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Effects of the Egyptian Revolution, Coup and Corruption on Tourism
8 pages (2688 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
ourism depends extensively on transport and communication.... The communication services offered by social media platforms like twitter and facebook were also disrupted.... The worsening of the situation caused a major communication breakdown in the tourism sector consequently leading to its deterioration18. ...
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Chinese Popular Culture
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Student's Full Name: Professor's Name: Chinese Popular Culture (journalism, Mass Media and Communications) 31 March 2013 (estimated word count = 1,815) Introduction Popular culture, or pop culture for short, is roughly defined as the sum total of all social practices, behaviors, attitudes, preferences and trends observable among the common people....
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A Network Solution for Sports Authority Field
18 pages (4881 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Likewise, antenna problems are common and are divided into line of sight and communication range.... thernet uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol for communication with devices connected.... The communication in Ethernet is effected through the use of cables shared by all the devices on the network.... WLAN is a wireless network communication medium that is applicable over short distances....
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Media Reflections
9 pages (2552 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
?Press freedom and communication in Africa.... Before the development of the present day means of media communication, newsletters containing information from wars and other economic to social customs could be handwritten and circulated to people within a state.... Inventions of new and advanced means of communication to facilitate the media work in a more efficient way have been enabled and are carried out within the media industry.... ?Computer networking and scholarly communication in the communication in twenty first century university....
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HP and Compaq's Merger
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Thesis Proposal
tml) and the one which had the author CL Hoopes, CL titled, The Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Merger: A Case Study in Business communication (http://www.... The author of the paper 'HP and Compaq's Merger' shares his memories of working with primary and secondary sources for writing a term paper on the financial results, sales results of merged HPQ....
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Changing Health-Risk Behaviors
6 pages (1609 words) , Download 6 , Article
This article "Changing Health-Risk Behaviors" focuses on the critique of a health psychology Journal Article.... The main concern of this psychological science branch is the understanding of how behavioral, cultural, and psychological factors affect physical illness and health.... ... ... ... Psychological factors have been observed to affect health both directly and indirectly through the behavior choices of people which end up protecting....
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The Online Information Search about a Client Who Needs Information about Dyslexia
7 pages (2032 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
isruption of normal speech due to poor communication. ... "The Online Information Search about a Client Who Needs Information about Dyslexia" paper argues that it is important to use more than one source to make a comparison.... The comparison is useful in determining the degree of accuracy of the information used....
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The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the following paper claims that the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe was created to serve as the multilateral forum for dialogue and negotiation between East and West with key commitments on Polito-military, economic and environmental and human rights issues.... ... ...
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Ethical Values in Journalism Efforts
1 pages (492 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the paper 'Ethical Values in journalism Efforts,' the author looks at the media, as a powerful agency of projecting the ideologies and news to a target population or viewers.... Violation of academic trust through plagiarism, cheating, falsifying information, or aiding and abetting in any of the nefarious activities are now serious offenses and they are considered as totally unacceptable conduct in all areas of work, including journalism.... The journalists and the media need to act with responsible reporting and promote ethical values in their journalism efforts so as to correctly reflect the paradigms of the changing times....
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Language diversity and global media
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
However, a major concern facing advertisers now is the possibility that historical criticisms directed at limited or stereotypical advertising content involving minorities (Westerman, 1989; Wilson and Guitierrez, 1995) may have created a negative atmosphere for these consumers to receive current multicultural marketing communication efforts.... Therefore, to ensure effective marketing communication, it is necessary that marketers understand all aspects of the various ethnic minority groups, ranging from their size and spending power to media use patterns and beliefs regarding marketing efforts....
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Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship
19 pages (4794 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship" presents communication within our societies that has today become more effective as compared to before thanks to the internet.... communication within our societies has today become more effective as compared to before thanks to the internet.... With the increase usage of the internet, social networking websites are considered to be a vital toll for enhancing communication so as the internet community can stay in touch with one another3 ....
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Independent research study - BBA Hospitality Management
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This breakdown has affected and been affected by the new media and communication channels in the society (Artz & The social media affects communication in diverse sections and social groups in the world.... Globalization has affected hegemony which has in turn modified they systems of communication in society.... Instead of mass communication, there are mass communicators (Runion, 2010).... This is because the power and authorities of traditional communication channels are losing their rigours and new and smaller channels are developing through the social media like Twitter and Facebook....
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How Statistics Is Applied in Our Everyday Life and Why It Is Useful
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
We are daily subjected to statistical data in the media, journals and other forms of mass communication.... We are daily subjected to statistical data in the media, journals and other forms of mass communication.... This paper 'How Statistics Is Applied in Our Everyday Life and Why It Is Useful' talks about the effectiveness of statistical analysis in different areas of everyday life and analyzes if the statistics can tell us trends on what happened in the past and predict what will happen in the future....
