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International Marketing of Pizza Hut in China
12 pages (3433 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The use of technology and employment of local people are important for catering to the Chinese customers properly (Doole and Lowe, 2001, pp.... The paper "International Marketing of Pizza Hut in China" reports the firm's international expansion has been successful in all the hosting countries....
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Lives of the Great Arts Managers
10 pages (3030 words) , Download 2 , Essay
New cultural organizations are required, that meet the challenges of globalization, that leave behind the ideology of the nation-state and national culture, also utilize the information technology revolution to appeal to and create an impact on a multicultural urban public.... ...
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Important Factors to Be Considered in Business Plan
11 pages (3077 words) , Download 2 , Essay
uperior return on working capital might be due to   advanced technology used, efficiency in operations, better stock management and receivables management.... The paper "Important Factors to Be Considered in Business Plan" states that the acceptance of a business plan perfect with reference to the scope, presentation and contents may be delayed due to various factors....
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Bases for Motivation for Terrorism
12 pages (3407 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Other terrorists are using the Internet and networking through technology to counteract against the methods and policies that are trying to stop terrorism.... The paper "Bases for Motivation for Terrorism" discusses that generally, the groups of terrorism that have grown have now spread into a different understanding of what terrorism means and the threat that it poses as a national and international component....
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Accounting Methods, Structure and Regulation of Greece with the UK
9 pages (2697 words) , Download 2 , Essay
1991, 'Contingency Theory and the Impact of New Accounting technology in Uncertain Hospital Environments', Accounting sAuditing and Accountability Journal, Vol.... This essay "Accounting Methods, Structure and Regulation of Greece with the UK" discusses International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) being implemented from 2005, the differences in accounting standards between countries will be narrowed down considerably....
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Competitive Advantage for Many Hospitality Organisations
12 pages (3538 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(1993) Tourism, technology and Competitive Strategies, Wallingford, Oxon: CABI. ... The paper "Competitive Advantage for Many Hospitality Organisations" discusses that to make and develop the brand the Hr practices have to be culminated into the system to recruit, to transform the right human resources into the system, who make the right brand....
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Causes of the Economic Recession
10 pages (2795 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are various sources of energy and the most important of them is oil in the modern world although with new technology it may be phased out by renewable sources of energy.... From the paper "Causes of the Economic Recession" it is clear that even the households, business entities, governments and economic institutions adopt organizational reforms in order to align themselves with the new global economic changes that are taking place....
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Photosynthesis Deep within Ocean Waters
12 pages (3300 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Oceanography: An ONR science and technology focus site.... The paper "Photosynthesis Deep within Ocean Waters" highlights that green sulfur bacteria were the first organism to carry out photosynthesis on this earth since they have the ability to perform photosynthesis in absence of oxygen and when the earth evolved there was very little oxygen....
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Beyond Budgeting in International Hospitality Industry
8 pages (3090 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Research technology Management, [Online] 30 (3), pp.... From the paper "Beyond Budgeting in International Hospitality Industry" it is clear that the hospitality industry in the information age needs to move 'beyond budgeting' as it is clearly stated based on realities that traditional budgeting is no anymore sustainable....
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E-commerce and IT Industry
11 pages (2942 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They could also tell the exact type of computers and support technology that are best suited for the kind of work involved in the project.... The paper "E-commerce and IT Industry " states that generally speaking, cyber crimes can bring devastating problems for a business, its stockholders, and its customers....
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The Deviation between Islamic Teachings and Practice
10 pages (2697 words) , Download 2 , Essay
who consider that better training and education for youth in history, science and technology will allow them to find personal and professional success.... The paper "The Deviation between Islamic Teachings and Practice" highlights that for the Muslim world the increasing demands of modernity have posed serious questions about how to express their faith when Muslim societies are undergoing a process of rapid change under modernism....
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Accidents & Catastrophes in the United Kingdom
9 pages (2807 words) , Download 3 , Essay
technology IN SOCIETY.... The paper "Accidents & Catastrophes in the United Kingdom" discusses that generally, if proper management is employed many catastrophes and accidents can be avoided.... Road traffic accidents can be avoided with the use of proper police personnel on the roads....
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Rites of Passage: A Correlation with Daily Life Fears, Pain and Loss of Control
10 pages (2677 words) , Download 2 , Essay
technology used to get rid of fear is often directed towards gaming and adventure and uses the person's passions to empower his fears.... The author of "Rites of Passage: A Correlation with Daily Life Fears, Pain and Loss of Control" paper studies all the aspects of pain, fear, and loss of control in individuals from the rites of passage aspect, wherein various factors related to birth and death....
