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Comprehensive Exam
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research is based on communication theory in order to recognize ‘Knowledge Management System' (KMS) in different stages of virtual project management.... Comprehensive Exam Question 1 Part 1 Theory is considered as a map or a plan for conducting any kind of research.... In any research, the main motive of people is to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the best approach to study, by using previous experiences and explanations of others who have conducted similar researches before....
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The improvement of teaching and learning through technology by blended learning in secondary schools
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 6 , Dissertation
Traditional classroom training cannot be done away with for secondary education because face-to-face communication is essential.... Computer networks create new forms and channels of communication, shaping the life and being shaped by life at the same time.... An intranet is an application of internet technology within an organization for the purpose of information dissemination, communication, integration and collaboration (cited by Duane & Finnegan, 2003)....
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Understanding eWOM (electronic word of mouth) effect on consumer purchase decisions
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Not actually, Park and Lee (2009) stated that eWOM differs from WOM in three aspects, 1- speed of interaction, 2- level interactivity and 3- communication in the virtual world.... Comparing the purchase decision of Saudis & non Saudis consumers in context to eWOM would not only fulfil the gap in the literature but also might provide guideline to future researchers planning to conduct study on the topic....
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Types of Audiences Associated with Genre
12 pages (3271 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Fowler (1989) suggests that the system of generic expectations requires a code through which composition becomes economical; hence, genre can be treated as one that serves the purpose of communication and may even function to prevent a text from dissolving into a so-called individualism or incomprehensibility (ibid).... On the other hand, Fowler (1989) claims that genre makes possible the communication of content, which he illustrated through the assignment of a text to a genre, which certainly influences how the text is read....
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Performance Management: Working Conditions and Career Advancement
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
A basis for effective discipline in an organization is good communication, co-operation and morale within an organization.... roper communication at shop level ... Proper communication at Shop Level ... Proper communication plays a pivotal role to achieve results in this priority area.... novelty can be experimented for orienting shop communication in tune with the process of work etc.... he shop communication forums propagate information to larger numbers on the shop, smaller groups of employees who are facilitated with a forum for two way information in the luncheon sessions on shop annual performance improvement plan....
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Goals and Problems of a Good Curriculum
14 pages (3708 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
ossible outcomes: varied comprehension levels among the learners, breakdown in terms of communication and vision skills, and full comprehension by learners. ... eebe B: Micro-timing in mother-infant communication, in Non-Verbal communication Today: Current Research....
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The Motivation of Human Resources
10 pages (3143 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In addition, the soft model stresses on the organizational efforts in winning the commitment of the employees and promotion of their adaptability levels using various factors such as leadership, motivation, and communication (Fernandez & Pitts, 2011).... This makes trust a vital factor within the organization that intends to achieve competitive advantage considering its ability to improve the level of employee motivation and spearhead interpersonal communication within the organization....
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Technology and education
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This means the platform communication will be available for almost every student in the future.... Today's world is defined by the technological progression that has triggered paralleled change.... Technology is necessary if seen as a tool of sustainability.... Most sectors of the....
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Cloud Computing and Software Evolution at Business
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In addition, the new advancements and evolutions have made it possible to have more ease in terms of communication and data transfer.... And proceeding section will analyze the different levels of cloud computing and their collaboration in the establishment of communication and data sharing....
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Market Research Promotional Strategy for LG Electronics
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The above issues can be used in order to formulate the mission statement of LG Electronics, as following: ‘The firm aims to offer to the public products and services of high quality respecting the ethical values of the local community; in the long term the firm aims to increase its market share; innovation and continuous communication with customers will be the values that will characterize the firm's activities around the world'.... The firm is an important competitor worldwide regarding the audio – video communication products....
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Applied Research Of Obese Parents And Overweight Children
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The paper "Applied Research Of Obese Parents And Overweight Children" discusses the intervention that was introduced in 20 schools in Westmoreland County.... At the beginning of the intervention, six students were randomly selected from every class irrespective of their gender.... ... ... ... In order to compute changes in parents' behavior towards nutrition and physical activity, a questionnaire called a family assessment device (FAD) was used (Berry et al....
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Social problem: Living with Dementia// I prefer something in health care
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The first symptoms of dementia that can be perceived are forgetfulness, confusion, risk of fall and instability.... From the moment this is perceived in the ageing parents, anxiety in the family builds up.... The reasons for anxiety range from getting the right diagnosis to proper.... ... ... Dementia patients can be a source of irritation and frustration for the family until they are taught how to handle the situation that arises as a consequence of this disease....
