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The Content of Advertisements in Britain
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'The Content of Advertisements in Britain' presents the violation of law through advertising which has become a common phenomenon in all developed countries worldwide.... The level at which this problem is addressed in each country is differentiated, in accordance with the local ethics,....
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Major Difference in Humanities and Social Sciences
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural and social sciences, from physics and biology to sociology and journalism” (Quantitative), while qualitative research is “involves an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and the reasons that govern human behaviour” (Qualitative)....
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Research Critique on Nursing Healthcare
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
The research "Factors Influencing Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit" written by Gruenberg et.... al deals with the patient experiences related to the reasons why they need to stay in ICU departments of hospitals and its implications to the nursing practice.... ... ... ... To critique this research, Caldwell and Henshaw framework for critiquing health research will be used. ...
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Toyota Corporation
70 pages (17500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Brand communication 30 2.... The paper 'Toyota Corporation' states that production and technical experts are convinced that the Company's production system is not at fault and the defects are those that may be reasonably expected in the case of the mass production of technical equipment in the scale Toyota does....
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The Market of IKEA in China
60 pages (15000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This dissertation focuses on analysis and understanding the market of IKEA in China.... large number of journals,academic articles and books contribute to the secondary research of this paper.... Solely based on secondary research,this paper illustrates the situation of IKEA's market in China,from 4 aspects....
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Apple computers inc
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
We have explored how the corporate objectives of the HRM team have influenced the development of their resourcing strategy.... We have also.... ... ... . ... ... he apple computer company was founded by Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976 and was later incorporated on January 03, 1977.... m 1978 to 1983, the company had many successful breakthroughs such as replacing the cassette drive with a floppy disk drive and VisiCalc as well as Lisa and generating sales of over $700 million....
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Management Portfolio
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A civil engineer must have a clear insight on the fundamentals of construction management especially knowledge of creating and building structures in the most efficient way.... But it is mandatory to have knowledge on other domains like marketing, Health and Safety, business.... ... ... ment, risk management, quality assurance, scheduling, estimating, contracting and quality control etc ....
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Formal and Informal Roles Increasing Business Efficiency
8 pages (2263 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Organisational structure is “how the team members and individual work” (Organisational Structure, 2010) and having a structure results in a coordinated efforts as it defines “the relationship of reporting, shows the communication channel and identifies how people are linked”.... A study also supports this and states that organisation transforming their structure brings about “a change in leadership as the hierarchy and lateral and upward communication brings a transformational change in leadership”....
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Ethics in communication
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The researcher of this descriptive essay mostly focuses on the discussion of the topic of ethics in communication and analyzing the issue in the field of journalism, advertising (sexism and children), public relations, and entertainment.... The paper discusses such controversial topic as ethics in communication.... Ethical issues in journalism The word ethics are described as fundamental will to do and or once self properly in the society.... In journalism, many ethical issues need to be followed when reporting or publishing any information....
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Portfolio: Highlighting the Professional Strengths
9 pages (2695 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The community health practicum required frequent interaction and communication with the members of the other professionals in order to make different decisions.... Before the program, my knowledge, skills, clinical reasoning, judgment leadership and communication were below average.... Effective communication 5 ... Effective communication ... The leadership practicum and the community health nurse required me to communicate with stakeholders on a frequent basis and it was useful in improving my communication. ...
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Importance of Copyright in Academia
13 pages (3172 words) , Download 0 , Essay
On the other hand, the “electronic use scheme” allows copying and communication of digital material24.... art VA of the Act is concerned with use and communication of TV and Radio broadcast materials for educational purposes.... Part VA also has provisions pertaining to the communication and copying of TV programs for educational purposes17.... The institution issues a specific notice incase of communication or reproduction of a digital copy....
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Advantages of Internet Along with its Issues
18 pages (5267 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
People are spending an enormous amount of time on these websites, and are becoming habitual of online communication, which portrays a negative impact on face-to-face communication.... Users trust textual communication from these social networking sites more than emails.... The security of these websites can be compromised anytime and can publish the communication or personal pictures on the web if breached....
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The Prospect of Social Marketing
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Why do we need it if we have already got social communication/mass media theory?... The idea of social marketing as a ‘me too' for the assumptions of mass communication disintegrates when other components of the marketing mix in addition to promotion are taken into account, or consumer orientation and exchange theory are incorporated (Goldberg 1997).... Advertising is best fitted to performing a relatively constricted array of communication tasks, a weakness that has been expansively acknowledged....
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Automated Warehouse Functioning
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Another issue related with equipment downtime is that of information technology downtime where the communication between various equipments or supervisors and equipments are disrupted.... (2009) stated that because of standardised operations in automated systems, flaw in communication will result in mistakes in the complete system.... The most important aspect in this process is the communication of information between various functional departments of the supply chain management process and the warehouse automation system....