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Will economic reform along with political repression succeed result in the Democratization of china
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Nevertheless, the introduction of internet in China has facilitated effective communication; this has created the freedom of speech in China where the citizens can air their grievances and concerns through discussions over the internet.... Democratization of china ... ntroduction ...
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Next Weapon of Choice by Terrorist
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Increasingly destructive weaponry makes terrorism more lethal; advances in transportation increase the reach of terrorists; and cheaper and more secure means of communication make terrorism harder to detect.... Two way communication is possible only in direct interviews with the subjects and it will help me to devise new questions at the time of interview in order to get more insight into the topic....
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Strategic Media Planning: Public Relations
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The future of excellence in public relations and communication management: Challenges for the next generation.... journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(2), 292–307.... The School of Thought Grunig and Hunt (1984) defined public relations as ‘management of communication between an organization and its publics', and such definition is the basic foundation for public relations literature (p.... Grunig and Hunt (1984) defined four models of public relations and these models can be briefed in the following manner: Press agentry / publicity––One-way communication with people which is an alternate version of propaganda....
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Reflective Journal
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 8 , Personal Statement
Body language is very important in communication since what I say when I speak is just only one part what I would be communicating.... It would be very pertinent to declare that I was feeling very anxious about whether my communication would be helpful for my students, but on a second thought, when I found what their learning needs were, I felt relaxed, since I could have adequate time of preparation for the content of the programme (White, R.... Regarding the breakup of the course, I planned it to be divided into several parts that would cover introduction, isolation facilities and categories, isolation facilities for infectious diseases, communication and advice on use of isolation facilities, discontinuation of isolation and discharge to step-down facilities, and conclusion....
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Persuasion and Research Are Major Elements of Academic Writing
7 pages (1920 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Dynamics of Persuasion: communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century.... This paper 'Persuasion and Research Are Major Elements of Academic Writing" focuses on the fact that academic writing is one of the specialized methods of writing that establishes a claim on the academic topic and then provides evidence to the idea of claim to gain opinion for acceptance....
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Middle East Customs
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In this section, the author tries to establish in written communication the reality of such forms which he explains in the Old Testament.... The book was co-edited by Sandy, D.... Brent and Ronald L.... Giese, Jr.... Eds in 1995.... The author has a wide experience in writing besides being learned....
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Media And The Issue Of Global Terrorism
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Morton (2009) has mentioned that the media and the people have two-step flow of communication.... These even become of advantage to them as technology improved the lines of media in making communication and information dissemination possible throughout the globe....
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Cross Cultural Communication: Fundraising for Victims of Natural Disasters
12 pages (3672 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Cross Cultural communication: Fundraising for Victims of Natural Disasters' states that the Red Cross development programs have in general built more than 56,000 shelters, carried over 90,000 trained volunteers, and raised several million dollars in fundraising campaign.... When reference is made to Cross Cultural communication, a thread of thought is drawn to the many different ways in which communication is made in different states depending on the cultures that are adopted or the trends that are considered fashionable in that state....
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Supervisory Leadership Practices as Perceived by Supervisors and Teachers in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2600 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
communication and relationship ... According to the Supervisor's Guidebook, these activities can be categorised based on five dimensions of supervision as (1) instructional leadership and development, (2) staff and personal development, (3) communication and relationship, (4) classroom visiting and evaluation, and (5) curriculum development (Ministry of Education (Saudi Arabia), 1998).... They observe teachers and give them feedback through their direct communication with them and through post-observation conferences (Rehman & Al-Bargi 2014)....
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How China Is Portrayed by Western Media
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? Mass communication Society, 2, 105-122.... (2012) Modernity and media portrayals of China, Journal of Asian Pacific communication 22 (1): 1–21.... The power of the press: The effects of press frames in political campaigns news on media perceptions, paper presented at the International communication Association.... Paper presented at Pacific region forum on business and management communication, David See-Lam Centre for International communication, Canada, November, 1994 Michailova, S....
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Life Expectancy, Race, Lay Beliefs, Patient Interaction Guide
9 pages (2463 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This is because communication varies from an individual to another.... The paper 'Life Expectancy, Race, Lay beliefs, Patient Interaction Guide' is a good example of an essay on sociology.... A group of people is often identified, categorized, or classified as a race.... The race is a description of the affiliations of culture, religion, language, genetics, history, and social life....
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Project Management - Creativity and Standards Task
13 pages (3362 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
It deals with standards related to data processing and communication devices and equipment.... This organization sets standards of trade and communication in the field of networking.... The profession also entails the development of communication network topologies to enhance communication between various devices.... A network engineer handles the computers in any organization by networking them and other devices so that there is communication in the organization via the computers....