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Nuclear Weapons against Japan
6 pages (1748 words) , Download 4 , Essay
These are; strengthened existence of non state actors as vital players in international relations, energy, environment, terrorism, globalization, communication and revolution.... This essay "Nuclear Weapons against Japan" answers the question in what ways did the use of nuclear weapons against Japan change international relations....
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Preeclampsia as a Serious Hypertensive Condition in Pregnancy
5 pages (1648 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
“Short communication: STOX1 gene in pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction.... The paper "Preeclampsia as a Serious Hypertensive Condition in Pregnancy" states that preeclampsia is primarily linked to high blood pressure during pregnancy.... The risk of suffering from the condition is greatly increased with chronic hypertension in the mother....
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School Improvement Plan for Schafer School
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Secondly, communication breakdown among the staff further makes management costly.... This essay "School Improvement Plan for Schafer School" would aim at answering these research questions: Does the SIP clearly identify the areas of weakness reflected in the district, state, or national assessments or other data?...
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The Effects of Social Media on Employment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It is true that, effective communication between employees and employers can help an organisation to reduce the possibility of workplace conflicts as it can help to provide effective solution to the developed problems quite effectively (Wood, 2012, p.... Establishment of social media networks in workplace as communication device can enhance the communication process among employers and employees.... n the other hand, employers also can be benefited through the adoption and implementation of online workplace communication process....
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BP oil company Knowledge management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
BP Knowledge Management (Name) (University) BP Knowledge Management Executive Summary This paper discusses BP knowledge management strategy and most of the information has been obtained from literature reviews, journals and reports especially those with an emphasis on Knowledge management as practised by BP....
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IT Governance with Risk Management Impact on the Government Sector Business Strategy
14 pages (4073 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This proposal will seek to establish how the absence of documented strategies contributes to weak communication across an organization and, as Brown and Grant (2007) point out, slows down the process of change.... From the paper "IT Governance with Risk Management Impact on the Government Sector Business Strategy" it is clear that the impact of information technology is of much importance in the present risk management process....
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Intelligence profile
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Intelligence Profile Professor Jonathan Calof Name Jonathan Calof Designation Professor Pictures Contact information 1.... Email: calof@heilyang.... om 2.... Calof, Jonathan B.... .... (Carleton), MBA (Western), PhD (Western) Associate Professor Location DMS 7117 Telephone(613) 562-5800 x4779 E-mailcalof@telfer....
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How wearable technology affect developer of web content
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the areas of business collaboration, communication and customer relationship management, Web 2.... This paper has such sections: emerging technologies and opportunities for web application development; trends and technologies that are providing new opportunities for internet-based applications; the context of internet technologies beyond use in traditional websites etc....
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Irans Hostile Interference in the Middle East
6 pages (1762 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
There intelligence evidence available shows there were communication between the Al-Qaeda bin Laden and the Iranian officials in October 2000 (Beeman, 2008, 40).... The idea of this paper "Irans Hostile Interference in the Middle East" emerged from the author's interest and fascination in whether Iran's foreign policy and the concept of 'exporting the revolution' show any hostility that is likely to destabilize the Middle East region....
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Intelligence Profile Professor Jonathan Calof
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
y use of a systematic and ethical process involving, planning, collection, analysis, communication and management (Jonathan Calof) .... An essay "Intelligence Profile Professor Jonathan Calof" claims that Professor Calof focuses his research on international competitive intelligence and the application of knowledge for innovation....
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Has Persuasion Become a Key Function of Democratic Governments
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This eventuality was foreseen by Walter Lippmann who provides, the research question for this essay when he said, ‘As a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner….... The three variables of communication: the source (i.... When examining communication as a process, researchers were aware that people are not capable of accepting and processing all the stimuli available to them....
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Research Methodology for Matrix management
36 pages (9000 words) , Download 4 , Thesis
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the validity of political theories of organizations in major international companies that have been implemented matrix structure.... For the purpose of this research, a mixed research method was selected.... .... ... ... This research will examine the impact of dual authority by investigating the both the weaknesses and strengths of matrix structure for organizational performance....
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Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
his book will be used to explain how RHC can use a process of improvement with the projects, specifically by opening to communication and other attributes that are a part of change.... his particular article will be used to describe the way in which long – care organizations work in terms of communication process and other applications to the nurse and residential expectations.... The planning issue is one which is identified by a lack of communication and the inability to understand the needs and associations with both the staff and the patients....
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Should censorship be sometimes justified
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(Subject) Should Censorship be Sometimes Justified?... The question of censorship – the control of information and ideas by the government or its agencies -- has vexed generations of Americans since the founding of the United States.... ... ... ... Some people argue that the government should have no powers to impose censorship at all....