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Application of Information System to Managing the CSX Corporations Business
10 pages (2864 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
These facilities are of great importance to the company as they are powerful tools of communication.... The communication system would be installed in all the subsidiaries of the CSX Corporation and to all the service users of the company.... he corporate wireless team would concentrate on designing a strategic differentiation system and generate enterprise visualization for wireless communication for the company.... A CMU (communication Management Unit) was designed out of the corporate and deliberate considerations by the team and the Cisco Systems engineers....
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How has Forensic Science Impacted Anit-terrorism Internationally or Nationally
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Further more , for better communication links with the higher authorities, the head of the homeland security department should be in constant touch with the heads of the law enforcing agencies and if necessary also with the President, and should guide them with the latest reports....
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The Los Angeles Riots of 1992
12 pages (3387 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Besides, lack of a common language for communication among most immigrants to several American states has helped create more rifts than offer any solution to the prevailing problem of racism.... This paper finds out the underlying matters, causes and consequences related to the 1992 Los Angeles riots which to date constantly send sparkles of hatred and whispers of racism in the region....
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IRB Forms to be completed
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
APPENDIX A Approval from School Administrators Date: To: Researcher From: School Authorized Agent Address I [school authorized agent] an authorized agent of Ridgeville High School, grant [name of the researcher] permission to carry out research with the assistance of Ridgeville High School as specified herein....
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The Old Attributes of Manhood
24 pages (6418 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper 'The Old Attributes of Manhood' focuses on manliness that used to be closely identified with derring-do, with being rude and nasty.... Now men who express their masculinity through such traditional methods as brute strength and sheer contempt for womanly ways are being seen as throwbacks....
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Failure of Business Journalism in Reporting During the Great Market Crash of 1929
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 0 , Report
Profits and Losses: Business journalism and its role in society, New York, Marion Street Press.... This report "Failure of Business journalism in Reporting During the Great Market Crash of 1929" discusses the most devastating crash in the stock market, in the United States.... Failure of Business journalism in Reporting During the Great Market Crash of 1929 Introduction The great market crash of 1929 marked the most devastating crash in the stock market, in the United States....
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Characteristics of Personal Development Plan
10 pages (2657 words) , Download 0 , Essay
After third rating about my leadership and communication styles, my teacher told me that I have shown a transition from an authoritarian leader to participative leader (Johnson, 2012).... ead journal articles on leadership skills and effective oral communication ... Inculcate earlier observations in my communication styles.... Inculcate earlier observations in my communication styles.... This observation along with viewing videos of effective leadership speeches also helped me in understanding the importance of communication and ability to influence and help team members....
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Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour
12 pages (3945 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
Thisincreased communication fosters brand awareness and improved customer service.... Hawkins and Mothersbaugh (2009) explained that social media influences the customer loyalty to the brand through the constant communication and feedback on the products, brands will take recommendations given by their consumers and work on them to improve their products.... ?It was the study of mass media that has then been revolutionized to a primary research method to study communication behavior as a form of human behavior. ...
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Marketing Strategy Tesco
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 6 , Dissertation
The present dissertation dwells on the TESCO company marketing strategies.... Admittedly, due to technological development, the increase of competition and globalizing business operations now becomes extremely difficult to sustain competitive position on the market.... ... ... ... Gaining competitive advantage in a modern business world is an important factor of gaining financial results of operations anticipated which are a difficult task as there emerge more and more participants in the industry....
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Health Services in a Bid to Enhance Patient Outcomes
15 pages (4701 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Fluency and communication skills are necessary in establishing a basis for information sharing with the patient and other professionals.... The paper "Health Services in a Bid to Enhance Patient Outcomes" states that evidence-based practice refers to the organised use of empirical information in decision making....
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Environmental Scanning Strategy of AlienVault
16 pages (4163 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Being that AlienVault sell some of the best enterprise security solutions, the marketing team are responsible for generating marketing leads and creating marketing communication strategies that sell the company's products.... The author of the paper "Environmental Scanning Strategy of AlienVault" will begin with the statement that when it comes to network and internet security, AlienVault has made a name for being one of the most trusted names in security industry....
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Reciprocity and Extensive Reading
19 pages (5101 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
In addition, Nunan (2004:56) identified several task types in his book, Task-Based Language Teaching: question and answers, dialogues and role-plays, pictures and picture stories, puzzles and problems, discussions and decisions, and communication strategies.... In communication, there is what we call taking-turns.... Breen(1984:3-15) as quoted by Nunan (2004:3), suggests that teachers place communication at the center of the curriculum goal the goal (individuals who are capable of communicating in the target language) and the means (classroom procedures that develop this capability) begin to merge: learners learn to communicate by communicating....
