concerning the same issue of rape set in the backdrop of the American economic recession during the 1930s....
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A Report To Technology and Information
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The people who are subscribers to prodigy are virtual partners of on net discussion to share views and reviews regarding political systems and democratic structure.... A Report To Technology and Information Information is a very vital part of our lives in current age.... We have a lot much connected to information and media channels of that we are used to those in our routine life....
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The Dualism of Mind and Brain
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
he two books' reviews both try to provide understandings in the function or ability of the human brain to possess intelligence.... This paper "The Dualism of Mind and Brain" focuses on the study of philosophy that has been overly accredited in its many successes in defining and understanding many aspects of human existence....
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Death of a Salesman
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Two Modern American Tragedies: reviews and Criticism of Death of a Salesman and A Streetcar Named Desire.... In the paper 'Death of a Salesman' the author analyzes the main character Willy who appears to be a delusional man whose mentality seems to be very different from the reality at hand....
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Comprehensive Sex Education
4 pages (1160 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
uides MSERRP reviews.... "Comprehensive Sex Education" paper argues that sex education is inclusive of all essential elements of knowledge about the subject of sex that young people need to know in order to avoid teen pregnancy.... Therefore, it should be made a necessary part of the curriculum in the schools in the US....
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Musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
2 pages (532 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
In the paper 'Musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' the author analyzes the movie, which tells the adventures of an eccentric professor who invents wacky machinery, to little gain, until he comes up with the revolutionary car.... A hostile power becomes mean and nasty in its attempts to acquire the car....
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Colonial Takeover in The Corporation
2 pages (559 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
In the paper 'Colonial Takeover in The Corporation' the author analyzes the provocative and award-winning movie 'The Corporation.... Unlike the mushy ideas publicized by numerous anti-globalization people, 'The Corporation,' surprisingly, is a reasoned and realistic attack on capitalism's major institution....
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Life in a Coroners Office by John Temple
2 pages (606 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
In the paper 'Life in a Coroner's Office by John Temple' the author deals with a subject that has all the elements of horror, disaster, grief, revulsion, tragedy, homicide, suicide, terror, and even mysteries.... It brings one face to face with the most basic issues of life and death.... ... ... ...
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Information Systems
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The essay "Information Systems" describes Malmsjo has researched the most appropriate methodology for designing of supportive information systems.... In general use, there are two kinds of information systems.... The paper examines the difference in the two systems and their elements.... ... ... ...
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Hip hop
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Topic: Review of Chapter 3 “Fear of a White Planet” – from Hip Hop Matters: Politics, Pop Culture and the Struggle for the Soul of a Movement – by S.... Craig Watkins.... In Chapter 3 ‘Fear of a White Planet', S.... Craig Watkins discusses Hip-Hop, and in particular focuses upon Eminem....
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The Choice Book by Russell Roberts
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The author analyzes the book 'The Choice' by Russell Roberts which deals with the subject of trade protectionism and makes the claim is that dumping is not practical for anyone because even the persons dumping would need to make up for the profits which are lost by lowering their prices.... ... ... ...
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History Civil War Movie - Lincoln (2012)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
It provides nice political lessons through its unique dramatic manner of presentation.... A quick look through the movie clearly reminds the viewer about the old ways practiced back in Washington around 1860s (O'Brien Geoffrey: pp.... 2).... ... ... ... Slavery was widespread by then, there were a series of civil wars and political divide....
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William Muir, Police: Streetcorner Politicians
2 pages (500 words) , Download 13 , Book Report/Review
Muir.... The book serves multiple purposes at once – it is part sociological research, part collection of interesting anecdotes and part informed commentary.... The author.... ... ... One of the attractive features of the book is how it combines armchair analysis with on-field documentation.... With regard to the latter, the author seems to adopt a hands-on, spontaneous documentary style, where he Book Report/Review Police: Streetcorner Politicians by William K....
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Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War
2 pages (609 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This paper 'Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War' will review Anthony Arnove's book, published by the South End Press in 2002.... Organized in 16 chapters in five parts, the book starts by describing the war against Iraq by the US and gives a chronology of the events.... ... ... ...
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Library Research Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Jeffrey L.... etzner, MD, and Jamie Fellner, Esq are the authors of this article which is about solitude, confinement and mental illnesses in U.... prisons, they are physicians who happen to have worked in the united states prison facilities and they face numerous challenges like the.... ... ... working conditions, double loyalty which was highly demanded by both the employers and the patients, which were substandard which led to the rise of these challenges which were unethical. ...