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Leadership Theories and Models
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
They complained that the training was not aimed at improving the performance of the employees and communication was inadequate.... Creating awareness is a form of communication and communication is again essential for knowledge or information flow to navigate change.... The success of the leader lies in effective and timely communication on various issues including allowing the employees to vent their emotions.... Most mergers fail during the integration process and integration fails due to lack of clear vision, lack of communication, improper managing and strategy and culture differences (Nguyen & Kleiner, 2003)....
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South Korea Pop Music
11 pages (3283 words) , Download 0 , Essay
he main features facilitating the development and spread of K-pop music to countries in the Asian region and the world at large include; the development of Information communication Technologies (ICTs), common historical and cultural background, cultural proximity, common 20th century experience of rapid industrialisation, inter-regional trade, and strategic investments in tourism industry.... The main features facilitating the development and spread of K-pop music to countries in the Asian region and the world at large include; the development of Information communication Technologies (ICTs), common historical and cultural background, cultural proximity, common 20th century experience of rapid industrialisation, inter-regional trade and strategic investments in tourism industry....
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Women Fragmented Body As A Selling Tool
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The role of media has became more prominent in the recent times when communication became the order of the day and even one of the reasons for the success of a number of companies.... The role of communication and the affectivity of communication are even recognised by the.... 1 The dissemination of information is carried on for a meeting a number of purposes such as Advertising is a form of marketing communication where the elements or ingredients of communication is used to encourage, motivate, persuade and even manipulate an audience for causing some action, that is, causing sales and ensuring continuance of the action....
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Is the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper too powerful
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Harper's administration has, however, employed 1500 communication officers who work in offices and departments held by various ministries (Miles, 2014, p.... Reilly (2011) identifies that Harper's office has 87 communication officers working for his office (505).... This implies that the work of the communication officers is to manipulate information and create a positive image for the government in the media.... The communication officers also choose which reporters can cover an interview....
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Challenging Behaviour in Children with Autism
22 pages (5953 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
This dissertation "Challenging Behaviour in Children with Autism" focuses on the problem of challenging behavior among autistic children and the effectiveness of techniques like social stories in developing behavioral skills.... Autism disorder contributes to severe behavioral problems among children....
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What should organisations be concerned about in corporate rebranding from a strategic point of view
54 pages (13500 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The term rebranding refers to the process that leads to the creation of a new symbol, logo, name, or all three in combination, for a corporate house.... Corporate rebranding is undertaken with the specific objective of creating a perspective shift and a change in stand, in the minds of the stakeholders and business rivals....
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Ethnic Style in Male-Female Conversation
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
(2011) Telling stories: Gender differences in peers' emotion talk and communication style.... Since conversational strategies and degrees of indirectness often vary with cultural differences between individuals, therefore misunderstandings even from simple conversations can emerge more in cross-cultural communication. ... Although previous research associates conversational styles with the manner of talking, the author has suggested that such styles are strategies applied to attain a communication goal....
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IT Infrastructure Business Recovery Planning for Critical Information System
27 pages (6914 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
"IT Infrastructure Business Recovery Planning for Critical Information System" research undertook the critical review of literature and primary research since the ethos of understanding the theory via actual experience is a sure way in understanding the queries of the research.... ... ... ... Here we discussed the countermeasures of data loss, presenting data, the transformation of data to the outcome, and the reasons for the data loss and security measures....
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Marketing analysis of Bupa
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study represents a secondary research effort utilizing information from journals, the corporate website and executive documentation, and general Internet-based data on the company.... Results were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively for aspects of marketing, risk, product and service provision, general business strategy and business function at Bupa....
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Probing into Internet Culture as New Media
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Man has seen a transition from dialogue to writing to modern day technology.... Civilization has marched on from dialogue to essay to webpage.... (Bolter, 104).... Our contention is that how far this new technology or 'New Media', as commonly referred to, influence the workings of our daily lives....
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(choice of topics listed below) and its implications for WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Globalization and its impact on world regional geography Preface The study has been conducted to analyze the implications of globalization upon the world regional geography.... The fact that very few studies of similar kind have been conducted making the study a challenging one.... ... ... ... The study also looks to focus on the role of the geographers in the domain on globalization and its impact on the world regional geography....
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Diversity for the 21st Century
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
New means of transport and communication have ensured that people are moving closer together.... The "Diversity for the 21st Century" paper states that diversity is not merely affirmative action.... It brings actual tangible results for the organizations that practice it.... This paper explores the different types of diversity that exist in the 21st Century....