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International Modernism
5 pages (1521 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The increasing importance of images, then, as an art element in journalism and advertising also raised the degree of participation of an art director because their reproduction and the layout as a whole became his/her responsibility (Hollis, yr of publication). ... This essay "International Modernism" sheds some light on the designer and the art director who are one of the mutually intertwined positions in the graphic design and advertising world....
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Evaluation of Muscat International Airport Future under the Competition at Gulf Region
8 pages (2202 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
"Evaluation of Muscat International Airport Future under the Competition at Gulf Region" paper discovers the challenges, which MIA must endure to realize the vision of their business that will make it be seen as the best worldwide airport, offering an uppermost service level.... ... ... ... Based on other airports in Gulf, there offer distinct settings; for instance, Dubai has the ability to house approximately 48 million travelers these days, and by 2020 it intends to surpass Heathrow by 98 million, whereas Doha is aiming to draw at least 36million travelers in the same period (Harrington-Snell, 2013)....
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Issues and Problems of Birmingham City Business School
12 pages (3847 words) , Download 2 , Essay
2009) Birmingham City Business School's organizational structure is highly bureaucratic in nature and has many layers and levels through which decision making and communication has to pass.... Another area that the organization needs to focus on is the introduction and implementation of key bench marks and key performance indicators with respect to decision making and communication through which the organization can then improve its implementation of strategic decisions, and help ease the flow of communication within and amongst departments....
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Probity and Financing of Large Projects
10 pages (2650 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Second, one-on-one communication is forbidden in the bid process in order to ensure impartiality.... As the paper "Probity and Financing of Large Projects" tells, probity is important because its resultant audit can reveal useful information.... Results of the New Ticket System (NTS) tender probity audit in Victoria, for instance, indicated areas that had a conflict of interest....
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Discussing Censorship and the First Amendment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The First Amendment says that people have the right to speak freely without government interference.... The First Amendment gives the press the right to publish news, information and opinions without government interference.... This also means people have the right to publish their own newspapers, newsletters, magazines, etc....
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Factors Influencing Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit
23 pages (7833 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To identify and categorize the factors associated with prolonged stays in the intensive care unit and to describe briefly the nonmedical interventions to date designed to reduce the length of stay' is the stated objective of the paper "Factors Influencing Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit"....
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International relation theory
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
International Relations Theory The international relations theory explains the functioning of the international political system from a particular theoretical perspective, holding certain systematic ideologies or principles that are backed-up with concrete evidence.... ... ... ... In this article, we provide a conceptual framework for analysis on the theory of international relations using the ideologies of neorealism and neoliberalism....
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How Advertising is influenced by Ethics
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
These principles were mainly based on different communication vehicles, which include advertising (American Advertising Federation, 2011).... When it comes to serving people, marketing communication, advertising, news, public relation or editorial, share a common objective that is truth and enhanced ethical standards.... A distinction should be made between corporate communication, advertising, public relation from editorial content, news or entertainment, in case of both offline and online advertisement....
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The Impact of Technology on Culture and Society
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
It is from this idea where they came up with mobile phones which have served as mediums of communication among people.... They have been linked with; increase of crimes as people organise and commit crimes easily due to communication.... It has enhanced communication with people from far distances, they are being used for emergencies, and they are being used for businesses.... More and more people have developed anti social behaviours and interpersonal communication has been affected at a greater extent....
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The Worst Print Media Design in History
10 pages (2728 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The ads did not even try to promote communication between readers and the products.... The paper "The Worst Print Media Design in History" highlights that the most effective way of having advertisements laid out to the public is through the use of mixed methods.... What I am trying to suggest is that advertisers should create ads, whether printed or not, in an appealing matter....
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Whether Privacy is a Human Right
10 pages (2834 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Similarly, in the present day, people increasingly use the information technology for different purposes including medical needs, banking, travel, communication etc, which further enhances the risk of divulging their personal information to others.... communication technologies permit personal information to be collected from several bases, to disclose outline in online behavior.... communication technology facilitates the gathering and substitute of personal information....
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The relationship between job satisfaction and employee motivation within an organisation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Introduction This is a literature review on the relationship between job satisfaction and employee motivation in organisations.... The review will include a critique of job satisfaction and its related matters and factors.... This will be done by linking job satisfaction with employee motivation in order to identify the commonalities and the different elements that exists in the two ideas....
