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English Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia
4 pages (1108 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Although students in the Kingdom's state school receive seven years of formal English language teaching, yet most of the graduates are considerably ill-equipped to use the language for the communication purposes (Al-Mohanna, 2010).... This research proposal "English Teacher Training in Saudi Arabia" is assessing the on-ground challenges encountered in the process of English teacher training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and his expectations from the English language teachers in relation to the current services....
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Understanding of Evidence Based Medicine
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
First of all, the verbal communication of the pharmacist needs to be accurate as they need to respond to the patient's queries appropriately.... Being a Pharmacist, I have an obligation towards the patients in prescribing medicines which does not pose risk to their health and well being....
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The Military Art Reseach Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The Military Art The nature and tactics of war have been in a state of evolution for centuries and these variations in the nature of war are quite evident in the history of war.... Throughout mankind's history, civilizations have been switching between total and limited war.... ... ... ... Total war is a conflict in which the belligerents deploy and mobilize all possible resources, while Limited war is one in which the belligerent does not fully deploy or expend all of the available resources....
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The sucess of women in engineering programs
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The engineering field has not been exempt from it.... It is therefore, that an active mechanism has to continue to be developed to help female.... ... ... Advocates are constantly developing programs in higher education to promote recruitment, maintain the female students in the classroom, and help them enter the job force (WEPAN, 2005)....
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Introduction to film 2
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Film is not only a sophisticated art but also a very powerful medium – perhaps, the most powerful today that it could either make or break society, as it could strongly influence spectators' viewpoint, beliefs, behaviour, and even decisions with their unquestioning.... ... ... As films are seen effective based on their impact, this explains how visual images transmitted to spectators' consciousness remain in their imagination deep down in their sub-consciousness, unconsciously affecting them (Ratnam 2009: 64)....
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Public relations in media and cultural contexts (1/2)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Public Relations in Media and Cultural Contexts Name: Instructor: Introduction Public relations as a tool of success have obtained interest in many organizations.... Propaganda use in media is a fundamental issue in addressing the manner in which public relations can be articulated in organizations cultures....
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Comparative Rhetorical Analysis
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The analysis considers the purpose of the author in the delivery of his ideas to inform, persuade or entertain (Sampley 107).... Rhetorical analysis explores rhetorical.... ... ... Moreover, rhetorical analysis records the organization and observations of writers when communicating ideas and themes to a target audience....
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Business Models On theWeb
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Previously, the cost of advertising was relatively high, thus increasing expenditure by companies.... However, due to the development of digital marketing,.... ... ... Furthermore, digital marketing has increased coverage by reaching customers from different geographical areas.... Digital marketing has also improved the customers' choice of This is because it avails diverse products and services, which enable customers to make choices that best suit their needs....
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Lesson Plan Deconstruction
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Pronunciation and ability to form sentences are checked in verbal communication.... AASL standard indicators like assisting in reading advocacy and advisory is followed in section Knowledge and skills b.... .... - Reading various literary texts to improve comprehension.... AASL standard ‘inquire, think critically and gain knowledge', is followed in this lesson....
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The Electronic Dimension of the Organization
4 pages (1272 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The following paper under the title 'The Electronic Dimension of the Organization' provides detailed information about the growth and therefore, the need to incorporate more and more technology is becoming necessary for organizations working in a wide range of industries.... ... ... ... The author states that the modern executive of the corporate world has been known to play more than one role in society whereas, his tendency to withstand ambiguity and confusion is negligible....
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Alopecia Areata: Summary of Presentation
5 pages (1318 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
nd of course, proper and constant communication with my research supervisor will complete the ingredients.... The report "Alopecia Areata: Summary of Presentation" aims to identify the autoantigen of alopecia areata by separating the antigen from whole hair follicle extract.... Moreover, the report attempts to identify the antigen with proteomics and to identify the functional relevance of the antigen....
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Main Characteristics, Features, and Uses of Blogs
3 pages (1026 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Main Characteristics, Features, and Uses of Blogs" highlights that generally, the term blog is derived from the contraction of two words: Web and log.... The idea of a blog has been considerably developed when a website used the term 'blog' in 1997.... .... ... ... Right from its inception, the primary idea of a blog being some sort of a log that is maintained on the web is alive....
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Impact of Contactless Payment on Retailers
4 pages (1185 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Near field communication Technology and Applications.... The paper 'Impact of Contactless Payment on Retailers ' is an opportune example of a finance & accounting literature review.... The main objective of this review process is to provide an in-depth analysis of the effects of contactless payment on retailers....