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I dont have topic on mind you can choose an easy one
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
When a student sets out to research and write on a given topic of interest, they are determined to produce a quality piece of writing that is effective and engaging (Moore, Serviss and Rodrigue 179).... In order to achieve this, Moore, Serviss and Rodrigue assert that research.... ... ... rs and or students must be in a position to locate the most appropriate and assorted information sources and evaluate them to determine their usefulness as well as their credibility (180)....
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Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
5 pages (1436 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Some of the issues enshrined in the partnership are peace, security, stability, good governance and democracy, sustainable economic development and reform, education and socio-cultural exchanges, justice, migration and social integration, human rights and democratisation, political and security cooperation, information and communication technology, trade, financial cooperation, dialogues between two or more cultures, and the visibility of the process....
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Evaluation of a Patient Education Tool
6 pages (1683 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Heart attack patient handouts provide information that is necessary to direct and promote self care among patients Heart attack patient handouts supplement other information given to a patient by other forms of communication such as audio-visual materials, one-on-one teaching and other reading materials....
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Income Tax in United Kingdom
4 pages (1439 words) , Download 0
The United kingdoms government utilizes income tax in construction of transport and communication networks to be used by her citizens.... The paper "Income Tax In United Kingdom" is a wonderful example of a report on finance and accounting.... This is the tax imposed on annual gains or profits earned by individuals, limited companies, businesses and other organizations....
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Corporate Social Responsibility of Saudi Aramco Oil Company
20 pages (5853 words) , Download 6 , Dissertation
This paper "Corporate Social Responsibility of Saudi Aramco Oil Company" aims to explore the origins of CSR and find significant trends in the current era of CSR.... This will provide a connection between CSR and environmental protection and sustainability.... ... ... ... This paper will focus on CSR practices in the oil and gas industry, particularly in Saudi Arabia where this industry is the leading source of public and government income and expenditure....
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Theoretical Approaches to Explaining Health Policy Agenda Setting
11 pages (3169 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
A two-way agenda setting communication between the psychiatric profession or researchers and public relations or advertising is very important.... The paper "Theoretical Approaches to Explaining Health Policy Agenda Setting" describes that the campaigns which public relations have run in agenda-setting in mental health involve: outside initiatives where there have been campaigns for funding consumer advocacy groups....
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The Role of Twitter and Facebook in Building and Maintaining a Culture of Dialogue
26 pages (7729 words) , Research Paper
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Further, the analysis of the findings is done with reference to different types of theories about social networking sites on one hand and communication between different cultures on the other.... As such, there is the interaction between different people in the form of communication and the exchange of information.... Also, the analysis and discussion of the findings of the research focus on two related areas of the research: the use of social networking sites and how communication occurs among individuals belonging to different socio-cultural backgrounds....
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How Is the Internet Reshaping What We Mean by Culture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Effective interaction and communication has made it easy for ethnic cultures to amalgamate, assimilate and develop more tolerance for each other.... The author states that though the Internet has been crucial in reducing the distance by serving as a means of communication, it has also created a divide among the people who are online and who are not online.... The advancement in the world of communication has been phenomenal as the Internet has reduced the distances and made the world a smaller place than ever before....
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Leadership Journey
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
This includes learning motivational theories and tools; applying performance evaluation and appraisals; practicing open communication patterns; learning more about conflict resolution strategies; and gaining more knowledge on cultural diversity, among others.... One's personal journey in learning about the theoretical frameworks and concept on leadership paved the way for realizations and recognition that leadership is such an evolving concept where applications are evident in various endeavors....
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Understanding and carrying out health related behavior change
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Financial problems and loss of contact between one group and another in form of communication were also reported.... The purpose of the study is to prevent diabetes and pre-diabetes through the synthesis of evidence and focusing on barriers together with implementing behavior change to the targeted group, which includes the low social class of people....
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The Failure of Airbus A380 and the Modern Management Theory
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
For this reason, the work at hand has significantly included the remarkable thought concerning on how planning, coordination, organising, command or communication and control should be critically considered in the case.... n its general sense, the modern management theory emphasises the need to implement plan, organisation, coordination, communication or command and control (Swansburg, 1996, p....
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Institutional Realities
19 pages (5085 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This book will be used to explain how RHC can use a process of improvement with the projects, specifically by opening to communication and other attributes that are a part of change.... This particular article will be used to describe the way in which long – care organizations work in terms of communication process and other applications to the nurse and residential expectations.... The planning issue is one which is identified by a lack of communication and the inability to understand the needs and associations with both the staff and the patients....
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