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Role of Perception in Consumer Behavior - Essay Example

The paper “Role of Perception in Consumer Behavior ” is an affecting example of a marketing essay. Consumers of a product are always influenced by positive things to make that critical step of purchasing a product/service…
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Role of Perception in Consumer Behavior By: Location Introduction: Consumers of a product are always influenced by positive things to make that critical step of purchasing a product/service. Good marketing strategies are highly significant on the producers’ position to know what it is that makes consumers buy or not buy a product/service. The marketing strategies act as guide enabling marketers to perform various tasks including Producing products that meets the standards of the customer, effectively target their audiences, Create a good image for the business and Compete healthily with other businesses dealing in the same line. Therefore, the role of perception in influencing the behavior of consumers in purchasing of products/services can never be underestimated. Marketing strategies majorly relies on psychology of how consumers feel, think, reason and their way to buying a decision. Perception involves channels via which messages are received. They involve the five senses which are sound, touch, taste, smell and sight. Both marketers and consumers use the five senses to make decisions by stimulating their minds on what they need. Perception is used as a tool for targeting individual needs; therefore, discerning the audiences an individual or a marketer is dealing with (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2008, 1). This paper aptly examines the role of perception in consumer behavior. Decision making: Decisions are critical in the accomplishments of tasks in any organizations. Bad decisions lead to negative choices thus lowering productivity in most organizations or businesses. Informed decisions are agents of victory and increased productivity. Perceptions can be extremely useful to both marketers and consumers when making decisions of products/ services produce or purchase. This is because ones’ perception determines the nature and success of a business as it effects the decisions of a business or an organization (Lamb, 2012, 189). The role of perception in influencing decisions, in consumer behavior involves: Marketers often use perception in making decisions regarding ethical issues that are considered by consumers when purchasing products or services. Consumers too are known to use the power of decisions using their perception in making ethical decisions regarding the type and quality of product/ service that they purchase. Therefore, marketers conduct research on the products/ services that share the same perception with consumers and meet their goals. Consumers are easily influenced to purchase products/ services sold by marketers when they are convinced of having quality for their money (Hawknis e al, 2011, 322). Creating brand images for organizations requires marketers to be creative on the techniques they use to portray their products and also attract their audiences. They develop a list of the manageable within the organization, and this significantly contributes in making ethical decisions based on perceptions of what the consumers wants. This is because consumers operate within the confine of rationality when making choices and totally relies on brand images to make a decision and give priority to the quality and products/ services they purchase (Blythe, 2008, 90). Motivation: Motivation refers to the factors known to influence action in individuals. It is essential for organizations or businesses that have goals to attain. Motivation is as a result of rewards, expectations and desire. Motivations play a significant role in influencing a consumers’ perception regarding the type or quality of a product/ service to purchase (Lantos, 2011, 361). Marketers use motivations in influencing their audience perceptions regarding the products/ services, therefore, increasing their productivity and expansion. Roles played by motivation in influencing consumer behavior are: Motivation leads to consumer involvement. Marketers use involvement in making their audiences make decisions regarding their products/ services. They use motivation to make their consumers feel motivated about their product, therefore, making them highly involved with the types of products/services they offer. An example is that a when bread baking companies motivates their consumers by attaching gifts of drinking chocolates on the bread, the consumers are motivated and devotes their attention in searching for information about other products the company offers (Lantos, 2011, 361). Motivation is also used in capturing the consumers’ attention. This is because consumers rely on their attention than the brand name to make informed decisions when purchasing a product/ service. Therefore, marketers devote their time to influence the perception of their audiences to have a positive impact on the brand of a product they are offering to a consumer. Attention is selective, and when consumers feel that are properly motivated, they devote their time and resources into the brand as they do not have the time to research on other substitutes that do not motivate them. Motivation gives consumers a sense of pride as it places them in an elite group of individuals who are capable of obtaining certain products/services in the society. An example is that by using popular figures in marketing commodities, the commodities appeals consumers as they want to be associated to the figure in question. This is because it creates a wanting sensation to a consumer. Global values: Global values are principles that are highly upheld in different parts of the world. They have a personal appeal and values on consumers, therefore, making them informed when purchasing products/services. Consumers around the world share similar values regarding products/services leading them to make purchases according to judgments. Marketers in most countries struggle to provide quality products/services to their consumers as this positively influences the buying a capacity of a consumer. An example is that a consumer who is environment friendly will purchase products/services he deems to a have a positive impact on society. Marketers take advantage of this in providing products that serves and satisfies the consumers’ needs. Global values are also known to determine the relationships between consumers and organizations as they elicit strong emotions that are preferable to consumer behavior. An example is that companies known to produce quality products/services appeals more to consumers to consumers than their counterparts known to produce under quality or harmful products/services (Majumdar, 2010, 25). Global values are related to consumption values, therefore, products/ services appealing to a majority of consumers will receive wide reception from the consumers. This leads to increased productivity and profitability to organizations or marketers. Personality: Personality can be defined as the characteristics that influence an individual to give a particular response to various things within the environment. There are several theories based on personality influencing consumer behavior in purchasing a product/service. They are: Psychoanalytic theory, which explains the, comatose motives a consumer, has when purchasing products or services. It further explains that consumers are driven to purchase various products they feel they need by physiological needs. The theory is based on ego, and it explains that most consumers’ makes decisions to purchase commodity based on their ego and the feeling that those around them does not have the product/ service he posses at hand. Self-image is also a key factor influencing consumers’ purchasing power. This is because most consumers use product/ services to express their individualism. This helps them in creating a new self-image they want to posses or maintain their self existing image. This bestows them with mixed feelings making them a notion that they are different from others. Marketers and producers have exploited this by introducing different brands of commodities to match the numerous audiences who share or have different self-image (Pride & Ferrell, 2012, 216). Consumer ethno-centrism is also a personality that influences behavior consumers in purchasing various products/services. This type of trait has been exploited by producers and marketers in many countries as they use products manufactured in various regions to elicit an ethno-centric reaction amongst their audiences. An example is that a country may place a barrier of importing goods manufactured within the country. They may use several strategies to convince their citizens that the products manufactured within the country are the best. The end results would be an increase in consumer loyalty towards products/services traced to have origin in the country. Personality can also become compulsive to a consumer. This leads to consumer materialism and a consumers perception regarding a product can not be changed. Consumers find the addiction that comes with compulsive personality unpredictable and the end results is addiction of a particular product or service. An example is that beverage manufacturing companies’ use this trait to enhance on their productivity by manufacturing products is addictive to their audiences. The consumers have an irresistible urge of always purchasing the said products and in no accession do consider substitutes as an option. Psychographics: Psychographics involves researching the lifestyle of a consumer and knowing what they like and do not like. Marketers always use this as a strategy of venturing into new markets and knowing what the consumers of a particular area lacking. It takes consideration of the consumer geographic and demographics to meet the demands of the targeted consumers. Psychographics plays a pivotal role in influencing consumer behavior as it relates to the identity, language, religious orientation, and social work ethics amongst other things within the society (Wright, 2006, 418). Regional, ethnic and religious influences may determine consumer behavior as it involves a lot of dos and do nots within the society. An example is that certain religions like Islam may influence individuals’ decisions in either purchasing or not purchasing a product/service. This has driven marketers to become multicultural when dealing with audiences to meet their various needs and wants (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2008, 356). Personal characteristics are also on the list of psychographics influencing a consumer’s behavior. This involves individual characteristics of customers and the features they develop as they grow-up. Personal characteristics lead to physiological and emotional differences in consumers, therefore, influencing the buying tendencies. An example is that a consumer may be attached to a particular brand of product/service or emotionally and attempts to divert is interest is thwarted by his/her strong emotional ties to the product. The result is that the marketer of producer dealing in the product will benefit immensely as they will enjoy customer loyalty on their products. Age, gender and household influences also have an impact on consumer behavior. Marketers take advantage of these to target specific groups using their products/services. They have products/services that suit both teens and the elderly leading to a quick decision making on the part of the consumers. An example is that a teen purchasing a product/service will imbed his perceptions in purchasing those suiting his youthful desires. Alterations in the household structure have also forced marketers to markets their products/ services with regards to the changes and to the types of households present in a locale (Information Resources Management Association, & Khosrowpour, 200, 846). Gender affects consumer behaviors as it addresses the differences in the acquisition and consumption behaviors. This is valuable to marketers and producers as they produce products/services that appeal to the types of gender present in their business niche. In addition, gender has also led to a shift in the sex roles and marketers have an opportunity to use same products to target both gender. An example is that car marketer targets both males and females in the society with the cars he sells as the society does not discriminate against women driving same cars like men. Attitudes: An attitude is described as a consumer’s reaction to a particular object either positively or negatively. Attitudes vary in magnitudes and reflect consumers’ values towards a product/service. Marketers have used attitude to monitor consumer behavior, therefore, offer products that are acceptable to consumers. Attitudes are formed from repeated stimuli or