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Reflective Summary
4 pages (1047 words) , Download 0 , Essay
uring the event, I observed that the corporate organsiation offered insights over its products and services and the entire event was based on the active communication between the event organisers and attendees.... The paper "Reflective Summary" is focused on such aspects as investigating the influence of corporate events upon the establishment of brand image and customer loyalty, the research in the United Kingdom, the major concern, an appropriate corporate event....
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Sustainability Marketing
13 pages (3967 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper 'Sustainability Marketing' presents sustainable marketing as of great importance today, as there is a rise in new technologies, and communication, as well as relationship management.... CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPOSIBILTY FOR DANNON By 5th, May, Question Sustainable marketing is of great importance today, as there is rise in new technologies, and communication, as well as relationship management.... This will be highly advantageous if the communication strategy can increase the external credit of the company and result in increased sales and sustenance of the company (Du, Bhattacharya & Sen 2010)....
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P & G Shifts Marketing Dollars to Online, Mobile
4 pages (1181 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "P & G Shifts Marketing Dollars to Online, Mobile" discusses that it is pertinent to take into consideration 4 additional Ps, which have been proposed by National Taiwan University (Goldsmith, 1999).... These Ps are Precision, Payment, Personalization and Push and Pull factors.... ... ... ...
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Strategies for Implementing Accounting Software Systems within SMEs
13 pages (3626 words) , Download 2 , Essay
hile good IT systems do not guarantee that there is violation, at least IT can provide safeguards and help build a culture of attention to information, including its timeliness, accuracy and communication. ... The essay "Strategies for Implementing Accounting Software Systems within SMEs" focuses on the critical analysis and recommending appropriate strategies for implementing accounting software that is best suited with SMEs to improve their accounting performance....
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Women In the US Army
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper discusses the importance, significance and the problems faced by women in the US Army.... Several books, articles, journals were read in order to device this research paper.... A.... ... ... The methodology used in this paper is research, various different articles, websites, books and journals were used in order to device a paper which is based upon facts and figures....
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Impact of the Media on the Development of a Child
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The media constitutes a diverse form of elements that are mainly used for communication to the public on some of the important issues in life.... The media constitutes a diverse form of elements that are mainly used for communication to the public on some of the important issues in life.... Impact of the Media on the Development of a Child Introduction The media constitutes a diverse form of elements that are mainly used for communication to the public on some of the important issues in life....
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Non-Financial Rewards
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
According to Lewis (2006), involvement policies, thank you prizes, communication strategies, imaginative job designs and effective performance appraisal are majorly considered as the non financial reward (Lewis, 2006, p.... Non-Financial Rewards Table of Contents Introduction 3 Research Question 3 Literature Review 3 Research Methodology and Data Collection 6 Research Analysis and Findings 6 Conclusion 6 References 8 Introduction Non-Financial rewards can be treated as specific incentives to the employees other than extra monetary payment....
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Imlementing strategy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Implementing Strategy and Managing Change A Report 1.... Objective of the Report The staff members of the fire and rescue services (F&RS) unit have expressed resentment about being expected to assume roles beyond their legislated functions.... This report describes the means by which the members of the F&RS unit may be motivated, in the most efficacious manner possible, to perform the additional functions expected of them by the public and higher management....
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Management Problems: Unmotivated Employees
4 pages (1133 words) , Download 2 , Essay
3 To retain employees, management should be receptive and have strong communication with its subordinates in order to monitor and control their outputs.... "Management Problems: Unmotivated Employees" paper introduces a management problem that explains unmotivated employees in an organization....
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Distance Learning Approach in Engineering Pluses and Minuses
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Among other disadvantages is mentioned lack of face-to-face communication and meaningful university experience and increased requirements for preparation for instructors.... This paper highlights that the article under consideration is titled 'Distance Learning Approach in Engineering – Pluses and Minuses'....
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Global Convergence of Corporate Governance Codes
4 pages (1186 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
uditing Practices Board 2002, Effective communication Between Audit Committees and External Auditors, Briefing Paper, London, Auditing Practices Board. ... The paper "Global Convergence of Corporate Governance Codes" is an outstanding example of a business literature review.... An important feature in the corporate governance environment during the last two decades has been the increasing call for harmonization of the mechanisms and systems relied upon for corporate governance....