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Are The Media The Terrorists Best Friends
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Morton (2009) has mentioned that the media and the people have two-step flow of communication.... These even become of advantage to them as technology improved the lines of media in making communication and information dissemination possible throughout the globe....
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Virtual Classroom for Second Language Distance Learning
8 pages (4201 words) , Download 3 , Essay
total of 25% of the 12 respondents are working as a librarian and communication technical assistant in an online distance learning for second language.... he design of virtual classroom for distance learning should include online forums such as Blackboard Discussion Board, video conference, e-mails and chat rooms to allow the students and mentors to have an open communication link as it makes the course materials available to each learner 24/7.... In relation to the point-of view of Ewing-Taylor and Overall (2003), the study of Kubala (1998) reveals that the use of an anonymous open communication through a web-based communication line is more effective in terms of motivating shy students to speak up and participate more during a class discussion. ...
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The Role and Importance of Professional Associations
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
evelop communication and interactive skills. ... evelop continuous and suitable communication channel between the campus and students ... The author of this essay under the title "The Role and Importance of Professional Associations" mainly focuses on the benefits that students gain from learning in a professional context outside the learning institutions while taking their studies....
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Lack of Awareness and Inability to Afford Healthcare
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The motivational themes in communication and mass media campaigns promote healthy behaviors through creating fear of legal consequences, promoting positive societal and healthy norms, stigmatizing unhealthy behaviors and dangerous health habits and creating fear of self harm and harm to others (Catalan-Matamoros, 2013).... The Role of Mass Media communication in Public Health.... ournal of communication in Healthcare 6(1)1-3 ...
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Enterprise Architecture for Research Archive Organization
6 pages (1834 words) , Download 2 , Report
istribution Channels: the communication and the distribution channels is the medium through which the company will reach out to its target market.... The primary form of communication and distribution channel will be the internet and the company's website. ... This report concentrates on the development of a business model for a company specializing in the internet marketing business....
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Alcatel-Lucent merger
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Alcatel-Lucent merger In 2001, it was the first time for Alcatel of France, the communications equipment maker based in Paris and Lucent Technologies, the U.... communications giant to come together with the aim of working together to create one of the biggest mergers.... ... ... ... However, things didn't go well as expected....
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Project management
15 pages (4583 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In earlier times, the project management was opted for external growth, while now its usage for internal growth is increased, for instance, new product developments, customer services initiatives etc.... ... ... ... agers conduct a strategic analysis for identifying the opportunities in the market, then if they find any gap between its actual and desired situation, some initiatives are suggested....
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Innovative Approaches to Management Training
1 pages (316 words) , Download 2 , Essay
'Concept Keys uses case studies and activities/exercises to build an association between the keys and best practices communication behaviors.... The essay under the title "Innovative Approaches to Management Training" states that in the dynamic style of the contemporary age, managers need to constantly upgrade their skills in order to be compatible with the changing requirements of the business....
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An Email Asking for Recommendation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
and facilitates communication between students from China and U.... The author of the paper declares that during the period of studying, he has enjoyed and benefited a lot from your classes, which he took with you.... He has obtained enough experience to be able to develop his abilities....
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The Positive Impact Of Online Social Networking In The Conflict
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Online social networking refers to a form of communication carried out over the Internet.... Online social networking refers to a form of communication carried out over the Internet.... The process of communication takes place over the Internet; thus, making it an online activity.... Individuals accomplish communication on a common platform of interest, which is a website such as the Facebook social network.... Online social networking is of immense advantage to individuals, for example, by easing communication; however, the same does carry along its fair share of demerits, such as being a productive platform for protestors to incite others. ...
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Reaction Paper (Political Psychology)- Media Effects: Agenda-setting, Priming & Framing
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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ntman identifies framing as an influence onto human consciousness by means of transferring information from a source like utterance, media, or literature to the person's consciousness via communication (Entman, 1993, p.... Slotuus (2008) also agrees with this idea, stating that frames in communication can, and are to shape and even modify a person's opinion from one position to another (Slotuus, 2008, p....
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Project Management - Project Analysis and Risk Management Plan
16 pages (4586 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In Summary, there are three highly significant factors quite critical to IT projects that must be addressed in the project execution and also planning, such as Managing Complexity, Stakeholder Management, and communication and Change Management.... his paper has analyzed two successful projects related to the Information Technology sector, where a number of critical success factors are outlined that contribute to the project success, such as Managing Complexity, Stakeholder Management, and communication and Change Management....