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Homeopathy - Exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicine
11 pages (2867 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Patients who have come to distrust the tools of modern technology, harmful drugs, radiation, and chemotherapy are now becoming willing to risk discontinuing such treatment and to explore the possibilities of more natural approaches to healing.... The paper "Homeopathy - Exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicine" states that though many skeptics contradict and doubt the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, recent laboratory studies and research have demonstrated some unexpected effects of homeopathy....
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Expansionist Policies and USA Military
13 pages (3502 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many of the factors enter into empire—the economics, technology, religion, ideology above all the military strategy and weaponry--but the vital core is political: the possession of the final authority by one of the entity over vital political decisions of another.... The paper "Expansionist Policies and USA Military" focuses on the fact that history has seen numerous empires that earned fame for various reasons, such as control over huge masses of land or power for the longest period or over the largest population possible....
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Types of Investment Products Available to Individuals and Companies
13 pages (3799 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author of this paper "Types of Investment Products Available to Individuals and Companies" will evaluate and present the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of investment as well as discuss the tax implications of different types of investment products.... ... ... ... The various types of investment products which may be both for the short-term or long term have different tax implications for people and organizations....
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The Policy of Trade Openness and Trade Liberalization
12 pages (3327 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Policy of Trade Openness and Trade Liberalization" will begin with the statement that free trade also can be defined as business transactions between countries without any restrictions that are imposed by the government.... ... ... ... A popular term given to free trade is 'liberalization or open trade'....
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Operating and Financial Decision Making
9 pages (2686 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ust in Time: This technology is used by the giant automaker, Toyota, and is emulated by the other companies as well.... The effects of carrying costs are an important determinant for profitability and the use of revenue in large companies.... It is seen that carrying large inventories has an impact on the financial statements of the Company presented in the paper "Operating and Financial Decision Making"....
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Global Operation and Risk Management of Qinetiq Group Plc
11 pages (3176 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Excluding Defence Science and technology Laboratory unit, MOD separated all the other DERA's functional units as a private business entity with the name of QinetiQ (QinetiQ, 2015a).... Excluding Defence Science and technology Laboratory unit, MOD separated all the other DERA's functional units as a private business entity with the name of QinetiQ (QinetiQ, 2015a)....
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Gambling in the Stock Market
10 pages (2821 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Investors should invest in stocks of companies in different sectors such as health, technology, finance, education and real estate at the same time after careful analysis.... As the paper "Gambling in the Stock Market" tells, the stock market started over 200 years ago in the USA....
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The Savoy Hotel in Central London
11 pages (3023 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Old steam boilers that were based on obsolete technology and had become highly inefficient were also replaced by newer systems that consume less energy and release fewer after-products into the atmosphere (Peeters, 2010).... This essay "The Savoy Hotel in Central London" is about one of the most famous hotels in the world....
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The Power of the Mamluks and Il-Khanates
12 pages (3088 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Another interesting point to note is that the Mamluks used the technology of horseshoes on their horses, while the Mongols did not, and the harsh terrain of Syria would often injure the horse's feet without the use of horseshoes.... The paper "The Power of the Mamluks and Il-Khanates" will begin with the statement that the Mamluks and the Il-Khanates both achieved their power through means of their religion, Islam; however, each clan had a very different base that allowed it to achieve its power....
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Types of Employee Participation
10 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
‘Exploring the job satisfaction and organisational commitment of employees in the information technology environment'.... The paper "Types of Employee Participation" highlights that employee involvement/participation has a significant influence on the workplace.... Employee involvement can be direct, indirect, or financial depending on the employees' interests in organizational affairs....
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Consumer Behaviour at Gucci
10 pages (2886 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay "Consumer Behaviour at Gucci" is about the store 'Gucci' which is located at Sloane street, Knightsbridge.... The reason for research at Gucci is simple, at Gucci, a particular society enters to buy expensive items, so it is a lot of fun to measure how they look for something.... ... ... ...
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Reality of Business Ethical Responsibility
11 pages (3234 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Furthermore, people have been made aware of the presence of toxins and carcinogens in air, water and even in the land brought about by people's abuse of the environment (Mirvis, 1994) and finally, everybody has been jolted by the reality that as advancement in technology definitely improves the quality of life, it too can be used for destruction as attested by numerous genocides and wars in the contemporary period (Marvis, 1994)....