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Discuss the Ideological and Psychological Splits of the European Travellers in the Middle East by Focusing on Two Ali Behdads Analysis of the Nineteenth-Century Travel
4 pages (1093 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Behdad views orientalism as a complex field that depends on its own ambivalence to preserve its control as a communication of its discontinuity.... The paper "Discuss the Ideological and Psychological Splits of the European Travellers in the Middle East by Focusing on Two Ali Behdad's Analysis of the Nineteenth-Century Travel" tells us about orientalism and colonialism in the 19th century....
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Sports Medicine Doctor at Fairview Sports and Orthopedic Care of Burnsville
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Besides, the Computerized Gait Analysis provides visual information of improving communication with patients.... The author answers the question of how can Fairview Sports and Orthopedic Care realize its goals in the light of increased customers' expectations on service delivery and the need to remain competitive....
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Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
Individuals on the other hand rely on the internet for communication purposes.... The study "Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction" will investigate how the age of an individual affects usage of the internet, find out if the type of device used by an individual has an effect on addiction, establish the effect of addiction to the internet on an individual's studies or work....
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Technology Management and Collaboration
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
With developments in areas like biotechnology and information and communication technology (ICT), the speed of growth and innovation is expected to rise even more in the near future.... Immediately after, the partners successfully built an effective communication networks at all levels, primarily by means of electronic mail.... Both Cisco and the UNDP believe that such a laborious and geographically varied programme would not have been successful without the powerful, influential image UNDP delivers and consistent, regular, and efficient communication....
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Media Response to Obesity
10 pages (2862 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is crystal clear that our popular communication media contradicts itself because on the one hand they promote thinness and the risk of obesity, on the other hand media promote eating and unhealthy food habit (Great Britain.... Boyce from Cardiff School of journalism, Cardiff, U.... Boyce, T 2006, The Media and Obesity, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff School of journalism, Cardiff, UK, viewed 31 July 2011, ....
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Leading IT Investments of Businesses
41 pages (11842 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Also, we were able to deduce their expectations, and from this, we can conclude that ZNZ Education Adelaide needs a proper IT system that could aid in data and information management and communication.... In the current age, cloud computing, online services, digital communication, and social networking are some of the leading IT investments made by most businesses (Powell & Dent-Micallef, 1997, 16).... Most of the issues faced by businesses in regard to communication, information management, and accounting among others have received great priority in the IT world....
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To prepare a business plan based on opening a pub in Canterbury
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Today's market is characterized by highly competitive organizations which are all vying for consumer's loyalty.... Firms are faced with the challenge to maintain their own competitive edge to be able to survive and be successful.... Strategies are carefully planned and executed to gain the ultimate goal of all: company growth....
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AIDS Is a Mass Murderer
7 pages (2128 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'AIDS Is a Mass Murderer" assesses if the controversial advertisement campaign will be effective in treating HIV/AIDS awareness.... The ad shows a couple having steaming sex.... At the end of the ad, the face of the man is revealed to be Hitler, with the tag line 'AIDS is a mass murderer'....
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Contemporary Documentaries
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Apart from the visual register, sports also employ non-verbal communication, which is exploited in the contemporary documentary.... Investigative documentaries define an inherent form of journalism that researches on corporate wrongdoings, crime, corruption, and political trends within the society.... Investigative documentaries are significant in journalism as they reflect the most contemporary economic, social, and political trends in the society....
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Media Response to Obesity
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is crystal clear that our popular communication media contradicts itself because on the one hand they promote thinness and the risk of obesity, on the other hand media promote eating and unhealthy food habit (Great Britain.... Boyce from Cardiff School of journalism, Cardiff, U.... oyce, T 2006, The Media and Obesity, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff School of journalism, Cardiff, UK, viewed 31 July 2011, . ...
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System Science: Modeling
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Currently, Information and communication Technology is being applied in many departments within the university.... Modeling Name Institution Instructor Course Date Introduction The model to be developed is about an information system that makes teaching, learning and administrative issues easy and convenient for everybody within the environs....
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The impact of advertisements on customers
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Advertisers can rationally affect the customers through the source of advertising, the context of communication, the type of consumers as well as the message being portrayed itself.... Advertising is one of the most powerful tools through which a company can promote its products and inform the customers about the features of its products....
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Environmental Disclosures in Food and Drink Industry
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
This paper seeks to investigate into the various environmental management practices and policies adopted and implemented by four different firms; namely Nestle, McDonald's, Pepsi and Unilever in the Food & Drink Industry and analyzes the policies and procedures followed by them.... ... ... ... The aim of this report is to analyze and investigate the various policies and practices adopted by some of the major companies in the Food & Drink Industry....
