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Benefit from reading newspapers
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Those who want to build their careers in the fields such as journalism, politics, report analyst, or a teaching profession; they need to cultivate the habit of reading newspapers and reputed... Name Surname Supervisor Subject Date Benefits of Reading Newspapers Alan Gibbons, an award winning author from the UK emphasises "a reading child is, quite simply, a successful child" (3)....
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Peer Review Feedback
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
?? The next paragraph starts with “massage therapy career path, seemingly unrelated to the field of journalism, was full of more opportunities to collect information via research and interviewing”.... Peer Review PORTFOLIO INTRODUCTION – JOY STRZECHOWSKI I have taken on this peer review of your portfolio introduction with much trepidation, as your portfolio introduction is much better than my attempt....
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Muslims and America
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the mostly viewed episodes or films in the US is “30 days: Muslim and America.... ?? The paper will focus on responding to the way in which the episode situates the viewers, as well as, the ways and methods Spurlock has used to attain his aim.... .... ... ... The entire episode is a lesson itself, telling us to avoid any form of discrimination based on religion and culture of different individuals....
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Women in Media & Politics
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Women today hold prominent positions in media in the fields of journalism, movies, television and print worldwide.... Women and their status in society are issues more seriously discussed today then ever before.... Women have had a long struggle to find dominant and powerful positions in the different fields in general and politics and media in particular....
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Media Ethics Column Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
journalism & Sensationalism, Forbes Website, 2009.... Customer Inserts His/her Name Customer Inserts Customer Inserts Grade Course (04, 04, 2011) Eye on Media Media Sensationalism With the evolution of media in our society people have become increasingly aware about the world around them....
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The necessity of Government
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Name 24 July 2011 Assignment A government is necessary for every country because it requires some higher body to maintain its law and order and ensure that there is peace and stability as well as justice prevailing.... Governments are also required in order to mitigate disasters and help the people of that country to understand a single line of thought and work together in order to be able to emerge victorious when it comes to staying together and working out the problems that all the citizens of those countries have been facing....
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Research Paper proposal & annotated bibliography
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author draws his references from poetry, films, memoirs and journalism among others at the time.... The Vietnam War was one such instance where American traded values with numerous other countries globally.... The media played an integral role in the spread of the cultural values to the American populace....
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Summary of Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
He points out that although decentralization has some benefits, it usually results in poor journalism.... The paper "Summary of Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville" discusses that Tocqueville observes that American legislation is biased towards the rich.... He writes, 'The civil and criminal procedure of the Americans has only two means of action-committal and bail'....
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Content-Based Instruction Can Make ESL Teaching More Efficient In Korea
2 pages (653 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The contents that are integrated into language study are subject matter and authentic text, and the subject matters range from literature, mathematics, journalism, sociology and political science to art history, filmmaking and many others.... The paper "Content-Based Instruction Can Make ESL Teaching More Efficient In Korea" discusses that in Korea, the language-centred ESL instruction is basically sound but it could use the diversity of methods and teaching aids offered by the CBI concept....
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How to Clean Lungs after Quitting Smoking
3 pages (800 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
... his paper ''How to Clean Lungs after Quitting Smoking'' tells us that every day smokers always subject their lungs to scarring.... This is an effect of smoking that comes as a result of long-term exposure to cigarette smoke.... Many ways affected people can naturally detoxify their lungs.... ...
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Analysis of On Human Bioenhancements Article
3 pages (801 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, to engage with the audience, as with any form of print journalism, a type of controversy and fear had to be engaged about how runaway/rogue scientists could impact upon the future fate of the human race, biological development, and/or nouveau eugenics.... "Analysis of On Human Bioenhancements Article' paper seeks to discredit the entire article and/or cast aspersions upon the author/authors....
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Immigration Myths
3 pages (991 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It should not be mistaken for responsible journalism.... The essay "Immigration Myths" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the immigration myths.... In David Cole's article for The Nation, 'The New Know-Nothingism: Five Myths about Immigration', he condemns the 'fear-mongering' language of those who support laws....
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Enviro Golf Tees Company
9 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
he role that marketing communication should play in future plans ... Marketing communication will be focused on the creation and execution of printed materials, the television, newspapers and other forms of media.... Other issues on marketing communication will deal issues on management, mergers and acquisitions, etc. ...
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Innovation Strategies
7 pages (1922 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
he Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had invested a substantial amount of money to update its Information, Technology and communication or ICT infrastructures.... The Kingdom had invested a substantial amount of money to update its Information, Technology and communication or ICT infrastructures.... Mobile phones are really handy devices that make communication easier and portable but along with it are changes that might be too radical for Saudis.... astells, M, Fernandez-Ardevol, M, Qiu, JL & Sey, A 2007, Mobile communication and Society, MIT Press, USA ...