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Using Accounting for Decision Making
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
I would consider cost and benefits as relevant if they are expected to change as a result of the decision made.... Accounting will assist determine costs already incurred since.... ... ... In deciding between alternative opportunities, I would consider costs and benefits common to each alternative as irrelevant since the benefits will be gained and costs incurred regardless of the decision Using Accounting For Decision Making by Lecturer's and Number Accounting assists managers make better decisions by determining what costs and benefits are relevant....
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Battle of ideas
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The author of this movie review "Battle of ideas" comments on how the present economy was developed.... According to the text, the episode 'battle of ideas' presents the battle over who should have control over the 'commanding heights' of the economy.... ... ... ... There were two ideas in this episode about how to control the economy of the society....
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Book Review:Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better Bargain for Working People
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Jared Bernstein and Dean Baker's “Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better Bargain for Working People” talks about the importance of full time employment and how it can be accomplished by average workers.... It explains the current state of the American economy and suggests.... ... ... In summary, the book focuses its attention on the economic power of regular citizens....
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Cultural differences in the workplace as a healthcare professional
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author was Josepha Campinha.... The authors target the nurses as the main audience because they are entrusted with caring for the.... ... ... The role of the article is to give nurses a culturally competent skills that will enhance delivery of patients - centered care.... The nurses' deal with people of different cultural background, natural belief systems and therefore equipping them with skills Book Review Delivering Patient- Centered Care In The Midst Of the Cultural Conflict: the Role of Cultural Competence The articlethat I reviewed was about Delivering Patient- Centered Care In The Midst Of the Cultural Conflict: the Role of Cultural Competence....
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Old lady with a cat
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The essay focuses on the painting "Old lady with a cat".... The artist has tried to give a realistic image of what was before his eyes.... The only notice worthy thing is the expression on her face and the artist has accumulated his earnest effort to depict them efficiently.... .... ... ... “Old lady with a cat” portrait is a fine depiction of how an artist views and paints the viewed reality in a most subtle manner....
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Establishing Collective Commitment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This research will begin with the statement that сollective commitment by each of the stakeholders will be paramount to assist in identification and analysis of behaviors which will further be used to evaluate and examine the program's success.... ... ... ... According to the research findings, сommunity representatives and the funding organizations will enhance support and development of positive relationships among the participating parties; be responsive to material needs of the group members, facilitators, and the support staff/ the fiscal needs of the program and ensure effective communication along the chain of command....
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Answer the questions
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
He is a talented director who has directed some exceptional films in his lifetime.... The inception movie begins with Dom Cobb lying helpless on a beach.... The film talks about the manner in which.... ... ... Dom Cobb is a spy who has specialized skills in the acquiring information from the dreams of individuals....
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Religion in Ancient Mesoptamia
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
This book review focuses on analysis of the book entitled Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia, that was written in 2001 by Jean Bottero.... The overall theme of this book is an exploration of the religious ideas that were so important to one of the earliest known civilizations of the world.... .... ... ...
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The Avahan India AIDS Initiative of Bill & Melinda Gates
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This essay discusses the Avahan India AIDS Initiative of Bill & Melinda Gates that was primarily designed to prevent the rising cases of HIV/AIDS in India.... At the same time, data collection through CMIS forms became a major element that was able to provide Avahan.... ... ... ... The figures still were much higher and needed to be addressed urgently....
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Analysis of Look Away Book by Willliam C. Davis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The paper contains the analysis of "Look Away" book written by Willliam C.... Davis, a key concept of which is the political structure of oligarchy which describes the patriarchal government style of Southern towns and the way this contrasts with the more formal democratic processes of the North....
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Childrens books that deal with the issue of divorce
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Divorce is not an ordinary thing to tackle, all the more, for children who are confronted with such a complicated and drastically debilitating circumstance.... Many childrens books today are published to give guidance to children on how to respond to divorce in the family.... While.... ... ... re are helpful books out there that can be proven effective, there are also some which provide nothing more than just this superficial advice: you will eventually come to terms with it; there are many children like you who undergo the same circumstance....
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Esperanza Rising book talk
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The book talks about the life of a young girl named Esperanza, who was forced to migrate and work the lands in California after a life lived in privilege as part of a landed family in a prosperous farm in Mexico.... The death of the father and the unraveling of their lives.... ... ... g that death led them to the migrant life in California, where they were left to fend for themselves in the midst of waves of migrants willing to work for little and making conditions tough for all migrants and Mexican American workers there....
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A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People by Steven Ozment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
This book review "A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People by Steven Ozment" presents the history of Germany for so long that has been stagnant and skewed in one area swamped with the then war of Hitler and Nazi.... Little ink has been devoted to explaining the other aspect of Germany....
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