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Marketing Intelligence Systems
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Marketing Intelligence Systems (MIS) are a set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain everyday information about the marketing environment (Kotler, 2002).... The fast changing business world has changed the marketing industry forever.... Customer taste and preferences.... ... ... A marketing intelligence system works by gathering recurrent information from various sources which allows managers to make better decisions....
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Professional and Academic Skills Development
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
You must ensure that each sheet is completed electronically for this submission.... See the Portfolio Assessment Guidance document for full details.... ... ... I have discovered that I learn best when I do things practically.... I am therefore an activist.... In order to make my learning experience more effective, I try to visualise myself doing things so that the picture of what i am learning Portfolio Assessment Materials 12 Instructions to This document contains all of the materials that you need to complete and submit forthe 122BSS Personal Development Portfolio assessment....
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Cell phones and brain cancer
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Federal communication Commission (FCC) places a limit on the amount of RF energy that can be absorbed from a cell phone into the users local tissues--the specific absorption rate (SAR)--at 1.... With a cell phone our aural and cognitive faculties are extended in an unprecedented manner, making our living experience very unique....
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What specific impact does the media have on the development of
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The media constitutes a diverse form of element that are mainly used for the purposes of communication to the public on some of the very important issues in life.... In this reference, there are the options of the print media, which includes magazines, newspapers, the broadcast.... ...
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LogisticsReflective Report
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The development of logistics and effective implementation of the same towards enhancing the global presence of organisations have been my.... ... ... While providing a detailed elaboration about the various phases of logistics management with due significance to the basic tenets of modernisation, I have successfully illustrated my views about the various issues that the organisations are likely to I even developed a strong position towards an idea about various advantages that the organisations can reap in order to maintain their dominant business position with the successful development of Supply Chain Management (SCM) procedure....
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Club IT Technical Issues
4 pages (1101 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These customers regularly use mobile technologies such as Blackberries, PDAs, camera phones, and other wireless communication devices.... From the paper "Club IT Technical Issues" it is clear that the company's website has limited its access to only the administrators.... This has served as a shortcoming to its vendors who could play a key role in developing the cost-benefit of the company....
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The word McDonaldization was invented by George Ritzer.... Ritzer in his works described the sociological phenomenon happening in our society.... The study shall cover the general.... ... ... In addition, the study shall cover the four main dimensions of McDonaldization as described by Ritzer. ... ...
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The Impact of Change from Conventional Radiography to Digital
44 pages (11000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This study, The Impact of Change from Conventional Radiography to Digital, examines the implications of changing from conventional to digital radiography in five selected private and public medical institutions in Trinidad.... It endeavors to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography....
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Representation and Stereotype of Women in Video Games
39 pages (10140 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The major means of communication and interaction have occupied the entire world.... The paper "Representation and Stereotype of Women in Video Games" states that most of the game represents woman as a helpless lady or needy damsel who is begging for help from her male counterpart, or she has been portrayed in a very demeaning manner, either as a prostitute....
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How does belonging to an individualistic or collectivist culture influence your personality
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Though I feel isolated and alienated at times by making such choices that are based solely on my personal interests, yet the modern technology and means of communication have made it easier for me to be a part of those social networks/ groups/ individuals that interest me.... The Influence of Individualistic Society on Personality Name of the author Name of the institution Abstract In order to study the influences of an individualistic society on human personalities, various personal experiences are narrated, as instructed....
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Analyzing of Pricing Strategy: Nike
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
In addition, the Nike gives specific emphasis on the product quality in order to easily distinguish its product lines from those of competitors and thereby to facilitate value communication.... The company is one of the leading players in the world's sports equipment industry, and its business mainly focuses on athletic shoes and apparel....
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Qualities of Mature Student, the Importance of Maturity
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Dependable people are inbuilt mature both in personal and social parameters, and they maintain a good personality along with good communication skill with public in contrast with others individual who lacks this ability.... The paper "Qualities of Mature Student, the Importance of Maturity" states that maturity is not an ability that is granted naturally by mean of human physical growth but it can be attained by practising psychological, mental and social development process....
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Leadersip , effective leaders what makes them effective
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The phenomena of leadership has been defined by many scholars and philosophers; there are countless theories and school of thoughts that try to define leadership and what makes individuals effective.... The paper considers the work of Stephen R.... Covey to understand the common.... ... ... or attributes possessed by great leaders, later on a brief account of old school leadership theories is given which tries to explain popular leadership theories....
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