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Technology and Network
8 pages (2318 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper ''Technology and Network'' tells that Compelling is Manuel Castell's study on technology age in that it provokes us to re-examine our beliefs about this particular communication form.... Compelling is Manuel Castell's study on technology and the network age in that it provokes us to re-examine our beliefs and perceptions with regard to this particular communication form.... More significantly, the problem is that the law and all its traditional structures are ill-equipped to handle this revolutionary form of communication....
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History of America During the Period of 1865 1900
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
his revival era was also marked by its own brand of journalism, terms as Muckraking.... This paper focuses on the period of American history which is also called 'The Gilded Age', due to the massive wealth generation, which took place in the time.... America history during the period of 1865 – 1900 was a time of massive and unprecedented economic growth....
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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests by Tom Wolfe
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Regardless, his re-creation of the famous stories is legend and has earned him a most respectable title as a founder and pioneer of “new journalism.... In the research paper 'The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests by Tom Wolfe' the author analyzes major cultural and social turning points during the late 1960's psychedelic era....
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First Amendment Rights
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Freedom of Speech/Expression Name University Freedom of Speech/Expression The First Amendment of the constitution of United States disallows the creation of rules and regulations that are in the favor of a particular religion and even restricted from creation of laws that are an obstacle in individual's right to exercise religion, express oneself and stand against the government for the protection of their rights (Alexander, 2005, p....
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Leadership Book Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The authors have worked on the contents of the book, not on imagination, but by taking interviews from the top men in different industries, and from experienced professionals like medicine, law, music, journalism and politics, to mention the important ones.... Topic: Leadership Book Report Order#: 535712 Topic: Leadership Book Report Summarize the key points of the book....
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My War Gone By, I Miss It So by Anthony Loyd
3 pages (842 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
Loyd tried but none of the journalistic companies in London could employ his services because he did not have any degree, experience, or training in journalism skills.... This paper analyzes a captivating book by Anthony Loyd called "My War Gone By, I Miss It So".... The book informs the reader about wars and issues that happen in the course of the war through a photographer's point of view....
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Training and Development (7)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Training and Development Training and Development Implications of carrier development While analyzing the career development model presented in the chapter 11, it is clear that the process of career development seems to have strong influence on training and development activities.... ... ... ... Clearly, there is a direct link between employee motivation and their willingness to attend training programs....
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U.S. Congress: Relation between the congress and the president in the 20th century
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
, (2002), American journalism: History, Principles, Practices, McFarland 5.... The notion of Federalism and that of the constitution urge for the execution of impartial democracy with the mutual cooperation between the President and the Congress for the purpose of attaining optimal development in America....
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Women and Publishing in Early America
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is therefore pleasantly surprised to discover that as far back as 1476, women have made lifelong occupations in journalism and printing, and in various capacities including that of the owner.... The author of this essay "Women and Publishing in Early America" casts light on the social role of women in Early America....
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History - Week five
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He currently teaches journalism and United States foreign policy at Northwestern University.... He has been working with the New York Times for quite sometime now.... He has covered the whole globe as far as reporting is concerned.... He has left no place.... ... ... “The 1980s saw him focus his attention upon the Central America....
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Paper - Mcdonaldization of society
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An example in the book involves Junk-journalism.... It suggests the rationalization of consistent conventional rules of performing tasks.... The process of McDonaldization breaks down tasks into smaller bits before rationalization takes place.... The most.... ... ... This eliminates and discards other inefficient methods. ...
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Postmodernism and History of Modern Historiography
3 pages (776 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
According to Brown, 2005 postmodernism has impacted positively on the development of history as a subject and other disciplines such as journalism.... The review "Postmodernism and History of Modern Historiography " discusses literary experimentations in historical writing between 1970 and 1990 following cultural, economic, and political changes....
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Emmett Till Murder
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Emmett Till Murder" demonstrates the 1955 murder of 14-year-old African American Emmett Till by two white half-brothers (Roy Bryant and J.... .... Bryant) who received extensive national coverage and continues to elicit varied reactions among different subsets of people.... ... ... ...
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Denzel Washington's Success
2 pages (500 words) , Download 19 , Essay
Obviously, this must have had a big effect on the young man's life, but he did not let it bother him and he then went on to Fordham University, where he studied journalism for a while ('Denzel Washington,' 2012).... "Denzel Washington's Success" paper focuses on Denzel Washington who is one of Hollywood's most well-known actors and an inspiring figure to many....