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Is the USA Still a Global Hegemonic Power
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
) The supremacy of the United states in technology and its ability to influence international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund , which support capitalist free market economy ideals, has helped to ensure that America maintained a hegemonic position in the mid twentieth century....
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Learning and Development in the Workplace
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Massy, J & Phillips, J 2010, Evaluating investment in workplace learning and development: Demonstrate the contribution of skills development to organizational goals and the bottom line, Elsevier Science & technology.... This essay "Learning and Development in the Workplace" focuses on businesses that have embraced learning and development as key tools toward success....
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Interrelationship between Force and Foreign Policy
9 pages (2680 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For, example, the fact that a nation state is a nuclear power allows it to have an advantage over other nation states which have not yet developed the nuclear technology, yet the nation state is usually not inclined to use the nuclear weapons in case of a war or in case it is being attacked by another nation state....
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The US Economy Impact on the Global Economy
11 pages (3075 words) , Download 2 , Essay
High productivity investments by the US, such as high-speed trains and green technology would essentially perk up the US balance sheets.... The essay "The US Economy Impact on the Global Economy" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the impact of the US economy on the global economy....
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The Significance of Secular Humanism
11 pages (3058 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Significance of Secular Humanism" focuses on the concept of secular humanism which is based on a philosophy that identifies the human reasons, ethics, justice and surge for peace of mind and satisfaction as the purpose of man's life on this Earth.... .... ... ... The Catholic reformers under the renaissance started reforming the Catholic Church and the first step they took was to educate people about the new Catholic theologies and beliefs....
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Challenges Affecting Livelihood
9 pages (2707 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Health technology assessment Winchester, England, 2002; 6: 1-153. ... The paper "Challenges Affecting Livelihood" argues that in the 21st century, new challenges that affect our livelihood are evident when we consider health.... The challenge originates from the choices made while traveling, the food we take, our interaction with others, and how we spend our leisure....
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Corporate Governance in the US and the UK
9 pages (2612 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This job can be undertaken through web-based technology i.... The essay "Corporate Governance in the US and the UK" focuses on the critical analysis of the major differences between corporate governance in the US and the UK.... The U.... .... corporations have typically been more centralized, more professionally managed, and more formalized bureaucracy....
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Who Were the Neanderthals, and What Caused Their Extinction
12 pages (3474 words) , Download 3 , Essay
eanderthal lifeways, subsistence and technology: one hundred fifty years of Neanderthal study.... The paper "Who Were the Neanderthals, and What Caused Their Extinction" highlights that Neanderthals are the early hominids who existed on the planet earth about 250,000 years to 300,000 years ago, and are geographically believed to be located in Eurasia....
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Mentoring and Clinical Supervision in Nursing Practice
10 pages (3167 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This is the time of rapid and phenomenal changes in the pattern of healthcare delivery mainly due to advancement in technology and progressive development of the cult of increasing application of research to accomplish evidence-based care (Mills, J.... From the paper "Mentoring and Clinical Supervision in Nursing Practice" it is clear that the delivery of clinical supervision has been implemented in a variety of ways, and the best implementation strategies have always been gleaned from research in this field....
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Anaesthetic and Post-Anaesthetic Care Nursing
10 pages (2952 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Anaesthetic and Post-Anaesthetic Care Nursing" discusses that scientific evidence in acute pain management provides a basis for treatment choices for individual patients and for the development of local protocols and procedures that are specific to a given clinical setting.... .... ... ...
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Sustainable Events Management of Coachella Valley Music and Arts Annual Festival
10 pages (2779 words) , Download 5 , Essay
To control its sound pollution this organization can use advanced technology and a high-quality sound system that lowers the sound pollution.... To control its sound pollution this organization can use advanced technology and high quality sound system which will lower the sound pollution....
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Teaching Self-Care for Counselors through Mindfulness Practices
12 pages (3405 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In modern world, attention is often pulled in a multitude of directions through technology and the media.... The paper "Teaching Self-Care for Counselors through Mindfulness Practices" states that the most important reason for bringing mindfulness practices into the teaching self-care is that it allows the individual to gradually overcome his or her sense of separateness....
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Advanced Consumer Behaviour
9 pages (3040 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(Gamliel and Hernstein, 2007) The investment in both technology and “know-how” on the retailers account in order to deliver value for money products, has normally eliminated the gap between established producers' brands and private labels with regards to perceived quality.... From the paper "Advanced Consumer Behaviour" it is clear that the evolution and the emerging power throughout the years of the store brand's existence has undoubtedly offered great opportunities for business expansion on the one hand and alternative choices for customers on the other hand....