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The Trial of Timothy McVeigh
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper states that until the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Oklahoma City Bombing was the deadliest act of terrorism in United States history.... To date, the Oklahoma City Bombing still ranks as the most deadly act of domestic terrorism in United States history.... ...
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Critical book review of the Jensen work, Stories That Changed America: Muckrakers of the 20th Century
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
He is not only professor of the communication Studies Department at Sonoma State University in California but also due to his.... Carl Jensen is an internationally recognized figure.... ... ... Publisher's note in the book “Stories That Changed America: Muckrakers of the 20th Century” clearly admits, “Founded by Jensen in 1976, Project Censored in longest running research project, which annually explores news media censorship....
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ESL Students and Effective Techniques
15 pages (3949 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Students from diverse cultures require communicating effectively with the others necessitating the need to develop a common language to facilitate communication (Pan, 2017).... Some of the students come from developed nations with a strong foundation of education yearning to acquire proficiency in the English language to facilitate communication at a global level (Pan, 2017).... Most of the adults learning English as their second language are the working class who desire to improve their language proficiency to meet the communication needs to a wide range of people and cultures....
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Clinical Handover in Health Care
6 pages (1709 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
I decided to find out the information by following a communication tool kit that is practised in the nursing practice.... ‘It gives room for the proper communication which is a systemic and standardised approach' (Davies & Priestly, 2006).... communication between the nurses also helps to build resilience and team building as it enhances proper discussion of issue and eventually solution finding which can be able to reinforce the proper procedure the professional practice....
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Information Sources in Marketing
5 pages (1543 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
here are various communication structures in Financial Management.... The European Financial Management Association is another association that is used as a communication structure in Financial Management.... Another communication structure is the journal of Multi National Financial Management....
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Leader-Employee Relationship Management
5 pages (1378 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
The most important elements in the organisation include people as well as communication among them.... The most important elements in the organisation include people as well as the communication among them.... “Organisations with meaningful interpersonal communication may achieve a better shared definition of the organisation and hence a better communication environment” (Cameron & McCollum, 1993, p....
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Changing Health-Risk Behaviors
6 pages (1608 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Changing Health-Risk Behaviors" discusses that the integration into existing practices based on evidence on cognitive-behavioural models has a crucial enhancement in the effectiveness and efficacy of the interventions, theories on behavior change validity and economical information.... ...
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Social Media Enhances Democracy and Participation
7 pages (2171 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the latest social activities, social networking websites have become the most important tools in existence that promote communications; social sites are the vehicles and communication tools for mobilization.... ccording to the research done by Castells (2000), not so long ago people did not have effective ways of getting instant happenings around the globe but advances in communication technology and use of internet has dramatically changed the way people around the world consume news....
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Human Resource Department in the Context of the City of Southbridge
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Certainly, managing such a large size organisation requires an effective framework, which would permit a transparent communication system, precise work procedure and appropriate allocation of resources.... The major problems encountered by the group include poor recruitment and selection procedure, lack of precision in job description, incompetent leadership approach, lack of effective communication within the operational dimensions of the group, inadequate training and development programs, employee motivational limitations and lack of proper integration of HR strategies with the overall organisational goals....
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Should There Be a Limit to Freedom of Expression
8 pages (2202 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The activities of human communication are vital to our capacity of individual expression.... "Should There Be a Limit to Freedom of Expression" paper argues that freedom of expression is precious, and it deserves to be shielded.... Citizens should have an equal voice in debates on issues affecting society....
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Does Online Advertising Work or not
2 pages (665 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As online advertising is one to one communication, consumers need to trust advertising, which means the copy should be verifiable for its correctness and quality offline, if the consumer desires so.... In the essay 'Does Online Advertising Work or not?... ' the author analyzes the new advertising models based on internet technologies, which are dismissed outright, by those who fail to appreciate the long-term merits of such an important exercise....
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Hyperlocal journalism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
hrough hyperlocal journalism, news that are ignored by the larger and mainstream media outlets are highlighted.... Most of the outlets tend to follow the most interesting Hyperlocal journalism Hyperlocal journalism Hyperlocal journalism is also known as micro local journalism.... Through hyperlocal journalism, news that are ignored by the larger and mainstream media outlets are highlighted.... A proper example of a hyperlocal journalism site is the inclusion of an article about a baseball team that is found within the local little league....
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Semiotics: Language and Culture
11 pages (3012 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
As Ryder(2004) explains using appropriate literature support, " Linguistic and Cultural Semiotics is a branch of communication theory that investigates sign systems and the modes of representation that humans use to convey feelings, thoughts, ideas, and ideologies.... In fifty-four short essays written between 1952 and 1954, Barthes describes myth as a well formed, sophisticated system of communication that serves the ideological aims of a dominant class.... American journalism is no less rich with its own mythical contributions to history....
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