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Reasons of Adolescent Suicides
2 pages (824 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Similarly, if a culture is so built that discourages suicide and encourages responsible behavior for example through responsible journalism, the problem can be minimized.... The author of the paper "Reasons of Adolescent Suicides" will begin with the statement that today, adolescent suicide has assumed epidemic proportions in the USA giving rise to the sinister prospect that this nation will be robbed of its youth in the future (Jason, 2011)....
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Supply Chain Management and Standards
9 pages (2553 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The form of communication used between the business partners in a supply chain management managements play an important role in ensuring proper functionality of the relationship.... communication mode has the ability of enhancing collaboration between the partners.... Effective and reliable communication method within the fashion industry would ensure that there is a proper coordination of activities, which is one of the most important aspects of supply chain management....
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Challenges and Strategies for Personal Success
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n Analysis of my Personal communication Strengths and Weaknesses ... My personal communication strengths comprise of my debating skills which I have acquired from my parents.... My communication weaknesses have been in the form of my following up skills which have always left a lot to be desired of.... hree Strategies for Improving Methods of communication ... The three strategies for improving methods of communication include my interaction with people from diverse cultures, the understanding of rules and policies regarding graduate studies and lastly the adherence towards interacting with teachers and instructors so that my graduate studies are improved....
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Entrepreneurial Marketing Competency
4 pages (1167 words) , Download 3 , Outline
The communication competency is perhaps one of the most important competencies in entrepreneurial marketing and may be viewed from two perspectives, which are the external and internal dimensions of communication.... In relation to the external dimension, the essential indicators will be emphatic on markets, suppliers, customers, and competitors in marketing communication (Schindehutte et al, 2013: p42).... On the other hand, the internal dimension of communication competency is mostly evident in the entrepreneur's emphasis on the employees, as well as the employees' level of entrepreneurial confidence and awareness....
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Quality Communications's Struggle to Final Destination
3 pages (1063 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
One of the early developments of the company was in wireless communication.... This makes Qualcomm the best and the largest company in the communication sector.... The company has also been very active in the growth of 3G and other wireless communication developments.... QUALCOMM is also helping governments around the world in setting up effective communication solutions.... From the handset makers to cellular networks, everyone has given their own share of problems to the communication industry giant, QUALCOMM....
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Creating Marketing Plan for Online Service
4 pages (1241 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The communication and interaction that is a part of the Web 2.... applications then create a different level of communication which can be used for the online services (Shankar, 2009).... The approach taken will be to create a marketing communication mix.... The marketing communication mix consists of using the online brand while developing different areas of information that connect to the online brand.... The marketing communication mix is based on the ability to identify the brand then to connect to others which are interested in speaking about the brand....
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Telecommunications & Network Security, Application Security, and Operations Security
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
It defines layers of functions that take place at the end of each communication.... he main idea behind OSI is that the process of communication between two points can be into layers.... OSI divides the communication process into seven layers namely; application, presentation, session, transport, network, data-link and the physical layer.... his is the main protocol or communication language of the internet.... CP/IP utilizes the client/server mode of communication....
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The Effect of Culture in the International Collaboration
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Technology also affects communication process and exchange of ideas.... This means that participants from Anglo societies have better relationships among the cultural as well as communication variables.... This is to say that cultural dimensions greatly, affect the process of communication, which in turn may hinder the level of collaboration.... To continue, the dimensions of individualism, avoidance of uncertainty, masculinity and power distance greatly affect the various characteristics of the contents as well as the style of every member in the process of communication....
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Organization and Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
he relationship between organization culture and communication is significant in instances where employees or managers want to make changes within the organization.... According to March (1959), formal processes emphasize on communication and cooperation of efforts in order to achieve the goals of the organization.... communication is encouraged between the workers and management.... Many studies within organizations have led to the discovery that employees consider communication as an issue....
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Advertising, Sales Promotion or Public Relations
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Advertising, Sales Promotion and Public Relations Advertising is understood as different forms of paid promotion and communication strategies for products and services.... Impersonal communication is done through promotions and point of sale practices while personal communication is done through direct person to person contact.... Are these objectives specifically concerned with objectives of communication?... How How can the firm create its communication objectives so that they appeal to consumers?...
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Barack Obamas Presidential Campaign in 2008
7 pages (2006 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As Daniel Nations points out, clearly understanding the communication techniques is the centre of a politician's arsenal, whereas anticipating the future communication techniques can be the furtive sword for them to win the battle; and “for Franklin D.... Before launching his campaign, Barack Obama had a firm view that a fundamental understanding of communication had always been the prime tool of a successful politician's arsenal and having a clear idea on the future of communication is the secret weapon that fights the battle (FC Barcelona)....