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The Three Gorges Dam Critique
11 pages (3178 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Chengdu : Chengdu University of Sciences and technology Press, 1994. ... The essay "The Three Gorges Dam Critique" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the Three Gorges Dam project.... China is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.... The country has been undergoing massive transformation for decades....
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The Impact of the Second World War on Australian Attitudes to Japan
13 pages (3900 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The use of a new technology, the atomic bomb and conventional strategic bombing in relation to equal culpability displayed atrocious acts committed by the Japanese.... "The Impact of the Second World War on Australian Attitudes to Japan" paper argues that the negative attitudes of Australia towards Japan heighten by the withdrawal of Britain's naval forces from the Pacific, the Japanese invasion of Korea, and the collapse of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance....
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Crisis Management in Shuanghui Business Group
12 pages (3309 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Encyclopedia of Security Management: Techniques and technology.... This essay "Crisis Management in Shuanghui Business Group" highlights that the training plan should be developed for each of the crisis scenarios identified by the crisis management team.... Such a plan is to outline the scope of the training, its objectives, timing, and requirement....
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Validity of National System in Modern World
11 pages (2957 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He proposed his doctrines of protection within a National Economic system during a period when technology-based economy was at its developing stages in his country, Germany.... The essay "Validity of National System in Modern World" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in Frederick List's National System and its validity in the modern world....
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The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
12 pages (3570 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This scenario is found especially in situations involving new technology, new products, and diversification.... This paper "The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" outlines a brief description of 'the small and medium-sized enterprises that are found within the EU.... It also focuses on how the major issues have been addressed by FSB, a corporation that represents SMEs in the financial market....
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Employers Do Not Adopt Integrated HR Policies and Lose Opportunities to Improve Business Performance
13 pages (3551 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Employers Do Not Adopt Integrated HR Policies and Lose Opportunities to Improve Business Performance" reminds HR policy should be adopted as they are and integrated into the overall growth strategy to help an organization achieve its goals.... ... ... ... Human resource management is one of the emerging fields of business that has been crucial in the running of an organization....
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Women and Development Approaches
13 pages (3834 words) , Download 2 , Essay
London: Intermediate technology Publications. ... The paper "Women and Development Approaches " discusses that the women and development approach remained far from successful because they were not properly evaluated for the woman of the South.... She is poor and unskilled but she has a mind of her own....
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Parental Attitudes to Education
9 pages (2876 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Advancements in the field of information and technology have also changed the perspective of education where there is now also a notion of lifelong learning that allows adults to acquire education without any embarrassment.... This paper "Parental Attitudes to Education" tells that for many decades, education plays an essential role in determining the whole life of an individual, and thus, experts have been looking at different perspectives that can help educators in building a better education system....
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Stock Market Driven Acquisitions
10 pages (2914 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The acquisition of the Biotechnology Company, Celltech offered UCB technology platforms and experience for the development of biological drugs. ... This essay "Stock Market Driven Acquisitions" presents employment of well-qualified staff at all levels that will distant the value-added tax administration from the bureaucratic bottlenecks in UCB and the activities of dubious unqualified personnel due to the low level of income....
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Climatic Changes Urban and Regional Planning In Australia
13 pages (3694 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The advanced technology has reduced the pollution since there is usage of cheaper and less pollutants (Bonyhady 2007p.... This essay "Climatic Changes Urban and Regional Planning In Australia" demonstrates that Australia is among the most urbanized societies in the world and therefore, its urban and regional planning has to work line its urban and regional planning has to work in line with the set strategies that will ensure that climatic changes will not affect the infrastructure in the entire cities....
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English as the Global Language
10 pages (2616 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''English as the Global Language'' tells that It is possible to trace the development of English as the global language to the era of colonization when the British Empire transcended the seas itself as the leader in global empire-building.... While it would be correct to assume that English might be the most spoken language....
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Harry Potter Fan Community as One of the Worlds Popular Fan Communities
12 pages (3536 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, owing to the rise and advancement of technology, especially the immense growth, accessibility and use of social media, the concept of semiotics has now metamorphosed into a more complex system of text productivity.... The paper "Harry Potter Fan Community as One of the World's Popular Fan Communities" states that most of the Harry Potter Fan Community's transformational work is through active participation, such as fundraising to support affected individuals in different parts of the world....
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