observing individuals considered as role models (Blythe, 2008, 156). Attitudes influences consumer behavior through various ways including: Influencing consumers to buy products/services that fulfill their needs. Attitudes can influence consumers to either like or dislike a product/service based on the satisfaction they achieve from it. Attitudes are also responsible for forming certain values related to specific products/ services. This is significant to marketers as they study the upbringing and training of their targeted audience before deciding on the type of product/service to offer. An example is that alcohol companies use the value system to manufacture their various types of alcohol brands to their consumers. They are assured that their products/ services will appeal to various groups within the society (Foxall, Goldsmith & Brown, 1998, 129). Attitudes also influences consumer behavior as it influences an individual’s level of understanding to the type or quality of product/ service he wants. Marketers use various forms of marketing strategies to create awareness amongst their consumers thereby leading to an informed and quick decision on the consumers’ part. Consumers are always inquisitive on the type of product/service they are purchasing and with readily available information from the marketer, their behaviors towards purchasing is easily influenced. Persuasion: Marketers use the power of communication to influence their consumer behaviors. This is persuasion is a vital element in communication and without it one a marketer may lose a prospective marketing deal. Marketers who use the power of persuasion to woo their customers always have good communication skills at hand (Samli, 2013, 64). Persuasion is responsible for: 1. Persuasion leads to an influence in consumer behavior as it creates adaptation with a consumer. This is because consumers have different perceptions regarding products/services and one persuasion technique will not work for all consumers in the market. Knowing a weakness in a consumer is a great step as it provides a marketer with a humble opportunity to examine a consumer thoroughly. 2. Persuasion is also a significant factor in influencing human behavior as it has a lasting impact to a consumer. This is beneficial to marketers because they achieve customer loyalty to their products and in turn reduce their cost of advertising. An example is that when a marketer involves the respect and honor in his persuasion form to the consumer, the communication appeals more to the consumer resulting in creation of a lasting positive image. 3. Body language forms part of persuasion and communication and forms an important aspect in influencing consumer behavior. Marketers while persuading their audiences always maintain an eye contact and greats them with firm handshake. This is significant in instilling confidence on the audiences thus promoting the whole communication process. 4. Persuasion also clarifies actions points to the consumers and in-turn influences their buying behavior of products/services. Consumers are always inquisitive about the type and quality of product/service they are purchasing. When they are provided with accurate information or action points about the products/ services they want, their buying tendencies are easily influenced. 5. Persuasion is also important in influencing consumer behavior as it details the benefits a consumer stands to benefit from purchasing a product/service. Detailing the benefits is significant in influencing purchasing trends as it provides the consumers with the required information concerning a product/service. An example is that when a marketer offers two brands of commodities to consumers, but only provides details regarding one brand and leaves the other. The consumer will find it easy to make a choice in purchasing the product/service he is informed about. Conclusion: Conclusively, consumer behavior is a touchy topic as it covers all processes involved in making consumer to come to decision of purchasing a product. Marketers require good strategies of making known their business or attracting audiences to purchase their products/services. Decision making is crucial in influencing consumers to either purchase or not to purchase a product/service. It guides on flaws and strengths of a consumers or business. The impact of global values on consumer behavior is also significant in consumer behavior since consumers are categorized to have different principles world wide. However, global values are those values held universally and impacts consumer behavior as most consumers rely in the values to do a purchase. Persuasion is also a key to influence consumer behavior as it details to them information pertaining to a product or a service. Therefore, perception plays a significant role in influencing consumer behavior towards a product/service. References Blythe, J. (2008). Consumer behaviour. London, Thomson Learning. Foxall, G. R., Goldsmith, R. E., & Brown, S. W. (1998). Consumer psychology for marketing. London, International Thomson Business Press. Hoyer, W. D., & Macinnis, D. J. (2008). Consumer behavior. Mason, OH, South-Western. Hoyer, W. D., & Macinnis, D. J. (2008). Consumer behavior. Mason, OH, South-Western. Hawknis, D. I., Mothersbaugh, D. L., & Mookerjee, A. (2011). Consumer behavior: building marketing strategy. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill. Information Resources Management Association, & Khosrowpour, M. (2006). Emerging trends and challenges in information technology management. Hershey, Penn, Idea Group. Lantos, G. P. (2011). Consumer behavior in action: real-life applications for marketing managers. Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe. Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & Mcdaniel, C. D. (2012). Essentials of marketing. Mason, Ohio, South-Western Cengage Learning. Lantos, G. P. (2011). Consumer behavior in action: real-life applications for marketing managers. Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe. Majumdar, R. (2010). Consumer behaviour: insights from Indian market. New Delhi, PHI Learning. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2012). Marketing. Mason, Ohio, South-Western Cengage Learning. Samli, A. C. (2013). International consumer behavior in the 21st Century impact on marketing strategy development. New York, NY, Springer. 5125-9. Wright, R. (2006). Consumer behaviour. London, Thompson Learning. Read More

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