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The Impact of Internet and Digital Culture on Workplace Ethics
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From storage of information and communication, the internet has further enabled or triggered simulations of the real world into virtual world and different web designs have been adopted to accommodate different generations and the utilities they require (Proctor & Vu, 2005).... Telegraph was perhaps the first electromagnetic form of communication.... Telegraph was perhaps the first electromagnetic form of communication.... Gradually, the internet, as communication tool and information storage, began to outweigh the value of TV (Misa, 2004)....
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The Use of Wikis for Home Bank
8 pages (2402 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The code of conduct also requires managers and employees to act with honesty and integrity in all undertakings related to the company's businesses and communication (Home Bank Inc.... Knowledge creation can be enhanced by bottom-up communication.... Knowledge creation can be enhanced by bottom-up communication.... collaborative tool used as a means of communication in a company (Nations 2014).... In traditional communications of a company, corporate communication often flows in a straight line from top o bottom....
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Strategic Financial Management
14 pages (4572 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
ccording Kortler (2005), the marketing communication mix or promotional mix involves specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations a company uses to achieve it advertising and marketing objectives.... ersonal selling is marketing communication tool where by, a presentation is carried out by individuals or corporate bodies to create contacts, boost sales and build relationships with major stakeholders (customers).... None of the above marketing communication is independent as the five are interrelated and supplement each other....
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How Does Emerging Technologies Supporting Economic, Social Development in Emerging Markets and Sustainability
17 pages (4909 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
significant area that has contributed to increased business is the increased use of collaborative business, which has been facilitated, by the use of information communication technology (ICT) (Chen & Hsu, 2001; Chen, Zhang, Zhou, 2007).... There are a number of technologies that have been developed to enable communication between the businesses to ensure delivery of important services to customers through collaborative efforts.... Business organizations have taken advantage of the presence of Web Services to establish communication on a global basis....
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Murder and Media: The Rodney King
2 pages (635 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the paper 'Murder and Media: The Rodney King' the author focuses on the electronic media, which actively manipulated public opinion.... It directly or indirectly projected the idea of an unspeakable racial atrocity being committed to a black person.... It managed to give this totally false impression....
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The program Meet the Press with David Gregory
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The reporter states that the program Meet the Press with David Gregory, aired on March 21, 2010, basically focused on discussions about the Healthcare Bill.... House Democrat Leader Steny Hoyer from Maryland, while discussing the matter with House Republican Leader John Boehner from Ohio.... ... ...
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HIST 113 | 1968: The Year That Rocked the World | Spring 2014 | Writing assignment II
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The disputes, social unrests, riots, assassinations, wars in Vietnam and the American presidential elections contributed to the year 1968 being a unique year in the history of the world (McNeese, 3).... All around the world, unique events were taking place just in the same year.... ... ... ... Majorly, the riots of the nineteen sixty eight caused the loss of lives of many resident African Americans....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In fact, the immense sense of crisis was communicated by President Roosevelt to the Congress on 8 December, 1941, whereby he asserted.... ... ... The attack on Pearl Harbor led to severe damages to American navy and military establishments and several soldiers were killed in the unprovoked attack....
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American presidency
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The First Presidential Debate took place on October 3rd, 2012 with the candidates being the incumbent President Barack Obama and the governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney.... The moderator was Jim Lehrer, a leading journalist and executive editor for PBS.... The debate took place at.... ... ... Despite the competitive touting of ideas, there are several pitfalls that characterized the debate and thus needed some correctional measures. ...
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Response Paper: Shooting Dogs
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
The Rwandan genocide in the late twentieth century is enough testament to the fact that when there is no political will or “gain” to achieve from intervention most countries would not step in to stop even a genocide.... What seems most conspicuous is that we have learnt no.... ... ... The genocide that resulted from this collective apathy calls out for the need to have better safeguards in place that would not allow the countries in United Your Full Your October 10, Response Paper The Rwandan genocide in the late twentieth century is enough testament to the fact that when there is no political will or “gain” to achieve from intervention most countries would not step in to stop even a genocide....
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Selma, Lord, Selma - Book Review
2 pages (538 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Selma, Lord, Selma - Book Review" discusses that the story of both the girls in terms of first-hand accounts are really interesting to read through essentially because the experience of reading through this is like hearing some common person speak his or her heart.... ... ... ... Generally, the book 'Selma, Lord, Selma' is set against the war held against the prevailing system of justice to claim the voting rights for the blacks....
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