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Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Plan
14 pages (3874 words) , Download 2 , Essay
esign of the information and communication systems that facilitate knowledge flow ... he role of information and communication technologies in managing knowledge flow ... onstant communication with potential users often clears many research dilemmas and makes it more capable of success ... The steps include knowledge dissemination, communication, technology transfer, ethical context, knowledge management, knowledge utilization, two-way communication between researchers and those who apply knowledge, implementation research, technology assessment, synthesis of results within the global context, development of consensus guidelines, and others (Knowledge Translation, Canadian Institute of Health Research, 2005)....
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My Experience in a Group Management Activity
11 pages (3019 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In regards to interpersonal communication strategies, I was not impressed with the way some members could communicate to others.... My greatest achievement was the realization that effective interpersonal communication is valuable when team members lend each other a listening ear while at the same time establishing conclusions on one another's input.... It is also precise that if a member tries to outshine others, effective interpersonal communication may not be achieved....
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People Resourcing and Business Management
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Effective communication: ... as it helps in departmental planning, addressing business values, cost, communication, maintenance, legal requirements and tackling the risks in the near future (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, 2011).... primirarily for sending, receiving and for information because it facilitates a smooth and a good communication between government departments, allies, clients mostly for recruitment, emergency communications, providing services, stakeholders, education, and consultation....
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Ways That Social Media Marketing Can Help Organisations to Market Their Products
20 pages (6265 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Perhaps it is owing to the benefits offered by social media as one of the most effective and convenient forms of communication between the people.... Few of the traditional social media used for the promotion of the product are newspapers, radio and magazines, which were also denoted as the modern one-way communication tools at often instances.... Apart from marketing the products, these business organisations extensively use social media marketing tools for improving the internal communication and relationship with the stakeholders including employees, customers and public (Busscher, 2013)....
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The Impact of Employee Satisfaction Levels on Customer Satisfaction
17 pages (4659 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This paper ''The Impact of Employee Satisfaction Levels on Customer Satisfaction'' tells us that to decrease the price competition among the competitors are seen to use differentiating strategies that can lead to the offering of beer services.... One of the most dominating strategies is to increase the satisfaction of the employees....
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Why Is Modern Publishing Industry a Risky Business
8 pages (6219 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It represents an Intranet type of communication where co-workers are able to continue their dialogue in a more private space without interupting their daily routine.... The paper "Why Is Modern Publishing Industry a Risky Business?... shows up that today's publishing branch is no longer about disseminating knowledge and information but about making money or profits....
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The Development of Theories of Second Language Acquisition
8 pages (2360 words) , Download 1 , Article
The life of modern society is tightly connected with international communication and relationships, that is why acquiring a new language became the question of paramount importance.... The life of modern society is tightly connected with international communication and relationships, that is why, acquiring a new language became the question of a paramount importance.... The demand for such knowledge predetermined the creation of the new educational establishments, such as language schools, international communication camps, online study programs and so forth....
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Sandy Hook Shooting
6 pages (1953 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Written modes of communication include newspapers, magazines journals among others.... The chromatic method of communication includes the telecast while the acoustic enmeshes the radio.... Researched argument paper Mass media are a device that is expended for communication (PMC).... Written modes of communication include the newspapers, magazines journals among others.... The chromatic method of communication includes the telecast while the acoustic enmeshes the radio (Bolton and Olsson)....
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Managing a Consultancy Project through Applying proper Methodology
8 pages (2100 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Therefore, need recognition and communication with other business stakeholders are important for identifying an efficient management consultant for the business.... Kerzner (2013) stated that, this approach is also beneficial for managing organizational projects and lead the team member through building communication and cooperation among the team.... The companies also face certain issues to build effective communication with other business people as lack of interaction raises misunderstanding at workplace (Independent consulting boot camp, 2014)....
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Electronic Media and Source for Marketing
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the present report, a situational analysis has been done.... E-Marketing has been taken as a strategy for branding and promotions of the newly established library in Birmingham.... Since this generation is mostly customer savvy and addicted to the internet and other social media activities.... ...
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Information Technology - questions to answer
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is clearly seen in the last few years that the wage gap between the U.... .... and Asian qualified employers is narrowing.... Therefore the cost of savings of outsourcing the work may soon decrease.... But what is more significant, in the modern world it is so hard to find low-cost talented specialist as it was 30 years ago, when corporations were limited by only U....
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Strengths and Weaknesses of Globalization
10 pages (2833 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Globalisation is certainly the invention of later part of twentieth century, which has brought the nations closer to one another with the help of revolutionary developments in the fields of IT and communication.... u) Hence, globalisation simply refers to the shrinking of world into one small village, where all humans are inter-linked to one another and have access to similar things and products on the one hand, and can communicate with one another within a jiffy through latest technological and communication equipments and can share their views, ideas, knowledge, talent, joys, sorrows, problems, products and services etc....
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